CH 14

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In chronological order, what were the three successive commercial empires established by Europeans in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries? a. The Spanish, the French, and the Dutch b. The Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Dutch c. The English, the Spanish, and the French d. The Spanish, the French, and the English


In the fifteenth century, two rival Islamic empires dominated the Middle East; the Turkish Ottomans and the a. Egyptian Ptolomies b. Mongol Khans c. Egyptian Mameluks d. Persian Safavids

Inca Empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire centered at the capital city of Cuzco that was at its peak from 1438 until 1532.

Ptolemy's Geography

A second-century work that synthesized the classical knowledge of geography and introduced concepts of longitude and latitude. Reintroduced to Europeans in 1410 by Arab scholars, its ideas allowed cartographers to create more accurate maps.


A small, maneuverable, three-mast sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the fifteenth that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration and trade.

encomienda system

A system whereby the Spanish crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians; it was a disguised form of slavery.


According to his agreement with the Spanish crown, what rewards would Columbus receive if he found a water route to Asia? a. He would be given a noble title and one-half of the revenues of his jouney. b. He would be named viceroy over any territories he discovered and receive one-tenth of the material rewards of the journey. c. He would be given the right to claim one-tenth of all lands he discovered as his personal property and be free from all taxation. d. He would be named governor of all lands he discovered and receive the right to claim one-tenth of these lands as his personal property.


After losing access to slave trading from the Black Sea, the Genoese obtained which which of the following of slaves? a. Black Africans b. French refugees c. English prisoners d. Portuguese peasants

Mexican Empire

Also known as the Aztec Empire, a large and complex Native American civilization in modern Mexico and Central America that possessed advanced mathematical, astronomical, and engineering technology.


At the time of his death, Columbus believed the islands he found were a. settled by a civilization of vast wealth and sophistication. b. part of a new continent. c. isolated from any other land mass. d. off the coast of Asia.


Bartolome de Las Cases asserted that the Indians a. had human rights. b. had a unique culture that should be respected. c. should be denied protection unless they embraced Christianity. d. were creatures of Satan who could not be converted or trusted.


How did Europeans initially justify the enslavement of Africans? a. Europeans, who were culturally and radically superior, offered guidance to the inferior Africans. b. Africans were an alien group unlike any other and were out of necessity placed into bondage. c. Africans were a people biologically distinct from the Europeans, and Africans' physical characteristics produced les intelligent, more primitive people. d. Enslavement benefited Africans by bringing Christianity to them.


How did justification for slavery change from the fifteenth to eighteenth century? a. Arguements supporting slavery increasingly relied on ecomomic justification of the superiority of slave labor. b. Arguements supporting slavery drew increasingly on the need to civilize the savage Africans and less on ideas of race. c. Arguements supporting slavery began to focus more on science and nature less on religion. d. Arguements supporting slavery emphasized the political needs of empires rather than cultural or religion issues.


How did the English and French seek a route to East Asia? a. They sought a northwest passage across North America. b. They sought to develop a new land route through Russia and Siberia. c. They sought to travel through the Arctic Ocean. d. They sought to follow the Portuguese around Africa but then established trading posts in India.


How did the encomienda system function? a. The Spanish crown granted conquerors the right to employ or demand tribute from groups of Native Americans in exchange for providing food and shelter. b. The Spanish crown gave the colonists groups of Native Americans as legal slaves in return for tax revenues and promises of obedience. c. The Spanish crown adopted the Native Americans as "protected children" in return for promises of labor and tribute. d. The Spanish crown placed the Native Americans under the protection of the Catholic missionaries as long as they learned and embraced the Catholic faith.


How did the introduction of Ptolemy's Geography mislead European cartographers? a. Ptolemy asserteed that the world as much smaller than it actually is, indicating that Asia as not far removed from Europe to the west. b. Ptolemy indicated that Africa had no southen end and could not offer a route to Asia, leading Europeans to explore westward. c. Ptomely argued that a nouthern route through Russia offered an easier path to Asia, leading to England to begin a process of exploration. d. Ptolemy claimed that the world was much larger than it actually is, leading the German and Italian lands to abadon colonizing efforts.


In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company a. established outposts in New York (New Amsterdam) and elsewhere in the Americas. b. handled the shipment of gold and silver bullion from Spanish America to Spain. c. established bases in the Caribbean. d. took over much of the East Indies from Portugal.


Shakespeare's history plays, such as "Richard II", a. expressed an English national consciousness. b. glorified the classical ideal. c. were usually set in Italy. d. were very unpopular at the time.


Spanish for "conqueror"; Spanish soldier explorers, such as Hernando Cortes and Francisco Pizarro, who sought to conquer the New World for the Spanish crown.

Treaty of Tordesillas

The 1494 agreement giving Spain everything to the west of an imaginary line drawn down everything to the Atlantic and giving Portugal everything to the east.


The European voyages of the fifteenth century were derived from a desire to share in the wealth of the a. Indian Ocean trade b. Mediterranean Sea trade c. Baltic Sea trade d. Caribbean Sea trade

Columbian exchange

The exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the Old and New worlds.


The name for the four administrative units of Spanish possessions in the Americas: New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and La Plata.


What did Columbus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean? a. Islands off the coast of India b. Islands off the coast of Japan c. New, unexpected lands d. Islands in the middle of the Atlantic


What did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish? a. It divided the Americas, giving Spain everything south of the Caribbean and England everything north of the Caribbean. b. It divided the Pacific Ocean, giving Spain everthing east of India and Portugal everything west of India. c. It divided the Atlantic Ocean, giving Spain control of everything west of an imaginary line and Portugal everything east of the line. d. It divided the Americas, giving Portugal all of the sugar-producing regions and Spain all of the silver-producing regions.


What was Hernan Cortes's crucial advantage in his conquest of the Mexican Empire? a. The Mexica were awed by the Spanish technology and submitted to Cortes's will. b. The Mexica mistakenly believed that Cortes was a god. c. Cortes had a large, well-trained Spanish army against the untrained and poorly organized Mexica forces. d. Cortes was able to exploit internal dissention within the Mexica Empire.


What was the primary cause of the emergence of inflation in Spain in the sixteenth century? a. Gold and property was seized from Moors and Jews as they were forced out of Spain. b. The inflow of silver from from the Americas c. State debts defaulted on by the monarchy d. The inability of Spanish agriculture and manufacturing to meet the growing demands for goods


When Vasco de Gama arrived in the Indian Ocean, how did he navigate these unknown waters? a. He consulted with Muslims cartographers. b. He kidnapped an African sea captain. c. He hired an Indian pilot as his guide. d. He took on an African crew for his ships.


Which European nation with the help of Genoese financiers, merchants, and navigators initiated an exploration along the Atlantic Coast of Africa in search of new sources of gold, silver, and copper? a. Portugual b. France c. England d. Sweden


Which of the following was a major motivation for European expeditions? a. Desire for material profit b. Fear of invasion from the Americas c. Fear of invasion from China d. Desire to escape from the Black Death

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