Ch. 7-9 (Exam 3) CFS 240

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The level of risk one is willing to accept when making behavioral choices about one's health and well-being.

acceptable level of risk

If you have engaged in sexual activities that put you at risk for an STI, there is a chance you are infected and do not know it. The likelihood of this is________________.

accurate, because many STIs are present without symptoms, which is part of the reason the incidence and prevalence of STIs is so high

A gradual failure of the immune system, leading to serious, opportunistic infections, which, in turn, may lead to death.

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Which of the following statements about alcohol's effect on sexual activity is true?

alcohol interferes with normal, desirable sexual functioning

The belief that under the influence of alcohol, people are more likely to focus on immediate, "feel-good" behaviors (such as sexual arousal) and ignore future negative consequences

alcohol myopia theory

The primary reason alcohol abuse is considered a major risk factor in the increase of STIs is described by a theory known as____________.

alcohol myopia theory

Marco has always been able to achieve strong erections in the past, but with his new girlfriend is is unable to have an erection, even though he wants to have sex with her. Given this information, his sexual problem would be defined as ___.

an acquired sexual problem

Tests administered without collecting any personal information about clients, who are identified only by an assigned code number

anonymous testing

A strain of bacteria that has mutated and is no longer treatable with standard antibiotic therapy

antibiotic-resistant strain

Medications developed to treat (reduce or prevent but not cure) outbreaks of the herpes virus.


Gail and Penelope are lesbians who want to start a family. They have decided that Gail, who is a registered nurse, is going to inject sperm cells from a donor directly into Penelope's uterus. What is this process called?

artificial insemination

Various treatments to help infertile women or couples to become pregnant and have a child

assisted reproductive technology (ART)

Having no noticeable symptoms despite the presence of an infectious agent


Release of infectious virus particles when no symptoms of infection are present

asymptomatic shedding

Eleanor and Marv want to have a midwife attend the birth of their child, but they want a physician on call in case there is an emergency. Where are they most likely to find what they want?

at a freestanding birthing center

Identify the safest form of contraception for new parents.

barrier and spermicidal methods

Meredith was attempting to discuss safe sex practices with her new boyfriend, Paul. As she proceeded to reveal her prior sexual experiences with STIs and other partners, along with her expectation for the use of condoms and alternative methods of sexual intimacy, Paul began to withdraw, and never spoke to her again. Paul lacked the two necessary skills required to communicate and make agreements with a new sexual partner. What are they?

being knowledgeable about STIs and overcoming negative emotions about them

A physical abnormality or metabolic dysfunction that is present at birth and may result in physical or mental deficits

birth defect

A hospital-like facility with basic medical care equipment, focusing on a natural, family-centered approach to the birth process in a home-like setting

birthing center

The developing zygote, with cells surrounding a fluid-filled core, upon entering the uterus and before implanting in the uterine wall


Delivery of a fetus emerging with buttocks or legs first rather than head first

breech birth

When is is difficult to achieve an orgasm regardless of the type of amount of stimulation

delayed ejaculation

Determining whether an individual is experiencing a sexual problem ___.

depends on a person's perception that a problem exists

Which of the following options for abortion is rarely used today because it presents a greater chance of complications?

dilation and curettage (D&C)

A method of abortion commonly used when a pregnancy has progressed beyond the first trimester, involving scraping of the uterine walls and suctioning out of the contents.

dilation and evacuation (D&E)

___ masturbation has been found to be an effective therapeutic treatment for some sexual problems.


A sex therapy strategy in which the therapist advises the client on how to use masturbation activities to help overcome a sexual problem.

directed masturbation

Sexual problems are much more common than most people think, because most people are uncomfortable discussing such private matters. How might we lift this veil of secrecy?

doctors should discretely encourage their patients to discuss sexual matters in the privacy of the examination room

Which "sexual disorder" do researchers think should be reclassified as a "pain disorder"?


