Ch 6 Theology Test- Will

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Greek term for a love characterized by commitment Strong and committed from beginning to end The love present in Christ for his Church


Greek term for family and friend type of love Can come and go A casual love dependent on emotions

Charecteristics of glorified body

He could be seen and touched. He shared a meal with the disciples. His glorified body would never die again. His glorified body is immortal and eternal and possesses supernatural qualities. He materialized wherever and whenever he wished. His glorified body is fully transfigured by his self-sacrifice into an offering of love, which you receive in the form of bread and wine.

What did Jesus do for everyone/world?

He offered himself for everyone and his loving mercy extends to every single human being. As a Divine Person, he took the sin of the world upon himself.

What did Jesus' do in his Resurrection?

He offered newness of life to the whole world. Thus, this is a transcendent event because it has meaning not only for the life of Jesus, but for every human person.

What message does the Lord instruct Mary to deliver to tell Jesus "brothers?"

He told Mary to tell them that she had seen him. He also said to tell them: "I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."

Paschal Lamb

In Jewish history, the Paschal Lamb was what the Israelites were commanded to eat as part of the Passover celebration. Jesus is the new Paschal Lamb because he shed his blood for the Redemption of the world.


It is a term that describes the core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord A Greek word for "proclamation"

What does the opening passage of John 21 mean for Christians today

It talks about a large catch of fish, symbolizing that the Apostles, with Peter as their leader, will be fishers of people, bringing the whole world to Christ. Further, the Apostles recognize Jesus in the course of a meal as the host who provides them with the fish and bread. This echoes the Eucharist, where believers recognize and receive the Lord.

Last Judgement

Jesus Christ's judgement of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to fully establish God's Kingdom Humans will appear in their own bodies. Humans will render an account of their deeds. Reveals that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures. God's love is stronger than death. The Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. The righteous will reign forever with Christ in glorified body and soul. The universe will be renewed.

Resurrection Accounts in the Gospel of Luke

Jesus appears to the women at the empty tomb. (Lk 24:1-12) Jesus appears to two disciples on the way to Emmaus. (Lk 24:13-35) Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem. (Lk 24:36-43) Jesus offers final instructions. (Lk 24:44-49) Jesus ascends into heaven. (Lk 24:50-53)

What does Jesus ask Peter to do

Jesus establishes Peter as the leader of the Church by telling Peter to feed his sheep. Peter will be the pastor who leads and guides the Church in serving others in love. Later Peter himself will follow Jesus' example by laying down his life for his friends.


Jesus fulfilled his promise to send the Holy Spirit on Easter Sunday Fifty days after Easter when the Apostles and Mary gathered in the Upper Room, received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Why did Jesus send the Spirit

Jesus sent the Spirit so that all he accomplished―his victory over sin and death and his life entirely given in obedience to the Father―may be accomplished in the Church and, through the Church, in the world


Jesus' passage from humanity into divine glory in God's heavenly domain forty days after his Resurrection occurred at the ___________

What are 2 important points from the Gospel of John

John's testimony was reliable and true The Gospel was written to tell the Good News of salvation.

When Jesus appeared to the men on a boat what happens

Jumps: Peter Recognizes first: John

This Gosepl was written by a Gentile Christian for an audience of Gentile Chirstians


What is brilliant about Mark's shorter ending

Mark challenges you, the reader, to do what the women failed to do. You are called to share, without fear or confusion, the Good News that Jesus is risen. Mark asks you to carry on the work of discipleship

All Gospels agree that she went to the tomb on the first day of the week, in the morning

Mary Magdalene

Resurrection Accounts in the Gospel of John

Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and reports to Peter. Peter and the Beloved Disciple run to the tomb to see for themselves. They believe with minimal proof that Christ has risen. Mary weeps to two angels until Jesus appears to her and she recognizes by his voice (Jn 20:11-18). Jesus appears to his disciples, wishes them peace, shows his wounds, and commissions them: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (Jn 20:21). Jesus appears a second time to the disciples and invites Thomas, who was not present before, to put his finger into his wound. Jesus appears to seven disciples and serves them breakfast after their great catch. Jesus asks Peter if he loves him and gives him the role of the leader of his Church.

Resurrection Account in the Gospel of Mark

Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome go to anoint Jesus' body at the tomb. An angel instructs the women to tell the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee. "They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid" (Mk 16:8).

He wrote his Gospel for a Jewish community of Jesus' followers and was eager to emphasize the continuity between the Old Testament and Jesus



Matthew's Gospel concludes with the great ____________ of the disciples to the ends of the earth.

Why is the empty tomb one of the signs that Jesus really rose from the dead?

Neither Jesus' friends nor his enemies ever claimed to have found Jesus' Body. No one ever proved that his corpse was stolen. The inability of the guards to account for Jesus' disappearance is proof that the tomb was empty and that no one had come to remove the Body from it

Would Jesus ever die again?

No he was not subject to mortal death

What does ONLY John's gospel say about Mary Magdalene going to the tomb

She goes to report the empty tomb to Peter and the other disciples. She fears someone has taken the body of Jesus. Mistaking Jesus at first for the gardener, she recognizes him when Jesus addresses Mary by her name.

