Ch. 29 America and the Cold War

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Alger Hiss

1948, Whittaker Chambers, a self about former communist agent, now conservative and a direct time magazine, told the committee that __________ _________ had passed classified state department documents to him in 1937 to 1938. When his sued him for slander, chambers produced microfilms of the documents.

Central Intelligence Agency

A _____________ __________________ _______________ would replace the wartime office of strategic services and would be responsible for collecting information through both open and covert methods, as the cold war continued, it would also engage secretly and political and military operations on behalf of American goals.

General MacArthur's Views of the war and strategy

After a surprise American invasion at Inchon in September had routed the North Korean forces from the south and send them flying back across the 38th parallel, Truman gave MacArthur permission to pursue the Communists into their own territory. His aim, as American sponsored UN resolution proclaimed in October, was to create a unified independent and democratic Korea .

Security Council

And a ________________ ______________, with permanent representatives of the five major powers (the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and China) each of which would have veto power. The _____________ ______________ would also have temporary delegates from several other nations.

National Housing Act of 1949

And it passed the ________________ ______________ ________ ______ ___________, which provided the construction of 810,000 units of low income housing accompanied by long term rent subsidies.

House of Un-American Activities Committee

Beginning in 1947, the ______________ _____ ______-________________ _______________ ____________________ held widely publicized investigations prove that, under democratic rule, the government had tolerated if not actually encouraged communist subversion. The committee turn first to the movie industry arguing that Communists had infiltrated Hollywood and tainted American films with propaganda.

Labor unrest

By the end of 1945, there had already been major strides in the automobile, electrical, and still industries.

Growing fear of Communism

Communism was not an imagined and me in the 1950s. It had tangible shape, and Josef Stalin's and the Soviet union To concern to where the setbacks America had encountered and it's battle against communism the Korean still me the loss of china the Soviet development of the atomic bomb.

West German Republic

Convinced that egg reconstructed Germany was essential to the hopes of the west, Truman reached an agreement with England and France to merge the three western zones of occupation into a new __________ _____________ ______________.

Chiang Kai-Shek

Even before the war ended, the American government was aware of those hopes faced a major perhaps insurmountable obstacle, the Chinese government of ______________ ______-___________. He was generally friendly to the United States, but he had a few other virtues. His government was corrupt and incompetent. His popular legitimacy was feeble. And he lived in a world of surreal isolation.

Mao Zedong

Ever since 1927, the national government you headed had been engaged in a prolonged and bitter rivalry with the kind meanest armies of ________ ________________.

Atlantic Charter

First openly outlined in the ______________ _____________ in 1941, it was a vision of a world in which nations abandoned their traditional belief in military alliances and spheres of influence and governed their relations with one another through democratic processes, with an international organization serving as the arbiter of disputes and the protector of every nation's right of self determination.

McCarran Internal Security Act

In 1950 the Congress passed the ______________ ___________ ______________ ________, which among other restrictions on subversive activity, required that all communist organizations register with the government and publish their records.

United Mine Workers Strike

In April 1946, John L. Lewis lead the United mine workers out on straight, shutting down the coalfields for 40 days. Fears grew rapidly without vital core supplies, the entire nation with my virtually grind to a halt. Truman finally forced the coal production to resume by ordering government seizure of the mines.

Economic Cooperation Administration

In April, Congress approved the creation of the ________________ ________________ __________________, the agency that would administer the Marshall plan, as it became known. And over the next three years, the Marshall plan channeled over $12 billion of American aid to Europe, helping to spark substantial economic revival.

Yalta Confrence

In February 1945, Roosevelt joined Churchill and Stalin for a great peace conference in the Soviet city of Yalta. On a a number of issues, the Big Three reached mutually satisfactory agreements. In return for Stalin's renewed promise to enter the Pacific war, Roosevelt agreed that the Soviet Union should receive some of the territory in the Pacific that Russia had lost in the Russo Japanese war.

Division of German into two nations

In the spring of 1949, Stahelin lifted the now ineffective blockade, and in October, the division of Germany into two nations, the federal republic in the west and the democratic republic in the east, became official.

Expansion of Social Security

It approved and important expansion of the Social Security system, increasing benefits by 75% and extending them to 10 million additional people.

