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A gamete cell is haploid and contains 4 chromosomes. What is total number of chromosomes in a diploid?


How many protons are pumped into the outer compartment for every NADH?



A complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins that gives chromosomes their structure; chromatin fibers are either 30 nm in diameter or, in a relaxed state, 10 nm.


A complex of RNA and protein that catalyzes RNA splicing.

mediator complex

A complex of proteins that interacts with the Pol II complex and allows transcription to begin.


A complex structure of RNA and protein, bound to the cytosolic face of the RER in the cytoplasm, on which proteins are synthesized.


A constituent of nucleic acids, consisting of 5-carbon sugar, a nitrogen-containing base, and one or more phosphate group


A constituent of nucleic acids, consisting of a 5-carbon sugar, a nitrogen-containing base, and one or more phosphate groups.

nonpolar covalent bond

A covalent bond between atoms that have the same, or nearly the same, electronegativity

double bond

A covalent bond in which covalently joined atoms share two pairs of electrons

glycosidic bonds

A covalent bond that attaches one monosaccharide to another.

The individual proteins in lipid rafts can easily diffuse from place to place by leaving the lipid raft.


The lumen of the ER is a closed system and not connected to the perinuclear space.



A positively charged particle in the atomic nucleus

small nuclear RNA (snRNA)

Noncoding RNA found in eukaryotes and involved in splicing, polyadenylation, and other processes in the nucleus.

The presence of an extra X chromosome is more likely to result in a viable human fetus than an extra copy of an autosome because:

None of the above

Which phase in mitosis does the centrioles replicate?

None of the above

Glycolysis is an ____ process. Meaning that oxygen ____ required

anaerobic; is not

During what step in meiosis do the daughter cells become haploid?

anaphase I

Recall that alleles of a single gene will segregate from one another during anaphase I. When do alleles for two different genes—located on two different chromosomes—segregate?

anaphase I

When do sister chromatids separate in meiosis?

anaphase II

Photorespiration in chloroplasts resembles cellular respiration in mitochondria that ___

carbon dioxide is produced in both pathways

Carbon atoms of CO2 are incorporated into organic molecules in a series of dark reactions called _____

carbon fixation

Carbon atoms of CO2 are incorporated into organic molecules in a series of dark reactions called_____________

carbon fixation

Arrange the steps in the Calvin cycle in order from earliest to latest.

carboxylation, reduction, regeneration

Arrange the steps of the calvin cycle in order from earliest to latest

carboxylation, reduction, regeneration

Primase ______

creates a short RNA primer complementary to the DNA template

During what phase of glycolysis is NADH formed?

during phase 3, when glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is phosphorylated

Gene regulation can occur at which of the following steps in the path from DNA to protein?

during transcription from a chromosome, during translation from DNA to RNA, and after protein synthesis

After fertilization in plants, which cell becomes 3N?


Which structure stores motile sperm?


Genes that modify the expression of other genes show:


You can use a Punnet square to do all of the following except ______

establish a pedigree.

The degree of disorder, or number of microstates, is called: a) work. b) energy. c) potential difference. d) ecology. e) entropy.


Which of the following statements are hallmarks of Mendel's Laws?

The alleles of a given gene will segregate as gametes are formed.


The key structural and functional molecules that do the work of the cell, providing structural support and catalyzing chemical reactions. The term "protein" is often used as a synonym for "polypeptide.

major groove

The larger of two uneven grooves on the outside of a DNA duplex.

Which of the following types of inhibitors is(are) likely to bind to the active site of an enzyme? Select all correct choices.

a competitive inhibitor Correct an irreversible inhibitor

In a person with the genotype XXY, we can tell that nondisjunction took place in the mother.


Select the correct sequence concerning glucose catabolism.

glycolysis → Pyruvate → Acetyl CoA → Krebs Cycle → Electron Transport Chain

Select the correct sequence concerning glucose catabolism

glycolysis-pyruvate-actetyl CoA-Krebs cycle-electron transport chain

A _______ is a term given to a molecule that binds to a receptor causing it to carry out its function.


Heterotrimeric G proteins are inactive when the alpha subunit is bound to GDP. When a ____ binds to a ______, changes occur in the alpha subunit and it becomes active.

ligand; receptor

_____ is an enzyme that can join the ends of single-stranded DNA molecules.


Which reaction in photosynthesis captures energy from light?

light reaction

When two traits do not assort independently, these traits are ____.


Oxygen is typically rare in what molecule?


