CH 11 consumer psych

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The ________ effect depicts, within limits, the approval from others toward someone who exhibits nonconforming behaviour.A) uniquity B) normative C) deviance D) red sneakers effect


Rodney wants to know which brand of insecticide to buy, so he asks for brand evaluations from various professionals, experts, people who work with insecticides, even independent testing agencies which have seals of approval. Which kind of reference group influence would result? A) informational influence B) utilitarian influence C) value-expressive influence D) social influence


A major reason that marketers are concerned with what people say about a product is that word-of-mouth communication:A) tends to be more powerful than information received on formal promotion channels.B) is easier to control by the marketer than other means of communication.C) is not as effective as advertising.D) can be purchased relatively inexpensively by the marketer.


A website,, allows consumers to predict which will be the most successful t-shirt design. This process is taking advantage of:A) the wisdom of crowds.B) viral marketing.C) guerrilla marketing.D) reference group influence.


Dee's parents, although fairly well-off, always taught her the value of money, so Dee makes sure she puts money in a retirement account each month and pays her credit card bill on time. This type of influence is termed: A) normative. B) informational. C) utilitarian. D) value-expressive


Entertainer Madonna made a distinctive fashion statement when she wore lingerie as outer wear. Some consumers voluntarily imitated these outfits and began buying bustiers to identify with the Madonna image. What kind of power base did Madonna have? A) referent power B) information power C) legitimate power D) expert power


Jasmine goes to a very large party and notices that a few people she knows are acting wildly out of character. This is an example of:A) deindividuation. B) social compliance.C) identity transfer.D) situational conformity.


Luis and Josie were close friends. They met years ago in a cooking class and both became caterers. Luis specializes in cuisine from South America, and Josie in Asian fare. Josie's husbandSteven was asked to plan the annual office party. This year's theme was Carnaval. What tie strength exists?A) Steven and Josie are primary and Steven has a bridging function to Luis.B) Steven and Josie are primary and Luis is secondary to Josie.C) Luis is secondary to Josie and bridging to Steven.D) Josie is secondary to Steven and bridging to Luis.


Members of a group are attracted to each other and value their group membership. Keeping membership exclusive tends to increase which of the following influences? A) cohesiveness B) membership intensity C) affiliation bonding D) self-other congruence


Michele was out shopping with her friends for a dress to annual spring ball. The girls decidedthat they were all going to go sleeveless and wear long gloves. Michele found a dress she adored but it had long flowing sleeves. Her friends told her if she bought that dress she would have to sitat a different table that night. Michele did not buy the dress. This is an example of what type of power? A) coercive B) information C) legitimate D) media


Propinquity is a factor that is related to the power of a reference group. How will it influence the relative power between a membership group and a dissociative group? A) Propinquity should make membership groups much stronger than dissociative groups. B) Propinquity should make membership groups and dissociative groups equal in potential power. C) Propinquity should make membership groups weaker than dissociative groups, because the motivation to distance oneself is increased with closeness. D) Propinquity should make dissociative groups more powerful than membership groups because propinquity has no effect on membership groups


Rather than using a self-designating method to find opinion leaders, one company selected certain group members and asked their opinions on who were the leaders. This method involved using:A) key informants.B) the ripple effect.C) sociometrics.D) two degrees of separation


The ________ perspective argues that under the right circumstances groups are smarter than the smartest people in them.A) wisdom of crowdsB) viral marketingC) social network mentalityD) long-tail


Two of Joe's friends knew more than he would ever know about automobiles, but Joe alwayswent to Alberto when he had a question because he and Alberto shared something called homophily. Which of the following statements best describes their relationship?A) Joe and Alberto are similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs.B) Joe and Alberto are similar in terms of monetary wealth.C) Joe and Alberto are similar in terms of ethnicity.D) Joe and Alberto are similar in terms of philosophy.


We compare ourselves to others to help stabilize our self-evaluations and to feel comfortable with how well our choices "fit in" with the choices and preferences that others have. This theory is termed:A) social comparison.B) input-output.C) external orientation.D) comparative behaviour


________ refers to the notion that social media flows of communication go in many directions at any point in time, often on multiple platforms.A) Media multiplexityB) Object subjectivityC) ConnexivityD) Flow stat


What is a reference group?

