ch 14 "intervention for advanced language"

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What does the pragmatics learning skills approach focus on?

conversational discourse

how can teachers in consultation modify their presentation of material?

meditational teaching ask teachers to slow down ask them to provide redundancy have them provide context cues relate new info to something the student already knows

What does modeling entail?

the genre is introduced in the context of curriculum-related material

In Transition planning, what is developed?

an ITP

what percent of students with learning disabilities attend post-secondary education, which is the same rate as the general population?


Once students write a story, we need them to focus on it's sparkle, what is that considered?

Artful storytelling.

In the learning strategies approaches for syntax, we should do what?

Teach students to self-cue

How can we collaborate with teachers?

by working with the teacher not talking over them

In the learning strategies approach, we not only use direct teaching skills, but we help the child think about ways they can function within these areas within their what?


In narrative production at the pragmatics learning strategies lives, we can do what for intervention?

Use graphic and visual organizers to plan writing/telling, Provide authentic communicative purpose, mnemonic devices (SPACE, POW), Encourage self- questioning to structure the story, apply reciprocal teaching to narrative production tasks, and highlight background knowledge

T/F: we should provide supportive, non-therapeutic counseling to adolescents.


The average child is learning how many new words each day?


something we can do:


in collaboration, we should start where?

teacher resource rooms

What is the 3 step strategy for improving figurative comprehension?

1. have the student identify figurative language in passages 2. students decide what the author is trying to say 3. students activate everything they know about the words in the figurative expression to make a connection between the intended meaning and the surface form

What do the paragraphs entail?

1. introduce the thesis of the easy and foreshadow the man supporting subtopics 2.-4 individual topics and are developed by giving supportive information 5. restates the main thesis idea and reminds the reader of the 3 main supporting ideas that were developed

When looking at pragmatics in the basic skills approach, there are 7 elements for helping them improve social and conversation skills:

1. introduction 2. guided instruction 3. modeling 4. rehearsal 5. feedback 6. planning 7. generalization

What are the 5 phases of training verbal reasoning skills?

1. mediated learning 2. bridging

There are 3 phases of instruction for expository and argumentative texts:

1. modeling 2. joint construction 3. independent construction

What are the two goals for consultation?

1. modify the presentation of material 2. make accommodations for the student in the classroom

What are the 4 "s" of intervention for adolescence

1. student buy in 2. learning skills 3. learning strategies 4. applying skills and strategies to school work

What are the 4 essential strategies for learning new words that should be a part of vacate development strategies in the learning strategies approaches for learning new words?

1. using contextual cues 2. using morphological analysis 3. awareness of polysemy 4. developing word consciousness

by what age are typical students are typical students near adult levels iim syntax in writing?


what percentage of our college graduates can't read?


what percentage of students with LLD have word finding problems?


What is within the communication contract?

state the goals iim the IEP and ask the student to take responsibility to achieve goals It is a way to get the child motivated and get them to cooperate in therapy

What are the service delivery models incorporated at this stage?

-limited use of clinical model -supported inclusion "pull out" or "sit in" instruction -language based course credit -consultation and collaboration

For narrative comprehension in pragmatics using the basic skills approach, what should we review with the client?

-main character -main characters problem -what did the main character do about it -then what happened -was it good or bad -The main character learned s/he should -We should....

In verbal reasoning, we should do what ?

practice and discuss problems, use commercial programs designed to assist developing deductive or analogical reasoning skills, differentialte emotional for logical arguments, use visual supports such as Venn diagrams

what is one way too influence persuasive writing?

precede writing instruction with reading persuasive texts

For figurative language within semantics at this age, the most important aspect of intervention is what?

repeated exposure

We should work on words related by what using for morphological analysis?

root forms

Students need what to develop their figurative language abilities?


Pragmatics-Basic Skills Approaches; Narrative production, we should teach these children what process?

scaffolding narrative composition

When assessing conversational discourse, we should work on what?

self-cueing approaches

In the learning strategies approaches, the process of intervention for the "metas" includes:

self-regulation and metcooognition

What do we use to increase cohesion?

sentence combining

What aspects of the story are within the scaffolding narrative compositions aspects?

setting, charachters, problem, attempt, consequence, and resolution

in contexts of intervention, the agents of intervention include who?

slps in collaboration with other teachers and peers

Another important adjunct for older students is attention not only to word meaning and use, but also what?