5 essential elemnts of the kerygma according the the New Testament

1.) God promises foretold by the prophets have now been fulfilled throuh Jesus Christ 2.) God has exhalted Jesus at his right hand 3.) The Holy Spirit is present in the Church and is the sign of Christ's present power and glory 4.) Christ will come again, at which time the messianic age will reach its fulfillment 5.) Becuase all of this is true, you should repent of your sins, be baptized, and recieve the Holy Spirit

Resurrection as a historical event

1.) Jesus dies on the cross 2.) Friends and disciples are sad and heartbroken 3.) Joseph or Arimathea seeks permission to remove Jesus and bury him in a new grave 4.) Guards were placed before the tomb 5.) Guards cannot account for empty tomb 6.) Mary Magdalene and other women see risen Jesus 7.) Jesus appears to the disciples 8.) Disciples must grow in faith as they wrap their head around the mystery of the Resurrection 9.) Disciples become zealous preachers of the Good News

Explain what the Holy Spirit confers on the members of the Church

The Holy Spirit bestows divine life on the Church's members and makes them partakers of the divine nature. By joining you to the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit makes it possible for you to live holiness of life and to put Jesus' moral and spiritual teaching into practice

How was Jesus' body transformed by the Holy Spirit at his Resurrection

The Holy Spirit transformed Jesus' Body at his Resurrection, giving it "the glorious state of Lordship." Jesus' human body was gloriously transfigured, filled with the Holy Spirit into an incorrupt, immortal body


A free and unearned favor from God, infused into our souls at Baptism, that adopts us into God's family and helps us to live as his children.

After Jesus aks Peter three times if he loves him what is this?

A reversal of his earlier threefold denial of Jesus

What does Jesus' Ascension refer to

A time when he stopped appearing to the disciples in visible form and his glorified body took its rightful place in heaven at the right hand of the Father. Indicated that there is a difference between the glory of the risen Christ on earth and the glory of Christ exalted at God's right hand, which means that Christ now glorifies the Father as the Incarnate Son of God.

Explain Jesus' expectations for his Apostles which he gave with his Great Commission

As Apostles, they were to preach the Gospel, teach the commandments, and baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit."

The Church dogma that teaches that the Blessed Mother was taken body and soul into heaven when her earthly life was over


Paschal Mystery

Christ's Resurrection is part of the _______

Beloved Disciple

Church Father St. Irenaeus attributed the Gospel of John to the Beloved Disciple. Church tradition identified this John as one of the Apostles.

What rich themes from the Gospel of Luke are included in the Emmaus account

Faith and vision, and hospitality to the stranger

T/F Although people appropriately venerate Jesus because of his holiness he always points to Mary

False Although people appropriately venerate Mary because of her holiness, she always points to Jesus

T/F During Jesus' appearence to the disciples on Friday evening, he shows them his wounds and commissions them to continue his work

False During Jesus' appearance to the disciples on Sunday evening, he shows them his wounds and commissions them to continue his work.

T/F Luke's Gospel was written for a Gentile Christian audience by an author who was a Jewish Christian

False Luke's Gospel was written for a Gentile Christian audience by an author who was a Gentile Christian

T/F All of Jesus disciples were skeptical when the tomb was empty

False Some of Jesus disciples were skeptical when told the tomb was empty

T/F None of the early Christians believed that Jesus would return beofre the Apostles died

False Some of the early Christians believed that Jesus would return before the Apostles died.

T/F The Resurrection is a transcendent event because very few people actually saw Jesus' earthly body trasformed into a glorified body

False The Resurrection is a transcendent event because no one actually saw Jesus' earthly body transformed into a glorified body.

T/F The crowds were so amazed at Peter's bold preaching that 300 people were baptized and received the Holy Spirit on the first Pentacost

False The crowds were so amazed at Peter's bold preaching that 3,000 people were baptized and received the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost.

T/F Jesus' glorified body was immortal and supernatural and was unlike a normal human body

False Jesus' glorified body was immortal and supernatural and was like a normal human body.

T/F The Resurrection accounts in the four Gospels all drawn from the eyewitness accounts of the apostles

False The Resurrection accounts in the four Gospels draw from a variety of eyewitnesses.

What does Matthew tell about the Jewish leaders and the guards?

The Jewish leaders bribed the guards to say Jesus' body was stolen from the tomb. It reveals the disagreement between those Jews who believed in Jesus and those who did not.

What does the Lord help the disciples understand about the Scriptures? What does he want them to do?