A reference group is "an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of as having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behaviour." Reference groups influence consumers in three ways: informational, utilitarian, and value-expressive

19) The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as: A) coercive power. B) social power. C) second-order power. D) third-order power


A marketing manager wanted to identify opinion leaders for her product category. What should she look for?A) She should find community leaders who use the product.B) She should find socially active persons who are intensely interested in the product category and who are similar to other customers.C) She should look for people who stand out in a crowd.D) She should look for people that have enough knowledge about a product category to intimidate other people to become interested


Advice given by a Saturn Owner's Club member to another member about Saturn's new SUV would be an example of ________ influence A) normative B) comparative C) associative D) peripheral


As a result of social loafing behaviour, Margaret is likely to do what at her school bake sale?A) organize a group muffin bake event B) not worry too much about contributing her normal share C) take turns with another person to do the baking D) ensure she makes an impressive array of treats


Bernard is a self-confessed computer geek, and he is proud to be good at computers, but not sports. He likely views ________ as a dissociative reference group. A) other guys B) jocks C) other computer geeks D) IT enthusiasts


Groups often experience what is known as a risky shift. One of the chief reasons for this phenomenon is:A) decision polarization.B) diffusion of responsibility.C) degeneration hypothesis.D) regeneration hypothesis


In group decision-making contexts, the person who actually consumes the product or service is called the: A) initiator. B) user. C) buyer. D) influencer


Jose is a buyer for a large company that sells herbs. He is constantly on the lookout for new sources of herbs and needs to be up on any change in the growing conditions and health of any given crop. Jose has volunteered to be a subject in a large university study that asks each individual whether they consider themselves to be opinion leaders. This technique is known as:A) sociometry.B) the self-designated method.C) monomorphic analysis.D) influence patterning


Opinion leaders who are also among the first purchasers of new products they recommend are called:A) ground-breakers.B) innovative communicators.C) thought-provokers.D) response leaders


Reactance is more related to ________ than to ________. A) independence; anticonformity B) anticonformity; independence C) commitment; deviance D) anticonformity; commitment


Shawn enjoys looking at activity on a consumption community for soccer enthusiasts, but he only looks at the actions of others and does not actively participate. In other words, he is a(n):A) soccer enthusiast.B) lurker.C) creep.D) undercover agent


Social loafing refers to: A) people in groups lingering in social venues too long. B) how people do not devote as much time or effort to a task when their contribution is part of a larger group undertaking. C) failing to take into account the feelings of others in a group project who are not given much todo. D) our preference for doing things socially with others similar to ourselves


Some reference groups are composed of idealized figures such as outstanding athletes, entertainers, or even successful businesspeople. While the consumer may have no direct contact with such figures, their influence can be powerful because consumers may be guided to the typesof products used by people they admire. Such reference groups are called: A) ideological compound reference groups. B) aspirational reference groups. C) associative cluster reference groups. D) approach-avoidance reference groups.


The strategy of getting customers to sell a product on behalf of the company that creates it is called:A) permission marketing.B) viral marketing.C) stealth marketing.D) relationship marketing.


Which of the following statements accurately reflects a factor encouraging WOM?A) Positive word of mouth is weighted more heavily by consumers than negative comments.B) Negative word of mouth can reduce the credibility of a firm's advertising.C) WOM is especially powerful for those consumers who are well informed about the product category.D) Positive word of mouth is almost as powerful as advertising.


if you were to buy a new Saturn and join their "saturn owers club", regularly attending club outing, the other club members would be known as an: A) associate. B) reference group. C) power group. D) applied affiliative group

B (pg309)

Bill and James have been friends since grade school. Bill has since gone into accounting while James runs his own service station and auto repair shop. Before Bill decided which new car to buy, he asked James what he thought about the model he was considering. For cars, James was Bill's:A) co-consumer.B) head of the group.C) opinion leader.D) consumer advocate


Colin is part of a brand community for Jeep. He is about to travel to a popular event involving other Jeep enthusiasts who come from all over North America. The event, which is sponsored by Jeep, is known as a. A) brand get-together. B) brand experience. C) brandfest. D) brand grouping


In a much-discussed marketing failure, Coca-Cola launched "new Coke" on the basis of successful taste tests, only to encounter massive resistance when consumers discovered that their beloved Coca-Cola would no longer be available. Even though many consumers probably would have bought the new flavour on their own, they felt that the company had taken the right to choose away from them. This hostile public outcry is an example of:A) door-in-the-face.B) norms.C) reactance.D) decision polarization.


