Ch. 7 Moral Development, Values, and Religion

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63. The goal of the integrative ethical education program is to A) help students to define and clarify their moral values. B) have students practice their ethical skills in the community. C) turn moral novices into moral exemplars. D) have students identify clear moral and immoral behaviors.


64. According to the proponents of integrative ethical education, moral experts possess all of the following skills EXCEPT A) ethical mandates. B) ethical sensitivity. C) ethical judgment. D) ethical actions.


65. Our beliefs and attitudes about the way things should be are our A) values. B) ethics. C) morals. D) stereotypes.


66. Recent research has shown that more college freshmen today than in 1990 are interested in A) immigration. B) the homeless. C) the working poor. D) volunteer or community-service programs.


67. Damon (2008) found that only about what percentage of 12- to 22-year-olds in the United States expressed a clear sense of what they want to do with their lives. A) 10 percent B) 20 percent C) 25 percent D) 35 percent


68. Researchers have found that having a religious affiliation is linked to A) lower rates of delinquency. B) lower rates of drug use. C) lower rates of depression. D) all of these.


69. Brandi has begun to question how God can let so many people die in natural disasters, and she struggles to reconcile how an all-powerful God and an all-merciful God can exist in the same being. Brandi is most likely in which developmental period? A) adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) young adulthood D) late childhood


70. Aaron thinks about what kind of life he wants to live. He wonders if there really is a God, and whether he truly believes or is going along with the beliefs of his parents. Aaron is most likely in which developmental period? A) adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) young adulthood D) late childhood


22. Which of the following statements regarding prosocial behavior is NOT true? A) Adolescents engage in more prosocial behavior than do children. B) Adolescent females regard themselves as more prosocial than adolescent males. C) The biggest gender difference in prosocial behavior is in kindness and considerate behavior. D) Prosocial behavior occurs more in childhood than in adolescence.


23. According to Freud, children develop the superego by A) identifying with their opposite-sex parent. B) identifying with their same sex parent. C) projecting their basic hostility onto their siblings. D) internalizing their own anxiety.


1. The highest level of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is A) conventional reasoning. B) utilitarian reasoning. C) postconventional reasoning. universal reasoning.


44. Which of the following statements regarding the effects of parental discipline on an adolescent is NOT true? A) Any discipline produces arousal on the part of the adolescent. B) Power assertion evokes a high level of anxiety. C) Love withdrawal evokes considerable anxiety. D) Power assertion presents parents as weak models of self-control.


10. In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on the role of ______ in moral development. A) values clarification programs B) parenting C) teachers D) peers


11. Criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral development have included all of the following, EXCEPT that Kohlberg A) placed too much emphasis on moral thought. B) may not have done high-quality research. C) may have underestimated the care perspective. D) placed too much emphasis on moral behavior.


12. Alberto has taken a test that gives him a series of moral dilemmas to evaluate. He is asked to rate the importance of each issue involved and to develop a list of the four most important issues involved in each dilemma. Alberto has taken the A) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). B) Defining Issues Test (DIT). C) 16 PF Test. D) Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).


13. Which of the following statements regarding Kohlberg's theory of moral development and culture is TRUE? A) Stages 5 and 6 have been found in all cultures. B) Kohlberg's scoring system is appropriate for all cultures. C) Moral reasoning is more culture-specific than Kohlberg envisioned. D) People around the world shift from Stage 3 to Stage 4 at approximately the same time.


14. Carol Gilligan's theory is based on a(n) ______ perspective toward morality. A) equity B) justice C) care D) individualistic


15. Gilligan found that girls, ages 6-18, consistently interpreted moral dilemmas in terms of A) human relationships. B) fairness and gender equity. C) social norms. D) all of these.


16. The type of moral reasoning that focuses on social consensus is A) empathy reasoning. B) behavioral reasoning. C) prosocial reasoning. D) social conventional reasoning.


17. Joel shuts his cell phone off upon entering a church to attend a funeral service. Joel's action is an example of A) a conventional rule. B) a moral rule. C) an ethical rule. D) none of these.


18. Moral rules are _____, while conventional rules are _____. A) personal; impersonal B) to promote organization; to ensure justice C) optional; obligatory D) obligatory; optional


19. Which of the following statements regarding moral behavior is NOT true? A) Moral behavior is situation-dependent. B) Adolescents are more likely to cheat when their friends pressure them to do so. C) Adolescents are likely to display consistent moral behavior in diverse social settings. D) Adolescents are more likely to cheat when the chance of being caught is slim.


2. The key concept in understanding Kohlberg's theory of moral development is A) externalization. B) internalization. C) individualism. D) collectivism.


20. Which theory of moral development emphasizes a distinction between adolescent moral competence and moral performance? A) self-efficacy theory B) social cognitive theory C) social competence theory D) none of these


21. Denise helps organize a five-mile walk to raise money for a good cause, the Brain Injury Association. Denise's work is an act of A) altruism. B) egocentrism. C) proactive behavior. D) empathy.


