Ch. 12 and 13 review

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You are the driver of vehicle X in each picture below. Below each picture, write what emergency action are actions you would take.

1. Swerve left 2. Slow; blow horn; flash headlights; swerve right. 3. Swerve right.

Study the pictures, and then number the steps in the correct order for an off-road recovery.

1.Hold the steering wheel at the 9 and 3 position 2. Steer toward the target. 3.Select a safe area to return the roadway. 4. Reduce speed to 5-10 mph 5. Turn the steering wheel slightly to the left. 6. Turn the steering wheel to the right when the tire touches the roadway. 7.Return to lane position 1.

In the picture below, a collision has resulted n injury and damage. Number the following steps in the correct order.

1.Pull of the roadway and stop. 2. Aid the injured. 3. Prevent further damage. 4. Send for the police 5. Exchange information with others involved.

List three steps a driver should take to control a front-wheel skid.

1.Release accelerator or brake pedal pressure 2. Look and steer to the target. 3. Quickly pump the brake pedal to slow if needed

What three actions can a driver take if moisture builds up on the inside of the windshield?

1.Turn on front and rear window defrosters 2. Use air conditioning or heater 3. Open windows

Vehicle stalled on railroad tracks, unable to restart engine

All passengers leave the vehicle

Head on collision threat

Brake hard, steer right

Side impact collision threat

Break or accelerate quickly.

It looks like the water on the road ahead will be as high as the bottom of your vehicle

Do not enter

Ice and slush are stuck to the underside of your vehicle when you park

Do not set your parking brake

You need to brake hard with your ABS-equipped vehicle.

Don't let up on the brake

Total brake failure

Downshift to slow

You must drive on a heavily traveled gravel road

Drive in the wheel paths left by other drivers

What action can you take to remind drivers to lower their high-beam headights?

Flick the headlights from low to high and back to low beam.

Flooded engine

Hold accelerator pedal to the floor, turn ignition on for five seconds

The faster a driver travels and the shorter the distance to an obstacle, the more time the driver will have to respond

Incorrect; less

What is the most important rule of your vehicle's glass

Keep it clean

The vehicle in Diagram A skidded off target. Where should the driver look?

Look toward B

You get stuck in deep snow with your engine running

Make sure the exhaust pipe is not blocked

Read end collision threat

Move to an open front zone

Snow is packed down in the tire tracks in lane position 1

Move to lane position 3

Specified amount you pay to an insurance company for insurance


Power brakes fail

Push the brake pedal harder

You are driving at the maximum speed limit when sleet starts to fall

Reduce speed

You get stuck in deep snow, mud, or sand

Rock the vehicle

You need to check your traction in icy areas

Squeeze your brakes lightly at low speeds away from traffic

A left front tire blowout occurs

Steer firmly to the right

The vehicle in Diagram A skidded off target. Where should the driver steer?

Steer towards B

Large object in the roadway close ahead

Swerve sharply

You encounter fro while driving

Turn on low-beam headlights

In a(n) _____ situation, the front wheels slide instead of turning


If a vehicle does not have ABS, name and describe the technique the driver should use to stop quickly.

Use controlled braking by applying brakes to slow or quickly stop without locking the wheels.

How can stopping distance be checked on dry pavement at night?

Use the 4-second stopping distance rule

Total steering failure

Use the parking brake with on-off action to slow down

When is it safe to use high-beam headlights when other vehicles are on the road in front of you?

When vehicles are on the road in front of you

A sudden loss of air pressure in a tire


Loss of brake effectiveness

brake fade

The squeeze-relax-squeeze technique is used for_________braking.


The rear of the vehicle swerving back and forth

controlled braking

Correct a power-wheel skid by letting off the accelerator


Handle a rear tire blowout like a skid


If a front wheel leaves the roadway, use targeting and reference points to aid recovery


If the engine overheats, turn on the heater


If the headlights fail, use turn signals, parking lights, or hazard lights to see


In fog, other vehicles may be closer than you think.


Slushy snow in standing water can increase hydroplaning risk


To help correct a skid, steer towards the target


Turn on the heater to help reduce moisture on the inside of the windshield


Under inflation is a major cause of tire wear


Set amount of money you personally pay for damages that is not paid by your insurance company


After a collision, you are not required to show proof of financial responsibility.


At speeds over 30 mph, swerving takes more distance than braking


Bald tires reduce the chance of hydroplaning


Driving is still possible after the accelerator spring breaks


Driving quickly through potholes reduced damage to tires


If a vehicle crosses over the center line into your path of travel, steer left.


If the windshield wipers must be used, turn off the head lights


Use cruise control on slippery roads for control


Use high beam headlights to increase visibility to others


Requires you to prove that you can pay for damages you may cause with your vehicle

financial responsibility law

When a vehicle's rear end slides out, this is called a(n)_______.


The slope of a road surface


If the engine stops suddenly, turn on the headlights

hazard flashers

Driver has frequent claims filed against the insurance company


Driver owns a sport utility vehicle


Principal driver is under 25 years of age


Vehicle will be driven for a great number of miles


A tire rises up on top of water and no longer has contact with the road


Move to lane position 2 if the oncoming driver does not reduce high beam headlights

incorrect ;3

The darkest days have the darkest shadows

incorrect; brightest

If there is a fire in the engine, use water to put it out.

incorrect; do not try to put it out

You are in a rear wheel skid if you turn the steering wheel and the vehicle continues straight

incorrect; front-wheel

If you enter a curve too fast, brake hard.

incorrect; gently but firmly brake

Use high-beam headlights day or night when it snows

incorrect; low

When your engine gets hot, turn on you

incorrect; off

If your brakes overheat, tape the brakes lightly

incorrect; stop the vehicle

ABS will enable you to stop in a shorter distance


Apply heavy brake pressure to help dry wet brakes


Driver has a "B" average or better in academic work.


Driver has not been convicted of any moving violations


Driver is married


Vehicle has deductibles on collision and comprehensive coverage


Driving at a speed that makes yours stopping distance longer than the distance lighted by your headlights

overdriving headlights

In a(n)______ situation, steer quickly and precisely


Release your accelerator if your_____ are spinning

power wheels

Driving forward a little and then back a little to move your vehicle out of snow, mud, or sand

rocking a vehicle

When tires lose all or part of their grip on the roadway while braking, accelerating, or steering


If water is just over the tire rims, drive quickly in low gear


A compact spare tire can be used for a limited number of miles


A sign that the brakes are wet is the vehicle pulls to one side


Drive in the tire tracks left by other vehicles


Estimate water depth by looking at parked vehicles


If a vehicle is totally submerged under water, pressure will equalize allowing doors to be opened.


If the hood flies up, look through the crack below the open hood.


Increase following distance from other vehicles


Rain covered roadways create limited traction


Roads are most slippery when rain starts to fall


Tires wear more quickly when drivers brake abruptly and steer sharply.


To minimize the effects of a collision, use changes in speed or direction to reduce the impact.


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