Which method of movement through the Golgi moves one entire cisternae forward because a cis cisternae pushes it?

maturing cisternae model

In eukaryotes, pyruvate oxidation takes place in the:

mitochondrial matrix

Spontaneous reactions have a _____ ΔG. a) positive b) zero c) negative


What is an allele?

one of several different forms of a gene

What would happen if a chromosome only connected to the mitotic spindle at one of its kinetochores?

one of the daughter cells would have an extra copy of that chromosome; the sister chromatids would not separate; the chromosomes would not line up properly at metaphase

From an evolutionary perspective, germ-line mutations are more significant than somatic mutations. This is because:

only germ-line mutations will appear in an individual's descendants.

Oocytes are produced in which of the following structures?


Cytokinesis in plants involves which of the following_____.


In glycolysis, ATP is synthesized by:

substrate-level phosphorylation

Chaperone proteins are important in determining ______.

tertiary protein structure

____ cross can be used to determine whether an individual with an unknown genotype was homozygous or heterozygous for a trait.


Sertoli cells stimulate sperm production in response to:

testosterone and FSH.

GTP binding occurs on which subunit of a G protein?

the alpha subunit

An energy input is necessary for both endergonic and exergonic reactions. true or false


Collectively, most photosynthesis carried out in the ocean is performed by single-celled organisms as opposed to large, multicellular marine plants.


DNA polymerase requires a template and an existing free 3' end of a nucleotide to synthesize DNA.


Darwin believed in the theory of blending inheritance


Imagine that you exhale after a deep breath. Which of the following are you not exhaling?

waste product of glycolysis

In green plant photosynthesis, the electron donor for the light dependent reaction is ___


In green plant photosynthesis, the electron donor for the light dependent reaction is ______


Imagine that you are standing next to Aristotle in early Greece. You both see an older, balding man with visible age spots on his skin. This man also appears to be a wounded soldier, whose left leg has been amputated. What might Aristotle say to you?

"Because that man is balding and has age spots, his children will likely go bald and will develop age spots."

How many chromosome pairs are there in a normal human genome?


In a typical Mendel experiment on pea-seed color, Mendel used true breeding (homozygous) parents. If the dominant yellow seed-bearing plant was crossed with the recessive green seed-bearing plant, the F2 generation will show what ratio of each kind?

3 yellow : 1 green

complex carbohydrates

A long, branched chain of monosaccharides

Select all of the gamete types an individual with Aa genotype can produce.

A, a

49. Crossing over occurs during

A. prophase I

chemical bond

Any form of attraction between atoms that holds them together


Any heritable change in the genetic material, usually a change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene.

Ribosomes form _____ bonds between amino acids to make a protein.

B. peptide

48. The egg of a fruit fly has 4 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in a somatic cell of a fruit fly?

C. 8

Which of these summarizes the overall reactions of cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy

evolutionarily conserved

Characteristics that persist relatively unchanged through diversification of a group of organisms and therefore remain similar in related species.

Humans are multicellular and have legs to move, thus we do not have cilia in our bodies.


What enzyme binds first to the DNA sequences at the origin of replication?

DNA helicase

Which one of the following statements about mutations in the lactose operon is not correct?

In cells containing one mutant and one normal copy of lacO, lacZ and lacY are expressed only in the absence of lactose.

Which of the following events occur during anaphase I of meiosis?

In males, the X chromosome is segregated from the Y chromosome.

A person has the genotype XXY. What syndrome does this person have and what sex is the person?

Klinefelter; male

What is not true regarding a neurotransmitter?

Like Delta or Notch, neurotransmitter are usually attached to the cell surface

One of the most important coenzymes that accepts electrons/hydrogens in cellular respiration is _______


One of the most important coenzymes that accepts electrons/hydrogens in cellular respiration is__


Notch and Delta are both transmembrane proteins involved in cell communication in the developing nervous system of vertebrate animals. What makes Notch different from Delta?

Notch is a receptor and Delta is a signaling molecule.

What are the waste products of photosynthesis? (select all that apply)

O2 Correct Organic molecules


Oriented in opposite directions; the strands in a DNA duplex are antiparallel.

Who coined the term "cell"?

Robert Hooke

From its ground state, photosystem II can:

absorb light energy

How does an adherens junction differ from a desmosome?

While both adherens junctions and desmosomes connect cells by using cadherin proteins, adherens junctions connect to microfilaments while desmosomes connect to intermediate filaments inside the cell.

What is the likely cellular response to ligand to a steroid receptor located in the nucleus?

a change in gene expression

A molecule that binds to a receptor and activates the receptor is __________.

a ligand

A Southern blot is a technique that relies on hybridization of:

a nucleic acid probe to a complementary DNA.

