Ch. 91

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The nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing painful flare-ups of endometriosis. What is one treatment that might be suggested for this client? A) Psychiatric consult B) Pregnancy C) Antibiotic therapy D) Fertility drugs


A 25-year-old client with complaints of breast tenderness, mood swings, and backache before the onset of menses is diagnosed with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). What instruction should the nurse provide to the client to help relieve the symptoms of PMS? A) Take a prescribed dose of diuretic medications. B) Maintain a low-salt diet during menstrual periods. C) Increase the dietary protein and sugar intake. D) Drink a cup of coffee early every morning.


A nurse is preparing a postoperative nursing care plan for a client after vaginal hysterectomy. What nursing care measure should be included in the client's nursing care plan? A) Teach the client how to use a peribottle. B) Teach the client to clean the perineum from back to front. C) Encourage the client to stay in bed as much as possible. D) Tell the client to avoid sitz baths.


A nurse midwife has prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat the symptoms and discomforts of a client experiencing menopause. Which of the following is considered a possible risk related to HRT? A) Higher risk of breast cancer B) Higher risk of cervical cancer C) Vaginal dryness D) Higher risk for endometriosis


The nurse is advising a client who is diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) about the side effects of PID. What serious condition may occur as a result of this disease? A) Ectopic pregnancy B) Birth defects C) Sepsis D) Toxic shock syndrome


The nurse is preparing a client for a pelvic examination. Which of the following would be included in the nurse's instructions? A) Ask the client to empty her bladder before the examination. B) Ask the client to take shallow breaths during the examination. C) Place the client in a prone position on the examination table. D) Tell the client that she will feel no discomfort related to the examination.


Which of the following clients would be most likely to have an order for a sitz bath? A) A client who has had a hysterectomy B) A client who has amenorrhea C) A client with premenstrual syndrome D) A woman who is experiencing menopause


The nurse explains to a client that there is no one specific laboratory test that can verify PMS or PMDD. Which conditions that mimic PMS or PMDD should be ruled out before a diagnosis can be made? Select all that apply. A) Dysmenorrhea B) Vaginal infection C) Endometriosis D) Perimenopause E) Cystocele F) Side effects of oral contraceptives


A nurse is screening women for risk factors for breast cancer. Which of the following are considered a risk for this disorder? Select all that apply. A) Previous cancer B) Birth of a child before age 25 C) Having breast-fed children D) Using female hormone therapy E) Having an extreme fear of cancer F) Cystic breast disorders


A female client who is taking oral contraceptives is diagnosed with metrorrhagia. Which of the following describes this condition? A) Absence or stoppage of menses B) Bleeding between menstrual periods C) Excessive bleeding during menstruation D) Painful menstruation


A nurse is caring for a client admitted for a mastectomy. What instruction should be given to the client? A) Follow a sodium-rich diet after the surgery. B) Instruct how to care for a Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain. C) Avoid lifting the hand to brush her hair after surgery. D) Instruct the client about Kegel exercises.


A nurse is caring for a client being treated for cervicitis. What information should be provided to the client to prevent recurrent cervicitis? A) Use contraceptive foams instead of pills. B) Avoid irrigating the vagina frequently with a douche. C) Eliminate spinach and green beans from the diet. D) Clean perineal area from back to front after voiding.


A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with trichomoniasis. What self-care tip should be provided to the client? A) Avoid applying the medication during menses. B) Insert the full dosage of medication at bedtime. C) Use a water-soluble lubricant during intercourse. D) Take frequent hot tub baths.


The nurse explains to a client with a family history of breast cancer the difference between benign and malignant neoplasms. Which of the following is a characteristic of a malignant neoplasm? A) Round or oval shape B) Irregular shape and hard C) Movable D) Smooth border


The nurse is counseling an adolescent who is diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Which of the following is a symptom of this disorder? A) Menorrhagia B) Amenorrhea C) Dysmenorrhea D) Mastalgia


The nurse is preparing a client for breast biopsy of a lump. The nurse explains that a needle with a cutting edge will be inserted into a lump and rotated to remove a core sample. What type of breast biopsy is this client undergoing? A) Aspiration B) Needle biopsy C) Excisional biopsy D) Incisional biopsy


The nurse is preparing a female client for an augmentation mammoplasty. Which of the following describes this procedure? A) The breasts will be reduced. B) The breasts will be enlarged. C) The breasts will be removed. D) The breasts will be biopsied.


