Ch 3 Gov

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Article V

Amending the Constitution

7th Amendment

Civil Trials, (in federal courts), no criminal matters but rather a dispute between whomever, and only a jury if money exceeds $20 but can be waived if parties agree to bench trial with just judge.

6th Amendment

Criminal Proceedings, right to be tried in court without delay by impartial jury, be told of supposed crime, to cross-examine hostile witnesses and able to choose favorable witnesses to testify, and to have an attorney all the way.

5th Amendment

Criminal Proceedings;Due Process; Eminent Domain. Charged only if person is indicted by grand jury, no double jeopardy, doesn't have to talk, Government can take property for public but has to pay compensation.

9th Amendment

Enumerated Rights, despite the fact of a lot of rights listed in the Constitution to protect against government, doesn't mean the people don't have other rights not listed.

Article II

Executive branch

Judicial review

Final decision on Constitution issues

1st Amendment

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition.

Limited government

Government has limits.

Article III

Judicial branch

Article I

Legislative branch

Separation of Powers

Legislative makes laws (Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate), Executive enforces laws (President) and Judicial interpret and apply laws for cases (Supreme Court)

Article VI

National debts,supremacy of national law, and oaths of office


Nationwide laws.

Popular sovereignty

People's source of power.

10th Amendment

Power Reserved to the States, States have a certain number of powers just as the National Government does not have all of them, yet these powers are not a right but may be exercisable.

8th Amendment

Punishment for Crimes, can post bail to return to court in due time, and has to be reasonable to nature of crime for the case, prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

Article VII

Ratifying the Constitution

Article IV

Relations among the States

2nd Amendment

Right to Bear Arms

4th Amendment

Searches and arrest cannot be without a warrant with probable cause, and evidence gained from not complying with this can't be used in court.


States can create laws so long they do not come into conflict with federal laws.

The federal government decided that state governments were no longer necessary.

The 10th Amendment prohibits this.

A US representative prohibited a local newspaper from printing an editorial that was critical of her record.

The 1st Amendment prohibits this.

A group of labor leaders was told that they could not conduct a peaceful rally in the town square.

The 1st Amendment prohibits this.

Congress passed a law banning the practice of Buddhism in the US.

The 1st Amendment prohibits this.

The citizens of Upper Creek voted to double the taxes of all Catholics.

The 1st Amendment prohibits this.

The US attorney general ordered all American citizens to turn in their rifles and pistols by noon on Saturday.

The 2nd Amendment prohibits this.

During peacetime the army ordered the residents of Seaville to house its soldiers.

The 3rd Amendment prohibits this.

For no apparent reason, the police stopped Rita while she was driving and began to search through her car trunk and personal luggage.

The 4th Amendment prohibits this.

The police decided to place a bug in Kevin's home telephone in the hope that they would uncover some kind of crime.

The 4th Amendment prohibits this.

Luke was found innocent of armed robbery, but the state decided to bring him to trial again anyway.

The 5th Amendment prohibits this.

The judge insisted that the defendant take the stand and explain his actions on the night of the alleged crime.

The 5th Amendment prohibits this.

After being charged with arson, Nathaniel was denied the right of counsel for his defense.

The 6th Amendment prohibits this.

Henry was arrested for shoplifting but was not brought to trial for five years.

The 6th Amendment prohibits this.

Melissa was arrested and placed in jail without being informed of the nature or cause of accusation.

The 6th Amendment prohibits this.

In a civil trial where the dispute was more than $20, both sides were denied a jury trial.

The 7th Amendment prohibits this.

After being found guilty of driving while intoxicated, the court ordered that Carolyn spend the next 30 years in solitary confinement.

The 8th Amendment prohibits this.

Judge MT Nash ordered a doctor to cut off the right hand of Mary, a convicted pickpocket.

The 8th Amendment prohibits this.

Judge Stone placed Kyle's bail for cheating on a high school exam at $500,00.

The 8th Amendment prohibits this.

Congress told the state of Montana that it would no longer be able to issue marriage licenses.

The 9th Amendment prohibits this.

The president declared that only rights Americans have are those listed in the first eight amendments.

The 9th Amendment prohibits this.


The division of power among a central government and several regional governments

Checks and balances

The three branches can't do much without the consent of the other two

3rd Amendment

Troops not to housed during peace

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