Ch. 6 Motivation in the Workplace

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Which of the Following is the correct order for the motivation process? a. 1. Unmet Need is recognized, 2. Tension exists to meet that need, 3. Motivation, 4. Action or Behavior, 5. Result of Feedback b. 1. Unmet Need is recognized, 2. Action or Behavior, 3. Tension exists to meet that need, 4. Motivation, 5. Result or feedback c. 1. Tension exists to meet that need, 2. Unmet Need is recognized, 3. Motivation, 4. Result or Feedback, 5. Action or Behavior d. 1. Result or Feedback, 2. Unmet need is recognized, 3. Tension exists to meet that need, 4. Action or behavior, 5. Motivation

1. Unmet Need is recognized, 2. Tension exists to meet that need, 3. Motivation, 4. Action or Behavior, 5. Result of Feedback

How many levels of needs are there according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5


According to Herzberg, which factor listed below is not an example of a hygiene factor of the job that doesn't actually motivate employees? a. Work Conditions b. Achievement c. Salary d. Security


According to McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory, the need for _________ is a recognition of the need for fulfilling social relationships. a. Awards b. Winning c. Participation d. Affiliation


Motivation can be based on which of the following? a. Individuals. b. Personalities and Attitudes. c. Organizational Values and Physical Environment. d. Rewards that are offered. e. All of the Above

All of the Above

If one employee is paid more than others for completing the same tasks, which element of organizational justice could the organization be violating? a. Financial justice b. Distributive justice c. Procedural justice d. Interactional justice

Distributive justice

Self-Determination Theory is based on the assumption that employees are essentially driven to "behave in _________ and _________ ways." a. Effective & Healthy b. Selfish & Corrupt c. Collective & Abstract d. Introverted & Personal

Effective & Healthy

Confidence, achievement and respect are examples of needs in which category of Maslow's hierarchy? a. Esteem b. Belonging c. Physiological d. Self-actualization


What does ERG stand for in Alderfer's ERG Theory of motivation? a. Excitement, Relationships, Gratitude b. Entry-level, Relationships, Growth c. Existence, Relatedness, Growth d. Existence, Relativity, Growth

Existence, Relatedness, Growth

If I ignore one of my co-workers in an attempt to stop her from asking annoying questions, which form of reinforcement am I implementing? a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Punishment d. Extinction


What is the tangible award given to you for accomplishing something? a. Intrinsic reward b. Extrinsic reward c. Internal recognition d. External desire

Extrinsic reward

T/F: Incentive-based options for motivating employees do not include giving them more money?


Which of the following would be considered an intrinsic motivator? a. More money b. Better office c. Company car d. Feeling of accomplishment

Feeling of accomplishment

Motivation is the process that directs our behavior toward certain _________. a. People b. Goals c. Thinking d. Beliefs


The Three needs in Alderfer's ERG Theory are _________ ,_________, and _________ . a. Growth, Relatedness, and Flow b. Growth, Relatedness, and Existence c. Existence, Flow, Growth d. Flow, Existence, Relatedness

Growth, Relatedness, and Existence

___________ are the aspects of the job that don't actually motivate employees, while ___________ are the aspects of the job that increase employee's job satisfaction. a. Hygiene factors and Motivational factors b. Security factors and Recognition factors c. Motivational factors and Hygiene factors d. The work itself and work policies

Hygiene factors and Motivational factors

___________ are an individual's contributions toward an outcome, while ___________ are the positive and negative consequences an individual has incurred as a result of their inputs. a. Outcomes and Inputs b. Results and Feedback c. Inputs and Outcomes d. Contributions and Results

Inputs and Outcomes

In Expectancy Theory, what is the thought that if an individual performs well, then they will receive the desired outcome or reward? a. Expectancy b. Equity c. Valence d. Instrumentality


What Aspect of the expectancy theory is missing from the equation? Expectancy * x * valence = motivation a. Instrumentality b. Clarity c. Social Cue's d. Self Control


If a manager is perceived to treat one employee more favorably than others, which element of organizational justice would this relate to? a. Interactional justice b. Distributive justice c. Relational justice d. Procedural justice

Interactional justice

___________ rewards are an individual's personal satisfactions from accomplishing something, while ___________ rewards are tangible awards given to you for accomplishing something. a. Extrinsic and Intrinsic. b. Inherent and Extraneous. c. Intrinsic and Extrinsic. d. None of the Above.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic.

