Ch.5 - Infection Control

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How long does it usually take for quat solutions to insinfect implements?

10 minutes

If there is no time specified or recommended by the manufacturer of the disinfectant, for how long must a tool be left fully submerged in the disinfectant?

10 minutes

Abigail has been instructed by her manager to use the PPEs he has purchased and stored in the backroom whenever possible and appropriate. As a new beauty pro, Abigail is not sure what a PPE is. When she walks into the backroom, what should she have in order to show her manager she is following his instructions?

A pair of non-latex gloves.

How often should one change gloves?

After every single use

What is a microorganism?

Any organism of microscopic size.

Chloe spent the better part of an hour cleaning her tools and implements before her shift started. She was, therefore, upset when her instructor, Janine, told her she'd have to do it all again because she had not followed one of the three acceptable methods. What ways was Chloe MOST LIKELY cleaning her tools and implements?

Chloe was thoroughly wiping them down with sanitary wipes.

It is Sunday, and Javier has been working since early this morning. Although his establishment is officially closed for business today, he devotes every Sunday to infection control. He spends the morning on the first step and the afternoon on the second step. It is now 3:00pm. What is Javier doing?


What should you do if a tool or implement is dropped on the floor during a service?

Either replace or disinfect it prior to continuing the service.

Heidi has been extremely careful on the job this week in an effort to avoid catching the virus (which is NOT an airborne virus) running through nearly every other employee's immune system. As part of her efforts, she has not had any physical contact with any of her coworkers. If she has in fact avoided all contact with others, what is TRUE?

If Heidi catches the virus, it will only have been through indirect transmission.

Tuberculosis is transmitted through ________.


It is the end of the workday, and Juanita is about to being disinfecting all of the implements she has used throughout the day. Just before she submerges the implements in a disinfectant, however, her boss, Julia, runs over to stop her. :Juanita," Julia says, "you cannot disinfect those implements." Assuming Julia is RIGHT, what would explain her outburst?

Juanita had not cleaned any of the implements she was about to disinfect.

Joaquin, a business owner, is trying to calm down his employee, Greta, because she has received information from her doctor following some blood work that she has tested positive for a virus. Greta is frantic because the message her doctor left was unclear, and she's not sure if she tested positive for HIV or HPV. Although neither would be good news, she knows HPV is more likely to be cured than HIV. What is TRUE that would give Greta peace of mind that indeed, she acquired HPV?

She acquired the virus through indirect transmission.

Sofia has worked at her current place of employment for nearly 10 years. As a veteran of the industry, Sofia feels as though she does everything exactly as it should be done. For example, she wears comfortable but professional clothing, always makes sure her hair is tied back and out of the way, abstains from wearing any long or dangly jewelry, and always makes sure her cell phone is placed securely on her workstation and on vibrate. What, if anything, is Sofia doing incorrectly?

Sofia's cell phone should be stored out of sight.

The CDC publishes ___________, guidelines that employees and employers agree to with the assumption that any human blood or body fluids are potentially infectious.

Standard Precautions

Richard saw 16 clients on a busy Friday. Every single client appeared to be in perfect health, showing no signs of any disease. Although Richard is always careful, he is much more so when clients obviously appear to be sick. On Monday, Richard came down with a bath cold. If it is TRUE that he caught this cold from one of the clients he saw on Friday, what else must also be true?

The client from whom Richard acquired his cold was asymptomatic.

Jenne and Teresa are beauty professionals at a local establishment. They are discussing how clean their implements are. Their boss, Harvey, has taught them about proper infection control. Jenna feels strongly that the implements have been sterilized. Teresa, however, insists that they have only been cleaned. What would prove Teresa is RIGHT?

The implements are completely free of any visible dust, dirt, or debris.

What is NOT true of ventilation and air circulation systems inside of salons, spas, and barbershops?

The vents for these systems can be located anywhere.

Daniel is talking with his coworker Horatio about his busy morning. He tells Horatio it was especially hectic because three of his appointments were with high-risk clients, for what extra care must be taken. What, if true, would mean that Daniel is INCORRECT in his belief that his clients were high risk?

They all had children with them.

What is NOT true of disinfectants?

They destroy all bacteria.

What is NOT one of the cautionary tips to consider when handling disinfectants?

Use disinfectants directly on dirt, soft, porous surfaces.