There is no cure for a viral STI. The cure for a BACTERIAL STI largely depend on ___.

early treatment with antibiotics

A pregnancy complication in which a fertilized ovum attaches and begins to grow outside the uterus, most commonly in the Fallopian tube, which is called a tubal pregnancy.

ectopic pregnancy

A blastocyst that has implanted in the uterine wall


The initial eight weeks of pregnancy following fertilization

embryonic period

What is the most important factor in treatment of bacterial STIs?

getting early medical attention

A sexually transmitted bacterium typically producing pain upon urination and a thick, cloudy discharge from the penis or vagina; often asymptomatic, especially in women


The three most common STIs in young adults from ages 15-24 are:

gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HPV (genital warts)

Patsy thinks she's about four weeks pregnant when she notices fluid coming from her vagina. She is also feeling light-headed and is experiencing abdominal cramping. She is not sure if she is really pregnant or if she is having a menstrual period. Patsy might be _______________.

having a miscarriage

A man's complaint about erectile problems can sometimes be a physician's first hint of ___.

heart disease

The delivery nurse reported that Jenny's baby scored well on the APGAR test. This test measures breathing effort, skin color, reflexes, muscle tone, and ____________.

heart rate

The biotech industry called "assisted reproductive technology" is designed to ___.

help infertile couples conceive

A virus that may be sexually transmitted and may lead to inflammation and impaired functioning of the liver

hepatitis B virus (HBV)

Identify the safe, noninvasive prenatal test that allows doctors and other health professionals to see the fetus in the uterus and assists greatly with the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities.


According to research, couples should have intercourse ____ to ensure conception.

once every day or two

An immature reproductive egg, or ovum.


Delivery of an infant in a private home setting usually with necessary equipment and personnel provided by a professional service

planned home birth

Breastfeeding has many benefits, including ___.

providing the maternal antibodies to the neonate

Your text asserts that most sexual problems are primarily ___.


Small, bug-like parasites, usually sexually transmitted, that infest the genital area, causing extreme itching; often referred to as "crabs" because of their resemblance to a sea crab

pubic lice

Jane is the mother of two teenage sons who were just diagnosed with head lice. Jane is very concerned now that her sons will also have "crabs," believing these parasites will move from their heads to their genital areas. As the school nurse, you advise her that______________.

pubic lice are not the same parasite as head lice; pubic lice must be sexually transmitted; and head lice will not spread to the genital area

The first movement of the fetus that is felt by the mother


Loss of trust, poor communication, and resentment can all be classified as ___ reasons for sexual problems.


A type of virus, such as HIV, that survives and multiplies by invading and destroying the DNA of normal body cells and then replicating its own DNA into the host cell's chromosomes


A loss of tolerance for the necessity of practicing safer sex behaviors

safe-sex fatigue

Choosing to engage in or avoid certain sexual behaviors on the basis of their risks of STIs or pregnancy.

selective abstinence

Identify the main test for male infertility.

semen analysis

Tightly wound microscopic tubes that comprise the testicles in the male, where sperm cells are generated.

seminiferous tubules

A sex therapy technique that requires a couple to redirect emphasis away from intercourse and focus on their capacity for mutual sensuality.

sensate focus

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2013), sexual problems are divided into three broad categories, the first of which is ___ disorders.

sexual desire, interest, or arousal disorders

A group of viral, bacterial, and other infections that are spread primarily by sexual behaviors; sometimes also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Mary has been treated with antibiotics twice in the last year for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) due to gonorrhea. She continues to experience STI symptoms related to gonorrhea. Her doctor informs her that although she was treated for gonorrhea twice, the problem could be ___________________.

she has an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea, and requires new treatment

Judy is happily married and wants to start a family, but she cannot become pregnant. Her doctor reviewed her medical history and did some tests, and told her she has a lot of scarring in her fallopian tubes as a result of former infections. What do you think might be the cause of Judy's infertility?

she is among the 24,000 women who have undiagnosed STIs every year and become infertile

The first stage of the birth process, involving the beginning of contractions of the uterus

stage one labor

The final stage of the birth process, when the placenta is expelled from the uterus with the umbilical cord attached

stage three labor

The stage of the birth process in which contractions occur closer together than in stage one, involve the muscles of the abdomen as well as the uterus, and continue until the infant has been expelled from the mother's body.

stage two labor

One of the major reasons people do not include regular STI testing as part of their preventive health care program is_________________.

stigma and embarrassment

An STI caused by a protozoan parasite that causes a foul, greenish discharge and vaginal irritation in women and generally has no symptoms in men is called ___.