In enhancing wriitiing mechanics, we should address:

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and handwriting

the ability to ask questions, follow verbal and written instructions, initiate and maintain social conversations, use language to initiate and maintain social interactions and relationships, negotiate and solver interpersonal conflicts, gain basic information from writing, use written language to provide basic information on forms, questionnaires, letters, and so on

Functional language skills

What kind of crisis is happening in our secondary school?


teaching a range of strategies to improve vocabulary can have broad effects on what?


During pragmatics, basic skills approach for narrative comprehension we should encourage the clients to do what during reading?

make connections

What are some strategies that improve word consciousness?

metalinguistic and metacognitive approaches that guide students in talking/thinking about why morphological analysis is important, about how to use contextual cues to meaning and about the range of meanings words can convey

What does phase II bridging include?

a series of activities presented that help them use processes of analogical thinking

Is the learning strategies approach functional or academic?


In making accommodations in consultation, what should be done?

modify the presentation f the information use audio books highlight the information do a portfolio assessment instead of testing or give them oral tests

What else other than semantics can we look at when fostering the understanding of word relations?


What are the goals for syntactic intervention?

multi-clausal sentences with adverbial clauses, object complement, and relative clauses; verb structures including tense and agreement andaspect,

What is polysemous?

multiple meanings of one word

In the basic skills approach for narrative comprehension in pragmatics, what should we teach?

new vocabulary on a topic, provide an oral summary of the text, and engage students in immersive experiences related to the topic

We can use what to introduce flexible language use?


What age of students receive an ITP?


What does the ITP focus on?

developing vocational and daily living skills

Students that need help in pragmatics can focus on the learning strategies approach. What could this also be called?

"going meta"

Learning strategies are essentially what kind of approaches?

"meta" approaches

What are good for addressing critical thinking?

"think alouds"

For word retrieval, students can be encouraged to do what?

"wait and think"

How do we incorporate pre-reading discussions into basic skills approaches for narrative comprehension in pragmatics?

-establish a purpose -activate prior knowledge -make predictions -ask questions -visualize

There are a sequence of steps too achieving an objective using "self-talk" expand:

-generate a "do statement" -predict outcomes of planned steps -order the "do statements" in a sequence -wait before starting to address the problem -repeat the do statements while executing the steps of the plan -evaluate the outcome of plan, using self-directed how and why questions

What are the DARE strategies?

-Develop your topic sentence -Add supporting ideas -reject at least one argument for the other side -end with a conclusion

What are the three parts that should be addressed for argumentative essays?

-claim -warrant -data

At the advanced stage, what does the rationale for continuing services require?

-cognitive and academic skills to increase in secondary curriiculum -level of abstract thinking and language required increases -areas of cummunication outside of academics need to be addressed -link between academic failure to reading failure -communication programs targeted to adolescents to pay off in terms of reduced drop out rates, thus reducing the costs of dropping out to society

Peers are helpful agents oof intervention for what?

-content mastery tutoring or instruction -learning buddies -direct social interaction with peers and help them become part of the peer circle

How can narrative comprehension be improved in the learning strategies approach for pragmatics?

-control difficulty of material needed to be processed -encourage persistence -frequent guided practice -employ visual maps

If the student cannot refer to the aspects of the story using Pragmatics-Basic Skills Approaches; Narrative production the scaffold narrative composition, what should we do?

-have the student draw a sequence story -have the student describe main character -use a poster of graphic organizer -support writing and revision

When focusing on word retrieval for semantics, we should look to:

-increase knowledge of and connections among known words -stabilize phonological form by production practice -discuss use of words within a semantic category and list semantic attributes

Pragmatics-Basic Skills Approaches; Narrative production; what is the scaffolding narrative composition?

-introduce the concept of the author -refer to the aspects of the story using a poster or graphic organizer

within role-playing there are several ways to use drama to enhance students narrative comprehension including:

-oral reading to demonstrate character traiits -improvisational scenes to activate a preparatory set before reading - use improvisations to explore and enhance understanding of characters in the story -involve students in writing and acting in plays to enrich their understanding of stories they read or hear

In writing expository texts, what should we use in the intervention process?

