ch. 4 psychology connect questions

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diathesis-stress model

A perspective on psychological disorders that posits that problems are the result of an interaction between a preexisting condition and exposure to an environmental trigger is known as _________.

mature coping skills

In 16-year-old Kale's family, everyone is allowed to assert his or her own opinion. Kale is also encouraged to reflect on how his actions and words may affect others. Kale is likely to develop ______.

low self-esteem

Laura, age 17, has very strict parents. She is rarely granted any autonomy, and verbal give-and-take with her parents is rare. Laura is at risk for developing ______


Manuel is responsible, self-assured, creative, intellectually curious, and socially skilled. He is a straight-A student. Which type of parenting has Manuel most likely received?

personality, temperament, behavior

Identify characteristics of children that shape parenting practices.


(Indulgent/Indifferent/Authoritative) parents are more likely to view themselves as resources for their child.


About ______% of children who live with one parent live with their father.

family systems

According to ______ theory, relationships in families change most dramatically during times when individual family members or the family's circumstances are changing.

Morris, who is preoccupied with having been adopted

According to research on adoption, which adolescent is most likely to feel alienated from and mistrustful of his or her adoptive parents?

Mikail, whose perceptions of his family differ a bit from those of his parents

According to research on conflict and communication in families, which adolescent is probably the most well-adjusted?

a white family

According to research on ethnic differences in parenting practices, which family is most likely to use authoritative parenting?

b. The Garcias, a Latino family with more-acculturated adolescents

According to research on generational dissonance, which of the following families is likely to have higher levels of stress and family conflict? a. The Agarwals, an Indian American family with less-acculturated adolescents b. The Garcias, a Latino family with more-acculturated adolescents c. The Walters, a Caucasian family with three teenagers d. The Benjamens, a German American family


According to research on parent-adolescent relationships, 16-year-old Chuy is more likely to fight with his (mother/father) .

a predisposition

According to the diathesis-stress model, which of the following qualifies as a diathesis?


Across ethnic groups and cultures, adolescents tend to be closer to their (mothers/fathers)


Adolescents in (single-parent homes/stepfamilies) __________ are at greater risk for behavioral problems, such as delinquency.


Because ethnic minority families are more likely to live in dangerous communities, _______ parenting may not be harmful and may even offer some benefits.

aggressive, delinquent, and depressed

Adolescents who are exposed to marital conflict and domestic violence are more likely to be _________


Because (early/middle/late) adolescence is a time in which individuals seem to be especially sensitive to stress, parental divorce at this time may have a relatively stronger impact.


Although it is impossible to make a blanket statement about the overall impact of divorce, research finds that for most people this impact is (small/significant) .


Among adolescents who grow up in a family atmosphere that permits the development of individuality against a backdrop of close family ties, conflict between parents and adolescents can play a very (positive/negative) role.

11 or 12

Among families with daughters, disequilibrium tends to occur around age ______.


Among youths who have experienced parental divorce, the majority have adjusted to the change within ______ years.


Anita and her brother Derrik recently experienced their parents' divorce. According to research on individual differences in the effects of divorce, __________ is more likely to have immediate problems

32; 27

Approximately ______% of Black and ______% of Hispanic children grow up in poverty.


At the same time that adolescents are developing the capacity to think systematically about the (future/past) , their parents are beginning to feel that possibilities for their own lives are limited.

biological change

At the same time that adolescents are entering into a period of rapid physical growth, sexual maturation, and the period of the life span that society has labeled one of the most physically attractive, their parents are beginning to feel increased concern about their own bodies. This is an example of a complementary pattern of ______.


Authoritarian parents place importance on (autonomy/compliance) .


By (early/late/middle) adolescence, teenagers act and are treated much more like adults.


Charolette is the mother of 15-year-old Darlene. Charolette's life is often disorganized and, according to Darlene, "full of drama." Charolette tends to focus most of her time on her boyfriend and partying with friends. She has never attended any of Darlene's school activities, and she has only attended two parent-teacher conferences since Darlene started school. Charolette does not know who Darlene's friends are or how she spends her time. According to Baumrind, Charolette's parenting style would be classified as ______.


Compared to early and middle childhood, family expenses often (increase/decrease) during adolescence.


Conflict between parents and children (increases/decreases) in early adolescence.


Contact between adolescents and their fathers following a divorce usually diminishes very (quickly/slowly) after the father moves out of the home.

everyday issues

Cross-cultural research indicates that the most common sources of conflict between adolescents and parents are ______


Differences between the family relations of sons and daughters are (significant/minimal) .


During elementary school, the ______ is the child's central setting.

others' emotional signals

Hailey is a young adolescent. According to research on brain maturation, Hailey may be especially sensitive to ______.

less sibling conflict and a more positive sibling relationship

Harmony and cohesiveness in the parent-adolescent relationship are associated with ______.


Ethnic minority families are (more/less) demanding than White parents.

tiger mother

Ethnic minority parents tend to be more demanding than White parents, even after taking ethnic differences and socioeconomic status into account. An example of this type of parent is a ______.

marital conflict; divorce

Exposure to ______ may be worse for adolescents than the effects of ______.