62. An integrative approach to moral education encompasses the _____ and ______. A) reflective moral thinking of Kohlberg; values clarification approach B) cognitive moral education approach; service learning C) reflective moral thinking of Kohlberg; character education D) care perspective of Gilligan; values clarification


24. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the psychoanalytic account of moral development? A) Inwardly directed hostility is experienced as depression. B) Children are openly hostile to their parents until age 4 or 5. C) Adolescents avoid committing transgressions for fear of punishment. D) Children and adolescents conform to societal standards to avoid guilt.


25. According to Freud, when the moral standards of the _____ are violated, the individual feels _____. A) id; anger B) ego; shame C) conscience; guilt D) ego ideal; doubt


26. Which of the following is NOT one of Erikson's three stages of moral development? A) specific moral learning in childhood B) ideological concerns in adolescence C) ethical consolidation in adulthood D) identity development in emerging adulthood


27. Alex, age 12, always helps his elderly grandmother by carrying her plate to the table and making sure that she always has her cane ready before she gets up. Alex says he feels sad that his Nana is getting weaker and not able to do as much for herself. Alex is showing A) sympathy. B) empathy. C) pity. D) neurotic anxiety.


28. Which of the following statements regarding empathy is TRUE? A) Children develop empathy at approximately seven to nine years of age. B) Not every adolescent may be capable of responding with empathy. C) Empathetic dysfunction may result in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. D) Adolescents' empathetic behavior varies considerably.


29. Recently there has been an interest in the fourth dimension of moral development, which is A) moral personality. B) moral emotions. C) moral values. D) moral beliefs.


3. The two stages of Kohlberg's preconventional reasoning level are individualism, instrumental purpose and exchange, and A) punishment and obedience orientation. B) social systems morality. C) social contract morality. D) none of these.


30. Which of the following is NOT one of the three aspects of the moral personality? A) moral identity B) moral character C) moral integrity D) moral exemplar


31. Gretchen's moral notions and commitments are central to her life. A developmentalist would say that Gretchen has developed a: A) moral character. B) moral identity. C) moral integrity. D) moral exemplar.


32. Which of the following is NOT a moral virtue identified by Augusto Blasi? A) willpower B) integrity C) moral thought D) moral desire


33. Candace holds herself accountable for the consequences of her actions. She has a sense of responsibility for all that she does, good or bad. According to Blasi, Candace has the virtue of A) willpower. B) honesty. C) integrity. D) moral desire.


34. The power went out in the jewelry store where Rick was looking for watches. Although others around him stuffed their pockets with expensive pieces of jewelry and left the store before security could lock the door, Rick resisted the temptation to steal and, instead, waited for the lights to come back on so that he could purchase a watch. Rick's behavior is an example of what Blasi would call: A) willpower. B) integrity. C) basic honesty. D) moral desire.


35. Moral character presupposes that the person has A) set moral goals and is committed to act in accord with these goals. B) formally learned the morals of society. C) had moral guides or mentors. D) all of these.


36. People who have lived exemplary lives are known as: A) moral exemplars. B) moral characters. C) moral elitists. D) moral dignitaries.


37. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of moral exemplars? A) brave B) just C) caring D) honest


38. Researchers consider the core of all three types of moral exemplars to include the traits of honesty and A) agreeableness. B) conscientiousness. C) emotional stability. D) dependability.


39. Piaget and Kohlberg both believed that A) parents were the primary agents in moral development of children. B) parents provided unique input into their children's moral development. C) the primary role in moral development is that of peers. D) the primary role in moral development is that of religion.


4. Chip obeys adults because they tell him to obey them. According to Kohlberg, Chip is in which stage of moral development? A) mutual interpersonal perspective B) punishment and obedience orientation C) conventional reasoning D) conformity orientation


40. Margaret's parents refuse to talk to her if she displeases them in any way. They tell her younger brother that Margaret is a big disappointment to them if she gets any grade below a B. Margaret's parents are using which of the following discipline techniques? A) power assertion B) induction C) deduction D) love withdrawal


41. Freud believed in encouraging moral development in children by instilling A) confidence. B) fear of losing parental love. C) collaboration. D) control.


42. Chelsea's father takes away her cell phone and her iPod whenever she does something that he views as "disrespectful." Chelsea's father is using which of the following discipline techniques? A) authoritative B) power assertion C) love withdrawal D) induction


43. The discipline technique in which a parent uses reason and explanation of the consequences for others of the adolescent's actions is known as A) deduction. B) rationality. C) induction. D) none of these.


45. Which of the following statements regarding the use of the induction technique of discipline is TRUE? A) Induction works better with older children and adolescents than with preschool children. B) Induction focuses on the adolescent's shortcomings. C) Induction works just as well as love withdrawal for adolescents. D) Induction works better on children from low SES families than with children from middle SES families.


46. Research has found that moral children have parents who do all EXCEPT A) foster an external sense of morality. B) involve children in family decision-making. C) model moral behaviors. D) use inductive discipline.


