blood clotting
in what chief capacity does vitamin K function
in what organ would you expect to find vitamin K in large quantities
toxicity can lead to increased pressure in the skull
vitamin A
deficiency state in adults is called osteomalacia
vitamin D
prevents damage to cell membranes
vitamin E
deficiency state can cause excessive bleeding
vitamin K
sunlight, fortified food products
what are ways that we obtain vitamin D?
exposure to sunlight
what can the body use to synthesize vitamin D
what compound serves as the major precursor for the body's synthesis of vitamin D
erythrocyte hermolysis
what disorders may result from vitamin E deficiency in people
what food substances can be converted to vitamin A in the body
what form of vitamin A supports reproduction but not growth
what form of vitamin A supports vision but not growth
prolonged exposure to sunlight degrades the vitamin D precursor in skin, thus preventing vitamin D toxicity
what is a characteristic of vitamin D nutrition?
the average consumption in the U.S. does not meet the recommended intake
what is a feature of vitamin D
bacteria in the intestines synthesize bioavailable vitamin K
what is a feature of vitamin K
deficiency symptoms may take years to develop on a poor diet
what is a property of the fat-soluble vitamins?
promotes calcium and phosphorus absorption and promotes calcium mobilization from bone
what is/are the main functions of vitamin D
small intenstine
what organ is NOT required for the complete synthesis of activated vitamin D
what population group is most vulnerable to vitamin A toxicity
10 micrograms of beta-carotene
one retinol activity equivalent is equal to
the vitamin is widespread in foods
why are primary vitamin E deficiencies rarely observed in human beings
with what vitamin is opsin usually associated in the body
night blindness
the first detectable sign of vitamin A deficiency is usually
the main function of vitamin E in the body is to act as an
approx. what percentage of the body's vitamin A stores are found in the liver?
dizziness and blurred vision
symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include
the active form of vitamin K is