The Lord then opens his disciples' minds to understand what the Scriptures had foretold: the suffering of the Messiah and his Resurrection on the third day. He tells the disciples that they are to be witnesses to all that he has said and done and that their task has only begun

Explain the Resurrection account in the Gospel of Mark

The Resurrection account is short. Two alternative endings are offered. These tell how the women eventually report to Peter and the other disciples, gives Jesus' great commissioning, and includes appearances of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and two disciples as well as an account of the Ascension

Briefly explain the seperate parts of the Paschal Mystery and Jesus' Glorification

The Resurrection should always be considered as part of the Paschal Mystery, the saving action of Christ that comprises Jesus' Death (Good Friday), his descent to the dead (Holy Saturday), and his Glorification. Jesus' Glorification consists of the Resurrection (Easter Sunday); his Ascension into heaven (forty days after Easter); and Pentecost (fifty days after Easter), when the Apostles and Mary gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and began the Church

Why do the inconsistencies among the Gospel writers ironically support the position that they were true experiences behind the various accounts

The Resurrection took place early in the morning on the first day of the week. Women were present at the tomb. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in each account. There were also "messengers" at the tomb who told the women to tell the disciples what they witnessed. The empty tomb was important to the Resurrection accounts. It was an essential sign of Christ's Resurrection, a first step in acknowledging God's work in bringing the Son back to life. It corroborates that something happened. The enemies of the early Christians were never able to produce Jesus' corpse, though they probably tried to do so.


The Resurrection was also a _______ event with verifiable facts reported by Jesus' disciples and his enemies


The _________ of Christ forms the heart of the kerygma, the essential message of our faith


The ___________ story is unique to Luke's Gospel; it describes how the disciples eventually recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread.

What did Matthew desire to emphasize between Jesus and the Old Testament

The continuity between Jesus and the Old Testament because he wrote his Gospel for a Jewish community who followed Jesus.


The innermost or spiritual part of a person. It is the subject of human consciousness and freedom. It does not die with the body. It is eternal and will be reunited with the body in the final resurrection.


The life of following Jesus Christ. The word disciple comes from a Latin word that means "learner"

How do we know that Jesus' disciples were not expecting Jesus' Resurrection?

They were heartbroken, saddened, and afraid after his Crucifixion. They were in hiding in Jerusalem, fearful that they too might be arrested and executed.

What story or account do many scholars believe is the original ending of the Gospel of John in ch. 20

Thomas to put his fingers in Jesus' wounds so that he would believe. Thomas cries out the great act of faith that every Christian must say: "My Lord and my God!"


Though the Risen Jesus was recognizable, his _________ body transcended ordinary life and became this way at the moment of his Resurrection

Why does Jesus' soul descend into Hell

To meet the just souls

T/F Both the Ascension of Jesus and the Assumption of Mary are a reminder that our rightful home is heaven and that we live in the hope that we may one day follow them there


T/F Evidence that Jesus' disciples did not make up the Resurrection was the growth of their faith which resulted from a direct experience if the Risen Christ


T/F On Easter Sunday Jesus gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins in his name


T/F The differences between the four accounts of the Resurrections can be best understood by remembering how people typically tell about the same powerful events in different ways


T/F The disciples were transformed into zealous preachers of the Gospel after the Resurrection of Jesus


T/F The events of the Paschal Mystery are inseparable


T/F The gospel writers consistently emphasize that the risen Jesus was transformed


T/F The longer ending in Mark's Gospel were probably taken from the other Gospels


What does the Holy Spirit enable the Apostles to understand

Understand more clearly Jesus' significance on Pentecost Sunday, the power to preach the Good News. Filled with the Holy Spirit, people understood them even though many did not speak their language. Although it was early in the morning, some thought they were drunk.


Unique to John's Gospel is the Apostle ___________ first doubting the Resurrection and then later identifying Jesus as "My Lord and God"

Resurrection Account in the Gospel of Matthew

Women find the Empty Tomb (Mt 28:1-8) An angel appears to the women and tells them Jesus has been raised. The angel instructs the women to inspect the tomb and report to the disciples telling them to meet Jesus in Galilee. Jesus Appears to the Women (Mt 28:9-10) Two women encounter Jesus and touch him. Jesus commands them to tell his brothers to meet him in Galilee. The Report of the Guards (Mt 28:11-15) Religious leaders bribe guards to say Jesus' disciples stole his body. Jesus Appears to the Eleven before His Ascension (Mt 28:16-20) As Apostles, they were to preach the Gospel, teach the commandments, and baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19).

Jesus told his disciples that he will return to the Father, "for if I do not go, the ____ will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you"


Where does our participation in Christ's Paschal Mystery begin?

at Baptism: we die to sin's power over us and to the influence of Satan. Our souls will survive physical death and our bodies will rise at the Last Judgment


catechesis/teaching element

The Apostles recognize Jesus in the meal of fish and bread which they share together, an echo of this sacrament


A time of purification


The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Paschal Lamb, means...

redemption is accomplished and the promise of salvation is fulfilled, sin has been defeated.

In which gospel did Jesus have a heart/heart conversation with Peter after his Ressurection

restoration of peter John threefold promise/ redemption after 3 denials

In the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony, Christ comes to us to help us live a loving life of _______ to build up the People of God


Hebrew word for the abode of the dead


An event that extends beyond history and common understanding of space and time


What victories did Jesus win for us in his Resurrection

victories over Satan, sin, and death

Although Jesus died like all people do, where did his human soul and body go?

were still the Divine Person of the Son so his body was preserved from corruption. His soul went to Sheol and there he proclaimed the Good News of salvation to the just who awaited their Redeemer; he spread his Word to people of all previous times and places

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