Factions in the Democratic Party

Many Democratic liberals who are unhappy with Truman where unwilling to leave the party. They attempted instead to replace the president as the parties nominee in 1948. The Americans for democratic action coalition of liberals, try to entice Dwight D Eisenhower, the popular war hero to contest the nomination. Only after Eisenhower a fuse did liberals bow to the inevitable and concede to the nomination of Truman.

Truman Doctrine

On 12 March 1947, Truman appeared before Congress and used Keenans warnings as the basis of what became known as the ___________ _____________. "that it must be the policy of the United States to support the program free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or other outside pressures."

Start of The Korean War, The US and Soviet Unions role

On 24 June 1950 the armies of communist North Korea swept across the southern border and invaded pro western half of Korean Peninsula to the south. Within days they had occupied much of South Korea, including its capital. Almost immediately in the United States committed itself to the conflict. It was the first American military engagement of the cold war. The Korean conflict was the result of several years of tension with in the peninsula. By the summer of 1945, both the United States and the Soviet Union had sent troops in Korea against the Japanese. When World War II ended, neither the Americans nine Soviets were willing to leave. Instead they divided the nation along about 38th parallel.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

On 4 April 1949, 12 nations signed an agreement establishing the ___________ ______________ _____________ __________________ and declaring that an armed attack against one member would be considered attack against all. The NATO countries would, moreover, maintain standing military force in Europe to defend against with many believe was the threat of the Soviet invasion.

Election of 1948

On election night, Truman won a narrow but decisive victory 49.5% of the popular vote to do is 45.1%, and electro margin of 303 to 189.

Free Elections in Poland

Roosevelt and Churchill insisted that the pro Western London poles must be allowed to place in the Warsaw Regime. Roosevelt envisioned a government based on free democratic elections — which both he and Stalin agreed Pro Western forces would win.

Issue with Poland

Roosevelt and Churchill were willing to agree to a movement of the Soviet border westward, allowing Stalin to annex some historically Polish Territory. But The government there was not Pro communist.


Serious strains had already begun to develop in the alliance with the Soviet Union in January 1943, when Roosevelt and Churchill met in __________________, Morocco, to discuss Allied Strategy. The two leaders could not accept Stalin's most important demand— the immediate opening of a second front in Western Europe. But they tried to reassure Stalin by announcing that they would accept nothing less than the unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers.

Increased minimum wage

Sherman didn't win some important victories, to be sure. Congress raise the legal minimum wage from $.40-$.75 an hour.

Women in Workforce

Some of the war workers particularly women left the workforce voluntarily, out of a desire to return to their formal domestic lives. But as many as 80% of women workers, and virtually all black and Hispanic males, wanted to continue working.

What were the Democrats accused of

The Democrats were accused of making it possible for communists to infiltrate the government.

Shelley v. Kraemer

The Supreme Court, and meantime, signaled its own growing awareness of the issue by ruling, in ____________ ____ ______________ (1948), that the courts could not be used to enforce private covenants meant to bar blacks from residential neighborhoods. But achievements of the Truman years made only a minor dent in the structure of segregation, but they were the tentative beginnings of a federal commitment to the confront problem of race.

Us Response to the war

The Truman administration responded quickly. On 27 June 1950, the president ordered limited American military assistance to South Korea, and on the same day he appealed to the United Nations the to intervene.

Motives for the Marshall Plan

The Truman doctrine was a way of accommodating the status quo, excepted that there was no immediate likelihood of overturning the communist government stolen had established in Eastern Europe. On the other hand it was a strategy for the future, communism was and innately expansionist fours, and it must be contained within its present boundaries.

Zones of occupation

The United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union would each control its own zone of occupation in Germany, the zones to be determined by the position of troops at the end of the war.

Atomic Energy Commission

The __________ ___________ ___________________, established in 1946, became the supervisory body charged with overseeing all the nuclear research, civilian and military alike.

Teheran Confrence

The _____________ ______________ seemed in most respects a success. Roosevelt and Stalin established a cordial personal relationship. Stalin agreed to an American request that the Soviet Union enter the war in the Pacific soon after the end of hostilities in Europe. Roosevelt in turn promised that an Anglo American second front would be established within 6 months. All three leaders agreed in principle to a postwar international organization and to efforts to prevent the resurgence of German expansionism.

