CH: 12 Personality in the Workplace

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Counterproductive workplace behavior (CWB)

Unethical, illegal, or unwise workplace behaviors such as stealing and bullying. People low in conscientiousness and low in agreeableness are the most likely to engage in CWB. Narcissism also predicts CWBs, especially when a narcissist thinks the organization is taking advantage of him

What is called when someone appears not to be motivated by anything?


Finding a vocation that brings you meaning and matches who you are is called

vocational fit

Jasmine is at the career services department. She already took a personality questionnaire and is now talking with a counselor about her vocational interests. At this stage of her career search, Jasmine is likely trying to determine

vocational fit

Erudition (ORVIS)

, or gaining knowledge on many topics. Items include: "Be a librarian." "Speak fluently on any subject."

The RIASEC measures how many career types?


How many career paths does the ORVIS account for?


extensive image creation

A major amount of positive self-presentation during a job search.

slight image creation

A small amount of positive self-presentation during a job search.


A state of no motivation.

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "leadership" trait?

Career: teacher, manager, and doctor Big 5: extraversion RAISEC: enterprising

On average, people with which Big Five personality trait tend to be the most satisfied at their job?


vocational fit

Determining which profession fits your personality.

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

Doing positive things for the organization beyond a defined job. People who engage in OCBs are more conscientious and agreeable. Somewhat surprisingly, openness to experience is also connected to OCB. Highly open people may see areas that need change and improvement and then take the time to make those changes. Extraversion, however, is not related to OCBs on average

What is the difference between emergent and effective leadership?

Emergent leadership is the ability to become a leader in an organization; effective leadership is the ability to be a successful leader once you have the job.

Which combination of Big Five traits is most correlated to high job performance and satisfaction?

High conscientiousness and low neuroticism

You're the hiring manager of a large firm. If you're like most employers who are seeking new employees, you are likely looking for which combination of Big Five traits?

High conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and high agreeableness

job satisfaction

How satisfied you are with your job.


Intimidating others to gain social status. ex) personal force, bullying, threats

You are in charge of hiring a new employee at your firm. You have four candidates who just took personality questionnaires. If you're like most hiring managers, you're most likely to take which of the following candidates?

Joe, who measured high for conscientiousness

transformational leader (high openness)

Leaders who change their organizations in large and fundamental ways rather than simply managing the organization. ex) Abraham Lincoln

most people don't just fall into one category on ORVIS scale

Many ORVIS categories are also correlated with The Big Five personality traits

As part of the process of choosing a good career path for himself, Eric is taking a questionnaire that is designed to appraise eight different career paths. Eric is likely taking the


fake good

Personality questionnaire responses putting the self in a positive light.

Which of the following statements is true regarding people filling out personality questionnaires for employment purposes?

Personality questionnaires are constructed in such a way as to make it difficult to lie effectively.


Rising to the top based on ability, talent, or moral force. ex) admired but not feared, Martin Luther king jr

Which of the following statements about job satisfaction is true?

Satisfied employees are not always high-performing employees, and vice versa.

Oregon Vocational Interest Scales (ORVIS)

The ORVIS is designed to tell you which of eight career paths suits you best. These include:

effective leadership

The ability to be a successful leader once in a management or leadership role.

emergent leadership

The ability to rise as a leader in an organization.

Holland's RIASEC (measures 6 career types) aka Holland Scale

The job types on the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.

vocational interests

The type of professions you are interested in.

Which of the followings statements regarding the ORVIS and the Holland scales is true?

They overlap much more than they differ.

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "creativity" trait?

career: artist, writer, graphic designer big 5: openness RAISEC: artistic

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "analysis" trait?

career: chemist, financial analysis, insurance actuary Big 5: openness RAISEC: investigative

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "production" trait?

career: contracter, master plumber, mechanic big 5: none RAISEC: realistic

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "organization" trait?

career: inventory manager, project manager, budget director Big 5: Conscientiousness RAISEC: Conventional

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "erudition" trait?

career: librarian, college professor, antique dealer big 5: openness RAISEC: no equivalent

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "Adventure" trait?

career: outdoor guide, bounty hunter, military contractor big 5: none RAISEC: Realistic

what careers, big 5 personality trait, and RAISEC correlate to the ORVIS "Altruism" trait?

career:nurse, social worker, therapist big 5: Agreeableness RAISEC: Social

Joy and bliss at work is also known as intrinsic motivation

extrinsic motivation is based on external motivators, such as money or fear of punishmen

Alex shows up for work on time each day and is accountable and responsible. This best exemplifies someone who measures high for which Big Five trait?


Based on the research, someone who measures high for openness to experience is more likely to have a higher job performance in a vocation that requires


Carlton is the manager of a local retail store. He is very strict with his policies and he often yells at his employees for minor mistakes. His employees know that if they do one thing that makes him mad, they will likely have their hours reduced as a punishment. Carlton's leadership style is one of


On what measure do the RAISEC and the ORVIS not overlap?


A surgeon who performs a six-hour operation but feels like only six minutes has passed has probably just

experienced a flow state

Katy just got through taking a personality test and a job interview. She lied her face off trying to make herself look awesome. This is known as

extensive image creation

Harold has done well in earning money and titles throughout his career, yet he isn't truly happy with what he does. This may be due to the fact that Harold has focused too much on

extrinsic motivation

Extraversion is also useful for sales jobs—but not too much extraversion. conscientiousness is still number 1 for sales though.

greater extraversion means missing more work

Adventure (ORVIS)

having risky and engaging experiences. Items include: "Survive in the wilderness." "Be a bounty hunter."

Dorian is a server at a restaurant near her college campus. Which trait is especially important in Dorian's current job?

high agreeableness

Samantha is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. When she took over as CEO, the company was foundering. Under her leadership, the company has thrived, and she's transformed the company to be highly competitive on a global scale now and in the future. Which of the following traits is Samantha likely to possess?

high openness

Production (ORVIS)

including building or producing things. Items include: "Construct new buildings." "Repair cars or trucks."

creativity (ORVIS)

including creating some sort of product. Items include: "Write short stories or novels." "Create works of art."

(ORVIS) organization

including organizing large amounts of data or materials. Items include: "Keep track of a company's inventory." "Plan budgets."

Which of the following is a key predictor of workplace satisfaction and workplace performance?

intrinsic motivation

Which of the following Big Five traits has the strongest correlation to attaining a high salary?

low agreeableness

Intrinsic motivation includes internalized motives such as meeting goals, fulfilling core values, and

maintaining self esteem

Demi has her own companies with tight profit margins. To be productive, she must ensure that things run smoothly and that there's not drama among her employees. They all need to be emotionally calm and stable. Demi is likely to seek people low in


Which of the Big Five traits has the weakest correlation with job satisfaction?


Analysis (ORVIS)

or analyzing information. Items include: "Solve complex puzzles." "Be a physicist."

Altruism (ORVIS)

or helping others. Items include: "Care for sick people." "Counsel persons who need help."

(ORVIS) leadership:

or leading and directing people. Items include: "Be the chief executive of a large company." "Make important things happen."

People who have had 30-year careers but claim they've "never worked a day" in their life are likely

passionate about their work

What has the research shown about people's truthfulness when filling out job applications?

people frequently embellish their images a lot

Both emergent and effective leaders are high in extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness and low on neuroticism

the main difference is in agreeableness—emergent leaders are just average in agreeableness, but effective leaders are high.

Brandon thinks accounting is really fun and challenging; his best friend Kyle has always wanted to be a writer. These two friends appear to have very different

vocational interests

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