Ch 16 - The Brain

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Identify the passageway found in the spinal cord that is continuous with the ventricles.

Central canal

Where is the arbor vitae located?


Which of the following areas of the brain adjust the output of other somatic motor centers in the central nervous system?


Which passageway connects the third and fourth ventricles?

Cerebral aqueduct

Which of the following is a correct statement?

Cerebrospinal fluid enters the venous circulation through the arachnoid granulations.

Which region of the brain contains gyri and sulci?


Which region of the brain is necessary for consciousness?


What structure connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres?

Corpus callosum

What type of tissue makes up the cerebral cortex?

Gray matter

Damage to which cranial nerve(s) would reduce a person's ability to taste salty and sweet foods?


Special sensory information for balance travels on cranial nerve ________.


Which cranial nerve is associated with balance?


If a tumor were growing on the hypothalamus, it is possible that you would be able to detect __________.

altered levels of pituitary hormones

the precentral gyrus forms the

anterior margin of central sulcus

Which white matter fibers connect adjacent gyri?

arcuate fibers

compounds that diffuse passively across the blood-brain barrier

are lipid soluble

Association areas of the cortex

are typically larger than the primary sensory or motor regions.

The pia mater is anchored to the surface of the brain by the processes of which glial cells?


The largest region of the brain, and the region where all conscious thought processes and intellectual functions originate, is the ________.


the telencephalon becomes the


The area of the brain where memory is processed and stored is the


Which structure is responsible for the production of cerebrospinal fluid?

choroid plexus

Which ventricle is located within the brain stem?

fourth ventricle

The largest cerebral lobe is the ________ lobe.


In which area is the speech center (Broca's area) usually located?

frontal lobe

The primary motor area is part of (the)

frontal lobe

There is a constant flow of materials through the blood-brain barrier into the neural interstitial spaces because neurons have a large and constant need for what substance?


The trigeminal nerve

has motor neurons that originate on the pons.

if dr. taylor's stroke involved a blood clot in a similar location in her right hemisphere instead of her left hemisphere,

her left arm would be paralyzed, but she would retain her language and math skills

The fornix

links the hippocampus with the hypothalamus.

If Jamie is sitting and studying with her left leg crossed over her right, her right leg muscles are sending messages to the brain to inform it of the leg's position. These impulses terminate in the ___________________.

right cerebellar cortex

Which of the following is NOT a function of the limbic system?

regulating the control of fine motor movements

Thalamic nuclei function to

relay sensory information to the cerebral nuclei and cerebral cortex.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the specialized ependymal cells that form the choroid plexus?

removal of pathogenic bacteria from the cerebrospinal fluid

The activity of which structure(s) is regulated by inputs from apneustic and pneumotaxic centers of the pons?

respiratory rhythmicity centers

If the trochlear nerve of the right eye were damaged, which movement would the person be unable to make?

rolling the eye down and to the right (laterally)

a neuron that ascends the spinal cord or brain stem and usually ends in the thalamus is a(n)

second-order neuron

The parietal lobe is primarily used for

sensory functions.

We can distinguish between sensations that originate in different areas of the body because

sensory neurons from each body region synapse in specific brain regions.

the medial partition between the lateral ventricles is (the)


the thalamus ______________

serves as a final relay point for sending sensory information to the cerebral cortex

Damage to the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex would directly affect

voluntary motor control.

Damage to a choroid plexus would affect __________.

-the levels of CSF in the ventricles -the amount of CSF passing through the arachnoid granulations -the composition of the CSF in terms of waste and nutrient levels

How many regions make up the brain stem?


The meninges consist of ___ layers.


Which of the following regions cannot be observed superficially?


Which of the following is the outer layer of the meninges?

Dura mater

Which is NOT a factor in the formation of the blood-brain barrier?

Endothelial cells of the capillaries contain large gaps between the cells

Which cranial nerve lies medial to the vagus nerve?


Which of the following areas of the brain provide a link between the nervous system and the endocrine system?


Which cranial nerves are responsible for all aspects of eye function?


Cranial nerves that have autonomic components include


Swelling of the jugular vein as it leaves the skull could compress which of the following cranial nerves?


Which of the following structures attach the pituitary gland to the brain?


Which of the following ventricles is found under the corpus callosum?

Lateral ventricles

Which ventricles are divided by the septum pellucidum?

Lateral ventricles

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by the choroid plexus. In which of the following regions can cerebrospinal fluid be made?

Lateral ventricles, third ventricle, and fourth ventricle

Which of the following landmarks divides the cerebrum in half?