47. Sandy and Will are the parents of two sons, William, age 15, and Thomas, age 14. The boys have to call one of their parents as soon as they get home from school, and they are not allowed to do anything but homework or reading until their parents get home. They are only allowed to socialize with teens whose parents are friends of Sandy and Will. They can attend school dances only when Sandy or Will chaperones. Sandy and Will are using which type of parenting strategy? A) cocooning B) pre-arming C) pampering D) protecting


48. Katie's parents know that their daughter will inevitably be confronted by peers who want to offer her alcohol or drugs. They spend time talking with her about how to resist these harmful situations, and they even role-play with her to increase her skills. Katie's parents are engaging in which type of parenting strategy? A) cocooning B) pre-arming C) pampering D) protecting


49. Justin's school has rules about behaviors, and teachers clearly transmit the attitude that students should be respectful and considerate of others. According to John Dewey, the rules and moral atmosphere of Justin's school make up its A) values curriculum. B) belief system. C) overt curriculum. D) hidden curriculum.


5. Kohlberg's conventional reasoning level consists of two stages. One is called mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity. The other is called A) universal ethical principles. B) heteronomous morality. C) social systems morality. D) social contract morality.


50. Ms. Sacco's U.S. history students perceive her to be incompetent. They also think that she is unfair and that she does not care about her students. According to recent research, Ms. Sacco's students are likely to A) hate U.S. history. B) complain to the principal about her class. C) cheat in her class. D) be rude and disrespectful to her.


51. Currently 40 out of 50 states provide mandates to schools requiring them to provide some sort of A) values-clarification. B) service learning. C) character education. D) cognitive moral education.


52. Isabel learns in school that some behaviors, such as lying and cheating, are wrong and do harm to others. Isabel's school has adopted which approach to teaching basic moral literacy? A) values clarification B) character education C) cognitive moral education D) explicit moral code


53. Maria participates in a moral education program where students are encouraged to define their own values and understand the values of others. This program is using which approach to moral development? A) cognitive moral education B) service learning C) values sharing D) values clarification


54. Kendra's class on moral education consists of small-group discussions on a number of moral issues. Kendra's school has adopted a _____ approach to moral education. A) values clarification B) cognitive moral education C) moral character D) moral literacy


55. In a cognitive moral education program, teachers act as A) directors. B) instructors. C) coaches. D) facilitators.


56. 71. Which of the following statements regarding service learning is NOT true? A) Boys participate more in service learning than girls. B) Service learning takes learning out into the community. C) Service learning is often more effective when the students have a choice of activities. D) Service learning benefits adolescents in a number of different ways.


57. 72 who participate in service learning, Austin will A) have high grades in school. B) have excellent computer skills. C) have elderly grandparents who inspire him to give back to the community. D) probably not volunteer when he gets older.


58. Recent research on the benefits for volunteers and those who receive volunteer services suggest that A) recipients benefit when adolescents are mandated to participate in service learning; adolescents are negatively affected. B) required service learning results in hostility and is not good for either the volunteer or therecipient. C) more adolescents should be required to participate in service learning programs. D) service learning programs should be introduced in middle school.


59. Approximately what percentage of 30,000 high-school students surveyed recently said that they had cheated on a test in school during the last year? A) 65 B) 75 C) 85 D) 95


6. Lucia argues that community members need to obey laws in order for the community to work effectively. According to Kohlberg, Lucia is in which stage of moral development? A) social systems morality B) social contract morality C) mutual interpersonal expectations morality D) universal ethical principles


60. Mr. Gates, who teaches World Geography, frequently gives out a test and then leaves the room to pick up his mail in the office or to get coffee. What does research predict Mr. Gates' students are likely to do while he is out of the room? A) cheat on his tests B) not cheat on his tests, because he clearly trusts them C) have increased anxiety about his tests because he is not in the room D) report his behavior to their parents


61. Professor Dawson clearly spells out, both verbally and on his syllabus, what constitutes cheating in his class. His colleague, Professor Curtis, assumes that students know what behaviors are cheating and doesn't mention her policies. According to research, what is likely to happen in these two professors' classes? A) Students in Professor Curtis' class will be less likely to cheat than students in Professor Dawson's class. B) Students in Professor Dawson's class will be less likely to cheat than students in Professor Curtis' class. C) Students in both classes will cheat approximately 50 percent of the time. D) Whether or not students cheat depends on the subject material.


8. Which of the following statements regarding Kohlberg's theory of moral development is NOT true? A) Most adolescents reason at Stage 3. B) Stage 5 never characterizes more than 10 percent of the individuals. C) Stage 6 has recently been removed from the Kohlberg moral judgment scoring manual. D) Most people in their mid-thirties reason at Stage 3.


9. Lance's parents encourage family discussions about value-laden issues such as the death penalty, abortion, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. As a result, Lance is likely to think at A) more advanced levels of moral reasoning than other people his age. B) the same level as his parents. C) Stages 5 or 6 of Kohlberg's stages. D) none of these.


The theorist who developed a major stage theory of moral development is A) Lawrence Kohlberg. B) John Money. C) Timothy Malone. D) Susan Cloninger.

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