ch. 21 history main ideas

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Progressives were a group of Reformers in the lat 1800s and early 1900s. They did not like all the wealth and power in the hands of only few people. They did not believe hat government should be involved in industry. Also, they believed that it was the people's duty to help the less fortunate. (Tariff Reform, Prohibition, suffrage, Recall, initiative, orphan system)

who were progressives and what ideas did they share? Name some Progressive reforms.

Roosevelt was a Republican and supported the progressives. He was known as a "trustbuster" and broke up trusts as big as J.P. Morgan's. He used arbitration to settle striking dilemas and was a strong believer int he "square deal." He also worked to conserve wildlife. (pure food and drug act)

Describe T. Roosevelt'f progressive reforms.

Government continued to be corrupted because of political machines which controlled local governments. They were led by "political bosses" who were often dishonest people but would gain favor by helping the citizens of a city. They would accept bribes know as kickbacks and become very rich but in a dishonest manner. (Also, the spoils system) Patronage Government would bring in people who supported their ideas.

How did corruption in city governments grow?

First, the government tried to regulate business through the Sherman Anti-trust Act which stopped all monopolies. The government worked to control the rates of railroads and also the trucking industry. The government also tried to raise Trustbusters. They had all the meat be inspected.

How did government (Congress) try to regulate big business?

Life for an race except WhiteProtestants was hard in the 1890s. Asians and Japanese were banned to immigrate to the U.S. any longer. The African American society also faces discrimination. Especially he KKK went after them and burnt down their houses, churches, and schools. They also lynched more than 2,600 African Americans. THere was also discrimination against different religions such as Jewish ad Catholics. Protestants were threatened by the Catholics because they thought people discriminated against Jews. Man Landlords, employers, and schools would not let Jews buy land, work in some places, or even go to some schools. Plessy vs. Ferguson (allowed discrimination) Trade unions also left them our except Knights of Labor

How was life becoming more difficult for minorities during the 1890's?

The affect that the Chinese Exclusion Act have on all Asian immigration was that Asians could not come to America. It was illegal. So that meant they could not be free. Also companies who used them so they did not have to pay higher income for the Chinese were mad cause now they had to use Americans who cost more money. IT led to predigests against all Asians.

What affect did the Chinese Exclusion Act have on all Asian immigration?

They involved themselves in many reform movements besides women suffrage. For example in 1912 pressure from women's clubs helped persuade Congress to create the children's Bureau in the Labor Department. They also worked for women's suffrage and rights to vote. They also made women's trade unions- The Women's Trade Union League. Another is Women's Christian Temperance Union.: Women wanted the right to vote and finally after many years the 19th Amendment was passed and allowed women to vote. THey also tried to get higher education: yes and no tried to get more equal pay between men and women: yes and no

What opportunities did woman seek to gain in the Progressive era? Were they successful?

Wilsons "New Freedom" was that he persuaded the Democrat and controlled Congress to adopt a lower tariff on imported goods such as wool, steel, and farm equipment. He believed that the pressure of foreign competition would lead American manufacturers to improve their products and lower their prices. The progressive goals he accomplished were the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission, and Clayton Antitrust Act.: Wilson's campaign to end Big Buisness was know as "New Freedom." He helped to regulat banking and he investigated coorperations for unfair trade. (Tariff reform, Federal Reserve Act (regulate banking), Federal Trade Commision-Clayton Antitrust Act)

What was Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom? What progressive goals were accomplished?

It slowed down after 1914 because Americans turned their attention to world affairs especially the war that had broke out in Europe in 1914. WWI

Why did the Progressive Movement slow down after 1914?

Muckrakers influenced the public opinion by describing life of the poor and disgusting living conditions. This helped persuade congress to fix these matters. Muckrakers were journalists who exposed sscandal. They wanted to reveal the truth and expose the political criminals t the people. They took pictures and illustrated things, wrote books (The Jungle) They also exposed child labor and poor working conditions.

how and why did muckrakers try to influence public opinion?

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