Alternate forms of the same gene are called


Glycolysis is:


Vesicles without any coat

are called caveolae.


are found on the vesicle and the t SNARES are found on the target membrane. The proximity of the tethered vesicle allow them to interact.

Coated Vesicles

are membrane bound enclosures that are covered on their cytoplasmic surface by a layer of proteins which can be easily seen with EM. There are 3 types

In flowering plants embryos go through the final stages of organogenesis and maturation _______.

as soon as the three germ tissues are formed

The fluid-filled ball of cells produced at the end of cleavage is called the:


Clathrin is _______?

both a and c are correct

Which side of the Golgi apparatus does vesicles from the transition ER enter?

cic cisternae

3 parts of Golgi Stacks

cis, medial and trans cisternae

Which of the following is an example of anabolism? How are anabolic and catabolic pathways of metabolism related to one another? a) production of acids b) combining glucose molecules to form glycogen c) shivering to generate heat d) hydrolysis of starch e) breaking down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate

combining glucose molecules to form glycogen

A molecule that closely resembles the shape and/or type of a substrate for an enzyme might serve as a(n)

competitive inhibitor

A molecule that closely resembles the shape and/or type of a substrate for an enzyme might serve as a(n) __________ pathway blocker competitive inhibitor allosteric modulator an enzyme

competitive inhibitor

Where would you expect to find the receptor for a nonpolar ligand

either in the nucleus of the cell or in the cytosol

In the first three stages of cellular respiration, the chemical energy in glucose is transferred to:

electron carriers and ATP.

Based on the data provided in the two graphs shown in Fig. 9.5, which method of culturing resulted in the greatest number of fibroblast cells on day 6?

fibroblasts cultured with serum

Which of the following structures constitute the stamen of a flower? Select all correct choices.


Vaculoles fucntion is heterogeneous

generates high turgor pressure that pushes outward against cell wall, so the place can maintain shape and size. Site of intracellular digestion. Storage space before transport; storage space for byproducts of metabolic reactions. Storage of chemical weapons for defense which include maintaince of water and pH balance in cells, storage of waste products and digestion of other things.

The totality of the alleles present in an organism is the _______.


The pH in the stroma of the chloroplast should be ___ compared to the thylakoids due to the ___

higher; higher concentration of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid

The pH in the stroma of the chloroplast should be _____ compared to the thylakoids due to the _______

higher; higher concentration of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid

The pH in the stroma of the chloroplast should be ________ compared to the thylakoids due to the _______.

higher; higher concentration of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid

Protein synthesis begins on ribosomes ____.

in the cytoplasm

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) regulates gene expression by:

inhibiting translation by RNA transcripts

What type of protein adds a phosphate group to another molecule?


Energy of motion is

kinetic energy

Vesicular transport 2

lysosomal import exocytosis endocytosis

X chromosome inactivation is caused by the accumulation of:

non-coding RNA produced by the Xist gene, which coats the X chromosome and induces methylation, histone modification, and other changes associated with preventing transcription.

What would happen if crossing over occurred between sister chromatids?

nothing would happen because sister chromatids are genetically identical or nearly identical

In plants, tapedum and periplasmodium are nurse cells in male reproductive tissue. What are the nurse cells plant female reproductive tissue?


The Krebs cycle begins with a 4-carbon sugar called ____ to which a 2-carbon acetyl group is added.

oxalacetic acid

During the citric acid cycle, the production of CO2 is the result of the _____ of intermediate compounds of the citric acid cycle coupled to the production of _____.

oxidation; NADH

An exon is __________.

part of an intact, mature mRNA that leaves the nucleus

In a flower, which organs are sterile? (select all that apply)

petals; sepals

The ________ of an organism is the physical appearance resulting from the expression of the genes present.


What is the observed characteristics of an individual?


Which enzyme removes an inorganic phosphate (PO4) from a substrate?


The head group of _____ is glycerol.


Enzymes that cleave DNA at specific sites are called _____________.

restriction endonucleases

Photorespiration results in

the consumption of ATP and the loss of CO2

Okazaki fragmetns are found on ____ strand of DNA

the lagging

When we say that DNA replication is semiconservative, we mean that:

when DNA is replicated, each new double helix contains one parental strand and one newly synthesized daughter strand


"Water fearing"; describes a class of molecules poorly able to undergo hydrogen bonding with water


"Water loving"; describes a class of molecules with which water can undergo hydrogen bonding


"programmed cell death"--"suicide"

46. Which sequence of the cell cycle is common to eukaryotes?

D. G1 to S to G2 to M to cytokinesis

4. Which of the following statements reflects the second law of thermodynamics?

D. The amount of useable energy resulting from a reaction will always be less than the total energy available in the starting materials.