The school nurse is teaching teenage girls how to prevent vaginal infections. Which of the following is a recommended guideline for feminine care? Select all that apply. A) Wipe from back to front when going to the bathroom. B) Pull panties, with perineal pad attached, straight down. C) Douche at least once a week. D) Use vaginal sprays or scented powders between bathing. E) Wear only cotton panties. F) Avoid tight pants or jeans.


A female client is diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). What would the nurse tell the client is the most common cause of this disorder? A) Vaginal infection B) Diabetes C) Chlamydia D) Douching


A nurse is assigned to perform vaginal irrigation on a client. What step should be followed when performing the procedure? A) Place the client in Fowler's position for the procedure. B) Place the irrigating bag 20 inches above the client's hip level. C) Separate the labia and gently insert the douche nozzle. D) Release the clamp to let air out after inserting the nozzle.


A nurse is caring for a client who has undergone uterine dilation and curettage. What nursing care measure should be employed when caring for this client? A) Avoid the administration of analgesics. B) Instruct the client to change the vaginal gauze frequently. C) Monitor the client for signs of urinary retention. D) Report to the physician if the vaginal discharge is bloody.


The nurse caring for a client with cervical cancer reads on her chart that the cancer extends to the pelvic wall and involves the lower one-third of the vagina. What stage of cervical cancer is this woman manifesting? A) Stage I B) Stage II C) Stage III D) Stage IV


The nurse explaining a diagnostic procedure to a client states that a small incision will be made in the area of the umbilicus, and the abdomen distended with approximately 2 L of carbon dioxide or oxygen to visualize the uterus and accessory organs. What procedure is the nurse describing? A) Culdoscopy B) Colposcopy C) Laparoscopy D) Cervical biopsy


A nurse is caring for a 45-year-old client with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The nurse should inform the client that she is at risk for developing what cancer? A) Hodgkin's lymphoma B) Multiple myeloma C) Ovarian cancer D) Cervical cancer


A nurse is caring for a client after anterior colporrhaphy. What nursing care measure should be employed when caring for the client? A) Tell the client to avoid showers and sitz baths. B) Instruct the client to avoid sexual intercourse for a week. C) Remove the catheter on the first postoperative day. D) Instruct the client to avoid lifting for a period of time.


A woman is undergoing surgery for a vesicovaginal fistula. What is a common postoperative complication of this surgery? A) Prolapsed uterus B) Vulvitis C) Endometriosis D) Infection


An OB/GYN nurse is teaching a new female client how to perform breast self-examination. Which of the following is a recommended step for this examination? A) Before a mirror, inspect the breasts with arms raised, and then extended sideways. B) Standing up, press gently in small circular motions around an imaginary clock face. C) In the shower, place hands on hips, bend forward and examine breasts. D) To examine the right breast, put a pillow or folded towel under the right shoulder.


The nurse is caring for a woman who had an incomplete abortion. For what procedure would the nurse prepare this client? A) Conization B) Culdoscopy C) Hysterectomy D) Dilation and Curettage (D&C)


The nurse is preparing a cancer risk assessment for a 45-year-old female client. Which of the following cancers occurs commonly in women between the ages of 40 and 55 years? A) Cancer of the fundus B) Endometrial cancer C) Ovarian cancer D) Cervical cancer


The nurse tells a client that every woman past the age of puberty should have a complete pelvic examination, including a Pap test, every 1 to 3 years. What other information should the nurse provide to the client? A) Pap test is very accurate in detecting uterine cancer. B) The test is done during menstrual periods. C) The client has to maintain knee-chest position for the test. D) The Pap test helps in the early detection of cervical cancer.


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