-provide explicit instruction -use strategies that are effective in improving writing skills such as self-regulated strategy development, POWER, strategies for prewriting/planning -inquiry -explicit teaching and thinking, planning, and writing -use brainstorming, free association topics, and think sheets -use text structures for planning -steps for teaching students to recognize each of the expository macrostructures

In semantics, learning the literate lexicon from classroom texts and themes include:

-providing direct instruction -consolidating and elaborating knowledge of known words -semantic feature analysis -having students learn to identify and ask for help with unfamiliar words

What type of intervention should be provided in editing and revising?

-read composition aloud -correct mechanical errors first -encourage peer collaboration for editing -use self-and peer collaboration for editing -use self- and peer assessment

What are some goals for Transition planning?

-self-determination -liviing arrangements, post-secondary education, cost peer relations, level of academics, vocational children focus on similar things, AAC for severe populations, maximizing independence and interaction for the client

What would some follow-up activities include?

-sequencing -story mapping -mock interview -role playing

What are STOP strategies?

-suspend judgement -take a side -organize ideas -plan more as you write

What are the 5 steps in mediated learning

1. define the term and model the solution 2. picture analogies 3. present analogies in sentence form 4. present paragraphs that contain similes and have students explain the relationship 5. after reviewing the previous lessons, read a story

What are the 7 steps to teaching self-regulated learning strategies?

1. describe the strategy 2. activate and develop background knowledge 3. discuss current performance level 4. model the strategy and self-instructions 5. collaborative practice 6. independent practice and mastery 7. generalization

For syntax, we can use what type of approach?

Basic skills

How can frequent guided practice be emplemented?

Direct reading-thinking QART Story grammar mapping story grammar checklist

In semantics for this stage, the students are learning literate lexicon from where?

classroom text and themes

For expository text comprehension in the learning strategies approach for narrative production, we also can use pre-reading, during reading and after reading techniques. What are they?

Pre reading: -identify the macrostrucures, call attention to visual cues in texts such as headings, use priming by modeling sentences with forms before reading/listening, and teach comprehension strategies explicitly and encourage and practice their use During reading -identify text structures, provide note-taking forms to scaffold comprehension, and comprehension monitoring strategies After Reading - priming for complex syntax forms, text preview and look back, use SQ3R, POSSE collaboration strategic reading, and other metacognitive strategies, assign roles in cooperative learning groups, and combine strategies

Students should be involved in the intervention planning period and also do what with the assessment?

Review and choose where he/she would like to improve

The student should engage in intervention goals as well as what?

The IEP and ITP

What do we focus on while making sure students understand texts by scaffolding their comprehension?

Tiier 2 and 3 words and complex sentence forms

What are some before reading strategies that could be targeted in intervention at the pragmatics learning strategies approach for narrative comprehension?

ask questions such as what do you know about this, what do you want to learn, how can you learn more, and what do you learn as you read?

What type of children have the most problems with social skills?


metacognition involves what?

awareness and management of our own thought processes and reflection on. our own and others thinking as and object of though or thinking about thinking also called "critical thinking"

In narrative cohesion, the children need what?

basic skills

why is poetry a good source of figurative language for students with LLDs?

because its shorter

The basic structure of a persuasive essay includes:

clear opening statement that expresses the argument opinion or position of the writer, development of the argument by supplying three or more reasons with data and warrants, and attempt to influence the audience's opinion by providing a statement of personal belief based on the argument made, a prediction based on these arguments or a summary of the major ideas

What could we do to get the adolescent involved?

communication contract

What are type of strategies are helpful for word retrieval?


In this age, what is intervention based on?

compensatory strategies

Intervention can attempt to do what eliminate a disorder, modify or ameliorate the disorder, change the way the client responds to the disorder by providing what?

compensatory strategies

In the learning strategies approach for syntax, we have to help the students become aware if the structure of complex sentences as a strategy for increasing what?


For other discourse genres in the learning strategies approach for pragmatics, what is used for intervention?

comprehension monitoring, cooperative learning, use of graphic and semantic organizers, question answering, question generation, identifying text macrostructure, and summarization

For semantics, we should summarize what their existing knowledge is, and help them look and see relationships amongst words, what is this considered?

consolidating and expanding knowledge of known words

For classroom discourse in the basic skills approach looking at pragmatics, sips can:

consult with the teachers to accommodate the students with LLD

sips in secondary schools are most frequently expected to contribute to the development of what in struggling readers and writers?

development of literacy

how can we improve syntax?

direct instruction in sentence combining, addressing vocabulary and complex syntax, using classroom text and assignments, make sure students understand texts using scaffolding, have students retell discuss and role-play texts using paraphrases

communication programs targeted for adolescents pay off in terms of what?