33. A common GTP-binding molecule that links the receipt of an extracellular signal to the production of an intracellular one is _____.

D. a G protein

The enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of new DNA molecules is called _____

DNA polymerase.

Which of the following statements is true regarding binary fission?

DNA replication during binary fission is a bidirectional process, occurring in opposite directions

Which of the following occurs in both spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Diploid stem cells divide by mitosis to create a large population of precursor cells.

COPII Vesicle formation and monomeric GTPase

1) GEF in membrane activates Saw GDP and sar GTP 2) Sar GTP has an exposed amphiphatic helix that inserts into the cytoplasmic side of the lipid bilayer. 3) Sar GTP recruits COPII proteins which recruit the proper cargo (Sec23/34) and curve the membranes (Sec13/31) which form the outer coat.

What happens to the alpha subunit of a G protein with GDP attached?

1. It re-assembles with the beta and gamma subunits 2. It no longer activates an effector protein 3. It re-associates with the G protein- couples receptor

What is a cellular response to signal transduction?

1. a change in the proteins found in the cytosol 2. the release of more signal molecules 3. a change in the activity of an enzyme

In humans, ability to roll the tongue (R) is dominant to being unable to roll (r). Having freckles (F) is dominant to having no freckles (f). If a woman heterozygous for both traits married a man with no freckles who couldn't roll his tongue, what is the probability that they would have a freckled, tongue-rolling child?


You have an F2 generation derived from two true-breeding parents (AA and aa) with different characteristics for the same trait (determined by a single allele). What percentage of the recessive phenotype would you expect to be true breeding if they were self-fertilized?

100 percent

How many protons are pumped into the outer compartments for every NADH?


Fourteen percent of the DNA nucleotides from a certain organism contain T. What amounts of the other bases would you expect to be present in this particular DNA?

14% A, 36% C, 36% G

How many ATP are needed to make one molecule of sugar


It is the ______ trimester where organogenesis is most rapidly occurring in human development.


For every six CO2 molecules incorporated into carbohydrate molecules, how many triose phosphates can be exported from the chloroplast?


How many copies of each gene are present in skin cells at G1 of interphase?


How many net (total minus expended) ATP are returned from glycolysis?


There are typically ____ different amino acids from which all proteins in eukaryotes are made.


You determine the DNA of an organism is 30% adenine, therefore it would contain ______ guanine.


A diploid organism has 40 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be present in gamete?

20, gametes are haploid

Diploid somatic cells of elephants have 56 chromosomes. If nondisjunciton of one of an elephant's chromosomes occurs in meiosis I, the resulting sperm are expected to have the chromosome complement:

28, 28, 29, 27

Diploid somatic cells of elephants have 56 chromosomes. If nondisjunction of one of an elephant's chromosomes occurs in meiosis I, the resulting sperm are expected to have the chromosome complement:

29, 29, 27, 27

Match the description about plant fertilization to the correct term.

2n sporophyte tissue--ovule female gametophyte-- egg These will form the 3N embryo, called the endosperm, after a second fertilization event.---polar nuclei or central cells These cells release chemicals guiding The pollen tube to the female gametophyte.

Let P = purple flowers and p = white, and T = tall plants and t = dwarf. Of the 16 possible gamete combinations in the dihybrid cross, how many would be the phenotype white, tall?


The synthesis of the growing chain of DNA is carried out by adding nucleotides to the ___ end.


The synthesis of the growing chain of DNA is carried out by adding nucleotides to the ______ end


The leading strand is the daughter strand that has its ____________ end pointed toward the replication fork and is therefore synthesized ____________.

3'; continuously

This question refers to the 5-stage process of hypothesis testing. What is the appropriate order of the stages when generating and testing a hypothesis? (1) Experimentation is conducted to determine if the predictions are correct. (2) The hypothesis is accepted or rejected. (3) Observations are made regarding a natural phenomenon. (4) The observations lead to a hypothesis that tries to explain the phenomenon. A useful hypothesis is one that is testable because it makes specific predictions. (5) The data from the experiment is analyzed.

3, 4, 1, 5, 2

After pyruvate oxidation, the chemical energy of how many carbons of the original glucose molecule is converted to chemical energy in the form of ATP in the remaining steps of cellular respiration?


How many copies of each gene are present in human skin cells at G2 of interphase?


The average pregnancy (measured from the last menstrual period) lasts for how many weeks?


At the start of mitosis, how many centromeres are present in a human cell?


