Ch. 18

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Time-out periods, usually lasting 1 minute per year of age, with the child sitting in a straight chair facing a corner, are considered an effective discipline technique.

Erikson's stage for the preschool years is initiative versus guilt.

all primary teeth have erupted by which age a. 1 years b. 5 years c. 3 years d. 6 years

c. 3 years of age

3 year olds are better behaved then 2 year olds. they can dress/undress themselves, use the toilet, wash hands, * Parrallel play (playing independently within a group) * associative play (playing in loosely associated groups) are both typical in this period

4 year olds are more aggressive and like to show off newly refined motor skills. Eager to let others know they are superior and they are prone to pick on playmates.

has vocabilary of 1500 words, can count to 5, attention span of 20 minutes a. 1 years b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years

4 years

4 year olds tattle on others, swear if around children or adults who use profanity. use scicssors w success, vocabilary is 1500 words., wonder about death and dying

5 year olds can ride a tricycle.

5. A child is 25 pounds at his 1-year well visit. The nurse would expect him to be approximately _____ pounds at his 5-year well visit. o 45 o 50 o 60 o 75

50 Research shows that spanking is not an effective tool for discipline.

3. What is the cause of most childhood deaths? o Sudden infant death syndrome o Accidents o Leukemia o Influenza

Accidents Accidents kill and cripple more children than any disease and are the leading cause of death in childhood.

best choice for toy for a 4 year old a. DVDs b. computer games c. tricycle d. building w blocks

Building w blocks

1. What age range is considered infancy? o Birth to 6 weeks of age o Birth to 1 year of age o 4 weeks to 1 year of age o 4 weeks to 2 years of age

birth to 4 weeks A child is considered a neonate from birth to 4 weeks and an infant from 4 weeks to 1 year.

Play and toys can be of therapeutic value in retraining muscles, improving eye-hand coordination, and helping children crawl and walk (push-pull toys). Blowing is an excellent prerequisite for speech therapy, and blowing out the light of a flashlight as if it were a candle is therapeutic play for the postoperative child. Blowing bubbles after an appendectomy can help with lung expansion.

It is essential that the child with enuresis be the center of the management program. The positive approach of rewarding dry nights and charting progress is very helpful. Liquids after dinner should be limited, and the child should routinely void before going to bed.

at which age knows own sex a. 1 years b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 5 years

c. 3 years. knows own sex, has attention span of 15 minutes is easily distracted forms 3 word sentences

7. _____________ play is typical during the initial toddler years.

Parallel Toddlers engage in parallel play, which is playing next to, but not with, their peers. They gradually develop cooperative play, which involves imagination and sharing skills.

what is the nurses best advice to a parent about a preschoolers "imaginary friend"? a. having imaginary friends is a sign that the child has low self-esteem b. it is common for preschoolers to have imaginary friends c. preschoolers invent an imaginary friend when they feel overwhelmed d. the best approach to dealing w an imaginary friend is to ignore them

b. it is common for preschoolers to have imaginary friends imaginary friends are common and normal durig the preschool period and serve many purposes, such as relief from loneliness, mastery of fears, and acting as a scapegoat

6. Which characteristics are displayed when a child experiences separation anxiety? (Select all that apply.) o Frustration o Protest o Despair o Attachment o Detachment o Forgiveness

Protest Despair Detachment Separation anxiety, which consists of protest, despair, and detachment, develops in infancy and continues throughout toddlerhood.

choose the most effective way for parents to deal w a preschool childs jealously of her new brother a. help her choose toys to share w the new baby b. remind her of things she can do that the baby cannot c. explain that she will soon lover her new brother d. ask her to share her room w the new baby at first

b. remind here of things she can do that the baby cannot

a preschool child falls off the swing and cries "bad swing, you made me fall" this childs response is an example of a. centering b. artificialism c. animism d. egocentrisim

c. animism (atributing lifelike qualities to inanimate objects)

enuresis = involuntary urination after the age at which bladder control should be established primary enuresis - bed wetting in the child who has never been dry secondary enuresis = recurrence in a child who has been dry for a period of 1 year or more

The preschool child gradually moves from parallel and associative play to cooperative play with playmates. The play of preschool children should be noncompetitive. One of the major tasks of the preschool child includes development of cooperative play.

