Ch 5

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"greek like" lasted from 323 to 30 B.C.E.


"one voice" a musical texture consisting of a single, unaccompanied line of melody


"youth"; a youthful male figure, usually depicted nude in ancient greek scripture; the female counterpart is the kore "maiden"

archaic, kourus

during the ___________ phase of greek sculpture, freestanding representations of the male youth (_________) retain he rigid verticality of tree trunks from which earlier greek sculptures were carved.


during the first 300 years of greek art - the ____________ period - artists painted their ceramic wares with angular figures and complex geometric patterns arranged to enhance the shape of their vessel.

doric, ionic, corinthian

each of the orders - ________, ________, and (in hellenistic times) _________ prescribes a fundamental set of structural and decorative parts, that stand in fixed relation to each other.

classical, humanism

while proportion and order are guiding principles of the __________ style, other features informed greek classicism from earliest times. one of the most apparent is _____________.

proportion, vitruvius

without ____________, that is, the correspondence between the various parts of the whole, there can be no design, argued vitruvius

alexandria, athens, 1 million, julius caesar

________, which replaced _________ as a cultural center, boasted a population of more than ________ people and a library of half a million books (the collection was destroyed by fire when __________ besieged the city in 47 B.C.E.)

socrates, many different models

___________ is noted for having described the idealizing process: he advised the painter parrhasius that he must reach beyond the flawed world of appearances by selecting and combining the most beautiful details of _____________.

alexander, greece, india

___________ was a military genius: within 12 years, he created an empire that stretched from __________ to the borders of modern ___________.

humanism, realism, idealism

___________, ____________, __________ are hallmarks of greek art.

archimedes, pi

____________ of syracuse, who flourished a century later, calculated the value of ___

vitruvius, the human body

_____________ recorded many of the aesthetic principles and structural techniques used by the ancient greeks. in defining the classical canon, he advised that the construction of a building and the relationship between its parts must imitate the proportions of ________________.


a circular structure, generally in classical greek style and probably derived from early tombs


a large version of the lyre (having seven to eleven strings) and the principal instruments of ancient greek music


a lyric poem expressing exalted emotion in honor of a person or special occasion


a series of tones arranged in ascending or descending consecutive order


a type of musical scale characterized by a fixed pattern of pitch and tempo within the octave, because the greeks associated with a different emotional state


a wind instrument used in ancient greece; it had a double reed (held inside the mouth) and a number of finger holes and was always played in pairs, that is, with the performer holding one in each hand; a leather band was often tied around the head to support the cheeks, thus enabling the player to blow harder

alter of zeus

at pergamon stood the largest sculptural complex in the ancient world the ___________.

archaic, smiling

female statues of the __________ period were ornamental, columnar, and (like their male counterparts) __________.


finally the ________ found tranquility of mind in ad doctrine of detachment that allowed them to accept even the worst of life's circumstances


for plato, the uneducated man was a "_____________" man.

buddhist art, sanskrit literature

greek art and literate made a major impact on civilization as far east as india, where it influenced ___________ and ____________.

realistic, idealization

greek art is fundamentally ___________, that is, faithful to nature; but it refines nature in a process of __________, that is, the effort to achieve a perfection that surpasses nature.


hellenic culture produced an impressive group of lyric poets, the greatest of whom was ____________.


his contemporary, the astronomer __________ of samos, proposed that the earth and all the planets revolved around the sun, a theory abandoned by his followers and not confirmed until the 17th century.


in architecture, sculptured or ornamented band


in classical architecture, the parts of a building that stand in fixed and constant relation to each other; the three classical orders are the doric, the ionic, and the corinthian

leonardo da vinci

it was the vitruvian model itself that, thanks to the efforts of the renaissance artist-scientist ________________, became a symbol for the centrality of the ideally proportioned human being in an ideally proportioned universe

philip of macedonia, alexander

manipulating the shifting confederacies and internecine strife to his advantage, ____________ eventually defeated the greeks in 338 B.C.E. when he was assassinated two years later, his 21 year old son, ___________ assumed the macedonian throne.

late classical, female nude

not until the ____________ age (400-323 B.C.E.) did greek sculptures arrive at the sensuous ____________ figures that so inspired hellenistic, roman and renaissance artists.

hellenic, malenudeform

nowhere is the greek affection for the natural beauty of the human body so evident as in __________ sculpture where the ___________ assumed major importance as a subject.


observed that music was governed by mathematical ratios and therefore constituted both a science and a art.

parthenon, athena

scholars have suggested that the ___________ was both a shrine to __________ and a victory monument

epicureans, epicurus

the _______ followers of the greek thinker _________, taught that happiness depended on avoiding all forms of physical excess; they valued plain living and the perfect union of body and mind. _______ held that gods played no part in human life, and that death was nothing more than the rearrangement of atoms of which the body and all of nature consisted.


the _________ held that the spiritual satisfaction was only possible if one renounced societal values, conventions, and material wealth.

aphrodite of knidos, tall and poised, small breasts, broad hips, praxiteles

the ___________ by praxiteles is the first such figures. it established a model for the ideal female nude: ___________, with _________ and __________. regarded by the romans as the finest statue in the world, _________ goddess of love exhibits a subtle counter position of shoulder and hips, smooth body curves, and a face that bears a dreamy, melting gaze.

hellenistic age

the defining features of the _________ were cosmopolitanism, urbanism, and the blending of the greek, african, and asian cultures

muse, zeus, muses

the english word music derives from _________, the greek word describing any of the nine mythological daughters of ________ and the goddess of memory. according to greek mythology, the _______ presided over the arts and the sciences.

(kore), koral

the evolution of the female figure (________) underwent a somewhat different course from that of the male. early ________ were fully clothed and did not appear in the nude until the fourth century B.C.E.


the greek canon made active use that principle of proportion known as _________, that is, correspondence of opposite parts in size, shape, or position, as in evident in the human body

doctrine of ethos

the greeks believed, moreover, the music had a moral influence. this argument, often referred as the "______________," held that some modes strengthened the will, whereas others undermined it and thus damaged the development of moral character.

geography, astronomy, mathematics

the hellenistic age made important advances in __________, __________, and ____________.

music, poetry, ode, hymns

the intimate relationship between ________ and _______ is revealed in the fact that many of the words we use to describe lyric forms, such as "_______" and "_______," are also musical terms


the less series of 8 tones forming and major or minor scales

high classical, aristotle

the male nudes of the __________ age fulfill ___________ idea of excellence as the exercise of human will dominated by reason.

naturalistic, high classical, poryphorus (spear-bearer)

the new poised stance, along with the ______________ treatment of human anatomy and proportion, are features of the _____________ style that flourished between ca. 480 and 400 B.C.E. at mid-century, polycleitus brought that style to perfection with the __________.

golden age, parthenon, athena

the outstanding architectural achievement of _______ athens is the _________, a temple dedicated to ________, the goddess of war, the patron of the arts and crafts, and the personification of wisdom.


the parthenon makes use of the _________ order, one of three programs of architectural design developed by the ancient greeks.


the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter


the square panel between the beam ends under the roof of a structure

poetry, music, human voice

the strong association between _________ and ________ suggest that the _________ had a significant influence in both melody and rhythm.

humanism, realism, idealism

the synthesis of ________, __________ , and __________ in the representation of the freestanding figure was one of the great achievements of greek art


the triangular space forming the gable of a two-pitched roof in classical architecture; any similar triangular form found over a portico, door, or window

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