Longitudinal fissure

Where are the autonomic reflex centers for heart rate and breathing?

Medulla oblongata

Which area of the brain stem is in contact with the spinal cord?

Medulla oblongata

Name the membranous encasement surrounding the brain.


Which region contains the corpora quadrigemina?


Which cranial nerves have special sensory functions?


The mesencephalon contains nuclei associated with which cranial nerves?


sensory and motor nuclei for which cranial nerves exist in the pons?


The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve?


The external branch of ________ controls the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles of the neck and back.


Identify cranial nerve I.

Olfactory nerve

Which of the following areas takes visual information from one side of the body and conveys it to the opposite side?

Optic chiasm

Which of the following glands can be observed on the ventral surface of the sheep brain?

Pituitary gland

Which of the following is NOT part of the frontal lobe?

Postcentral gyrus

What part of the corpora quadrigemina is clearly observed in a midsagittal section?

Superior colliculus

Which of the following areas form the central core of the brain?


Which of the following is true of the dura mater?

The outer (endosteal) layer is fused to the periosteum of the cranial bones.

Which of the following apply to the cranial nerves?

They are components of the PNS that connect to the brain.

In which ways do the olfactory nerves (N I) differ from the other cranial nerves?

They are made up of many small, slender fibers that pass through openings in the skull.

What is the function of white matter?

Transmits messages

Which of the following landmarks separate the cerebrum from the cerebellum?

Transverse fissure

Which cranial nerves have their nuclei housed in the pons?


Which is the only cranial nerve to leave the head and neck region?


The sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are innervated by which cranial nerve?


Parkinson's disease results from __________.

a decreased level of dopamine in the basal ganglia, which affects the substantia nigra

Damage to the posterior portion of the frontal lobe could result in

a loss of movement of your leg.

When the blood supply to a portion of the brain is cut off, the resulting damage is called

a stroke.

Cranial nerves (CN) III, IV, and VI innervate the six skeletal muscles that move the eye. These nerves are the

abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor.

Arachnoid granulations

absorb CSF into the venous circulation.

Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT innervate the tongue?

accessory (XI)

the general interpretive center

allows us to interpret what we read or hear

the term subdural hematoma refers to blood accumulation

between the layers of the dura

The neural tissue in the CNS is isolated from the general circulation by the ________.

blood-brain barrier

Which organ contains 95 percent of the neural tissue in the body?


In comparison to a second- or third-order neuron, a first-order neuron __________.

can be located outside the CNS

The cardiovascular centers of the medulla oblongata may be subdivided into ________.

cardiac and vasomotor

Within the medulla oblongata, heart rate and force of contraction are regulated in the

cardiac centers

What is the large groove that separates the frontal lobe of the cerebrum from the more posterior parietal lobe?

central sulcus

the groove between the frontral and parietal lobes of the brain is the

central sulcus

When riding a rollercoaster, Jan always closes her eyes. However, she can tell when she is going upside down or in a corkscrew motion. What brain structure is responsible for detecting body position?


which structure automatically adjusts motor activities on the basis of sensory information and memories of learned patterns of movement?


Components of the metencephalon include the

cerebellum and pons.

Which structure connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle?

cerebral aqueduct

Conscious thought processes and all intellectual functions originate in (the)

cerebral hemispheres.

The primary motor cortex is connected with motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord, and ascending sensory information is carried to the thalamus by (the)

cerebral peduncles.

The ventricles of the brain are filled with __________.

cerebrospinal fluid

The substance that surrounds the brain and is very similar to blood plasma minus proteins is

cerebrospinal fluid.

The largest region of the brain is (the)


The arbor vitae __________.

contains axons of the Purkinje cells

Unlike the cerebrum, the cerebellum __________.

contains specialized Purkinje cells.

The parietal lobe

contains the primary sensory cortex.

The motor pathways of the autonomic nervous system

control visceral effectors, such as smooth and cardiac muscle and glands.

The major pathway of communication between the right and left hemispheres is the ________.

corpus callosum

Crossover of information between cerebral hemispheres occurs through the

corpus callosum.

Where would you expect to find CNS damage in a person who displays inability to control eye movements, facial expressions, tongue position, and some of the superficial neck and upper back muscles?

corticobulbar tracts

The ________ acts as a roof over the cranial blood vessels.

cranial arachnoid mater

The olfactory nerves exit the cranium through the

cribriform plate.

Motor pathways ________ the spinal cord.


The inferior portion of the prosencephalon becomes the


Together the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus are called the


Which structure contains the hypothalamus?


When CSF exits the third ventricle, it then flows to the ___________ ventricle.


