Ch 17.3, Luther Leads The Reformation

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How did Henry VIII's marriages and divorces cause religious turmoil in England?

1. Created conflict with the Catholic Church (pope refused annulment of marriage). 2. Has wives that displease him executed a sin for Catholics. 3. Foundation of Anglican Church or the Church of England, Henry VIII the head. 4. Because of succession after his death, Church switched from Protestant to Catholic and back to Protestant. 5. Church always in turmoil under Elizabeth I, because a moderate version of Protestant and Catholic.

After Henry died in 1547, who came into rule?

1. Edward reigned for 6 years, died in 1553. 2.Then Mary (Catholic) reigned (daughter of Catherine of Aragon) reigned for 5 years, died in 1558. 3. Then Elizabeth I (Daughter of Anne Boleyn) reigned 45 years died in 1603.

What was the Peasant Revolt?

1. German peasants excited by Luthers teachings of Christian freedom wanted end to serfdom and began pillaging and burning monasteries. 2. Luther shocked sends a pamphlet to the German princes saying no mercy. 3. Princes put down revolt killing over 100,000 peasants. 4. Feeling betrayed many peasants reject Luther.

Who were Protestants?

1. German princes who sided with Luther and signed a protested against the Catholic church after Catholic princes signed an agreement to join forces against Luther. 2. Eventually the term was applied to Christians who belonged to non-catholic churches.

What did Luther upon his return to Wittenburg find and then do?

1. He discovered that his teachings had been put into practice. 2. Instead of fighting the Catholic Church, he and his followers started their own religious group called the Lutherans.

What did Luther do to stand up against it?

1. He wrote the 95 thesis attacking the pardon-merchants (Tetzel) and posted them on the door of the Catholic Church. 2. Scholars had Luther's word printed and his message spread throughout Europe.

What were the Economic causes of the Reformation?

1. Kings and Princes jealous of the church's wealth. 2. Merchants and others resented paying taxes to the church.

What were the Political causes of the Reformation?

1. Monarchs challenged the church as the Supreme Power in Europe. 2. Leaders viewed the Pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority.

What were the Social causes of the Reformation?

1. Renaissance ideas (humanism & secularism) caused people to question church. 2. Printing press helped spread ideas critical of the church.

What main forces were the cause of the Reformation

1. Social 2. Political 3. Economic 4. Religious

What were the Religious causes of the Reformation?

1. Some church leaders had become worldly and corrupt. 2. Many found church practices such as indulgences unacceptable.

What did Henry VIII do to be able to marry another women?

1. Summons parliament (Reformation Parliament), ends the popes power in England in 1529. 2. Parliament Recognizes Henry VIII as head of the Church in 1531. 3. Parliament places clergy under Henry VIII control in 1533, Henry VIII divorces Catherine marries Anne Boleyn. 5. Parliament passes Act of Supremacy in 1534.

Who was Prince Fredrick the Wise of Saxony?

A German Prince who disobeyed Charles V rules and kept Luther safe in one of his castles for over a year?

What type of church is the state Church (Anglican Church/Church of England) that Elizabeth establishes?

A church that both moderate Catholics and Protestants might both except. 1. Priest could marry 2. Sermons in English not Latin 3. Kept trappings of Catholic services (robes, etc.) 4. Church services revised to be acceptable to Catholics.

Who was Martin Luther?

A monk and a teacher who studied the Bible and taught at University of Wittenberg and whose actions began the reformation.

What was the Reformation?

A new movement for religious reform that began in Germany and spread throughout Europe that created new churches that did not accept the Pope as the authority.

What does heretic mean?

A person who holds beliefs that differ from official church teachings.

What was the Peace of Augsburg?

After many years of fighting Charles V, ordered all Protestant and Catholic princes to Augsburg. There the princes decided that each of them could decide the official religion of their state.

What were Elizabeth I's challenges?

Although Elizabeth brought a level of religious peace to England, Religion was still a problem. 1. Money was short (English wanted to build and American empire). 2. Catholics wanted her cousin Mary Queen of Scots (a Catholic) 3. Protestants wanted more church reforms away from Catholics.