You are watching your fellow student Victoria working with a client. In the 10 minutes you water her for, she removes her gloves only once, to quickly turn on the faucet and rinse her hands. After rinsing her hands, she immediately puts another pair of gloves on. if it is TRUE that Victoria's client is asymptomatic with a sickness that is not airborne, and it is also TRUE that Victoria acquired a cold during those 10 minutes you watched her, then what else must also be true?

Victoria caught the cold through indirect transmission.

Walter is your coworker, and is a bit confused as to what type and level of infection control he must employ in cleaning tools, as he has been asked to do by your manager, Carlos. Walter tells you, "I have no idea what to do. Carlos told me to clean these tools and then make sure I sue the highest level of infection control so that I completely destroy EVERYTHING." As Walter's coworker, what level of infection control should you recommend that he use, and why?

Walter should sterilize the tools, because that will destroy all microbial life.

Harlan, your good friend, lost his father when he was just a boy. His father was a factory worker who spent long days in an overcrowded and unsafe work environment and tragically died in an accident on the job. Harlan wishes to work for the federal government, with the hope of making a real difference in workers lives. He would specifically like to help others avoid his father's fate. Harlan asks you if you think he should work for OSHA. Do you think he should? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Yes, Harlan should work for OSHA because it is a federal agency that regulates and enforces safety and health standards in the workplace.

Prevention of the spread of infections begins and ends with ______.


Often, clients who are just getting sick can be contagious without showing any signs of infection. These clients are considered _______.


Fire extinguishers ________.

by law, must be checked regularly.

Jodie has spent the better part of an hour using plenty of soap and warm water to remove all of the visible dirt and debris off of her station and the surrounding area. Jodie has just thoroughly _____ her station.


What is mainly used to remove visible dirt?


With proper precautions in place, it is safe to perform a skin service on a client who comes in with a(n) ______.


A _______ is capable of igniting and burning.


When doctors have determined the nature of a disease, the have _______.

diagnosed it

Preventing the spread of infections is ________.

easy when you know the proper procedures to follow.

A(n) _______ is contact with nonintact (broken) skins, blood, body fluid, or other infectious materials as a result of the performance of a worker's duties.

exposure incident

Yasmine worries a lot about getting sick because she deals with so many clients on a day-to-day basis/ She knows, however, that even though she cannot prevent _______, she can strive to prevent ________ disease while she's at work.

exposure; transmission of

HIV is spread through which of the following means?

form a person to person through the blood

When it comes to the spread of infectious disease, beauty professionals must be prepared to deal with all EXCEPT what type of potentially harmful organisms?


When a surface is properly cleaned, the number of contaminants on the surface is ___________.

greatly reduced.

Brenda works long hours, and because she comes into close contact with so many clients, she is careful to keep her hands clean throughout the day. As her schedule is always quite full, this often means using hand sanitizer instead of soap and water. What is an issue Brenda is MOST LIKELY to face as a result of this?

hands that are dry to the point of cracking

Juan has not been feeling well for about a week and goes to see the doctor. Juan, it turns out, has pediculosis capitis. What MOST LIKELY caused this?

head lice from a client, close associate or relative

James is quite excited because he is having a sophisticated heating and air-conditioning system installed at his business. In order to keep his heating and cooling system working properly and effectively, what should James AVOID doing?

locating the system's vents directly above work stations.

Soaps and other products that do not have the word "disinfectant" on the label are _____.

merely cleaners

There are two types of parasites commonly encountered in the salon, spa, and barbershop. What is one of them?

pediculosis capitis (lice)

When handling disinfectants, NEVER __________.

place them in unmarked containers.

Inflammation is characterized by all the following EXCEPT _______.


Olga just noticed that the electrical cord on her electrical device is worn and even cracking. Because she is a responsible beauty professional, Olga immediately _______.

replaces the device.

Considered an expert in this field, Wilma has worked for the last 22 years at the federal agency that registers all types of disinfectants sold by manufacturers and used by salons, spa, and barbershops nationwide. For what federal agency does Wilma work?

the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Ingrid's clients have been experiencing inflammation and pain on certain parts of their skin and bodies.Ingrid mentioned this to her manager, Roberta, who began to investigate the problem. Roberta has determined that these complaints are most likely the results of biofilms. Because she believes biofilms are the problem, what is MOST LIKELY the source of the contamination?

the heat vent above Ingrid's workstation.

What would OSHA most likely be involved in regulating?

the manufacture of chemical products used in the workplace.

What BEST defines transmission?

the process by which pathogens move between individuals.

What will NOT necessarily be on the label of an EPA-registered disinfectant?

the word "concentrate".

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