drop out rates

What is the role of the SLP in the secondary curriculum?

elaborate word knowledge, increase their understanding and use of figurative language, building verbal reasoning skills, enhancing complex syntax, using written and oral written forms to increase comprehension and production of conversation, classroom discourse, narrative, expository, and persuasive texts, and developing metacognitive strategies

For metacognition, we should look at:

encouraging reflection and evaluation of activities, encouraging self-questioning, and using revisions in writing as an exercise in metacogonition

In the self-regulation for the "metas, we can also call this what?

executive function

Children with ASD may have strong academic skills, but they will need help with:

executive function, understanding narratives, pragmatics, social, conversationsal, and peer interaction

New discourse genres that come to the fore at the secondary level include?

expoository text and argumentative or persuasive texts

What does the data portion entail?

factual information that supports the warrant

Children with a variety of communication disorders are less likely than typical peers to use the available context to help them understand what?

figurative language

What kind of essay should children at this age be taught to write for expository and argumentative texts?

five-paragraph essay

We should use repeated readings to increase what in pragmatics while using the basic skills approach for narrative comprehension?

fluency and comprehension

Peer models are helpful in classroom discourse in the basic skills approach for pragmatics. How can peers be incorporated

form a peer network of 3-6 students to work in a group setting with the client

To succeed at the learning-strategies approach in intervention, what should students be able to do?

function within the average range of intelligence and have reading and oral language skills at least at the fourth grade level

Going "meta" learning to use learning strategies and compensatory strategies is functional or academic?


what type of approach is remediation based on changing the disorder?


Not only academic language need to be part of intervention, but what else?

functional communication

Construct figurative language words with what?

given words

For classroom discourse in the basic skills approach looking at pragmatics, we should use:

graphic organizers to summarize the classroom rules

What are some after reading strategies that could be targeted in intervention at the pragmatics learning strategies approach for narrative comprehension?

have students act our or rewrite the stories for an improvement in understanding and retension post-reading follow-up activities

What should we do first in the learning strategies approach for syntax?

have students attend to structure then meaning

For students that have had years of intervention, at the advanced stage what should we do for intervention?

help them find compensatory strategies

Allowing students to participate in the planning process shows that the student will have higher or lower self-determination?


awareness of multiple meanings has been shown to do what for secondary students reading comprehension?


Communication skills needed for interaction and functional communication for vocational and independent-living environments are only addressed where?

in the SLP setting

Years of problems in school may lead to feeling of what for the student?


At this stage, intervention should be:

individualized, systematic, and intensive

What should we look at in semantics when focusing on metalinguistic discussion of words and their meaning?

integrate it will spelling

What is the advantage of learning strategies approach?

it helps them move toward more independent functioning by teaching them not a basic skill, but a more "meta-level" ability

information we have:


In the learning strategies approach for semantics, we look at what?

learning new words and figurative language

What type of intervention approaches are aimed at giving the tools for compensating for their difficulties?

learning strategies

providing students with what becomes and important role in intervention for students at this stage

learning strategies and giving them the opportunity to practice them on curriculum-related material

We should have students look for errors in syntax and how they can be improved by using cohesive devises in writing of others then edit their own work in which approach for syntax?

learning strategies approach

What does the academic curriculum include?

learning strategies approach

We can allow the child with the LLD to become a peer intervention agent how?

let them tutor younger children to consolidate learning

Why are students with LLDs exposure to figurative language limited?

poor reading skills

Students who focus on self-cueing, have trouble with what?

persuasion, negotiation, presupposition, and flexible speech styles

Which type of essay is more difficult for kids at this stage?


What are argumentative texts?

persuasive texts that attempt to convince or discuss opinions

What should we use to introduce new figurative language abilities?

poetry and literature

For expanding vocabulary, we can use a semantic feature analysis, what is this?

presenting students with a grid with related curriculum words on one axis and a set of attributes relevant to the words on the other

Children looking at Pragmatics-Basic Skills Approaches; Narrative production-- narrative cohesions, should work in groups too look at the skills such as:

pronouns and conjunctions as cohesive markers

How can we increase knowledge and connection among words in semantics?

provide elaboration and multiple exposure to deepen word knowledge and build semantic network connections

For composition, what should we do in intervention?

provide explicit prompts for verbal organizers in text and use word processing

Sip as a literacy team member should do what?

provide explicit vocabulary instruction, explicit instruction in comprehension strategies, use metalinguistic and metacognitive discussion, and provide intense, individualized intervention for struggling readers

Within going "meta", we should:

provide peer models iim structured activities, read "clubs" around topics of interest for conversation practice, use scripted conversations using script fading, assist students in managing topics in conversation, scaffold opportunities to apply new skills in peer setting with clinicians as the coach, integrate work on advanced syntactic forms with conversational practice, encourage validating topics and enhance social cognition

After fourth grade, students retrieve their vocabulary from what instead of conversation?


