Ch 23 case study's and further study questions

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Wayne, a 67 yr old presented to the emergency department with the following symptoms: cold extremity of the right foot and ankle, severe pain, pale right foot and ankle, and no pedal pulse of right foot or ankle. what is the preliminary diagnoses?

arterial occlusion

A 65 yr old male patient is scheduled for a femoropopliteal bypass procedure. He is diabetic, and his overall health appears to be worsening. what effects of diabetes might lead to the need for the patient to have this procedure?

atherosclerosis is more common and accelerated in diabetic patients

Joe is a 50 yr old man who was brought to the emergency department in hemorrhagic shock due to a ruptured abdominal aneurysm. The surgeon called the surgery department to alert them that he is in transit with the patient for immediate intervention. The OR team leader, in turn, has notified the ST and the circulator who are assigned to the case. The surgical team springs into action. what instruments will be needed first?

blade, clamps, large abdominal retractor, scissors, forceps

A 67 year old male patient arrives in the ED complaining of progressively worsening bouts of right leg weakness. his wife notes that he is confused and often has trouble forming words at these times, which typically lasts about a day. The right leg weakness improves only slightly from instance to instance, leaving his weaker each time. Because the symptoms are transient, he has put off seeing a physician until now. His wife is worried that he might be having a stroke. He reports having smoked a pack of cigarettes each day for the past 45 years. what surgical procedure will be scheduled?

carotid endarterectomy

A 65 yr old male patient is scheduled for a femoropopliteal bypass procedure. He is diabetic, and his overall health appears to be worsening. what are the complications of this procedure and for which of these is the patient at most risk?

delayed healing, more prone to infection, must monitor patient closely

Wayne, a 67 yr old presented to the emergency department with the following symptoms: cold extremity of the right foot and ankle, severe pain, pale right foot and ankle, and no pedal pulse of right foot or ankle. what diagnostic examinations will be done?

doppler ultrasound, plethysmography, phleborheography, angiography

Joe is a 50 yr old man who was brought to the emergency department in hemorrhagic shock due to a ruptured abdominal aneurysm. The surgeon called the surgery department to alert them that he is in transit with the patient for immediate intervention. The OR team leader, in turn, has notified the ST and the circulator who are assigned to the case. The surgical team springs into action. what supplies will the ST open onto the sterile field first?

laps, sterile water, laparotomy pack, abdominal drapes, suction tubing, basic suture (ties), ESU

A 65 yr old male patient is scheduled for a femoropopliteal bypass procedure. He is diabetic, and his overall health appears to be worsening. what are the possible post op prognoses for this patient?

lifestyle changes to slow the process (ex. diet, medication)

Joe is a 50 yr old man who was brought to the emergency department in hemorrhagic shock due to a ruptured abdominal aneurysm. The surgeon called the surgery department to alert them that he is in transit with the patient for immediate intervention. The OR team leader, in turn, has notified the ST and the circulator who are assigned to the case. The surgical team springs into action. what instrument sets will be needed?

major laparotomy set, cardiovascular set, large abdominal retractors

A 67 year old male patient arrives in the ED complainig of progressively worsening bouts of right leg weakness. his wife notes that he is confused and often has trouble forming words at these times, which typically lasts about a day. The right leg weakness improves only slightly from instance to instance, leaving his weaker each time. Because the symptoms are transcient, he has put off seeing a physician until now. His wife is worried that he might be having a stroke. He reports having smoked a pack of cigarrettes each day for the past 45 years. what tests might the ED physician order to arrive at a diagnosis?

ultrasound- to check carotid vessels, CAT scan-check for cerebral infarction, selective carotid arteriogram- diagnoses location and severity of stenosis

Wayne, a 67 yr old presented to the emergency department with the following symptoms: cold extremity of the right foot and ankle, severe pain, pale right foot and ankle, and no pedal pulse of right foot or ankle. will surgical intervention be necessary? if so, what procedure will be scheduled?

yes thrombectomy

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