Ch 13 Lymphatic
**As a child, you had the chicken pox. You are exposed to chicken pox several years later, but you do not get them again. What kind of immunity do you have? a. natural active b. artificial active c. natural passive d. artificial passive
**The right lymphatic duct drains lymph that comes form a. the right upper limb, right side of the head and neck b. the body below the thorax, left upper limb, left side of head and neck c. the entire right side of the body d. the entire right side of the body and the upper half of the left side of the body
A booster a. raises the antibody titer b. contains antibodies against the pathogen it protects against c. is an example of natural immunity
A vaccine contains a. antigens b. antibodies c. antihistamines d. lymphocytes
Ciliated cells line the a. respiratory tract b. intestine c. stomach d. ureters
During an inflammatory reaction, macrophages release ____, chemicals that prompt bone marrow to produce more leukocytes a. colony-stimulating factors b. leukokinins c. histamines d. bradykinins e. karyocyte growth factors
Immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine that are given to transplant recipients work by inhibiting a. T cells responses to cytokines b. B cells responses to allergens c. plasma cells responses to neutrophils d. basophils response to interferon
In systemic lupus erythematosus a. antibodies target the individual's own body b. antibody levels are abnormally low c. a delayed lymphocyte response causes severe diarrhea d. IgD levels are high while IgG levels are low
Lymphoma is a. cancer of lymphoid tissue b. swelling of lymph nodes due to infection c. swelling due to excess tissue fluid d. infection of a lymphatic vessel
Peyer's patches are lymphatic nodules found in the a. intestine b. throat c. stomach d. liver
Plasma cells produce a. antibodies b. histamines c. T cells d. antigens
The ability of the body to react to antigens and remain free of disease is a. immunity b. homeostasis c. immaturity d. responsiveness
The inflammatory reaction is a ____ defense mechanism involving chemical factors such as ______ a. specific; antigens b. specific; histamine c. nonspecific; histamine d. nonspecific; antibodies
The spleen is located in the ____ region of the abdomen a. upper left b. upper right c. lower left d. lower right
Tissue rejection from transplants occurs because a. the HLA antigens of the donor do not match the recipient b. too many antibodies from the donor were transferred to the recipient during transplantation c. the immune system attacks "self" cells
What autoimmune disease affects the joints? a. rheumatoid arthritis b. multiple sclerosis c. myasthenia gravis d. systemic lupus erythematosus
Which lymphatic structure enters the subclavian vein? a. lymphatic duct b. lymphatic vessel c. lymphatic trunk d. all apply
Which of the following are the four signs of inflammation? a. redness, swelling, pain, heat b. swelling, cold, pain, cyanosis c. pain, phagocytosis, redness, pus d. heat, pus, swelling, pain e. redness, itch, swelling, bleeding
Which of the following is NOT a secondary lymphatic organ? a. thymus gland b. spleen c. lymph nodes d. tonsils
Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the immune system? a. response to vaccines increases b. a reduced amount of T cells that do not respond to foreign antigens c. B cells do not clone d. Thymus gland degenerates
Which of the following is NOT true about anaphylactic shock? a. there is a sudden and life-threatening rise in blood pressure b. there is a sudden and life-threatening drop in blood pressure c. Histamine has increased the permeability of capillaries d. Epinephrine can delay the body's adverse response
Which of the following is NOT true about monoclonal antibodies (MABs)? a. one B cell makes several types of MABs b. MABs are used in pregnancy test kits c. MABs can be produced by cells made by fusing a B cell with a cancer cell d. Some MABs can be used in certain cancer treatments
Which of the following is NOT true of a category B stage of an HIV infection? a. Helper T count is less than 200 per mm3 b. severe fatigue c. persistent cough, fever, diarrhea d. swollen lymph nodes for over 3 months
Which of the following is NOT true of antibodies a. they have a constant region that binds to an antigen b. they are a Y-shaped protein molecule c. They are five classes of antibodies
Which type of antibody is found in breast milk, saliva, and other body secretions? a. IgA b. IgD c. IgE d. IgG
