Ch.5 Rad Tech Notes Part 1

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The AP Oblique with external rotation of the shoulder is also referred to as the:

Grashey method

What is the normal SID for these upper extremities?


Humerus and Shoulder Girdles kVp range is usually:


The Axillary projection for the shoulder is different because the size of the IR and the orientation is:

8 x 10 lengthwise

For the AP Oblique W/ external rotation of the shoulder, there is open ______ space b/w the _______ head and the ________ fossa.

joint humeral glenoid

For the AP external rotation of the shoulder, the greater tubercle is in _______ profile


What are the 2 humerus projections?

AP and lateral

The AP External Rotation has all of the same features as the ___ _______ ________ except that the arm is rotated _______ until the epicondylar line is ________ to the IR.

AP internal rotation externally parallel

The Scapular Y-View starts from _____, and ______ the patient ___ to ____ degrees toward the affected _____. The arm will hang _______ at the side.

PA rotates 30 35 side naturally

The Lesser tubercle for the AP internal rotation of the shoulder is in _______ profile.


The lesser tubercle for the Lateral Humerus are in _________ profile.


Whenever performing radiographic procedures recumbent with the IR in the table bucky tray, you must align the bucky tray and x-ray tube transversely and longitudinally. This is called:


The AP Humerus has visibility of the epicondyles with no ___________.


The lateral humerus is a ________ _______ position.

rotational lateral

What type of focal spot is used for the humerus and shoulder girdle projections?

small focal spot

The epicondyles in the lateral humerus are __________.


The lesser tubercle on the AP humerus is:


For AP internal rotation of the shoulder, the greater tubercle is __________ over the humeral _____.

superimposed head

For AP Humerus, the greater ________ and humeral _____ are in _________ profile.

tubercle head lateral

For the Lateral Humerus, the greater ______ is ____________ over the humeral ______.

tubercle superimposed head

For the AP oblique w/ external rotation of the shoulder, the arm is _________ rotated to place the epicondylar line _________ to the IR.

externally parallel

What 2 structures are demonstrated for AP humerus?

shoulder and elbow joints

The AP humerus is centered on the IR to include the _______ and _______ joints.

shoulder elbow

The collimation for the AP HUMERUS is to include the ________ and ________ joints.

shoulder elbow

The lateral humerus demonstrates the _______ and ______ joints

shoulder elbow

The lateral humerus is centered to IR to include both the _______ and _______ joints

shoulder elbow

The Shoulder views are on what size IR and how is it oriented?

10 x 12 crosswise

The orientation for the AP and Lateral humerus and the size of the IR is:

14 x 17 lengthwise

CR of Scapular Y-View is directed to:

2in below shoulder joint

For the AP oblique with external rotation of the shoulder, the patient's body is rotated _____ degrees toward the ________ side.

45 affected

For AP internal rotation of the shoulder, the ___ and ___ joints are demonstrated and the _________ angle of the _________ is also demonstrated.

AC SC inferior scapula

The AP external rotation of the shoulder demonstrates the ____, ____ joints, and _______ angle of the __________.

AC SC inferior scapula

For the axillary projection of the shoulder, the ____ joint, _______ process, and the _______ end of clavicle is projected through the _______ head. (superimposed)

AC acromion acromial humeral

AC joint stands for:

Acromioclavicular joint

The 5 shoulder views include:

Ap internal rotation, AP external rotation, AP oblique with external rotation, axillary projection, scapular y-view

The CR for the AP internal rotation as well as AP External rotation of the shoulder is directed to the:

Coracoid process

The Scapular Y-View is the closest shoulder view to a:

Lateral view

For the axillary projection of the shoulder it can also be referred to as the:

Lawrence method

SC joint stands for:

Sternoclavicular joint

The Scapular Y-view is performed if the patient cannot ______ the affected arm and perform the ______ view

abduct axillary

The _______ process for the scapular y-view is projected _________ and a little ________.

acromion laterally posteriorly

For the axillary projection of the shoulder, the ________ arm is fully _______.

affected abducted

If you move the bucky tray and/or the xray tube when they have been aligned already, they will no longer be _________.


