ch 8

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As a child, Katie was in a car accident and suffered a serious head injury that took away her ability to smell. Katie's condition is called __________.


What condition results from an abnormally high pressure inside the eye?


The inability to see distant objects is termed "nearsighted" or ________.


Where do the axons of ganglion cells leave the eyeball?

optic disc

What is umami?

sense of taste elicited by the amino acid glutamate

Which of these is associated with rods?

vision in dim light

Which reflex constricts pupils when we view close objects?

accommodation pupillary reflex

What is the ability of the eye to focus on close objects?


Which of the following is a sex-linked condition that more often affects males?


What is the reflexive movement of both eyes medially to view objects close to us?


The transparent portion of the fibrous layer of the eye is the ________.


Which one of the following correctly lists the order of the parts through which light passes as it enters the eye?

cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor

Which of the following structures refract light before it hits the retina?

cornea, humors, and lens

Hemianopia is caused by __________.

damage to the visual cortex

What are the three cranial nerves that carry taste sensations to the brain?

facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus

What part of the eye has the greatest visual acuity?

fovea centralis

Which area of the retina has the highest concentration of cones?

fovea centralis

What specific receptor cells respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva?

gustatory cells

The pupil is an opening within the ________.


What gland releases tears onto the anterior surface of the eyeball?


Stimulation of sour receptors occurs in response to ________.


What flexible, crystal-like structure of the eye focuses light on the retina?


Prolonged Vitamin A deficiency is common in third-world countries, especially those in which rice is the main staple. Given this information, what visual disorder would be found in a higher frequency in these third-world countries?

night blindness

What type of chemoreceptor is responsible for our sense of smell?

olfactory receptor

At what point do some axons leave the optic nerve and cross to the opposite side of the brain?

optic chiasma

Fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain at the ________.

optic chiasma

Select the pathway along which images received by the retina of the eye will travel into the brain ________.

optic nerve, optic chiasma, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, occipital lobe

The small, peglike projections of the tongue's surface are called ________.


What part of the retina absorbs light and prevents it from scattering inside the eye?

pigmented layer

After the age of 40 the elasticity of the lens decreases, making it difficult to clearly see close objects. What is this condition called?


The age-related condition resulting from decreased lens elasticity is known as ________.


The function of the choroid layer of the eye is to ________.

prevent light from scattering inside the eye

Which one of the following is NOT a primary taste sensation?


Which layer of the eye contains photoreceptors known as rods and cones?


What type of photoreceptor cell allows us to see gray tones in dim light, and provides our peripheral vision?


The aqueous humor of the eye is reabsorbed into venous blood through the ________.

scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm)

Gustatory hairs are to taste as olfactory hairs are to ________.


The five taste sensations are ________.

sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami

What part of the eye is affected by cataracts?

the lens

When Brock walked out of the dark movie theater into the bright, mid-day sun, he experienced ________.

the photopupillary reflex

Where are olfactory receptors located?

the superior region of the nasal cavity

What sensation allows someone to enjoy the "beef taste" of a steak?


What is the orientation of images formed on the retina?

upside down and reversed left to right

Which one of the following cranial nerves is NOT involved in either taste or smell?

vestibular (VIII)

The only special sense that is NOT fully functional at birth is ________.


The gel-like substance that reinforces the eyeball and prevents it from collapsing inward is the ________.

vitreous humor (body)

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