One of three periods of about three months each that make up the phases of a full-term pregnancy


Gay men, African American men, and Hispanic men are showing increases in HIV infections in the United States. Public health researchers attribute these increases to what two primary factors?

The erroneous belief that new HIV/AIDS drugs can cure HIV, leading to "safe-sex fatigue," where safe-sex practices are relaxed

Termination of a pregnancy before week 37; in common usage, assumed to be the result of an intentional act as opposed to a miscarriage.


What age group is at the greatest risk for becoming infected with an STI?

15-24 years of age

Abortions were legalized in ___ by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade.


A test that analyzes infant health at birth on the basis of skin color, pulse, reflexes, movement, and breathing

APGAR score

James has been told by his doctor that he and all of his sexual partners must take a medication called "Flagyl" to treat the trichomoniasis he was just diagnosed with. His sexual partners must also be treated because:

"trich" has a high rate of reinfection

About _______ percent of women over 40 who wish to become pregnant eventually do so.


What fraction of the population does your text predict will contract an STI at some point in their lifetime?


According to your text, 30% of college students actively avoided disclosure of former STIs and the number of sexual partners in their past to a future sexual partner, and 20% admitted to purposefully misrepresenting their sexual history to a future partner. According to this research study:

50% of college students are at high risk of transmitting an STI

What percent of women of childbearing age in the U.S. define themselves as voluntarily childless?


Leah and her husband Joshua are both in their early fifties and have recently retired from demanding, lucrative careers. They have had complete physical examinations and no problems were found. Leah and Joshua have been trying for two years to have a child, but Leah has not gotten pregnant. Why do you think this is so?

A woman's level of fertility begins to drop during her forties

The group most likely to contract HIV from heterosexual sexual activity in the United States is______________________.

African American women

In the United States, nearly half of all new HIV infections today are among __________

African-American men

The countries that have a high rate of C-sections include ___.

Brazil and the Republic of Korea

Louise's four-year-old son Charlie has diabetes and does not see or hear very well. Louise has had trouble bonding with him like she did with her three other children. What might be the cause of Charlie's problems?

Charlie was born prematurely

What happens at the onset of labor?

Contractions begins

Cynthia's baby boy was born prematurely, and had defects in his circulatory system and musculature. Both of Cynthia's parents have been heavy smokers since she was a child, but she never smoked. What is a possible cause of her baby's physical problems?

Cynthia was exposed to secondhand smoke when she was growing up

How does your text answer the question, "Do I have a sexual problem?"

Do YOU think you do?

An extra dose of the __________ hormone determines which follicle will become the "dominant" follicle during a woman's fertility cycle.


Far limited type of HIV both in numbers and geography


Alex spent an evening partying with his frat's sister sorority, where numerous "kissing-only" games were played. Within two weeks, he had multiple sores around and inside his mouth. After he was tested at the health clinic, he was told he had an STI. What is your assessment of Alex's STI?

He has herpes; it is incurable, and is likely to recur

What is a common misconception about STIs?

If you become infected the signs will be obvious

Ovulation occurs when the hormones ___ cause the wall of the ovary near the follicle to break down, releasing the ovum into ___.

LH and FSH; the abdominal cavity

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that "...all females under age 25, all sexually active teen girls, women over age 25 with risk factors such as previous STDs or new partners, and women with a history of inconsistent condom use..." be tested for gonorrhea. In your opinion, what is the biggest problem in getting these recommendations to be followed?

Many teens and women under age 25 do not see OB/GYN physicians or any physician at all, and tend not to admit to risky sexual behaviors

Who developed the sensate focus approach to sex therapy?