Approximately how long after fertilization does the egg implant in the uterine wall?

5 days

The lagging strand is the daughter strand that has its ____________ end pointed toward the replication fork and is therefore synthesized ____________.

5'; in a series of segments

According to the principle of segregation, a heterozygous plant with alleles Aa will produce:

50% of gametes with the A allele and 50% of gametes with the a allele, on average.

Carbon has an atomic number of 6, therefore there are ___ neutrons.


Which of the following represents the expected genotypes of an F2 generation consisting of 8 individuals from an initial cross of a true-breeding black (BB) rabbit and a true-breeding white (bb) rabbit?

8 progeny: 2 BB, 2 bb, 4 Bb

Order the events in clathrin-receptor mediated endocytosis in the correct order 1) Clathrin coating builds and vesicle is pulled into the cell. 2) Receptor changes shape and internalized domain can be accessed. 3) Dynamin pinches off vesicle using GTP. 4) Adaptin binds to the internalization domain. 5) Clathrin coated vesicle is free in cytoplasm. 6) Clathrin is uncoaded by auxillin and Hsp70. 7) Adaptin links to clathrin. 8) Ligand binds to receptor.

8, 2, 4, 7, 1, 3, 5, 6

Select all of the gamete types an individual with AA genotype can produce.


The large subunit of the ribosome has three active sites: A, P and E. Which site do the new tRNA's initially enter?


Select all of the gamete types an individual with Aa genotype can produce.

A a

Select all of the gamete types an individual with Aa genotype can produce.

A a


A 3-carbon molecule with OH groups attached to each carbon


A DNA sequence at which transcription stops and the transcript is released.

TATA box

A DNA sequence present in many promoters in eukaryotes and archaeons that serves as a protein-binding site for a key general transcription factor.

A cell with n number of chromosomes ____.

A and B are correct

An example of high potential energy is: A ball sitting in the middle of the stairs A ball sitting at the top of the stairs A ball sitting at the bottom of the stairs

A ball sitting at the top of the stairs


A bond that forms when a phosphate group in one nucleotide is covalently joined to the sugar unit in another nucleotide. Phosophodiester bonds are relatively stable and form the backbone of a DNA strand

The activation of protein kinase A by cyclic AMP binding likely occurs because of:

A conformation change

Golgi Apparatus

A flattened stack, membranous sacs. A cell can have one or as many as thousands. Where post translational modification of proteins, protein and membrane trafficking.

housekeeping genes

A gene that is transcribed continually because its product is needed at all times and in all cells.

deoxyribonucleic acid

A linear polymer of four subunits; the information archive in all organisms


A lipid composed of a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids.

fatty acids

A long chain of carbons attached to a carboxyl group; three fatty acids chains attached to glycerol form a triglycerol, a lipid used for energy storage


A loop and tail of RNA formed after RNA splicing.

molecular orbital

A merged orbital traversed by a pair of shared electrons

ribonucleic acid

A molecule chemically related to DNA that is synthesized by proteins from a DNA template.

ribonucleic acid (RNA)

A molecule chemically related to DNA that is synthesized by proteins from a DNA template.


A molecule consisting of a 5-carbon sugar and a base.


A molecule that has regions of positive and negative charge


A negatively charged particle that moves around the atomic nucleus


A nitrogen-containing compound that makes up part of a nucleotide.

Chargaff's rules for the pairing of nitrogen bases is _______

A pairs with T and G pairs with C.

An amino acid is to a protein as a ________ is to a nucleic acid.

A peptide bond is found in ______.

alternative splicing

A process in which primary transcripts from the same gene can be spliced in different ways to yield different mRNAs and therefore different protein products.

Consider the refrigerator in your kitchen. Based on what you know about the first and second laws of thermodynamics, how does a refrigerator most likely work? a) A refrigerator removes the potential energy contained within food. b) A refrigerator removes heat from its interior and transports this energy outside, into the kitchen. c) A refrigerator creates new energy, although it is in the form of cold rather than heat. d) A refrigerator destroys any heat in its interior, or in the food it contains. e) A refrigerator both destroys any heat in its interior, or in the food it contains, and creates new energy in the form of cold.

A refrigerator removes heat from its interior and transports this energy outside, into the kitchen


A region in space where an electron is present most of the time


A regulatory region where RNA polymerase and associated proteins bind to the DNA duplex.

Signal transduction results in:

A response by the cell.


A sequence that is excised from the primary transcript and degraded during RNA splicing.


A sequence that is left intact in mRNA after RNA splicing.


