Ch. 31 New Frontiers: The 1960's

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The city that described itself as "too busy to hate" was:


The strongest and most visible opposition to Diem's government was led by:


The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission was created by the:

Civil Rights Act of 1964

All of the following became critical of Johnson's Vietnam policy EXCEPT:

General William Westmoreland

President Johnson labeled his overall program of domestic reform the:

Great Society

Tensions escalated in Southeast Asia by 1961 with increasing Communist influence in:


On June 5, 1968, Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed:

Robert Kennedy

The Tet offensive marked a turning point in public support for the war in Vietnam.


By 1966, black leaders like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown were proponents of what they termed:

black power

The Cuban missile crisis:

brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war

In his Letter from Birmingham City Jail, Martin Luther King:

declared his willingness to break unjust laws

The major purpose of the Soviet missiles placed in Cuba was to:

deter another American-supported invasion of Cuba

The Tet offensive of early 1968:

dramatically affected public support for Johnson's war policy

By the mid-1960s, Martin Luther King had decided to:

emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor

In retrospect, Johnson's war on poverty:

generated middle-class resentment that benefited the Republicans

Kennedy's successor as president, Lyndon Johnson:

genuinely cared about the disadvantaged in society

President Johnson's first priority on the domestic front was to:

get Kennedy's legislative program through Congress

The purpose of Kennedy's proposed tax cut was to:

help the economy by stimulating consumer spending

The person most persuasive in getting President Kennedy to endorse civil rights would have been:

his brother, Robert

President Kennedy's cabinet was dominated by:

men with new ideas and fresh thinking

In the 1964 campaign, Republican nominee Barry Goldwater:

offered a sharply conservative alternative to Johnson's policies

The Civil Rights Act of 1964:

outlawed segregation in public facilities

John F. Kennedy was careful to conceal from the public during the 1960 campaign his:

personal health

Michael Harrington's book, The Other America, influenced President Johnson to declare war on:


In its controversial Miranda v. Arizona decision, the Warren Court:

required that an accused person be informed of certain basic rights

When Alabama governor George Wallace was ordered by federal marshals to stand aside from the doorway at the University of Alabama so that black students could enter, Wallace:

stood aside

Violence erupted in 1962 when James Meredith attempted to integrate:

the University of Mississippi

The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was:

the sit-in

Johnson's Medicare program provided medical benefits to:

those over age sixty-five

The Bay of Pigs invasion:

was thoroughly bungled by the CIA

The Tonkin Gulf resolution:

was used by Johnson as a substitute for a declaration of war

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