Masters and Johnson

Jane and Sally are discussing the process of conception, and Sally says that female babies are born with hundreds of mature eggs in their ovaries that are just waiting to be released. Jane disagrees and says that female babies are born with empty ovaries, and that eggs develop at the time of puberty. Who is right?

Neither Jane nor Sally is right. Female babies are born with one to two million immature eggs

Dora is in her third trimester of pregnancy and is having trouble sleeping. Her husband brings her sleeping pills. Is this is a safe suggestion?

No. A pregnant woman should avoid sleeping pills

Alodia has a two-month-old son and doesn't want another child for a year or two. She has chosen to breastfeed because she has heard that women who are breastfeeding cannot get pregnant. Is breastfeeding a reliable form of contraception?

No. Breastfeeding is not a reliable form of contraception

Paula loves sex and has tried it all, but she rarely has an orgasm from sexual intercourse. She has thunderous orgasms from manual stimulation and from oral sex, but she worries that there is something wrong with her because she cannot climax from intercourse. Is there something wrong with Paula?

No. Many women do not experience orgasms from sexual intercourse.

Sherry and her husband Bill had sex 7 or 8 times a week before she became pregnant. After 20 hours of very difficult labor, Sherry gave birth to a boy last week. They have decided to wait one more week before they start having sex again. Have they made a good decision?

No. Most couples are advised to wait at least six weeks after birth before resuming sexual activity

Maria is in her third trimester of pregnancy and she is nervous because her friend told her that this trimester is when there is the highest risk of spontaneous abortion. Is her friend correct?

No. Most spontaneous abortions occur during the first trimester of pregnancy

Consuela had sex with Marco last night, when she was ovulating. She is certain that her egg was penetrated by one of Marco's sperm cells, and she is calling everyone she knows to tell them that she is pregnant. Is she pregnant?

No. Pregnancy occurs when the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium

Georgia goes to see her physician because her desire for sex with her husband has been waning over the past few years. Her physician prescribes testosterone, but Georgia refuses to take it because she has heard that testosterone is a male hormone and women who take it grow beards and lose their feminine characteristics. Is what she heard correct?

No. Testosterone is produced in women's ovaries and is an important factor in female sexuality

Short for obstetrician-gynecologist, a physician specializing in pregnancy and childbirth


What could be an advantage of choosing a midwife rather than a doctor to attend a birth?

Patients generally report greater satisfaction with the personal involvement and care they receive from midwives

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; drugs administered to treat depression that may cause various sexual side effects, especially inhibited or delayed arousal or orgasm.


Molly is a pro-choice advocate. What does that mean?

She believes that a woman has the legal and moral right to choose to have an abortion

Which of the following statements is correct?

The fimbriae sway back and forth and create a current in the abdominal fluid that assists the egg in entering the Fallopian tube

Anne and Peter's sex therapist recommended that they address their sexual problems by engaging in sensate focus exercises. Peter told Anne to go to the therapist's office and find out about it, and then come home and do the exercises by herself. In the case of Anne and Peter, sensate focus failed as a treatment for their sexual problems. Why did it fail?

The therapist did not provide a thorough explanation of how to do the sensate focus exercises.

The laboratory technique of separating X-bearing sperm cells from Y-bearing sperm cells to allow for prenatal sex selection is possible partly because _______________.

X-bearing sperm cells are slightly larger than Y-bearing sperm cells

Carlotta is seven months pregnant and is experiencing leg cramps that keep her up at night. Her mother gives her a bottle of Tums and tells her to get up and move around. Did Carlotta's mother give her good advice?

Yes. Leg cramps can be caused by a lack of calcium and by poor circulation

Julia, a 25-year-old woman, is pregnant and has never been married. Her physician told her that she falls into the category of American women who more frequently have abortions; was he correct?

Yes. Most women who have abortions are in their twenties and have never been married

Mr. Bale is an investment banker who uses cocaine on the weekends. He does not think he has a problem with cocaine because when he uses it his erections last a very long time, even though they are often painful. Does Mr. Bale have a sexual problem? If so, what is the name of the problem?