If a manager increases the importance and responsibility of a job, which approach to motivation are they using? a. Job enlargement b. Job reduction c. Job enrichment d. Job encroachment

Job enrichment

___________ is when individuals are motivated by becoming good at the task that is assigned, while ___________ is when individuals are motivated to meet the expectations established by managers or supervisors. a. Mastery orientation and Performance orientation b. Performance orientation and Mastery orientation c. Virtuoso orientation and Accomplishment orientation d. Accomplishment orientation and Virtuoso orientation

Mastery orientation and Performance orientation

Which word listed describes the process that directs our behavior toward certain goals? a. Stimulus b. Impulse c. Incentive d. Motivation


According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, what type of factors are the aspects of the job that increase employee's job satisfaction? a. Hygiene b. Affiliation c. Competency d. Motivational


According to equity theory, what is missing from the equation? x/My Outcomes = Other's Incomes/Other's Outcomes a. Raw Materials b. My Inputs c. Banking Tools d. Social Inputs

My Inputs

Those with a(n) _________ of learning will focus on achievement and learning because their supervisor expects a certain level of performance. a. Mastery orientation b. Social expectation c. Internalized drive d. Performance orientation

Performance orientation

Manufacturing or service companies that have a quantitative measure of output may use which type of incentive-based motivation? a. Profit sharing b. Gainsharing c. Stock options d. Piecework plans

Piecework plans

Which component of reinforcement theory involves providing a desirable reward after we observe a behavior that we would like to see continue? a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Punishment d. Extinction

Positive reinforcement

The three needs in McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory are _________, _________, and _________. a. Power, Location, Affiliation b. Power, Affiliation, Achievement c. Achievement, Power, Location

Power, Affiliation, Achievement

Equity theory would fit into which group of motivation theories? a. Need theories b. Process theories c. Job design d. Reinforcement theories

Process theories

Under the Reinforcement Theory, if you want a behavior to stop happening, what two approaches can you try? a. Penalty and Elimination. b. Reprimand and Extermination. c. Sentence and Disappearance. d. Punishment and Extinction.

Punishment and Extinction.

According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, which of the following would be seen as a "motivational" factor? a. Policies b. Status c. Security d. Recognition


Using SMART goals, which aspect states that our goals should align with other goals, such as vision statements or organizational strategies? a. Specific b. Measurable c. Attainable d. Relevant


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is considered a lower order need? a. Self-actualization b. Esteem c. Belonging d. Safety


Under Job Design Theory, what are the three psychological states that improve motivation? a. Job Design, Job Enlargement, and Job Enrichment b. Skill Variety, Task Identity, and Task Significance c. Piecework Plan, Commission, and Positive Reinforcement d. Job Satisfaction, Job Engagement, and Self Efficacy

Skill Variety, Task Identity, and Task Significance

Which characteristic of the job characteristics model looks at whether employees feel that their efforts matter to the organization and its customers? a. Skill variety b. Task significance c. Task identity d. Feedback

Task significance

According to Organizational Justice theory, distributive justice is which one of the following? a. The perception of fairness in regards to the creation and following of policies and procedures. b. The perception of fairness regarding distribution of responsibilities. c. The perception that individuals are treated fairly in the workplace. d. The perception of fairness regarding distribution of rewards.

The perception of fairness regarding distribution of rewards.

T/F: According to Maslow's theory, safety and physiological needs as being lower order, while esteem and self-actualization would be considered higher order needs.


T/F: Deci & Ryan's Self-Determination Theory proposes that all individuals have basic innate needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness rather than socially learning these needs.


T/F: Rather than identifying unmet needs to explain motivation, the process theories of motivation focus on the psychological processes that drive individuals toward certain behaviors.


According to Daniel Pink in the video above, which of the following is not a factor we should focus on to get away from incentives? a. Autonomy b. Mastery c. Value d. Purpose


The ability of a person on a diet to avoid eating chocolate, potato chips, and soda is an example of ___________. a. Willpower b. Fortitude c. Reinforcement d. Transcendence


According to the Expectancy model, if any of the three elements of the model are missing, then employees will not be ___________. a. interested. b. energized. c. motivated. d. determined.


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