Increased delinquency Academic problems Diminished sense of mastery Increased emotional distress

Identify all of the outcomes associated with financial strain on adolescents after parental divorce.

behavior problems, problems in school, increased anxiety

Fifteen-year-old Maecy just experienced her parents' divorce. It is not uncommon for teenagers to experience ______ immediately after their parents split up.


For parents, raising adolescents is the (low/high) point in their marriage and life satisfaction.

fewer problems

Generally speaking, adolescents who have regular postdivorce contact with their father have ______.


In general, (girls/boys) have more difficulty adjusting to remarriage.

provide a training ground within which the adolescents learn, practice and perfect antisocial behavior

In poorly functioning families, aggressive interchanges between unsupervised siblings often ______.


In remarriages that last more than ______ years, the adjustment of male and female children is similar.

sleeper effects

Marilyn and her husband divorced 5 years ago, when their son, Avery, was 9. Although Avery had some short-term difficulties following the divorce, he continued to do well in school, maintained positive relationships with his peers, and remained close to both of his parents. However, as a single parent, Marilyn has not been able to exercise as much oversight over Avery as she did before the divorce. Within the last 6 months, Avery has begun to engage in a number of problematic behaviors, including smoking, drinking alcohol on at least three occasions, and leaving school early without permission. Avery's behavior may be due to ______.

diversity within the adolescent population is much more striking than are differences between the generations

When it comes to basic, core values ______.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Mr. Han is anxious about his 10-year-old daughter becoming an adolescent. He is convinced that adolescence will be turbulent and that his daughter will be difficult to raise. Mr. Han's beliefs are an example of ______.

avoid conflict over household rules

Mr. and Mrs. Feldman have two children that are approaching adolescence. One way that the Feldmans can support a strong attachment with their children is to ______.

sandwich generation

Mrs. Garner is the mother of 17-year-old Jeremy. In the past year, both of Mrs. Garner's parents have had serious health issues. Mrs. Garner spends many hours each week checking on her parents, running errands for them, making meals, and cleaning up around their house. Mrs. Garner is part of the "______" generation.


Nearly ______% of young people in foster care enter into their foster home as adolescents.

the most difficult stage of parenting

Nearly two-thirds of mothers and fathers describe adolescence as ______.

delinquency, precocious sexual activity, substance use, and psychological difficulties

On average, adopted individuals show high rates of ______.


One factor that makes a big difference in the adjustment of children in stepfamilies is the nature of the relationship they have with their (custodial/noncustodial) parent.

racial disparity in rates of single parenthood

One reason for the large disparity in poverty rates between White and non-White children is the ______.

lower in single-parent households

Parent-adolescent conflict tends to be ______.


Parental _______ is the degree to which the parent responds to the child's needs in an accepting, supportive manner.


Parental refers to the extent to which the parent expects and demands mature, responsible behavior.

family systems theory

Professor Reynolds is interested in aspects of family functioning that emphasize interconnections among different family relationships, such as marital, parent-child, and sibling. Professor Reynolds studies ______.


When parents attempt to regulate what adolescents believe are personal issues, teens are likely to describe their parents as ______.

both males and female adolescents fare equally well in dual custody or in sole custody

Regarding adjustment to divorce and adolescents' living situation, in the long run ______.

perceived as relatively distant authority figures

Regarding parent-adolescent relationships, fathers are more likely to be ______.


Regarding the issue of power, status, and entrance into adult roles, adolescent choices may seem _____.

unable to accommodate the new stepparent relationship

Remarriage during the adolescent years is extremely stressful when the families are ______.

were exposed to higher levels of marital unhappiness and conflict

Research indicates that children in households that later divorced ______.

35; 45

The midlife crisis is believed to occur between the ages of ______ and ______.

inner-city children

Social support from others may be an especially important resource for ______ growing up in single-parent homes.

differential susceptibility theory

Some individuals are especially susceptible to develop problems when exposed to adverse environmental influences. The idea that these same genetic tendencies also make him or her especially likely to thrive when exposed to positive environmental influences is known as ____________.


The term "______ effects" refers to the effects of divorce that may not be apparent until much later in a child's development.

generational dissonance

The term "_______" refers to the divergence of views between adolescents and their parents that is common in families of immigrant parents and American-born adolescents.


The term "_________" refers to an orientation toward life in which the needs of one's family take precedence over the needs of the individual.


When siblings are treated differently by their parents, it may make them feel unique and lessen sibling ______.


The ________ of the relationship between the adolescent's divorced parents, and not which one he or she lives with, is the key factor to adjustment following divorce.


The divorce rate is (higher/lower) for first marriages than second marriages.


The effects of divorce are (greater/smaller) among youngsters from the United States than from other countries.

self-fulfilling prophecy

The idea that individuals' behavior is influenced by others' expectations of them is called ______.


The impact of divorce on adolescent adjustment is (stronger/weaker) among Black adolescents than among adolescents from other backgrounds.