In group decision-making contexts, the person who actually makes the purchase is called the: A) initiator. B) user. C) buyer. D) influencer


In its advertising, MasterCard (MC) shifted the emphasis from glamorous affluent professionals to "ordinary" people with everyday uses for the card, e.g., a young man buying furniture for his first apartment. This strategy reflected: A) MC not wanting to be associated with the extravagant consumption patterns of the 1980s. B) people with less money resented their showing affluence. C) people are swayed by knowing how people who are similar to them conduct their lives. D) MC could not compete effectively against American Express with the affluent image.


In online contexts, when a post is typed in ALL CAPITALS TO EXPRESS SHOUTING OR ANGER this is called:A) emoting.B) fuming.C) flaming.D) venting


Jane would hold home shopping parties. She always made sure to invite at least two people who would always like to be the first to buy in order to "get the ball rolling." Jane believed that this increased the probability that other partygoers would then begin buying her products. Jane was relying on the ________ to increase sales. A) cultural pressure effect B) Rostoff effect C) bandwagon effect D) polarization effect


Many people, before buying an automobile, will look at car ratings and other information found in buying guides and online sites. These sources have what type of power over purchasers? A) referent B) information C) legitimate D) expert


Margaret stayed on top of what was happening in the marketplace, but she was not necessarily the first to purchase items when they first came out. Margaret would be classified as a(n):A) opinion leader.B) innovator.C) market maven.D) market analyst


Offsetters, a Vancouver-based carbon offsetting company, employed a number of novel attention-getting techniques to raise awareness for their brand. For example, they stationed a lifeguard in the middle of an urban area of Vancouver to remind consumers about the dangers of global warming. This is an example of:A) the wisdom of crowds.B) stealth marketing.C) guerrilla marketing.D) reference group influence


The "Rachael Ray Sucks" online community is best described as an example of a(n): A) hate community. B) negative reference group. C) virtual marketplace D) antibrand community


Some people are hired to make recommendations or actual purchases for others, such as an interior designer who "re-does" a home, or a broker who is entrusted with buy/sell decisions on behalf of investors. In essence, the ultimate user has relinquished decision-making control. The term for the designer or broker is:A) gatekeeper.B) market maven.C) surrogate consumer.D) cascader


The tendency for groups to take larger risks in decision making than the same individuals would take when acting alone is known as:A) an intuitive leap.B) the daredevil theory.C) the risky shift.D) Jekyll-Hyde decision making


There is a kind of power derived from simply knowing something that others would like to know. For example, because of their ability to compile facts and report on latest trends, thus influencing the fate of companies or individuals, editors of trade publications are an example of those with: A) marketing power. B) expert power. C) information power. D) referent power.


When Carol, an avid golfer, purchased a set of expensive Calloway golf clubs, the relative reference group influence for her purchase was: A) weak for product and strong for brand. B) weak for product and weak for brand. C) strong for product and strong for brand. D) strong for product and weak for brand


When the family buys a new automobile, 18-year-old Alison impacts the decision by demanding Bluetooth connectivity and GPS. In this context she is a(n):A) initiator.B) user.C) influencer.D) gatekeeper.


Within groups, informal rules of behaviour are called:A) beliefs.B) values.C) norms.D) social agreements.


________ refers to activities undertaken by marketers to encourage consumers to spread word of mouth about the brand.A) Crowd sourcingB) Stealth marketingC) Buzz marketingD) Social marketing


Allison carefully avoids doing what everyone else does. She goes out of her way to make sure that she does not dress the same way as others of her age. She spends a lot of time and effortto ensure that she will not be caught "in style." Her behaviour would be called: A) bandwagon effect.B) decision polarization.C) independence.D) anticonformity


Amanda thought she had been cheated by a local car dealership. She was so upset that she created a website to share her story with the world. What is the most likely result of Amanda's action?A) Most readers will think that Amanda is a little nutty and ignore her website.B) The website will actually increase sales at the dealership by giving them free advertisements.C) Amanda will be perceived as a troublemaker by her friends and family and become alienated.D) Amanda's website will decrease the credibility of the dealership's ads and will influence potential buyers to stay away from the dealership.