Which intervention would be appropriate when dealing with a preschooler's sexual curiosity? o Use correct terminology to prevent misunderstanding. o Defer questions about sexuality until the child is older. o Allow a sibling to share basic information. o Both parents should be present for any question/answer sessions

Use correct terminology to prevent misunderstanding. The recommendation is to deal with a child's curiosity when it occurs, using appropriate terminology when talking with preschooler. This curiosity is normal in this age group. Siblings should not provide education when questions are addressed to parents. Parents don't necessarily have to do this task together.

belief that everything is created by people


The parent of a 3 year old child tells the nurse "my daughter points instead of speaking whenever she wants me to get something for her, but she understands me when I ask her to do something" Based on the parents comment, what doe nurse suspect? a. age-appropriated language development b. expressive language delay c. receptive language delay d. potential hearing deficit

b. expressive language delay is suspected when the child understands spoken language but is not talking

What is the most appropriate intervention when dealing w occasional agression in a 4 year old a. have the child take a time out for 4 minutes b. spank the child at the time of the incident c. take away television privileges for the day d. send the child to his room for 30 minutes

a. have the child take a time out for 4 minutes Time out periods usually lasting 1 minute per year of age, with the child sitting in a chair or corner, are considered an effective disciplinary technique

What tasks would be appropriate to expect of a 5 year old? a. setting the table w paper plates b. washing the dirty knives c. carrying glasses from the table to the sink d. scrubbing out the sink w cleanser

a. setting the table w paper plates parents must consider developmental level and safety when asking the 5 year old child to help w chores

the parents of a 4 year old boy are concerned because they have noticed him frequently touching his penis. what knowledge would act as the basis for the nurses response? a. this behavior indicates a normal curiosity about sexuality b. masturbation suggests the boy has an excessive fear of castration c. It is usually a result of discomfort from a penile rash or irritation d. the behavior is abnormal and the child should referred for counseling

a. this behavior indicates a normal curiosity about sexuality Masturbation at this age is common and indicates that the preshooler has a normal curiosity about sexuality

which is an example of associative play? a. two children playing house, one playing the role of the dad other the mom b. two children playing in a sand box, one building a wall and other digging a hole c. two children playing w sports associated items, one w a football and other w a bat d. two children playing w a coloring book one coloring pictures and the other looking at pictures

a. two children playing house, one playing role of dad one mom

1. A 4-year-old girl is outside playing and tells her father that the "flowers are talking and having a tea party." This is an example of what? o Animism o Artificialism o Egocentrism o Centering

animism Animism is a misconception that can arise during the preschool years. It is a tendency to attribute life to inanimate objects.

What type of play is most appropriate when planning care for a child w moderate intellectual deficiency? a. exercise leg and arm muscles b. be educationally oriented to make up for lost time c. be adjusted to mental age rather than chronological age d. involve contact sports and aggressive physical activity w other children

c. be adjusted to mental age rather than chronological age the nurse should consider the childs mental age rather than chronological age when selecting toys for play

What fear is unique to the preschool period? a. water b. animals c. bodily harm d. death

c. bodily harm particularly loss of body parts, is unique in this stage

when planning to read w a 5 year old child, the nurse understands that favorite stories of preschool children are those that relate to their a. agressive tendencies b. self-centerdness c. daily experiences d. relationships w others

c. daily experiences (preschool children can best relate to stories that are about people, animals, and occurences in their own daily lives)

what intervention might the nurse suggest as helpful for the child w enuresis? a. applying an electric pad that gently shocks the child b. waking the child several times during the night to urinate c. decreasing fluid intake after evening meals d. increasing dietary fiber intake

c. decreasing fluid intake after evening meals if a chid is eperiencing enuresis, liquids after dinner should be limited and the child should routinely void before going to bed

How does the nurse characterize the play of 5 year old children? a. enjoying rough and tumble play b. playing well organized games c. following rules d. preferring inside activities

c. following rules the 5 year old wants to play by the rules, but cannot accept losing. The rules maybe very stirct or changes as the game progresses

which statement best describes the 3 year old child a. boisterous, tattles on others b. agressive, shows off c. helpful, wants to assist w chores d. talkative, inquisitive about the environment

c. helpful wants to assist w chores three year old children are helpful and can assist in simple household chores

according to Erickson, the development task of the perschool period is to achieve a sense of a. trust b. autonomy c. initiative d. industry

c. initiative (Initiative vs guilt) 3-6 age

What should the nurse suggest as the most appropriate toy choice for a 3 year old? a. a board game b. a small pet, such as a goldfish c. a large construction set d. push-pull toys