For narrative comprehension in the learning strategies approach, students with LLD typically show poor skills in what?

reading comprehension

What should we have students do with peers and family in order to contribute to improved semantics through figurative language?

record slang and other figurative language interactions

What should we teach students having difficulty with word retrieval?

reflective pausing or the constructive use of pause time to use retrieval strategies and reduce inaccurate competitive responses

What does independent construction entail?

students are given a curriculum-related "writing Prompt" then they consult with a teacher to discuss the draft and feedback

In semantics, we foster the understanding of word relations by looking at?

synonyms, antonyms, multiple meanings,

SLPs do not:

teach basic decoding, spelling or give homework help

What does joint construction entail?

teachers and students work together to transform information students have collected into an essay

What is executive function?

the ability to control and regulate one's throught processes

What does the claim entail?

the basic assertion being made

The ITP helps students prepare fro what

the future

We should teach "survival communication" at this stage, what is that?

the language skills that allow people to function successfully and autonomously in their homes, jobs, and communities

What does the warrant entail?

the principles that connect data to the claim

Students may need special services in secondary school to allow them to maintain what?

the same level of performance in these new high-demand settings that they were able to achieve in earlier grades

What are expository texts?

they explain or relate factual information

What is the reason students have difficulty with persuasive texts?

they have less exposure to these

In consulation, the basis is finding what type of teachers?

those willing to work with the SLP

what is the goal of syntactic intervention in this stage?

to increase flexibility and help students process and produce language at the literate end tf the oral-literate continuum

We should provide direct instruction at this age for vocabulary, what does that involve?

traditional activities such as giving students lists of words to look up in the dictionary, define orally, use in sentences, find synonyms for, and select correct meanings and uses in multiple choice formats

What kind of transition takes place during adolescence in order to succeed in the secondary school curriculum?

transition from concrete to formal operational thinking

what percentage of eighth graders perform below the basic level in reading comprehension?

twenty seven

What does word consciousness involve?

understanding the effect of a word in a sentence on sentence meaning and an appreciation of the importance of choosing the right word to convey the intended meaning and tone

What do we reach children to do when they encounter something they do not understand?

use a strategic approach

What are the basic skills for narrative cohesion?

use pronouns, connectives and. other advanced markers oof cohesion

For self-regulation we should:

use repetitive routines, contextualized activities, positive results, verbal meditation, and self-talk

In persuasiive text, for narrative production, in the learning strategies approach, what should we do for intervention?

use strategies similar to those for expsitory texts including graphic organizers, think aloud procedures, think sheets, stop and dare strategies

What kind of visual supports are used for figurative language?

venn diagrams

Visual supports provide significant improvement in what for students with LLDs?

verbal reasoning

What are some intervention practices that can be used while assessing pragmatics in the the basic skills approach that has efficacy?

video modeling, intensive interaction, peer-mediated interventions, and behavioral intervention

What are some during reading strategies that could be targeted in intervention at the pragmatics learning strategies approach for narrative comprehension?

visual maps and orgnaizers grammar checklist

Using multi-modality instruction is encouraged in the basic skills approach for pragmatics in classroom discourse. what do we include in this?

visual, digital, and experimental input to augment written language input and response modes

We should provide clients with follow up activities to target what in the story and the production of a "parallel story" to enhance understanding?

vocabulary and complex syntax

There is a huge gap for students at this level, what is it between?

vocabulary and literacy

In morphological analysis for learning new words, we should advocate word study as an important aspect of what for adolescents with LLD.

vocabulary development

When considering letting students use word processors and other electronic aids when is okay?

when they have fine motor skill difficulty

what is essential in every day life for semantics?

word knowledge

Pragmatics-Basic Skills Approaches; Narrative production children have problems with what?

writing basic narratives

What other discourse genres should we look at assessing?

writing mechanics

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