Yes. The name of Mr. Bale's problem is priapism

When infertility doctors need to have a direct, internal look at a woman's ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus, they use __________.

a laparoscopy

Monica is four weeks pregnant and plans to terminate the pregnancy during a visit to her doctor's office. What method is likely to be used to terminate Monica's pregnancy?

a medical abortion

Postpartum depression is ___.

a psychological disorder that develops within four weeks after birth

Lucille tells her boyfriend, Jerry, that she enjoys sex with him, but Jerry is not certain about her statement. Whenever he performs oral sex on Lucille she has several orgasms, but when they have intercourse she never has an orgasm. The fact that Lucille has orgasms during oral sex but not during intercourse is probably ___________.

a situational sexual problem

Choosing to forego all sexual activity.


Removal of a fetus from the mother's uterus surgically, through an incision in her abdomen; also called a C-section birth

cesarean section

A sore that typically appears at the site of infection with syphilis


Which of the following countries have now passed laws against abortion based on parental sex-preferences?

china and india

A sexual transmitted bacterium, often causing a thick, cloudy discharge from the vagina or penis; may be asymptomatic, especially in women


The largest number of bacterial STIs diagnosed in young adults ages 15-24 are ___ and ___.

chlamydia, gonorrhea

A potentially serious liver disease that may lead to liver cancer

cirrhosis of the liver

A therapeutic approach designed to gradually eliminate specific thoughts and associated behaviors that may be contributing to sexual problems

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Which issue between intimate partners comes up so often that it is almost a cliche?


Testing in which recipients' names are kept on file in the lab's records, but with the assurance of full confidentiality

confidential testing

Prenatal sex selection involves:

consuming only specific diets prior to conception to encourage fertilization of the egg by Y or X carrying sperms, accordingly.

Which chemical related to childbirth sends signals to the uterus to begin contractions?

corticotropin-releasing hormone

Julie was just diagnosed with an STI that is spreading rapidly in the community where she lives. Her doctor told her that unlike other STIs, which are present throughout the world, she has an STI that is growing rapidly in only three counties in her state. Julie's STI would be considered ____________.


A painful swelling and inflammation of the epididymis, the structure at the back of each testicle that stores maturing sperm; often caused by one or more untreated STIs


Recurring or persistent difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection.

erectile disorder (ED)

Nocturnal penile tumescence monitors measure ___.

erections that occur during sleep

A sexual problem in which a woman rarely or never reaches orgasm or orgasms are delayed; also known as inhibited female orgasm or anorgasmia

female orgasmic disorder (FOD)

Valerie has difficulty attaining adequate lubrication in response to sexual stimuli. What is her probable diagnosis?

female sexual arousal disorder

A woman's frequent or persistent inability to attain or maintain sexual arousal

female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD)

A variety of disorders that may occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

An embryo after eight weeks of pregnancy


During which trimester does a baby's heart begin beating?


The early period during a woman's monthly fertility cycle when the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSN) to enhance ovum development

follicular phase

HIV/AIDS were first observed in the United States among _____men, as it became epidemic and then pandemic across all sexual orientations and genders.

gay (homosexual)

Identify the most common reason for miscarriages

genetic abnormalities

An STI caused by the herpes simplex virus (type 2) and characterized by painful sores and blisters, usually in the genital or anal area.

genital herpes

Frank has painful sores and blisters in his genital area. What is the most likely diagnosis?

genital herpes

Jack is a biker, and decided to tattoo both arms in a salon his friends said didn't charge much. Six months later, his girlfriend showed signs of yellow skin and eyes (jaundice), loss of appetite, and nausea/vomiting. The name of the STI his girlfriend has is called _________, and was probably caused by__________________.

hepatitis B; contaminated tattoo needles

The virus that causes AIDS

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

A sexually transmitted virus that is typically characterized by warts in the genital or anal area and may lead to some forms of cancer; also known as genital warts

human papilloma virus (HPV)

The virus that causes genital warts and has been found to cause cervical cancer is_________.

human papilloma virus (HPV)

A vaccine is available for the following VIRAL STIs:

human papilloma virus (HPV) and hepatitis B

A persistently low level or lack of sexual fantasies or desire for sexual activity; also known as inhibited sexual desire.