The meningeal layer of the dura mater does NOT form which of the following structures?

dural sinuses

Blood and cerebrospinal fluid drain from the brain in (the)

dural sinuses.

which region of the diencephalon contains the pineal body?


The limbic system

establishes emotional states and related behavioral drives

(t/f) N VII is the largest cranial nerve.


(t/f) The brain is a solid organ that lacks cavities.


(t/f) The cerebellum is present on the ventral surface of the sheep brain.


(t/f) The facial nerve consists only of sensory fibers.


(t/f) Wernicke's area is the motor speech area of the frontal lobe.


(t/f) facial nerves control chewing and swallowing


(t/f) the pineal body secretes melanocyte simulating hormone (MSH)


(t/f)Glossopharyngeal nerves control movements of the tongue.


(t/f)The optic nerves pass through the superior orbital fissue.


(t/f)The vagus nerve passes through the hypoglossal canal.


Which fold of dura mater projects between the cerebral hemispheres in the longitudinal fissure and attaches to the crista galli, the internal occipital crest and tentorium cerebelli?

falx cerebri

The extensions of the dura mater that enters the longitudinal fissure is the

falx cerebri.

A cross section is taken from a dorsal root ganglion. Upon observation, it is noted that the section is full of cell bodies. These cell bodies belong to what order of neuron?


The mandibular branch of N V pass through the skull by way of the ________.

foramen ovale

The thalamus

forms the walls of the diencephalon around the third ventricle.

Jan is a librarian with a passion for reading Emerson. After a car accident, she finds that when she looks at books, she sees symbols (letters) but cannot recognize them or understand what they mean. What part of her brain has been damaged?

her visual association area

Henry is writing down answers on an exam, recalling facts that he has studied; that is, he is using memory to retrieve information. Which of the following limbic system structures is Henry using?


centers in the _________ adjust and coordinate the activities of autonomic centers in other parts of the brainstem concerned with regulating heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestive functions


which part of the diencephalon is connected to the pituitary gland?


If a person sustains a head injury and receives damage to cranial nerve VIII, which of the following might the person experience?

inability to hear

The ________ integrate(s) auditory information with the medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus.

inferior colliculi

The pituitary gland is connected to the hypothalamus by the


Which of the following is not one of the functions assigned to the basal nuclei?

initiation of movements of skeletal muscles

Which of the five cerebral lobes isthe one not visible on the surface of the brain?


After flowing through the dural sinuses, CSF and blood flow into (the)

internal jugular vein.

Cerebrospinal fluid can exit the fourth ventricle via all of the following EXCEPT the

interventricular foramen.

Normally, output from the basal nuclei

is involved with the coordination of learned movement patterns.

The choroid plexus

is the site of production of the cerebrospinal fluid.

The primary purpose of the blood-brain barrier is to

isolate the CNS from general circulation.

The septum pellucidum separates the ________.

lateral ventricles

The cerebral hemispheres are separated by (the)

longitudinal fissure.

The control of feeding reflexes (chewing, swallowing) is a function of which structure(s)?

mammillary bodies

The ________ branch of the trigeminal nerve is the largest, and exits the cranium through the foramen ovale.


The CSF produced by the choroid plexus reaches the subarachnoid space through two lateral apertures and a single ________ in the roof of the fourth ventricle.

median aperture

another name for the myelencephalon is the

medulla oblongata

the epithalamus controls day and night cycles through the secretion of the hormone


the pineal gland secretes ___________


The pons extends superiorly from the medulla oblongata to the ________.


Where is the headquarters of the reticular formation located?


all of the following are examples of neuroplasticity EXCEPT ___________

muscle paralysis following a stroke

The visual cortex is located in the ________ lobe.


The only cranial nerve that attaches directly to the cerebrum is the


Which area of the cerebral cortex would receive input from sensory receptors in the nose?

olfactory cortex

Which of the following structures of the medulla contain(s) neurons that communicate with the vermis of the cerebellum?

olivary nuclei

Regulating motor output associated with muscle tone is the function of which mesencephalic center?

red nucleus

Which cranial nerve forms a midline connection, allowing fibers to cross to the opposite side of the brain?