If the first lines of defense are penetrated by a disease-causing agent, the second line of defense will engage. Which are examples of the second line of defense? Choose all that apply. a. inflammatory reaction b. Natural killer (NK) cells c. Physical barriers such as skin and mucous membranes d. chemical barriers such as stomach acid
A, B
Which are the functions of they lymphatic system? Check all that apply. a. return excess tissue fluid to the bloodstream b. produce blood cells c. fight infections d. absorb fat-soluble nutrients in the digestive tract e. transport nutrients to the liver for processing
A, C, D
Which are true about the actions of antibodies? Choose all that apply. a. antibodies bind to an antigen, marking it for destruction by phagocytes b. antibodies poke holes in bacteria, causing them to burst c. antibodies initiate the inflammatory response by causing capillaries to become leaky d. antibodies coat bacterial toxins, disabling them
A, D
**Active immunity a. occurs when antibodies are given b. occurs as a result of exposure to antigens c. means that antibodies are not made by the recipient d. occurs against an individual's own tissue
**After being exposed to hepatitis A, a patient is injected with anti-hepatitis antibodies. this is an example of a. artificial active immunity b. artificial passive immunity c. natural active immunity d. natural passive immunity
**As a child, you received an MMR immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. What kind of immunity do you have against these diseases? a. natural active b. artificial active c. natural passive d. artificial passive
**In which case does the recipient start making antibodies to the specific disease? a. passive immunity b. active immunity c. when given the antibodies d. passive immunity and when given the antibodies
**Interferon is a defense against a. bacteria-infected cells b. virus-infected cells c. fungus-infected cells d. all apply
**What nonspecific cells kill virus-infected cells and tumor cells by cell to cell contact? a. Mast cells b. Natural killer cells c. T lymphocytes d. B lymphocytes
**Which is an example of passive immunity? a. an injection of a weakened virus b. the transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus through the placenta c. becoming sick with a virus
**Which type of immunity is temporary? a. active b. passive
**____, released by damaged tissue and mast cells, causes capillaries to dilate and become more permeable a. serotonin b. histamine c. lysozyme d. complement
An antigen-presenting cell (APC) is a a. red blood cell b. macrophage or B cell c. basophil or helper T cell d. memory cell
An immediate allergic response is caused by a. memory T cells at the site of allergen contact b. IgE antibodies attached to mast cells and basophils that then release histamine c. cytotoxic T cells attacking cells at the site of allergen contact d. none apply
Blood is pushed through ____ by the pumping action of the heart a. lymphatic vessels b. blood vessels c. both blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
Cytokines used as immunotherapeutic drugs can a. cause cancer cells to undergo apoptosis b. enhance T cell activity against cancer cells c. increase antibody activity against cancer cells d. all apply
HIV-1 infects a. B cells b. CD4 (helper T cells) c. CD8 (cytotoxic T cells) d. memory T cells
In which autoimmune disease do antibodies attack the myelin sheath? a. rheumatoid arthritis b. multiple sclerosis c. myasthenia gravis d. systemic lupus of erythematosus
Interferons are molecules that a. have been shown to increase the risk of cancer b. have been used as drugs to help fight cancer
Lymph vessels are similar to cardiovascular a. arteries b. veins c. capillaries
Once a B cell has been activated by a specific antigen (an antigen binds to an antigen receptor on the B cell membrane), it will divide, making many copies itself. This process is known as a. apoptosis b. clonal selection c. induced immunity d. hypersensitivity
Shingles is a condition that occurs with the return of dormant a. autoimmune antibodies b. chickenpox virus c. rubella virus d. memory B cells e. hepatitis
Special lymphatic capillaries in the small intestines are called a. lymph nodes b. lacteals c. villi d. lymph
T cells and B cells are a. antigens b. lymphocytes c. macrophages d. neutrophils
T cells are responsible for a. antibody-mediated immunity b. cell-mediated immunity c. plasma cells d. memory cells