hypoactive sexual desire (HSD)

Many new medications are available for HIV, and these antiretroviral drugs are used in combination therapies (ART). What two conditions determine the combination of these drug therapies for HIV infections?

immune system T-cell counts and the presence of other infections

Identify the technique that produces "test tube babies."

in vitro fertilization

The number of new cases of a disease in a given population over a specific time period


The time between infection and the appearance of physical symptoms of illness

incubation period

A failure to conceive for 12 consecutive months despite persistent attempts


Conrad is taking an SSRI medication to treat his depression. Which of the following sexual problems is he likely to have?

inhibition of orgasm

Two distinctive symptoms of pubic lice are ___.

intense itching and skin irritation in the genital area

Sensate focus is a therapeutic approach whereby a couple's attention is redirected from intercourse to ___.


A symptom of hepatitis characterized by a deep yellowing of the skin and eyes


Two major risk factors help to increase STIs for all age groups. One is the fact that some STIs have no symptoms, especially in women, and the other is_____________.

lack of accurate information, leading to misconceptions and myths

A surgical procedure in which a tube with a tiny camera and light is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen


One of the primary recommendations sexuality educators give for minimizing the risks for STIs is ___.

limiting the number of sexual partners

The later period of a woman's monthly fertility cycle when the lining of the uterus thickens in preparation for receiving a fertilized ovum if conception has occurred.

luteal phase

Monica is educated and informed about the causes, symptoms, routes of transmission, and treatment options for all STIs. What is she more likely to do than someone who is not so educated and informed?

make healthy sexual decisions and communicate with potential sexual partners on safe sex options

A method of abortion using drugs rather than surgery to terminate a pregnancy

medical abortion

The beginning of menstruation during puberty, a girl's first period, is called ___.


The beginning of menstruation during puberty; a girl's first period.


Menarche is the beginning of ___.


A person (usually a woman) who has been trained in most aspects of pregnancy, labor, and delivery, but who is not a physician or registered nurse


The practice of trained midwives assisting women through normal pregnancy and childbirth


The loss (without any purposeful intervention) of an embryo or fetus during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy; also called spontaneous abortion


How does your text answer the question, "How do you know when and if you are ready to have a child?"

most people can't know for sure

Of the following sexual behaviors, which has the lowest risk level for STIs?

mutual masturbation

A sexually transmitted bacterium that is responsible, along with chlamydia, for the largest percentage of nongonococcal urethritis

mycoplasma genitalium (M. genitalium)

Psychological distress often interferes with making decisions about safe sex practices because:

negative emotions such as guilt, stigma, and embarrassment often lead to avoiding communication on sexual activity with anyone, particularly a new partner.

A newborn infant


Erection of the penis while a man is asleep

nocturnal penile tumescence

A sexually transmitted bacterial infection of the urethra characterized by urethral inflammation and discharge, but not caused by the gonorrhea bacterium

nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)

What has scientific research clearly identified as the cause of premature ejaculation?


A registered nurse who has completed an accredited midwifery program and has been certified by the state to deliver babies


Which of the following is a good definition of spectatoring?

observing and judging yourself during sexual activities

Diseases that establish themselves in the human body only when the immune system is weakened and incapable of fighting them off

opportunistic infections

Sarah is fifteen years old, and does not want to have vaginal intercourse with her boyfriend in order to claim she is a "virgin." They agree to limit sexual intimacy to oral sex, and often don't use a condom during fellatio. A year later, Sarah has chlamydia and HPV (genital warts). Her doctor wants to test her for HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes. Sarah is shocked, and wonders how this could happen. How could it?

oral sex carries the same risk for an STI as vaginal intercourse, especially without a condom

Suzanne's first pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the fertilized egg implanted _______________.

outside of the uterus

A sudden outbreak of an illness that spreads relatively quickly over entire continents or throughout the world


John is preparing to be a nurse, and must understand the differences between viral, bacterial, and parasitic STIs. The primary differentiating characteristic of a parasitic STI is_________________.

