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Doppler sonography reveals vascular structures coursing over the internal os of the cervix. This finding is indicative of: a. Vasa previab. Placenta previac. Placenta incretad. Abruptio placentae


Mothers with pregestational diabetes, as opposed to gestational diabetes, have an increased risk of a fetus with: a. Neural tube defects b. Proteinuriac. TORCHd. Diethylstilbestrol


Nonimmune hydrops is associated with all of the following except: a. RH isoimmunizationb. Pleural effusionc. Turner syndrome d. Fetal infections


Placenta accrete denotes:a. The abnormal attachment of the placenta to the myometriumb. The premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall c. The invasion of the placenta into the myometriumd. The condition of having the fetal vessels rest over the internal os


Pregnancy-induced maternal high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine after 20 weeks' gestation is termed: a. Preeclampsiab. Gestational diabetesc. Eclampsiad. Gestational trophoblastic disease


The measurement that should be carefully scrutinized in cases of IUGR is the: a. ACb. Femur lengthc. Biparietal diameter d. Head circumference


The normal umbilical cord insertion point into the placenta is: a. Central b. Superior margin c. Inferior margin d. Lateral margin


The placenta releases _____ to maintain the corpus luteum. a. human chorionic gonadotropinb. follicle-stimulating hormonec. luteinizing hormone d. gonadotropin-stimulating hormone


Which of the following is described as the situation in which the placental edge extends into the lower uterine segment but ends more than 2 cm away from the internal os? a. Low-lying placenta b. Marginal previac. Partial previad. Total previa


Evidence of polyhydramnios should warrant a careful investigation of the fetal: a. Genitourinary system b. Gastrointestinal system c. Extremitiesd. Cerebrovascular system


Normally, the S/D ratio:a. Increases with advancing gestationb. Decreases with advancing gestationc. Reverses occasionally during a normal pregnancy d. Has an absent diastolic component


The placenta is considered too thick when it measures: a. >4 mm b. >4 cm c. >8 mm d. >3.5 cm


Which of the following would increase the likelihood of developing placenta previa? a. Vaginal bleedingb. Previous cesarean section c. Corpus albicansd. Chorioangioma


With Rh isoimmunization, the maternal antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the fetal: a. Spleenb. Red blood cells c. Liverd. White blood cells


A succenturiate lobe of the placenta refers to a: a. Bilobed placental lobeb. Circumvallate placental lobec. Accessory lobe d. Circummarginate placental lobe


A velamentous cord insertion is associated with which of the following? a. Placenta incretab. Placental abruptionc. Vasa previa d. Circumvallate placenta


All of the following are associated with a thick placenta except: a. Fetal infectionsb. Rh isoimmunizationc. Placental insufficiency d. Multiple gestations


All of the following are associated with a thin placenta except: a. Preeclampsia b. IUGRc. Fetal hydropsd. Long-standing diabetes


Doppler assessment of the middle cerebral artery:a. Helps to determine whether fetal anorexia is occurringb. Is valuable in diagnosing the extent of ventriculomegalyc. Can evaluate the fetus for hypoxiad. Is important to determine whether TORCH complications are present


Fetal TORCH is frequently associated with: a. Maternal hypertensionb. Twin-twin transfusion syndromec. Intracranial calcifications d. Renal cystic disease


Increased S/D ratio is associated with all of the following except: a. IUGR b. Placental insufficiency c. Allantoic cystsd. Perinatal mortality


Insertion of the umbilical cord at the edge of the placenta is referred to as: a. Velamentous cord insertion b. Partial cord insertionc. Marginal cord insertiond. Nuchal cord insertion


One of the most common causes of painless vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimesters is: a. Spontaneous abortion b. Abruptio placentaec. Placenta previad. Placenta accrete


The cervix should measure at least _____ in length. a. 4 cm b. 5 cm c. 3 cm d. 8 mm


The maternal contribution to the placenta is the: a. Chorionic verab. Decidua verac. Decidua basalis d. Chorion frondosum


What would be most likely confused for a uterine leiomyoma? a. Placental infarctb. Chorioangiomac. Myometrial contraction d. Placenta previa


All of the following are associated with oligohydramnios except: a. Bilateral renal agenesisb. Infantile polycystic kidney disease c. Premature rupture of membranes d. Duodenal atresia


All of the following are associated with polyhydramnios except: a. Omphalocele b. Gastroschisisc. Esophageal atresiad. Bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney disease


All of the following are clinical features of placental abruption except: a. Vaginal bleedingb. Uterine tendernessc. Abdominal pain d. Funneling of the cervix


An anechoic mass is noted within the umbilical cord during a routine sonographic examination. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Hemangioma b. Vasa previac. Chorioangioma d. Allantoic cyst


IUGR is evident when the EFW is: a. Above the 90th percentileb. Below the 90th percentilec. Above the 10th percentile d. Below the 10th percentile


Mothers with gestational diabetes run the risk of having fetuses that are considered: a. Nutritionally deficient b. Acromegalicc. Microsomicd. Macrosomic


Penetration of the placenta beyond the uterine wall would be referred to as: a. Placenta accrete b. Placenta increta c. Placenta previa d. Placenta percreta


Pools of maternal blood noted within the placental substance are referred to as: a. Accessory lobes b. Decidual casts c. Chorioangiomas d. Maternal lakes


The abnormal insertion of the umbilical cord into the membranes beyond the placental edge is termed: a. Placenta previab. Placental abruptionc. Marginal insertiond. Velamentous insertion


The fetal contribution of the placenta is the: a. Chorionic verab. Decidua verac. Decidua basalis d. Chorion frondosum


The most common placental tumor is the: a. Choriocarcinomab. Maternal lakec. Chorioangioma d. Allantoic cyst


The normal umbilical cord has: a. One vein and one arteryb. Two veins and two arteries c. Two veins and one artery d. Two arteries and one vein


When the placenta completely covers the internal os, it is referred to as: a. Low-lying previab. Marginal previa c. Partial previa d. Total previa


Which of the following would be least likely associated with immune hydrops? a. Fetal hepatomegaly b. Fetal splenomegaly c. Anasarcad. Leiomyoma


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