The spleen filters _______; the lymph nodes filter ______. a. lymph; lymph b. blood; lymph c. blood; blood d. lymph; blood
The thymus is a. larger in adults b. larger in children c. the same size in adults and children
The tonsils are composed of a. Peyer's patches b. lymphatic nodules c. stem cells
The white pulp of the spleen contains a. macrophages b. lymphocytes c. worn out red blood cells d. all apply
What is meant by an autoimmune disease? a. antibodies are produced automatically b. antibodies act against the individual's own tissue c. antibodies are not produced d. antigens resist antibodies
What type of cells allow for long-term protection against antigens? a. plasma cells b. memory B cells c. Antibodies d. Helper T cells
What type of pathogen causes Type A influenza? a. a DNA virus b. an RNA virus c. a bacterium d. a fungus
Which of the following form a continuous loop; fluid flows in one direction, but ends where it started, and continues in the same loop? a. lymphatic vessels b. blood vessels c. both blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
Which of the following is NOT a nonspecific defense mechanism? a. barriers to entry b. antibodies c. inflammation d. phagocytosis
Which of the following is NOT true about delayed allergic response? a. it is initiated by memory T cells b. it is regulated by interferon released by the T cells and macrophages c. The TB test is an example of this type of allergic response d. Contact dermatitis such as poison ivy is an example of this type of allergic response
Which type of antibody is the first one made by a newborn and generally the first one to combat an infection? a. IgA b. IgD c. IgG d. IgE
Besides cytotoxic T cells, what are the other types of T cells? Choose all that apply. a. Memory T cells b. Suppressor T cells c. Helper T cells d. Plasma cells e. Monocyte T cells f. Natural killer cells
B, C
Cytotoxic T cells can attack (choose all that apply): a. antibodies b. antigens c. viral-infected cells d. cancerous cells
B, C, D
**A mother who had the measles as a child, has a baby. At the age of 1 month, the baby is exposed to measles, but does not get sick. What kind of immunity does the baby have? a. natural active b. artificial active c. natural passive d. artificial passive
**After having the flu, a patient starts making anti-flu virus antibodies. This is an example of a. artificial active immunity b. artificial passive immunity c. natural active immunity d. natural passive immunity
**Which of the following give rise to the cells that produce antibodies? a. T lymphocytes b. Macrophages c. B lymphocytes d. all apply
Acid secretion occurs in the a. respiratory tract b. intestine c. stomach d. arteries
Allergies are due to a. an excess number of antigens b. not enough antibodies formed due to insufficient blood cell production c. antibodies being produced for substances that ordinarily would do no harm to the body d. transplanted tissue that is not properly matched
An antibacterial enzyme that is present in saliva, tears, and sweat is ___ a. antibodies b. interferon c. lysozyme d. antigen
An immediate allergic response that occurs when an allergen enters the bloodstream is called a. delayed allergic response b. IgE-mediated allergic response c. anaphylactic shock d. T-cell mediated allergic response
Antibodies given to individuals have come from all of the following except a. recovered donors b. genetically engineered bacteria c. individuals never exposed to the disease d. monoclonal antibodies
Antibody-mediated immunity is also known as a. cell-mediated immunity b. neural-mediated immunity c. humoral immunity d. hormonal immunity
B cells are responsible for a. cell-mediated immunity b. inflammation c. antibody-mediated immunity d. nonspecific immunity
Edema is a. cancer of the lymphoid tissue b. swelling of lymph nodes due to infection c. swelling due to excess tissue fluid d. infection of a lymphatic vessel
IgM antibodies are a. dimers b. tetramers c. pentamers d. helical trimers
In _____, antibodies attack the neuromuscular junction a. rheumatoid arthritis b. multiple sclerosis c. myasthenia gravis d. systemic lupus erythematosus
Interferon a. increases the activity of macrophages b. makes the capillary more permeable c. impedes viral reproduction d. all apply
Lymphatic system vessels begin with a. lymphatic ducts b. lymphatic trunks c. lymphatic capillaries d. lymph nodes e. lymphatic arteries