parasites are organisms that attach to the individual and live off the blood of its host

How has childbirth in the United States changed in recent years?

parents make more of the decisions and are more involved in the process than before

According to Troth and Peterson's study on sexual communications, the parents most likely to have children willing to discuss safe sex with their dating partners are_______________.

parents who openly discuss sex with their children

A painful condition in women marked by inflammation of the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries; typically caused by one or more untreated STIs

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Why is masturbation such a powerful tool in treating sexual disorders?

people who experience problems with a partner usually do not experience them when masturbating

Masturbation can be a very effective treatment for sexual disorders. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for why this is so?

people who have a sexual problem with their partners rarely have the same problem when they masturbate

Tanya is working as an escort. The primary sexual favor she performs on clients is oral sex (fellatio). She begins to experience a sore throat that doesn't go away, and three of her clients have called her to complain of severe burning on urination. The most likely diagnosis for Tanya is:

pharyngeal (throat) gonorrhea

An organ that develops in the uterine wall during pregnancy and joins the developing embryo to the mother's biological systems, transferring nourishment, oxygen, and waste produces between the fetus and the mother.


One of the growing recent issues relating to sexual problems concerns ___ in veterans returning from Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

post-traumatic stress disorder

Literally "following birth"; typically refers to the months or first year following the birth of a child.


Since giving birth to her fourth child two weeks ago, Amanda has been feeling sad and crying frequently. Amanda has an intense, almost obsessive concern for the well-being of her new son, and her fear that she might harm him in some way has led to panic attacks. Amanda is probably experiencing _______________.

postpartum depression

A psychological depressive disorder that begins within four weeks after childbirth

postpartum depression (PPD)

A severe postpartum psychological disorder that may include delusions, hallucinations, and extreme mental disorganization.

postpartum psychosis

The period of growth of the embryo and fetus in the uterus


Lilly is in a high school that promotes abstinence-only prevention programs, and has been told that condoms don't prevent STIs, give a false sense of security, and can even cause HIV because the HIV virus can leak through the latex of a condom. As a result of this information, Lilly tells her boyfriend from another school that there's no point to condom use, and she engages in unprotected sex. Lilly has just risked two major outcomes. What are they?

pregnancy and STI

Hank often reaches orgasm too quickly when he and his new partner have sex. What is this problem called?

premature ejaculation

A man's tendency to have an orgasm suddenly with little penile stimulation, typically just before, upon, or shortly after penetration of the penis into the vagina; also referred to as rapid or early ejaculation.

premature ejaculation (PE)

Birth of an infant less than 37 weeks after conception

preterm birth

What is the leading cause of fetal death in the United States?

preterm birth

The total cumulative number of cases of a disease in a given population


The belief that a woman has the moral and legal right to choose freely to abort her pregnancy


The belief that voluntary abortion is akin to murder and that it should be illegal


In the 1990s, Dr. Barry McCarthy developed a cognitive-behavioral approach to addressing problems of sexual desire after realizing that _______________.

problems of sexual desire affect both members of a couple

Warning signs, such as itching, burning, or pain, that an outbreak of an infection such as herpes may be impending

prodromal symptoms

Maryanne's first case of genital herpes caused multiple, oozing blisters, fever, and pain. Her doctor told her to avoid sexual activity and treated her with comfort measures until her lesions healed two weeks later. At that time, she and her boyfriend resumed sexual intercourse, using condoms and taking all precautions. Six months later, Maryanne had more blisters in the same genital area as the first, without fever or other complications. Since her boyfriend showed no symptoms, the most likely explanation for this is:

she is having a recurrent infection after a latency period, common to herpes infection, which is unrelated to current sexual activity.

