ch.19 test

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in the 1800's there were how many industrial and agricultural strikes


the next major Financial Panic after those of the 1880s occurred in


which group tended to serve more than any other in city government

Saloon keepers

weekly Publications specialize in giving readers

a visual experience of key events

since the 1850s until the 1880s most American newspapers were

align with one of the major political parties

which of the following was one of the Ocala demands made by farmers in 1890

and the silver Purchase Act, and the high tariffs, abolished private National Banks

which of the following became the most visible practice in the way Congress performed its legislative Duty in the Gilded Age

being lobbied

President Cleveland solution to the receding gold Supply was successful

but his Public Image was damaged by the association with a robber baron

the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 made monopolizing an offense

but provided no means for enforcement

all of the following were key and political world of the Gilded Age except

candidate policies

the role of the political machine was generally to

dispense jobs and food to the urban poor in exchange for votes

political clubs were typically all of the following except

expensive for political parties to maintain

stalwarts and half-breeds were

factions of the Republican Party

in the election of 1896 the Democrats co-opted the populist votes with their stance on

free silver

the essence of the spoils system was

government positions went to party supporters

coxey's Army marched on Washington demanding

government relief from unemployment

the Pullman Strike was ended by the federal government because

it was illegally laying mail delivery by the US Postal Service

the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

laid the groundwork for Federal Regulation of the railroad industry

a collection of statutes that became known as the Jim Crow laws

legalized segregation

which of the following was not characteristic of politics during the Gilded Age

low voter turnout

party members orchestrated election festivities through two different types of Clubs

marching clubs and political clubs

opposition to monopolies came from

middle class Americans, Farmers, industrial workers

the Haymarket Affair led to

new nativist movements

Farmers alliances tended to

none of these, isolate Farms from communication and transportation networks, stop Machinery from taking over the farming industry, introduced a middleman through Cooperative in order to improve sales

the initial emphasis of Jane Addams hull-house was to

offer programs in music literature and history to Neighborhood poor

after the election of 1888 the term mugwump came to refer to

one who had broken the rule of Party Loyalty in voting

the populist party was founded in 1892 from all of the following except


Joseph Pulitzer New York world became the first newspaper to cover National politics, with an emphasis on

scandals and Corruption

the Civil Service Act of 1883 required for some positions federal job Seekers to

take a competitive examination

which of the following was not one of the accusations made against populist that contributed to their demise

that they were Pro Jewish

President Cleveland blamed the depression on

the Sherman Silver Act

the central issue of the election of 1888 was

the Tariff

two issues on which the two political parties genuinely differed

the Tariff in the money supply

in the 1896 Plessy versus Ferguson decision the Supreme Court ruled that cities and states had

the legal right to separate public amenities

gerrymandering is the practice of

the partisan redrawing of district lines to influence election results

which territories were the first to allow women to vote

Utah and Wyoming

the leading Anarchist city was


in the election of 1892 most white voters were solidly Democratic largely because

Democratic leaders warned of negro Supremacy and intimidating voters at the polls

House Republicans attempted pass a voter's rights build-tek black voters in the South, but it was defeated in the Senate by

Democrats and Western Republicans

the name boys and blues was intended to remind voters that

Democrats were associated with the Confederacy

in Chicago, whole house women were instrumental in establishing the nation's first

Juvenile Justice System

Tammany Hall was

New York Democratic machine

how did women often justify their incursion into the traditionally male sphere of politics

they explained that the government had a direct impact on the female domain of the home

the beneficiaries of America's First Federal well system were


internal divisions arose within African American communities in the south over

whether they should remain in the south

the single largest Organization for women's political involvement was the

women's Christian Temperance Union

McKinley's platform in the 1896 election included all of the following

women's rights, the threat of mob violence, industrial and baking interest it did not include free silver

American Woman Suffrage Association Lobby chiefly for

women's suffrage on a state level

during the latter part of the nineteenth Century the federal government

work closely with big business to help them grow

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