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Which of these is an example of blockbusting?

A real estate agent approaches a homeowner as soon as a demographic shift starts to occur in her neighborhood and convinces her that she needs to sell now, or she'll never be able to sell.

REALTOR® Arnold was instructed by his client Sebastian to find a buyer who would "fit into the neighborhood." What is Arnold's responsibility in this situation?

Arnold must explain to his client the responsibilities for fair treatment that they both have under fair housing laws.

Which of the following would make the "Choose Your Neighbor" flyer an allowable strategy for finding prospective buyers?

As part of a comprehensive marketing strategy that doesn't limit or restrict potential buyers

Which one of these situations represents the illegal practice of redlining?

Based on the neighborhood's demographics, Hunter, a mortgage broker, refused to underwrite mortgage applications from applicants who want to buy in specific neighborhoods.

Which U.S. Supreme Court decision consolidated five cases involving the constitutionality of state-sponsored segregation in public schools?

Brown vs. Board of Education

Which Supreme Court case involved a city ordinance that prohibited Blacks from living on a block where the majority of the residents were white?

Buchanan vs. Warley

Under Article 10 of the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics, equal professional service should be given to all clients and customers, irrespective of race, color, religion, sex, disability, _______, or national origin.

Familial status

A landlord has an available unit but refuses to show it to several applicants. These applicants are all single women with children. The applicants who are shown the apartment are all individuals or couples without children. In what way is the landlord violating fair housing law?

He is discriminating against people based on familial status by refusing to show available housing.

Which statement related to reasonable accommodation for an assistance animal is true?

If the disability for which the tenant is making the request is obvious, the landlord may not ask why it is needed.

If a real estate professional discovers that another real estate professional is engaging in discriminatory marketing practices, what action should he or she take?

Make a complaint to the National Association of REALTORS® or to the Department of Housing and Urban Development

What are the seven federally protected classes?

Race, color, national origin, sex, disability, familial status, and religion

Are mobile home parks subject to fair housing laws?


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