Portions of bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, and cancer cells that cause specific responses from the immune system are called a. antibodies b. macrophages c. antigens d. interferons
Secondary lymphatic organs are where lymphocytes will a. learn to recognize self cells b. grow and mature c. encounter and bind to antigens d. differentiate into different types of lymphocytes
The ____ provide(s) an effective physical barrier to invasive microbes, while ____ provides an effective chemical barrier a. normal flora; skin b. perspiration on the skin; sebum from glands c. mucous membranes; stomach acid d. lysosomes; ciliated cells
What does red bone marrow do? a. produces red blood cells b. produces white blood cells c. produces red and white blood cells d. none apply
What specific process has been occurring if pus is present around an infected area? a. swelling b. bleeding c. phagocytosis d. coagulation
When a clinician palpates the armpits and neck to determine if a patient has tenderness in those regions as a result of infection, they are checking for swollen a. tonsils b. peyer's patches c. lymph nodes d. spleens e. thymic tissue
Which molecule from a cytotoxic T cell creates holes in plasma membranes of virus-infected or cancer cells? a. cytokine b. interleukin c. perforin d. interferon
Which of the following is NOT a major grouping of lymph nodes? a. cervical b. Inguinal c. Popliteal d. axillary
Which of the following is NOT a tonsil? a. Pharyngeal b. Lingual c. Oral d. Palatine
Which of the following is NOT true of human MHC proteins? a. They are called HLA (human leukocyte antigens) b. they are self-antigens a. They are linked to foreign antigens to activate a B cell d. They are found on all of one's body cells
Which of the following is a form of nonspecific defense? a. antibody-mediated immunity b. cell mediated immunity c. natural killer cells d. all apply
Which of the following is a primary lymphatic organ? a. lymph node b. spleen c. thymus d. tonsil
Which type of antibody is the main one in circulation? a. IgA b. IgM c. IgG d. IgE
______ is a process that produces a clump of antigen and antibodies called immune complex a. neutralization b. clonal selection c. agglutination d. apoptosis e. catalysis
**Which describe complement? Choose all that apply. a. Most complement proteins are made by T lymphocytes b. One type of complement protein is interferon c. They are a group of plasma proteins d. Some can poke holes in bacteria and cause them to rupture
C, D
**What type of immune cell reaches maturity in the thymus? a. B lymphocytes b. Neutrophils c. Monocytes d. T lymphocytes
**Which of the following are found in lymph nodes? a. B lymphocytes b. Macrophages c. T lymphocytes d. All apply
Antibodies bind to a. foreign substances b. antigens c. bacteria d. all apply
Apoptosis is a. a form of cell division b. the production of antibodies c. a nonspecific defense d. programmed cell death
During clonal selection, most B cells become plasma cells, but others will become a. antibodies b. antigens c. phagocytes d. memory B cells
HIV-1 is transmitted by a. sexual contact b. sharing needles c. blood d. all apply
Helpful, nonharmful bacteria live in a. the urinary bladder b. the intestine c. the mouth d. both intestine and mouth
Lysozyme is found in a. tears b. saliva c. urine d. both tears and saliva
Natural killer cells resemble ____ and develop from the same type of stem cell a. basophils b. neutrophils c. eosinophils d. lymphocytes
Pyrogens are a. phagocytic cells that engulf pathogens b. medicines taken for immune disorders c. plasma proteins that bind to antigens d. tissue chemicals that initiate a fever
T cells a. are activated by an antigen-presenting cell b. may stimulate B cells c. release cytokines d. All apply
The anatomy of larger lymphatic vessels is similar to a. capillaries b. arterioles c. large arteries d. large veins
The red pulp in the spleen contains a. macrophages b. lymphocytes c. worn out red blood cells d. all apply
Under the influence of cytokines from helper T cells, B cells enlarge and divide, forming a. plasma cells b. memory cells c. helper cells d. plasma cells and memory cells
What happens after a T cell has been activated for a specific antigen? a. produces cytokines b. undergoes clonal expansion c. produces antibodies d. both produces cytokines and undergoes clonal expansion
