CH 17 Web Design Website Standards

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Frequently Asked Questions

robot exclusion protocol

Standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers

Link exchange

When owners of similar sites agree to trade links to each other's sites.

Meta Tags

Words inserted into a Web site's key-words field to increase the site's appearance in search engine results.

Web Analytics

analyzes unstructured data associated with websites to identify consumer behavior and website navigation

Assistive Technology

array of devices that permit people with disabilities to improve their functioning


keywords that advertisers choose to pay for and appear as sponsored links on the Google results pages

Web Master

person in charge of maintaining a web site


the relative ease with which a destination may be reached from some other place


A means of checking a web page against a standard as laid down by the W3C.

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

A program for developing strategies, guidelines, and resources to help make the Web accessible to people with disabilities


A program that searches the web looking for links; called a spider because it crawls all over the Web.

search engine

A software program you can use to find Web sites, Web pages, and Internet files.


A word or phrase that describes a subject or category on which you can search.

Section 508 (VRA)

websites have to be accessible for all

screen reader

Accessibility feature for users with eyesight problems, which reads text aloud.

Search Engine Optimization

Combines art along with science to determine how to make URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking

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