The primary somatosensory cortex is found in which cerebral structure?

parietal lobe

The infundibulum connects the hypothalamus to which structure?

pituitary gland

The brain region that you would suspect to be damaged in a person who displayed violent or antisocial behavior would be the

prefrontal cortex

A ________ is a motor neuron whose cell body is in the CNS and which will synapse on a cell body in a peripheral ganglion.

preganglionic neuron

If Mahalia consciously feels a deep pressure in her abdomen, this sensation is being processed in what area of the brain?

primary sensory cortex

The hypothalamus does NOT __________.

process visual information before relaying it to the occipital lobes of the cerebrum

If Mark decides to raise his hand to wave at his neighbor, the message must start in the primary motor cortex and be transmitted to the cerebellum. What in the white matter is responsible for this message relay?

projection fiber

If Mark decides to raise his hand to wave at his neighbor, the message must start in the primary motor cortex and be transmitted to the cerebellum. What is the white matter responsible for this message relay?

projection fiber

Which unique function of the brain occurs in the postcentral gyrus?

receives primary sensory information of touch, pressure, pain, taste, and temperature

The ________ carries sensation concerning proprioception.

spinocerebellar tracts

The ________ link the cerebellum with the mesencephalon, diencephalon, and cerebrum.

superior cerebellar peduncles

In the mesencephalon, integrating visual information with other sensory inputs and initiating involuntary motor responses are functions of the

superior colliculi.

Which structure receives visual input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus on the ipsilateral side?`

superior colliculus

Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI all exit the cranium through (the)

superior orbital fissure.

Which of the following structures secretes antidiuretic hormone?

supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus

The primary gustatory cortex processes information about ________ and is located in the ________.

taste; insula

Which of the following activities is NOT controlled by the cerebrum?

temperature regulation

The ________ is a connective tissue sheet that separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum.

tentorium cerebelli

The fold of dura mater in the transverse fissure is the ________.

tentorium cerebelli

General sensory information on its way to the cerebrum gets processed and relayed from which of the following areas of the brain?


The ________ forms the final relay point for ascending sensory information that will be projected to the primary sensory cortex.


Which of the following is NOT an endocrine structure found in the brain?


which region acts as a relay center for sensory messages ascending to the cerebrum?


A cerebrovascular accident occurs when

the blood supply to a portion of the brain is cut off.

in what way is the dura mater of the brain different from the dura mater of the spinal cord?

the dura mater of the brain is made into two separate layers

Structurally, the blood-brain barrier exists because

the endothelial cells lining the CNS are extensively interconnected by tight junctions.

The major function of the superior colliculi includes reflexes involved with

the eyes

Which area of the cerebrum processes our gustatory sensations?

the insula

The pons modifies the respiratory movements that are first controlled by which part of the brain?

the medulla oblongata

Richard has had a stroke. The EMT tells him to raise his right arm. Richard hears the EMT and understands what is being asked of him, but cannot originate the message in his brain to raise his arm. What part of his brain has been affected?

the primary motor cortex

the gyrus posterior to the central sulcus contains neurons of _____________

the primary somatosensory cortex

If damaged or diseased, which part of the brain would make a person unable to control and regulate the rate of respiratory movements?

the respiratory rhythmicity center of the medulla

The central sulcus separates which regions of the cerebrum?

the sensory and motor areas

A first-order neuron is

the sensory neuron that brings information from the receptor to the CNS.

which of the following is true of someone who has suffered a stroke on the left side of the brain?

they do recognize the face of a close family member but are unable to say the person's name

how many major regions are contained within the diencephalon?


the mandibular branch is the largest branch of the ______________ nerve


(t/f) All three regions of the brain stem can be observed on the ventral surface of the brain.


(t/f) Cerebrospinal fluid is produced within the ventricles.


(t/f) Nuclei in the mesencephalon process visual and auditory information, coordinate and direct reflexive somatic motor responses to these stimuli.


(t/f) Olfactory nerves carry information about smell.


(t/f) The cerebellar cortex contains huge highly branched Purkinje cells.


(t/f) The composition of gray matter includes neuron cell bodies.


(t/f) The foramen magnum marks the border between the medulla oblongata and spinal cord.


(t/f) The inferior colliculi are part of the corpora quadrigemina.


(t/f) The medulla oblongata physically connects the brain with the spinal cord.


(t/f) The premotor cortex is located immediately anterior to the primary motor cortex.


(t/f) The two cerebral hemispheres have some functional differences, although anatomically they appear to be identical.


(t/f) The ventricles are all interconnected.


(t/f) the diencephalon is found in between the brain stem and the cerebrum


(t/f) white matter has a fatty consistency


(t/f)Oculomotor nerves help focus the lens of the eye.


The CSF produced by the choroid plexus of the brain circulates through the

ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord

The ________ carries information that controls muscle tone and balance.

vestibulospinal tract

If a person sustains a head injury and the superior colliculi are damaged, which of the following might be impaired?


The occipital lobe contains (the) ________.

visual cortex

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