c. large construction set most suitable for preschool age children

A preschool-age child is asked "why do trees have leaves"? Which response would be an example of animism? a. so i can have shade over my sandbox b. because god made them that way c. to hide behind when they are scared d. for the squirrels to play in

c. to hide behind when they are scared animism describes the tendencyof preschool children to attribute human characteristics to nonhuman objects

a 3 year old child while playing w his favorite toy in the playroom of the pediatric unit is approached by another child who also wants to play w the same toy. What behavior will the nurse anticipate from the child? a. will play well w the other child b. will give they toy up and then not play anymore c. will become angry and a physical response might ensue d. will ignore the toy and go on to something else

c. will become angry and a physical response might ensue The 3 year old child is egocentric and likely will become angry when others attempt to take his pocessions

concentrating on a single aspect of an object


A 4 year old tells the nurse she will not eat peas because they are green. Of what is this an example? a. egocentrisim b. artificialism c. animism d. centering

d. centering a tendency to concentrate on a signal outstanding characteristic of an object while excluding other features is known as centering

the nurse explains to parents that fears of preschool children are usually a. similar to those of older children b. a result of the childs easy distraction c. less intense than when they were younger d. grater than those they had as toddlers

d. greater than those they had as toddlers (this is due to past experiences they realize things can actual do harm or hurt)

What will children who are unable to express themselves w words often do? a. become reclusive and introspective b. develop other methods of verbal communication c. engage in more creative play d. have tantrums and act out

d. have tantrums and act out children w delayed communication skills w frequently have tantrums and act out when they are unable to make their needs known

a child who sucks his thumb is unlikely to damage to the mouth if the thumb sucking stops before a. all decidous teeth are errupted b. speech is established c. first teeth errupt d. permanent teeth erupt

d. permanent teeth erupt (thumb sucking rarely causes problems until permanent teeth erupt)

involuntary urination after the age at which bladder control should have been established


2. A 3-year-old child's mother reports that she "seems to understand what is said, but when she wants something just points." What does the nurse suspect this child is displaying? o A normal occurrence for a preschool child o Language loss o An articulation disorder o An expressive language delay

expressive language delay during the preschool period between 2 and 5 years of age, the number of words in the child's sentence should equal the child's age. A child who understands what is being said but just points to what he or she wants most likely has an expressive language delay.

at 2-3 years of age the child imitates the activites of daily living of the parents (hammering, shaving, seeding the doll)

masturbation is common in both genders during the preschool years. masturbation is considered harmless if the child is outgoing, social and not preoccupied w activity. let child know its not acceptable in public.

2. A mother verbalizes concern that her second-born son is reaching milestones but not as quickly as her first-born child. What would the nurse's best response be? o "I will let the physician know right away." o "Norms can vary greatly for the individual child." o "Milestones should be reached consistently by each child." o "A psychology consult should be ordered." Norms vary greatly for individual children. The most common cause for concern about a child is a sudden slowing, not typical for age, of any aspect of development.

o "Norms can vary greatly for the individual child."

5. A 9-month-old infant starts crying when the nurse takes him to sit on the exam table. The mother seems upset and states, "My baby knows that you will be doing something that hurts." What is the best response by the nurse? o "The injections will be over quickly. I will let you provide comfort then." o "Your baby is scared to be away from you. I will let you provide further comfort when I am done." o "Your baby probably has a wet or dirty diaper. This will probably go better if you change it first." o "Your baby will not remember this, and we have to do it so your baby can go to school when it is time." Babies exhibit separation anxiety at this age.

o "Your baby is scared to be away from you. I will let you provide further comfort when I am done." Babies exhibit separation anxiety at this age.

2. At what age do toddlers usually recognize sexual differences? o 12 months o 18 months o 24 months Correct o 36 months

o 24 months By 2 years of age there is recognition of sexual differences.

4. According to Erikson, what is the correct stage of development for the toddler? o Initiative vs. guilt o Trust vs. mistrust o Industry vs. inferiority o Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

o Autonomy vs. shame and doubt The toddler is in Erikson's stage of autonomy vs. shame and doubt, which is based on a continuum of trust established during infancy. According to Erikson, the toddler's task is to acquire a sense of self-control while overcoming shame and doubt.

3. What food might cause botulism if given to an infant? o Sugar o Honey o Egg yolk o Green beans

o Honey To prevent the development of botulism, honey should not be given to children younger than 2 years.

