Ch_17 European Renaissance and Reformation

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Catholic Reformation

16th-century Catholic reform movement in response to Protestant Reformation


16th-century movement for religious reform, leading to the founding of new Christian churches

Peace of Augsburg

Agreement in 1555 declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler


An ideal place


Art technique that re-creates three dimensions

What was the result of the declining authority of the church?

As a result, individual monarchs and states gained greater power. This in turn led to the development of modern nation-states.


Cancel or put an end to

Aim Answer

Causes: 1) Some Church leaders had become worldly and corrupt. 2) European princes and kings were jealous of the Church's wealth. Effects: 1) Peasants had revolted. 2) Weakening of the Holy Roman Empire.


Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters

Aim Answer

Culture The Northern Renaissance produced its share of significant art, literature, and learning. Science and Technology The invention of the printing press helped to spread Renaissance ideas throughout Europe.


Doctrine that God has decided all things beforehand, including which people will be saved

What did northern European artists paint?

Dürer painted religious subjects and realistic landscapes. Holbein, Van Eyck, and Bruegel painted lifelike portraits and scenes of peasant life.

William Shakespeare

Famous Renaissance writer

What are three reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy?

First, Italy had several important cities. Cities were places where people exchanged ideas. Second, these cities included a class of merchants and bankers who were becoming wealthy and powerful. Third, Italian artists and scholars were inspired by the ruined buildings and other reminders of classical Rome.


Focus on human potential and achievements

Johann Gutenburg

German craftsman who developed the printing press


Government controlled by religious leaders

What role did Martin Luther play in the Reformation?

He posted a protest on the door of a castle church. His words were printed and spread throughout Germany.

What role did Henry VIII play in creating the Church of England?

Henry had Parliament pass laws that created the Church of England. These laws made the king or queen, not the pope, head of the Church. Henry no longer had to obey the pope. Henry remarried five times. His only son was from his third wife.


How did Renaissance ideas spread?

Essential Question

How do movements of People and ideas affect World History?

Why did Luther's ideas lead to war?

In 1524, peasants in Germany hoped to use Luther's ideas about Christian freedom to change society. They demanded an end to serfdom—a condition like slavery. When it was not granted, they revolted. Luther disagreed with this revolt. German princes killed thousands in putting the revolt down.

Aim Answer

It originated in Italy because it had important cities, there were individual classes, and there were artists and scholars.

Section 1

Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

Section 3

Luther Leads the Reformation

Map, Biography, Primary Source, and Visual Analysis

Map: Europe in 1500. Shows the places where famous things had happened such as Martin Luther beginning reformation in Wittenberg. Biography: Medici Family. They were A rival family grew so jealous of the Medici that they plotted to kill Lorenzo (above) and his brother Giuliano. Primary Source: Compares the Renaissance Men to the Renaissance Women. In The Courtier, Baldassare Castiglione described the type of accomplished person who later came to be called the Renaissance man. Although Renaissance women were not expected to create art, wealthy women often were patrons of artists, as this letter by Isabella d'Este demonstrates. Primary Source: Perspective creates the appearance of three dimensions. Perspective is based on an optical illusion. Biography 1: Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks—and life—are mysterious. Leonardo planned scholarly works and great feats of engineering that were never completed. Biography 2: Michelangelo Buonarroti is most famous for the way he portrayed the human body in painting and sculpture. Visual: Renaissance Ideas Influence Renaissance Art. Shows the Mona Lisa and sculptures made by famous artists.

Map, Primary Source, and Biography

Map: Religions in Europe in 1560. Shows where each dominant religion was held and where each minority religion is located. Primary Source: Written by Ignatius of Loyola. An excerpt from his book Spiritual Exercises. Biography: John Calvin grew up to study law and philosophy at the University of Paris.

Who were two women who played important roles in the Reformation?

Marguerite of Navarre and Katherina von Bora.

Council of Trent

Meeting of Roman Catholic leaders to rule on doctrines criticized by the Protestant reformers


Member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation


Member of a Protestant church founded on the teachings of Martin Luther


Member of a Protestant church governed by elders and founded by John Knox


Member of a Protestant group during the Reformation who believed only adults should be baptized. Also believed that church and state should be separate


Members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola


People who financially supported artists


Period of rebirth of art and learning in Europe lasting from about 1300 to 1600

Primary Source, Chart, Visual, and Biography Analysis

Primary Source: Written by Martin Luther. Charles V summoned Luther to the town of Worms and Martin refused. Chart: Causes of the Reformation. Shows the social, political, economic, and religious as to why reformation started. Visual: Protestantism- A branch of Christianity. Shows the division of Christianity and the religious beliefs and practices in the 16th century. Biography: Martin Luther was a monk. At the age of 21, Luther was caught in a terrible thunderstorm. Convinced he would die, he cried out, "Saint Anne, help me! I will become a monk."

Primary Source (483), and Visual

Primary Source: Written by William Shakespeare. He revealed the souls of men and women through scenes of dramatic conflict. Shakespeare had one of his characters deliver a speech that expresses the Renaissance's high view of human nature. Visual: Peasant Life. This picture portrays a wedding feast. Shows the bride, servers, guests, and musicians.

What effects did the printing press have on northern European life?

Printing made it easier to make many copies of a book. As a result, written works became available far and wide.

Aim Answer

Protestant churches flourished and new denominations developed.

What kinds of changes did Church critics want to make?

Reformers urged the Church to change its ways to become more spiritual and humble. Christian humanists such as Erasmus and Thomas More added their voices to calls for change.


Relating to the Church of England


Release from punishments due for a sin


Religious teachings based on the ideas of the reformer John Calvin

How did the methods and subjects in art change?

Sculptors made figures more realistic than those from the Middle Ages. Painters used perspective to create the illusion that their paintings were three-dimensional. Art in the Middle Ages was mostly religious. Renaissance artists reproduced other views of life. Michelangelo showed great skill as an architect, a sculptor, and a painter.

Section 2

The Northern Renaissance

Section 4

The Reformation Continues

What happened at the Council of Trent?

The council, which met in 1545, passed doctrines. These doctrines stated that the Church's interpretation of the Bible was final and that Christians needed to perform good works to win salvation.

How was the northern Renaissance different from the Renaissance in Italy?

The northern Renaissance allowed new ideas from Italy to spread to northern Europe. The Renaissance in Italy Educated people combined classical learning with interest in religious ideas.

What is Calvinism?

The religion based on Calvin's teachings is called Calvinism.

What are secular ideas?

These ideas centered on the things of the world.

What did Renaissance writers write about?

They began to express their own thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they gave a detailed look at an individual.


Use of native language instead of classical Latin


What were causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation?


What were further changes in Protestantism and the Catholic Reformation?


What were the origins and innovations of the early Renaissance?

Who were two of the most famous writers of the northern Renaissance?

William Shakespeare and Thomas More.

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