Sarah is pregnant with her third child. When she went to her obstetrician yesterday, he told her that her baby is about a foot long and has put on seven more pounds. Considering the size and weight gain of her baby, Sarah is probably at which stage of her pregnancy?

she is probably in her third trimester

Alice is in the first stage of labor and has chosen to give birth at home with a midwife in attendance. The midwife looks alarmed because she sees the baby's leg instead of his head. What should the midwife do?

she should call 911 and get Alice to the hospital immediately

One of the most significant recent developments relating to physiological causes of orgasm problems involves ____________.

side effects of SSRIs

Charles and Camille have recently begun sleeping together, but Charles feels insecure about his ability to please her in bed, even though she has never complained about any of their sexual activities. Because of his insecurity, Charles does not feel as spontaneous as he once did, and he begins to take mental pictures of himself having sex in an attempt to judge himself as a lover. Charles's response to his feelings of insecurity is called ________________.


Mentally observing and judging oneself during sexual activities with a partner; may cause sexual problems


A sexually transmitted bacterium characterized by a sore, or chancre, at the point of infection; untreated, it may progress to more serious stages and even death


The earliest historical documentation of an STI that begins with a chancre, ends in mental dysfunction, and contributed to the deaths of King Henry VIII, Napoleon, Vincent van Gogh, and Al Capone, is known as_____________.


Any agent that has the potential to cause a fetal abnormality


Lloyd is a new immigrant to the United States. He enrolled in a human sexuality course in college and soon recognized the symptoms that had eventually lead to his 79-year old grandfather's death from an unknown STI. These included paralysis, neurological symptoms that made him seem "insane," and organ failure. Lloyd recognized these symptoms as the _________stage of syphilis.


Sperm cells are produced in the ___.


HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. Over 6000 people are newly infected everyday with HIV, and over 4000 per day are diagnosed with AIDS. Though HIV/AIDS was first found in the United States to be contained to the white gay male community, the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS is most common today in:

the African American male community.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is published by ___.

the American Psychiatric Association

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common STI in the United States, and most victims do not have symptoms of any kind. Because two strains of this virus can cause deadly cancers, the American Cancer Society has issued new guidelines for detection and prevention of cervical cancer. These guidelines include:

the addition of HPV testing with all cervical Pap smears in women ages 30 and above.

A common sexually transmitted protozoan parasite causing symptoms in women, including genital irritation, painful urination, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge; infected men are typically asymptomatic, yet contagious.


James was in a terrible car crash and sustained serious injuries to his spinal column that left him permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Since the accident, James has not been able to have an erection; what is the likely cause of this sexual problem?

the cause is biological

Quickening refers to ___.

the first movement of the fetus that is felt by the mother

Sam was recently diagnosed with genital warts (HPV). He is certain his current girlfriend Julie gave it to him, though she has no symptoms and claims she has never had an STI. Julie is now outraged, and accuses him of giving HPV to her. They are both wrong to play the "blame game" with an STI diagnosis because______________.

the infected person often does not know when or where they became infected, and this approach doesn't resolve the STI but does often destroy the relationship

At her doctor's appointment today, Lisa was told that she is now "officially" fertile. What does that mean?

the ovum has entered the fallopian tube

What is the newer version of Masters and Johnson's technique for solving the problem of premature ejaculation?

the start-stop technique

The first line of defense against most STIs is ___.

the use of condoms for vaginal, anal, and oral sexual activities

Which of the following statements about Viagra and second-generation erectile medications is accurate?

they help some men achieve erections

When present, what is the most common symptom of chlamydia?

thick, cloudy discharge from the vagina or penis

The fetus develops taste buds by the ___ trimester.


The end of stage one labor as the fetus begins moving through the cervix and down the birth canal.

transition phase

A structure approximately 22 inches in length, consisting of one large vein and two arteries that transport nutrients, oxygen, and fetal waste products back and forth between the fetus and the placenta

umbilical cord

A painful inflammation of the urethra; often caused by one or more untreated STIs


A method of abortion in which a small tube is inserted through the cervix to extract the contents of the uterus, including the endometrium lining and embedded embryo

vacuum aspiration

The release of virus particles that can potentially spread the infection to others.

viral shedding

Before deciding upon an acceptable level of risk to take in considering sexual activity, an individual must know ___.

what the risks are

When is the risk of transmitting genital herpes the highest for an infected individual?

when the blisters rupture and ooze fluid

A fertilized ovum (or egg) moving down the Fallopian tube.


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