The Martin Letter

The _____________ ______________. Came after nine months during which McArthur had registered Truman's decisions.

National Securities Council

The ______________ ________________ _______________, operating out of the White House, would govern foreign and military policy.

National Securities Act of 1947

The _______________ ______________ ___________ _____ ___________, reshape the nation some major military and diplomatic institutions. A new department of defense would oversee all branches of arm services, combining functions previously performed separately by the war and navy departments.

Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

The ___________________ _____________________ _________ ________ ______________ , provided housing, education, and job training subsidies to veterans and increased spending even further.

America's post WWII economy

The crisis over seas was not the only frustrations the American people and countered after the war. The nation I was of a serious, if short-lived, economic difficulties in adapting to the peace. And it suffered from an exceptional heated political climate that produce the new wave of insecurity and repression. Let me check on that

Warsaw Pact

The formation of NATO spurred the Soviet union to create an alliance of its own with the communist governments in Eastern Europe in alliance formalized in 1955 by the ___________ __________.

The Rosenbergs

The government claimed ________ ___________________ have received secret information on from Ethel's brother, a machinist on the Manhattan project in New Mexico and had passed it onto the Soviet union through other agents. They were convince convicted and on 5 April 1851 sentenced to death.

United Nations

The new _____________ ________________ would contain a General Assembly, in which every member would be represented.

Election of 1952

The response at the pause was overwhelming. Eisenhower won both a popular and electoral landslide 55% of the popular vote to Stevenson 44%, 442 electoral votes to Stevenson's 89. Republicans gain control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1946.

NSC 68

The result was the national Security Council report, issued in 1950 and commonly known as __________ _______, which outlined a shift in the American position. The first statements of the containment doctrine in the writings of George Keenan, the Truman Doctrine speech, had made at least some distinctions between areas of Vital interest to the United States.


This flood of consumer demand ensure that there would be no new depression, but it contributed to more than two years of serious _______________, during which prices rose at rates of fi 14 to 15% annually.

Potsdam meeting

To settle them, Truman met in July at Potsdam, in Russian occupied Germany, with Churchill and Stalin. Truman reluctantly excepted adjustments of the Polish- German border that stolen had one demanded, he refused, however, to permit the Russians to claim any reparations from the American, French, and British zones of Germany.

Office of Defense Mobilization

Truman Set up the ____________ _____ _____________ __________________ to fight inflation by holding down prices and discouraging hire union wage demands.

Truman's view of Stalin

Truman unlike Roosevelt sided with those in the government who consider the Soviet union fundamentally untrustworthy and viewed stolen himself with suspicion and even loathing.

Berlin Airlift

Unwilling to risk war through a military response to a blockade, he ordered a massive airlift to supply the city with food, fuel, and other needed goods. The airlift continued for more than 10 months, transporting nearly 2,500,000 tons of material, keeping a city of 2 million people live, and transforming West brewing into a symbol of the Wests resolve to resist Communist expansion.

November 1946 Republican Control of Congress

Using the simple but devastating slogan "Had Enough?" Won the Republican Party one control of both houses of Congress. The new Republican Congress quickly moved to reduce government spending and Chipaway at new deal reforms. It's most notable action, perhaps, was the assault on the Wagner act of 1935.


With its passing went any realistic hope of a postwar constructed according to the Atlantic charter ideals of Roseville and others had supported. Instead a new American policy was slowly emerging. It became known as _________________. Rather than attempting to create a unified, open world, the west would work to contain the threat of further Soviet expansion.

Joeseph McCarthy

_____________ _______________ , First term Republican senator from Wisconsin, burst into national prominence in 1950. In the mitts of a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia he lifted up his sheet of paper and claimed to hold in my hand the list of 205 known communists currently working in the American state department. Most prominent leader of the crusade against domestic subversion.

Truman's Fair Deal

______________ ________ __________ called for expansion of Social Security benefits, raise the legal minimum wage from $.40-$.65 an hour, a program to ensure full employment through aggressive use of federal spending and investment, a permanent fair employment practices act, public housing and some clearance, long range environmental and Public Works planning, and government promotion of scientific research.

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