A simple sugar


A strand of DNA or RNA whose squence of nucleotides is used to synthesize a compementary strand.


A substance made up of two or more atoms

The signaling molecule involved in juxtacrine cell signaling is:

A transmembrane protein


A type of lipid and a major component of the cell membrane.


A type of lipid.

small interfering RNA (siRNA)

A type of small double-stranded regulatory RNA that becomes part of a complex able to cleave and destroy single-stranded RNA with a complementary sequence.

Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulation is incorrect?

A typical gene contains only one enhancer sequence.

Some species of insects are able to walk across liquid water because: A) of the high surface tension of water due to its cohesion. B) insects have a low center of gravity C) water has high surface tension due to ionic bonding. D) of the higher density of liquid water compared to solid water. E) of high surface tension due to the hydrophobic effect.

A) of the high surface tension of water due to its cohesion

16. The average net ATP yield of respiration is _______with ______ ATP gained from glycolysis (fermentation).

A. 30; 2

15. In chemiosmosis, ATP is produced as hydrogen ions (protons) pass through:

A. ATP synthase.

SNARE recycling

Dissociation of trans SNARE complex by NSF after a membrane fusion. NSF and accessory proteins hydrolyze lots of ATP to dissociate SNAREs and recycle proteins and molecules. The fusion of the vesicle and target membranes results in a single membrane that is now part of the target membrane and contains SNARE complexes. THe tightly coil SNARE can be recycled for addition fusion events but they first have the actively disassembled mediated by NSF proteins.

24. The letter A is pointing to the ____________________

A. Stroma

The inputs to glycolysis include:

ADP, NAD+, glucose, Pi

What process(es) happen(s) when pyruvic acid goes into the matrix of the mitochondria?

All of the above

Which of the following is a component of plant cell walls

All of the above

An allele is ____.

Alternative forms of the same gene found on homologous chromosomes


An asymmetry such that one end of a structure differs from the other.

Which of the following could lead to a prolonged increase in heart rate, even in the absence of an external signal? Choose all that apply.

An inability of a G-protein to hydrolyze GTP & an inability to inactivate protein kinase A


Any of the starting molecules in a chemical reaction.


Any one of a class of enzymes that regulates the supercoiling of DNA by cleaving one or both strands of the DNA double helix, and later repairing the break.


Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons

At the end of meiosis I ______

B and C are correct

11. What is the net gain from a molecule of glucose during the krebs cycle?

B. 2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2

39. ________________ is (are) the most common ECM protein fiber(s), is (are) more elastic than cellulose and forms a flexible extracellular layer.

B. Collagen

34. How is phosphorylation important in a signal transduction cascade?

B. Phosphorylation will change the activity of target proteins, which triggers another response in the cell.

8. Which of the following statements is true about enzyme-catalyzed reactions?.

B. The reaction is faster than the same reaction in the absence of the enzyme.

polar covalent bond

Bonds that do not share electrons equally

_______ organisms dependent upon the sun for energy.

Both A and B

In the Kreb's Cycle, what is true about the two carbons that bind to CoA?

Both carbons are lost as CO2

In the Kreb's cycle, what is true about the two carbons that bind to CoA?

Both carbons are lost as CO2

In the Krebs cycle, what is true about the two carbons that bind to CoA?

Both carbons are lost as CO2

Which of the following is true regarding DNA replication?

Both strands get shortened at opposite ends during replication.

After bacteria cells grow to a certain size, they will divide by ____

Building a cell wall from the outside to the inside.

43. Select the mitotic stage or interphase shown by the cell shown below.

C. Metaphase

12. The final product(s) of pyruvate oxidation is (are)

C. acetyl-CoA, CO2, NADH

26. What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle?

C. synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

Which of these summarizes the overall reactions of cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

Autotrophs typically obtain their carbon from:


what are the waste products of respiration?

CO2, H2O

Many pathologies are the result of a problem with cell signaling. What pathology best exemplifies this fact?

Cancer, caused by truncated receptor that is now stuck in the activated form

Which of the following statements about "excitable membranes" is correct? (Select all correct choices.)

Cells spend a significant amount of energy to pump Na+ out of muscle cells at rest. Correct The difference in charge across a plasma membrane is called a membrane potential. Correct Acetylcholine released from a nerve cell binds to a ligand-gated ion channel at the plasma membrane of a muscle cell.

Many scientists use chemical inhibitors to interfere with normal signaling pathways within eukaryotic cells. If such inhibitors are large, nonpolar molecules, what is the likely method of action of these chemical inhibitors?