What proportion of divorced men remarry?

its disruptive impact on parenting

The most important pathway through which divorce may adversely affect adolescent adjustment is through ______.


The notion that parents' mental health declines when they enter the "empty nest" stage is a (fact/myth) .


The peak time for disequilibrium in families with boys is around age ______.


What proportion of divorced women remarry?

1.3 million

There are nearly ______ homeless children and adolescents in the United States.


What proportion of people who married during the 2000s will have divorced within 20 years?


True or false: Adolescents and adults hold very different values and attitudes.


True or false: Adolescents rarely rebel against their parents just for the sake of rebelling.

false; Because the conditions under which divorce, single parenthood, and remarriage take place vary tremendously from family to family, it is hard to generalize about their effects.

True or false: It is relatively easy to generalize about the effects of divorce, single parenthood, and remarriage are evident across time and various ethnic groups.


True or false: Parents and teenagers often argue over major issues.


True or false: Rates of outright family conflict between parents and children are much higher during adolescence.


True or false: Studies indicate that adolescents who feel close to both their father and stepfather have better outcomes than those who feel close to one but not the other.


Tyler is age 17, his younger sister Tara is 10, and his younger brother Danny is 5. Which individual will have the most difficulty adjusting to his or her parents' divorce?

generational dissonance

When an adolescent is more Americanized than his or her parents, ______ can occur.

living with teenagers

When are parents most likely to report having the worst mental health?


Variations (within/among) different family structures are likely to be more important than the similarities among them.

psychosocial maturity

Verbal give-and-take, which is a characteristic of authoritative parenting, provides the foundation for the development of ______.

They were exposed to years of marital conflict prior to the divorce, which caused behavioral problems.

What explains why adolescents from divorced families sometimes experience longer-term effects from divorce?

substance abuse and depression

What factors have strong genetic origins and may explain why parents get divorced, as well as their children's reactions to the divorce?


Which group is more likely to grow up in a divorced family than to actually experience their parent's divorce?

d. Nova, who feels like her eating disorder contributed to her parents' divorce

Which of the following adolescents is likely to be most affected by his or her parents' divorce? a. Corbin, who understands that his parents haven't gotten along in years b. Dallas, who spends more time with his father than his mother c. Lilly, who rarely observed her parents interacting, either negatively or positively d. Nova, who feels like her eating disorder contributed to her parents' divorce

studying adolescents who have been adopted, studying adolescents and their siblings in stepfamilies, and studying adolescents who are twins

Which of the following are the main ways through which researchers study behavioral genetics among adolescents?

the peer group

Which of the following becomes increasingly important during the transition from childhood to adolescence?

d. wearing provocative clothing to a party

Which of the following behaviors is an average 16-year-old most likely to engage in, in order to rebel against her parents? a. Bullying classmates b. Cheating on a science test c. Drinking and driving d. Wearing provocative clothing to a party

Adolescents may inherit problems that contributed to the divorce, such as depression or substance abuse.

Which of the following best describes research findings on how genetics influence adolescents form divorced homes?

mostly female

Which of the following best describes the population of runaway youth in the United States?

They are more likely to respond to positive interventions.

Which of the following does differential susceptibility theory hold about adolescents with problem behaviors?

c. Asian families

Which of the following groups is most likely to experience a delay in family conflict until late in adolescence? a. African families b. Latino families c. Asian families d. European families

school performance

Which of the following has been found to be more heavily influenced by the environment than by genetics? school performance brain maturation aggressive behavior intelligence

styles of dress

Which of the following represents a gap between adolescents and their parents?

b. Just as parents affect their adolescents' behavior, adolescents affect how their parents behave.

Which of the following statements about parent-adolescent relationships is true? a. Harsh discipline leads to decreases in adolescent behavior problems. b. Just as parents affect their adolescents' behavior, adolescents affect how their parents behave. c. Adolescent behavior problems are primarily responsible for family conflict. d. Parent-child socialization is a one-way street.


______ are the most influential in matters of adolescents' personal taste.


______ parents believe that control is an infringement on children's freedom that may interfere with healthy development.


______ parents strive to raise a child who is self-reliant, with a strong sense of initiative.


__________ environmental influences are factors in the environment that individuals, such as siblings, have in common and that make the individuals similar in personality and behavior.

aggressive behavior, intelligence, suicide risk, depression

behaviors and traits that are strongly influenced by genetic factors?

Like his father, Mark engages in high levels of antisocial behavior and primarily hangs out with delinquent peers.

example of how the influence of genetic traits can be affected by environmental factors?

school experiences, differential parental treatment, peer relations

examples of nonshared environmental influences on siblings?

academic competence, autonomy, sociability, health, and self-worth

positive sibling relationships contribute to what outcomes?

Whereas genes create tendencies, environment actualizes those tendencies.

relationship between genetic and environmental influences on adolescent behavior?

family bickering

what increases most substantially during puberty?

a vicious cycle

what is the best model for the relationship between harsh discipline and adolescent behavior problems?

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