Ch 20 Test - A Nation of Cities: US History AGS
Many Jewish families from ______ came to the United States to escape religious persecution.
The ______ was a gift from France.
Statue of Liberty
______ in most factories were very bad because of long hours, poor air quality, and dangerous machines.
Working conditions
F. W. Woolworth founded one of the first ______ in the country.
department stores
Large quantities of items were made in factories using process known as ______.
mass production
The ______ industry was centered in Chicago, Illinois.
Cleveland, Ohio, became known as a center for the ______ industry.
oil refining
Immigrants with different customs and who could not speak English were usually met with ______.
Many employers were not concerned with ______.
Cities had poor ______, which caused health problems for everyone.
Immigrant families traveled to the United States in the ______ of steamships.
Public transportation often took the form of ______ pulled by horses and later powered by electricity.
Workers would receive as little as $6.00 in ______ for a sixty-hour week of back-breaking work.