What occurs because of increased capillary permeability at the site of inflammation? a. escaped fluids cause swelling b. increased pressure from fluid causes pain c. clotting factors move into tissues d. all apply
Which of the following has a connective tissue capsule that encloses the lymphatic tissue? a. tonsils b. appendix c. peyer's patches d. lymph nodes
Which of the following is NOT a B cell problem in aging? a. antibodies do not function well b. Clones fail to form c. Antibodies attack self cells d. Incidence of cancer increases
Which of the following is NOT a chemical barrier that helps prevent entry of microbes into the body tissues? a. lysozyme b. sebum c. normal flora d. cytokines
Which of the following is NOT an action of antibodies with the antigen? a. Neutralize bacterial toxins by coating them b. Make a cluster of antigen-antibody complexes c. Make the antigen more susceptible to phagocytosis d. All of the choices are actions of antibodies
Which of the following is NOT an opportunistic disease that commonly causes death for an AIDs patient a. Kaposi's sarcoma (skin cancer) b. Pneumocystis jirovecii (pneumonia) c. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) d. Glomerulonephritis
Which of the following is NOT true of a category A stage of an HIV infection? a. Helper T count is 500 per mm3 or greater b. An infected person is very contagious c. Most infected people have no symptoms d. HIV blood test is positive
Which of the following is NOT true of a category C stage of an HIV infection? a. degeneration of lymph nodes b. severe weight loss c. development of opportunistic infections d. helper T count is 200 to 499 mm3
Which type of antibody is involved in causing immediate allergic reactions? a. IgA b. IgD c. IgG d. IgE
cytotoxic T cells may attack a. antigen-bearing cells b. cancer cells c. virus-infected cells d. all apply
**Elephantiasis is a type of lymphoma (T/F)
False - Elephantiasis is a type of lymphedema - lymphoma is a cancer
**T/F Dietary fats are absorbed by lacteals found in the haustra of the large intestine
False - dietary fats are absorbed by lacteals found in the villi of the small intestine
Interleukins are a rare type of antibody used to fight cancer (T/F)
False - interleukins are a type of cytokine used to fight cancer
The respiratory system is important to the movement of blood, but not the movement of lymph (T/F)
False - the respiratory system is important to the movement of blood AND lymph
Elderly individuals tend to by hypersensitive to vaccines (T/F)
False - the response to vaccination tends to be lessened in the elderly
There are fewer T cells as we age because the thyroid gland decreases in size (T/F)
False - there are fewer T cells as we age because the thymus gland decreases in size
**Red blood cells, found in lymphatic vessels and organs, help defend the body against disease (T/F)
False - white blood cells, found in lymphatic vessels and organs, help defend the body against disease
**The spleen and thymus are primary lymphatic organs (T/F)
False- The red bone marrow and thymus are primary lymphatic organs. The spleen is a secondary lymphatic organ.
The body's response to IgE-mediated allergic reaction is the same no matter where the site of allergen contact is (T/F)
False- the body's response to IgE-mediated allergic reaction is different, depending on where the site of the allergen contact is
T/F - Lacteals, Peyer's patches, and the appendix are parts of the digestive system that aid the lymphatic and immune systems
What is the major difference between lymph and tissue fluid (interstitial fluid)?
Their location: lymph is in lymphatic vessels, tissue fluid is in the tissues, between tissue cells
**Contraction of skeletal muscles very important to lymph movement (T/F)
**Lymphocytes originate and/or mature in primary lymphatic organs (T/F)
**T/F - Edema can result from a failure of the lymphatic system to collect and transport fluid
Hodgkin disease is a cancer of lymphatic tissue (T/F)
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA's) are found on all body cells (T/F)
Memory B cells can produce a faster and more intense response to a subsequent exposure to the antigen (T/F)
Monoclonal antibodies are used in blood typing, HIV testing, and as anticoagulants (T/F)
T**/F - Lymphatic vessels have valves that work to ensure one-way flow of lymph
The thymus is a critical organ for immunity (T/F)
Lymphangitis is
infection of a lymphatic vessel
Lymphadenitis is
swelling of lymph nodes due to infection