Chemical inhibitors likely bind to receptors and interfere with receptor activation or signal receptor binding

RNA processing

Chemical modification that converts the primary transcript into finished mRNA, enabling the RNA molecule to be transported to the cytoplasm and recognized by the translational machinery.

Match the description to the mitotic phase.

Chromosomes are moved to opposite cell poles and the nuclear envelope begins to form around the chromosomal mass. TELOPHASE Chromosome begin to move apart. ANAPHASE Chromosomes begin to condensed. PROPHASE Consensed chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate. METAPHASE

Membrane bound flattened sacs are _________.


Order the progression of vesicles through the Golgi from beginning to end.

Cis to Medial to Trans

44. A cell with 10 chromosomes undergoes mitosis and cell division. How many daughter cells are produced and what number of chromosomes do they have?

D. 2 daughter cells, 10 chromosomes each

Which of the following statements is true regarding chromosome replication in eukaryotes?

During chromosome replication, multiple origins of replication form for all DNA in a cell.

Which molecular motor would most likely be involved in carrying endocytosed vesicles?


What percentage of carbon's orbitals are spherical in conformation? A) 20% B) 0% C) 80% D) 100% E) 40%

E) 40%

Adding H+ to pure water ______.

E. both b and d are correct answers

A cell with n number of chromosomes ____.

E. A and B are correct

10. The terminal electron acceptor during respiration is:

E. O2

21. All of the following compounds are required for photosynthesis except

E. O2

41. The __________ are a group of cell adhesion proteins found in plasma membranes that bind only to other _________of the same type.

E. cadherins

Lactic acid and ethanol fermentation differ in that:

Ethanol fermentation produces CO2, but lactic acid fermentation does not

During bacterial conjugation,which cell(s) transfers genetic material to the other cell?


The coenzyme electron carriers produced in the Krebs cycle are _____.


The coenzyme electron carriers produced in the krebs cycle are


Composition of all membranes in the cell are exactly the same.


The ____ checkpoint checks the DNA for damage and repairs damage.


What molecule is used as energy to drive translation?


Termination of the adrenaline signal begins when:

GTP bound to the G-protein alpha subunit is hydrolyzed to GDP and Pi.

Which of the following is not a Mendelian law of inheritance discovered by Mendel? (select all that apply)

Genes are linked on chromosomes Correct Traits are blended together similar to blending two different colors of paint

functional groups

Groups of one or more atoms that have particular chemical properties of their own, regardless of what they are attached to

During photosynthesis in plants and algae, ____ is oxidized and ____ is reduced.


The oxygen utilized in cellular respiration ultimately ends up in the form of:


The oxygen utilized in cellular respiration ultimately ends up in the form of:


What are the waste products of respiration?

H2O; CO2

_________ are two chromosomes - one from each parent - that have genes which determine the same character or traits; e.g. flower color, hair color.



In nucleic acids, any of the bases thymine, cytosine, and uracil, which have a single-ring structure.

When the vesicle fuses with the destination membrane, ____ and ____ are excluded from the fusion spot.

Integral proteins; water

Which area in the mitochondria is proton rich?

Intermembrane space

How is the multiple cloning site typically used within plasmid DNA for cloning experiments

It is a cloning site

In cell communication, which one of the following is a requirement of the responding cell?

It must have receptor proteins.

Who developed the magnifying lense.

Jansen brothers

Which of the following is true regarding linked genes?

Linked genes are located in the same chromosome and do not follow patterns of independent assortment.

Mendel's experiments with garden peas differed from those of other plant hybridizers of time in that:

Mendel studied true-breeding strains, focused on a small number of easily contrasted traits, and quantified results

To become a multicellular organism, a zygote undergoes ___.


The reducing agent during the Calvin cycle is


amino group

NH2; a nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms, covalently linked to the central carbon atom of an amino acid

ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

Noncoding RNA found in all ribosomes that aid in translation.

Cells which fail a cell cycle check point _____.

Normally undergo apoptosis

Vesicular Transport

One of the two possible ways of cisternae movement. Cisternae are static structures with a unique complement of "resident" enzymes. vesicles contain targeting mechanism and process proteins by moving them between the ER and the Golgi as well as between the cisternae. Proposes that the cisternae are fully differentiated structures that maintain a static position within the stack. Proteins would move through the stacks by entering smaller vesicles that are moving in one direction or another.

Eukaryotic organisms and prokaryotic organisms differ in how gene information is processed. Select the statement that best explains this difference.

Prokaryote genes are transcribed into mRNA, which is translated immediately. Eukaryote genes contain long sequences of nucleotides that do not code for amino acids and have to be removed from the primary transcript.