What was the Edict of Worms ?

An imperial order that cast Luther as an outlaw and a heretic. He was to have no shelter, or food given to him, and all his books were to be burned because he would not recant his statements against the Catholic Church.

Who was Thomas More?

Author of the book "Utophia", was a Councillor to Henry VIII and Lord Chancellor of England and a devout Catholic.

Who was Charles V?

Devout Catholic, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, Italy, Spain, Sardinia, Naples, Lord of Netherlands and Burgandy, that tried to stop the spread of Protestantism throughout his Empire. Ordered Luther to Diet of Worms.

What type of state church (Anglican/Church of England) did Elizabeth I establish?

Elizabeth I established a church that moderate Catholics and Protestants could accept. 1. Priests could marry. 2. Services were in English not Latin. 3. Kept trappings of Catholic's (vestments, etc.) 4. Church services revised to be acceptable to Catholics.

The Roman Catholic Church dominate in Northern and Western Europe but many people criticized the church, Why?

Felt church leaders were too interested in gaining wealth and political power, and wanted church reform.

What did Henry VIII request from the Pope in 1527?

He asked the pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

Who was called the "Defender of the Faith" by the Pope?

Henry VIII because he attacked Luther's teachings.

Who was Jane Seymour?

Henry VIII married Seymour in 1537, after Anne Boleyn and bore him a son Edward but died 2 weeks later from complications after child birth. Henry VIII married 3 more times but no more children.

Why did Henry VIII dislike Luther's teachings?

Henry VIII was a Catholic.

Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon and had a daughter named "Mary". Catherine could not have another baby, why was this a problem?

Henry wanted a son to be king to carry on the throne after he died.

What was the Diet of Worms?

It was a formal deliberative assembly of the Holy Roman Empire, ordered by the "Holy Emperor of Rome Charles V" in the town of Warms, Germany where Luther was to recant his statements and teaching.

What is an indulgence?

It was a pardon that was purchased with money. Released a sinner from his sins and God didn't judge then.

Who did Luther take action against?

Johann Tetzel

What did the sale of indulgences lead people to believe?

Led people to believe you could buy your way into heaven with money.

What does annul mean?

Marriage could be set aside as if it never happened calling it an illegal union.

What did Mary do with the English Church during her reign?

Mary was a Catholic and returned the English Church to the rule of the Pope.

What is the Act of Supremacy of 1534?

Parliament names Henry VIII and all of his successors, supreme head of the English Church.

Why did Pope Leo X excommunicate Luther?

Pope Leo X considered Luther a threat because his ideas were catching on, gaining strength and the Catholic Church was being subject to more criticism.

What did the Pope do regarding Henry VIII's request in 1527?

Pope said NO, Queen Catherine's nephew was the "Holy Roman Emperor Charles V", a very powerful King and the Pope did not want to offend him.

Anne Boleyn bore Henry VIII a daughter (Elizabeth) , what happened to Anne?

She fell out of favor with the King was imprisoned in Tower of London, accused her of treason and beheaded.

What did Elizabeth do with the English Church during her reign?

She restores the English Church to Protestantism. Parliament establishes Church of England or Anglican Church with Elizabeth I as the head.

Who was Johann Tetzel?

Tetzel was a friar who was raising money by the selling of indulgences to rebuild St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.


The taking away of a person's right to membership in the church.

What did John Wycliffe and Jan Hus say about the Church and pope?

They denied that the pope had worldly power and said that the pope should not tell you what God says but the Bible should.

What happened between the German Catholic and Protestant princes?

They went to war and after being defeated by Charles V, he could still not force them to return to the Catholic church.

Who refused to acknowledge that Henry VIII was head of the church and not the Pope?

Thomas More, who was then imprisoned in Tower of London.

What were Luthers teachings?

Three main ideas 1. People could win salvation only by belief in Gods forgiveness, faith and good deeds. 2. All people with faith were equal (don't need a priest to interpret). 3. All Church teachings should be clearly based on the words of the Bible.

What did Pope Alexander say about this?

he said that it was true, because some monks were poorly educated and priests started to gamble and drink (broke their vows)

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