The Scapular Y-view demonstrates the _________ ________ of the shoulder

anterior dislocation

For the AP external rotation of the shoulder, the lesser tubercle is projected over the ______ aspect of the humeral ______.

anterior head

The lesser tubercle for the AP humerus is projected on the ________ aspect of the humeral ______.

anterior head

For the Scapular Y-View, the _____ of the scapula is demonstrated in ________ position with the _______ superimposed over it.

body lateral humerus

For the Scapular Y-View, there is no superimposition of the scapular ____ over the bony _______ (____ cage)

body thorax rib

Humeral and shoulder projections usually use which one- bucky tray or table top?

bucky tray

Whenever performing radiographic procedures recumbent with the IR in the table bucky tray, you must align the:

bucky tray and x-ray tube transversely and longitudinally

For the axillary projection of the shoulder, the ________ process is projecting _____________.

coracoid anteriorly

The ______ process for the scapular y-view is projected slightly _____ or over the ________.

coracoid below clavicle

The CR for AP Oblique w/ external rotation of the shoulder is directed to:

coracoid process

If the box for the "box test" is crosswise, the IR is oriented __________


For the shoulder, clavicle, and scapula, what must be suspended?

expiration on respiration

For the AP humerus, the arm is fully _________ and placed in true ___ position with the epicondylar line _______ to the IR.

extended AP parallel

GH joint stands for:

glenohumeral joint

The CR for the axillary projection of the shoulder is directed to the:

glenohumeral joint

For the axillary projection of the shoulder, the _____________ joint is demonstrated with a slight _______.

glenohumeral overlap

For the AP oblique w/ external rotation of the shoulder, the _______ _______ is in profile

glenoid cavity

For the AP external rotation of the shoulder, the humeral head slightly overlaps the _______ fossa, but has less of an overlap than on the AP _______ ________.

glenoid internal rotation

For AP internal rotation of the shoulder, there is a partial overlap of the humeral _____ over the _______ fossa.

head glenoid

The Scapular Y-View demonstrates the relationship between the humeral _____ and the _______ fossa with a possible __________.

head glenoid dislocation

For the Scapular Y-View, the ______ head and glenoid ______ are superimposed, the humeral ______ and scapular _____ are also sumperimposed (if there is no __________)

humeral cavity shaft body dislocation

For the Scapular y-view, the scapula is in ________ profile with _____ and _______ borders superimposed.

lateral lateral vertebral

For the box test, if the box is lengthwise, the IR is oriented _________.


For lateral humerus, the arm is rotated __________ to place the epicondylar line ____________ to the IR.

medially perpendicular

CR for lateral humerus is:

mid humeral region

The CR for the AP humerus is directed to the:

mid humerus region

For the Box Test, performing ______-___________ fields, consider only the portion of the IR used for each exposure

multi exposure

Once the bucky tray and the xray tube are aligned, do not move them, instead either move the ________ and/or the _____ to adjust where you want the ___ to be directed

patient table CR

For AP external rotation of the shoulder, the humeral head is in _______.


For the axillary projection of the shoulder, the lesser tubercle is in ________ and projecting ___________.

profile anteriorly

For the lateral humerus, the patient is _________.


The Scapular Y-view may be performed _________ or ______.

recumbent erect

Humeral and shoulder girdles positioning may be performed:

recumbent or upright

The Axillary projection of the shoulder can be performed with a _____________ projection (patient ________) or ____________ projection (patient _______).

superoinferior sitting inferosuperior supine

If the Scapular Y-View is performed ______, the affected side is rotated ______ from the IR

supine away

For the AP Internal Rotation of the Shoulder, the patient lies ______ with their arm _______ to place the epicondylar line _________ to the IR

supine rotated perpendicular

Determining the proper orientation of the IR, drawing a rectangular box around the structure you want to demonstrate is called:

the "box test"

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