ch 13

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The blood type AB+ is referred to as the universal donor.


Which of the following is not a type I hypersensitivity reaction?

Goodpasture syndrome

Which of the following can cause primary immunodeficiencies?

congenital immunodeficiency

if the patient has an allergy to the tested allergen, then the skin develops a lesion consisting of a flattened reddened area called the wheal and a raised, inflamed area called the flare.


Which of the following factors impacts the signs, symptoms, and severity of an allergic response?

family history, route of exposure, and IgE production

Which of the following is an autoimmune type IV hypersensitivity?

graft-versus-host disease

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is used to monitor


Desensitization immunotherapies are least effective to treat allergies from which of the following?


Which of the following diseases makes antibodies against centromeres and topoisomerases?


What two types of patients help demonstrate that cancer can be considered a failure of the immune system?

transplant patients and HIV/AIDS patients

Immune-privileged sites include the eye, brain, uterus, and testicles.


Why would someone allergic to pecans want to avoid other tree nuts as well?

Allergens may share antigenic features. This means that a sensitizing exposure to one allergen may generate a cross-reactivity to other related allergens. For example, a person may only ever have been exposed to pecans, but the generated IgE antibodies may cross-react with antigens in walnuts, almonds, and cashews, rendering the patient allergic to all of those foods even if they have never been directly exposed to them. For this reason, a person who reacted against one tree nut would be advised to avoid all tree nuts as a precaution

Graves' disease is an example of which of the following type II hypersensitivity cytotoxic reactions?

Antibodies interact with a cell-surface receptor on self-cells causing the overactivation of the receptor.

A patient with the antigens A and RH+ would not be able to receive blood from which of the following?


Which of the following describes how the hygiene hypothesis is related to type I hypersensitivity reactions?

Between 1997 and 2011, the incidence of food allergies in the United States increased by 50 percent.

Explain the difference between Celiac disease and an actual gluten allergy.

Celiac disease is sometimes called gluten allergy, but actually isn't, since IgE does not mediate it. Exposure to gluten-a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley-causes T cells to attack the lining of the small intestine within 2-3 days of consuming it. Extreme inflammation and tissue damage result, interfering with the ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals from food.

Which of the following is not a proposed explanation for the development of autoimmunity?

Certain antigens in a person's diet could trigger the production of antibodies that cross-react with host tissues.

reactions are inappropriate responses against a threat that lead to immune-based pathologies such as allergy and autoimmunity.


Health care providers determine the specific allergen that is generating symptoms by using a blood test to look at ________ levels.


What is the difference between an intolerance and an allergy?

Intolerances tend to have a delayed onset of symptoms, while allergic reactions occur rapidly.

Why is it challenging for clinicians to narrow down the autoimmune disorder at play and how is it diagnosed in the end?

It can be challenging for clinicians to narrow down the autoimmune disorder at play due to the large number of options, variability of symptoms, and the fact that signs and symptoms can take a long time to fully develop and may change over time. Diagnosis often involves detecting self-reactive immune system cells and/or autoantibodies, which are antibodies that bind to self-tissues. Depending on the suspected disorder, the clinician may also order other hematological tests (blood tests) that look for specific inflammation and metabolic factors. An autoimmune disorder is rarely definitively diagnosed using a single test; instead, a collection of tests and careful assessment of signs and symptoms are required. Some autoimmune disorders have scoring criteria to help clinicians make a diagnosis. As a generic example, if the patient met five out of a dozen criteria for a particular disorder, then he or she might have an 85 percent likelihood of being affected by it, based on historical data. Typically, the more criteria a patient meets in such a scoring system, the greater the chance that the diagnosis is accurate.

Which of the following statements about type III hypersensitivities is false?

They develop when IgD or IgE antibodies bind to insoluble targets.

Why are type IV hypersensitivities called delayed hypersensitivity reactions?

Type IV reactions manifest slowly over 12-72 hours after the stimulating antigen is encountered.

Autoimmune disorders are diagnosed using

a collection of tests and careful assessment of signs and symptoms.

Which of the following is not a hallmark sign of primary immunodeficiencies?


Which of the following class of hypersensitivity reactions is not associated with autoimmunity?


Which of the following examples of type II hypersensitivities are matched incorrectly with their mediated mechanism?

Goodpasture syndrome: noncytolytic

In desensitization immunotherapy, an antigen is used to stimulate cell 2, which can then stimulate

T regulatory cell, T helper 1 cell, and IgG antibodies

Which of the following would not cause serum sickness?

anti-inflammatory drugs

Which of the following are used to treat serum sickness?

anti-inflammatory drugs and antihistamines

n which of the following cases is RhoGAM not given to the RH- mother in order to prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn?

around the 8th week of pregnancy

Autoimmune disorders are

chronic conditions that develop from the immune system attacking healthy self-tissues that should normally be left alone.

Which of the following allergies and treatments is mismatched?

insect bite/sting allergy: continued preemptive treatment with an injected antibody preparation that ties up the patient's IgE antibodies

What is graft-versus-host disease?

mmune system cells in transplanted bone marrow attack the body of its new host.

Although antivenom can save lives, it can also cause what type of reaction in certain patients?

nonautoimmune type III hypersensitivity

Allografts are

ransplanted tissue from an identical twin.

A contributing factor to increasing latex sensitivities among healthcare workers is that wearing gloves on a regular basis often causes dry, cracked skin that may promote entry of the latex into the skin to trigger sensitization.


An allergen is any antigen that triggers IgE production and leads to a scenario where the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless.


Any allergen can cause an anaphylactic response, but usually this dangerous scenario is caused by injected or ingested allergens such as foods, drugs, and insect venoms.


Currently, there are no cures or preventions for autoimmune disorders.


he antibodies involved in type III reactions can be made as part of an autoimmune response or formed as a normal response to foreign antigens.


Immune complex reactions belong to which class of hypersensitivity reactions?

type II

A patient that experiences a tuberculin skin test reaction is experiencing which class of hypersensitivity reactions?

type IV

Which of the following hypersensitivities are T cell-mediated responses against self-antigens or otherwise harmless antigens?

type IV hypersensitivities

Localized anaphylaxis tends to feature isolated symptoms such as

watery eyes, a runny nose, or a confined rash.

n what situation is hemolytic disease of the newborn a life and death situation?

when an RH- mom is pregnant for the second time with an RH+ fetus

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