Ch. 5

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5. Which of these describe the area of applied ethics that focuses on real-world situations and the context and environment in which transactions occur?

Business ethics

8. ________________________rights are universal and based on norms in every society.


15. All the following aspects are central to servant leadership EXCEPT:

Placing self-interest before anything else

7. Which of the following represents a moral and legal entitlement-based approach?


10 Which of the following describe empowering followers to make decisions and gain control over their work?


3. The ethical dimension of stakeholder theory is based on the view that profit maximization is constrained by justice, that regard for individual rights should be extended to all constituencies who have a stake in a business, and that organizations are not only "economic" in nature but can also act in socially responsible ways.


6. James believes in the principle that an action is morally right if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This represents which of these ethical principles?


9. Which of the following describe values of an organization?

What do we stand for and believe in? What standards can be used to evaluate us and judge us?

12. ______________________is related to influencing behaviors to act in accordance to the law or face consequences.


11. Which of the following describes the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and management interact inside an organization and also handle outside business transactions?

Corporate Culture

14. Which of these describe a belief that corporations have a social responsibility beyond pure profits?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

4. Which of these refers to our choices and decision-making processes and our moral principles and values that govern our behaviors regarding what is right and wrong?


1. Our choices and decision-making processes and our moral principles and values that govern our behaviors regarding what is right and wrong are also part of ethics.


2. Ethical relativism holds that people set their own moral standards for judging their actions.


13. A(n)______________is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by an organization's strategies, major transactions, and activities.


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