Amy purchases certain brands of clothes because she is influenced by fellow members of her women's rugby team. This is an example of what type of influence reference group? A) pragmatic influence B) referential influence C) informational influence D) utilitarian influence


An individual feels that the people who purchase a particular brand are admired or respected by others. This is an example of what type of influence reference group? A) referential influence B) informational influence C) utilitarian influence D) value-expressive influence


Claude, a stock analyst, has a reputation for good picks. He appears on BNN (Business NewsNetwork) on a weekly basis. Many people make sure they take note of his every word. This is an example of which type of power base? A) referent B) information C) legitimate D) expert


Consumers are constantly contributing to online conversations, including posting their own commentaries, videos, photos, and music. They are engaging in a process known as:A) Twittering.B) Facebooking.C) network effects.D) social networking.


In group decision-making contexts, the person who conducts information searches and controls the flow of information is known as the: A) initiator. B) informer. C) opinion leader. D) gatekeeper.


Japanese businesses tend to value group conformity over individual needs. This represents what factor that can be used to change behaviour?A) group unanimity, size, and expertiseB) fear of defianceC) susceptibility to interpersonal influenceD) cultural pressures


Kim was hired as a new reporter for the local TV news station. She soon learned that what she wore on the air was a very public matter, and that the ________ she wore became more important than ________. A) products; brands B) necessities; luxuries C) luxuries; necessities D) brands; products


Maria was a strong, mature woman who did not mind standing out at a team meeting with different or opposing ideas to the group. Her goal was to help the team, not to impress them. Maria would be described as being: A) non-committal. B) anti-normative. C) deviant. D) role-relaxed.


Marjorie is an expert in gardening, bird watching, and opera. As an opinion leader, she can be described as:A) monomorphic.B) exomorphic.C) multimorphic.D) polymorphic


Online opinion leaders are also known as:A) reactants.B) surrogates.C) buzz marketers.D) power users


Promotional strategies that use unconventional locations and intensive word-of-mouth campaigns to push products is termed ________ marketing.A) seditiousB) affinityC) viralD) guerrillA


The brand M&M's offers a website that not only allows you to create your own M&M product, once completed, you have to opportunity share your creation on social media with a simple "click." This is an example of utilizing:A) media multiplexity.B) guerrilla marketing.C) connectivity.D) viral marketing


The cosmetic retailer Clinique has their staff wear lab coats to keep with the positioning of their products being "allergy tested." They are depicting ________ power. A) referent B) expert C) information D) legitimate


Under what conditions of social comparison might we compare the rightness of our judgments or actions with those of people who are obviously dissimilar to ourselves? A) when the people are new to the community B) when the item or behaviour being judged is popular C) when we have little time to think through how we feel D) when we are reasonably certain of our own judgments or actions


We may not wish to be identified with a particular group, so we take great care not to dress nor act like members of that group. The group from which a consumer actively tries to distance himself is called a: A) rejection reference group. B) negative externality. C) paradox reference group. D) dissociative reference group.


What do social loafing and decision polarization have in common?A) Group decisions become more extreme, so that individuals who are naturally lazy become even more so. B) Some people do not pay their "fair share" and this causes groups to polarize into smaller groups.C) Both effects show how individualism is maintained even within groups that exert considerable peer pressure.D) Both are examples of how individuals and groups of people behave differently within larger groups than they would behave as individuals.


When we come to like persons or things simply as a result of seeing them more often, this is known as the: A) proximity hypothesis. B) frequency paradox theory. C) similarity-difference comparison model. D) mere exposure effect.


Which type of reference group is most likely to influence us in our day-to-day lives as consumers?A) our employer B) TV stations C) our labour union D) our friends


Your employer represents a power base that can provide positive reinforcement in the form of promotions or salary increases. Your employer has what kind of power? A) information B) legitimate C) expert D) reward


________ are exchanges of resources, information, or influence among members of a socialnetwork.A) NodesB) ConnectionsC) ConversationsD) Flows


Robert, Larry, and June formed a marketing study group. Robert was an expert in research, Larry in consumer behaviour and sociology, and June specialized in integrated marketing communications. How did each influence the study group?A) Robert and Larry are heterophilous and June is homophilous.B) Larry is polymorphic while Robert and June or monomorphic.C) All three are generalized influencers as they all focus on marketing.D) Robert, Larry, and June are monomorphic because sociology does not impact marketing


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