7. What techniques should be used to soothe the irritable infant? (Select all that apply.) o Vigorous rocking o Singing o Nonnutritive sucking o Changing position frequently o Swaddling snugly with the hands near the face

o Nonnutritive sucking o Swaddling snugly with the hands near the face Techniques to cope with an irritable infant include shielding the infant's eyes from bright light; sitting quietly without talking or singing; eliminating noise from radio, television, and computer; talking in a soft voice; changing the infant's position slowly; stopping the interaction and reducing environmental stimuli if the infant runs away, squirms, grimaces, or puts the hands in front of the face; swaddling the infant snugly in a lightweight blanket with extremities flexed and hands near the face; providing nonnutritive sucking; rocking the infant slowly and gently; avoiding sudden movements; cradling the infant firmly in the lap during feeding; and remaining still during sucking efforts.

5. What guideline should parents of a toddler follow when feeding solid food? o One tablespoon of food per year of age o Allow toddler to eat until full o Set a timer for a predetermined amount of time o One tablespoon of protein and vegetables at each meal

o One tablespoon of food per year of age The recommendation is one tablespoon of food per year of age. The others are not recommended strategies.

1. Parents of a 2-year-old child verbalize frustration over their child's behavior. They report that he is inconsistent and frequently says no to their requests. What education should the nurse provide at this time? o The child must be getting ill. o The physician should be notified immediately. o Behavioral therapy is indicated. o This is called negativism and is normal behavior.

o This is called negativism and is normal behavior. The toddler's behavior is inconsistent and often frustrating. Toddlers alternate between dependence and independence. They test their power by saying no frequently. This is called negativism.

6. Which milestone would the nurse be most concerned with for a 12-month-old infant during a well-child checkup? o Unable to pull up to a sitting position o Unable to walk 10 to 15 steps o Doesn't drink from a sippy cup o Provides frequent objections to foods

o Unable to pull up to a sitting position A 12-month-old infant who is unable to pull up to a sitting position may have delays. The other actions usually have occurred by 12 months, but not necessarily.

Protective arm extension that occurs when an infant is suddenly thrust downward when prone is known as the _________________ reflex

parachute The parachute reflex appears by age 7 to 9 months. This is a protective arm extension that occurs when an infant is suddenly thrust downward when prone.

according to Piaget, preschool children are in the _______ phase of development

preoperational (language, symbolic functioning, egocentrism, aniism, centering)

child ages 3 - 5 is referred to as ___________

preschool child. perparation to enter school, development of cooperative play, control of body functions, acceptence of separation, memory and attention span increase

one effective method of discipline for a preschool child is to a. reward the child for good behavior b. give the child a light spanking c. review the reasons for discipline d. stop interacting w the child

reward the child for good behavior (increases the likelihood that this behavior will continue)

4. What is the most appropriate activity for a 5-year-old child? o Riding a tricycle o Playing a soccer game o Watching television o Stacking colorful blocks

riding a tricycle Five-year-olds can ride a tricycle around the playground with speed and dexterity. Adults should encourage them to develop motor skills. The number and types of television or computer programs that parents allow the preschool child to watch are topics for discussion. The 5-year-old may want to spend a great deal of time watching television or playing computer games. Television and computer games should not be allowed to interfere with good health habits.

4. What characteristic of physical development best describes the development of an 8-month-old? o Sits steadily alone o Shows preference for one hand Incorrect o Cruises on furniture o Development of tears

sits steadily alone Physical development of the 8-month-old includes sitting steadily alone, using the index finger and thumb as pincers, poking at objects, and enjoying dropping an article into a cup and emptying it.

3. A group of preschool children sit on chairs they have arranged in two lines to pretend they are riding a bus. What type of play is this an example of? o Centering o Parallel play o Artificialism o Symbolic functioning

symbolic functioning Symbolic functioning is seen in the play of children who pretend that an empty box is a fort; they create a mental image to stand for something that is not there.

the best example of egocentric thinking a. the airplane takes me to grandmas b. water is blue because someoone colored it c. this big box is a truck d. the moon sleeps during the daytime

the airplane takes me to grandmas

choose the most appropriate teaching for parents of a child w enuresis a. enuresis is suggestive of emotional instability in a child b. the childs fluid intake should be restricted during the day c. the child should empty his bladder before going to bed d. a relapse during treatment for enuresis is uncommon

the child should empty his bladder before going to bed.

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