What organelle is used to degrade p53?


During rapid physical activity, lactic acid is made from _____.


Mendel's principle of independent assortment corresponds to which part of meiosis?

Random alignment of homologues on the metaphase plate during metaphase I

Why are some mutations of Ras associated with cancer?

Ras is part of the MAP kinase signal transduction pathway.

Based on Figure 19.21, below, which of the following is not an accurate description of events leading to the lytic pathway following viral infection in a bacterium?

Reduced protease activity due to poor conditions allows cII to accumulate, which then stimulates transcription from PE and thus expression of cI.

In humans, ability to roll the tongue (R) is dominant to being unable to roll (r). Having freckles (F) is dominant to having no freckles (f). A freckled tongue-roller could have which of the following genotypes?


The Calvin cycle includes 15 enzymes, most of which are involved in:

RuBP regeneration

The regeneration of RuBP typically limits the rate of photosynthesis under low light intensities. This is because:

RuBP regeneration requires ATP


Secretion associated and Ras relation protein.


Signal actually binds directly to COPI coated proteins. In turn COPI coat proteins get targeted back to the ER membrane because their associated SNARE proteins interact with SNAREs that are one the membrane.

Production of Secretory Vesicles and Exocytosis

Small vesicles are budding off of the trans face of the Golgi apparatus. Reduces volume. The membrane that surrounds the vesicle then becomes part of the plasma membrane. and this is one way the plasma membrane is produced.

If Leydig cells were unable to respond to GnRH, what effect would this have on spermatogenesis?

Spermatogenesis would be unaffected.

What is not a cell surface-type receptor?

Steroid receptor

O linked glycosylation in the trans Golgi

Sugars added on the -OH of Ser, Thr (hydroxylysine), one sugar at a time, (sequentially) by glycosyl trasnferases. Golgi can add its own oligosaccharides to proteins. Different than the one in the ER. Instead of linking to the nitrogen on the asparagine residue, the activity of the Golgi creates a __________ oligosaccharide, in which the sugar chains is attached to a hydroxyl groups, found on serine and threonine. This displaces the hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl group.


Synthesis of a polypeptide chain corresponding to the coding sequence present in a molecule of messenger RNA.

If a short sequence of DNA is AATTGCCGT, its complement is _________


Which one of the following statements regarding the human Y chromosome is true?

The Y chromosome contains approximately 50 genes.


The ability of atoms to attract electrons


The addition of a long string of consecutive A-bearing ribonucleotides to the 3′ end of the primary transcript.

Which of the following is not true of meiosis

The cells produced at the end are genetically identical to the cell at the beginning

alpha carbon

The central carbon atom of each amino acid


The conversion of cells from one state to another, as from nonvirulent to virulent, when DNA released to the environment by cell breakdown is taken up by recipient cells. In recombinant DNA technology, the introduction of recombinant DNA into a recipient cell.


The dense central part of an atom containing protons and neutrons

valence electron

The electrons farthest from the nucleus, which are the the highest energy level

5' end

The end of a nucleic acid strand containing a free 5′ phosphate group.

3' end

The end of a nucleic acid strand that carries a free 3′ hydroxyl.

What would happen to a resulting seed if the ovule was fertilized by a pollen grain that had only one sperm? (Select all correct answer options.)

The endosperm would not develop and thus the embryo would not have the resources it needs to develop. Nothing. The ovule would not be fertilized.

RNA polymerase

The enzyme that carries out polymerization of ribonucleoside triphosphates from a DNA template to produce an RNA transcript.

The use of the multiplication rule requires which of the following?

The events being considered occur independently.

hydrophobic effect

The exclusions of nonpolar molecules by polar molecules, which drives biological processes such as the formation of cell membranes and the folding of proteins

primary transcript

The initial RNA transcript that comes off the template DNA strand.

Which of the following statements is false?

The mother typically feels fetal movements during the first trimester. correct Babies born in the last few weeks of the second trimester are often able to survive despite being premature. The mother typically feels fetal movements during the first trimester. The fetus doubles in size during the last two months of development. A baby born between 37 and 42 weeks is considered term.

What is true regarding the equation C6H12O6 + 6O2 →6CO2+ 6H2O + energy?

The oxygen atoms in both CO2 and H2O are electronegative, and glucose is considered a reducing agent

How does the pollen tube grow through the style?

The pollen tube grows between cells through the extra cellular matrix


The process in protein translation in which successive amino acids are added one by one to the growing polypeptide chain.

The________ is a place where integral membrane proteins are synthesized.

The rough er

minor groove

The smaller of two unequal grooves on the outside of a DNA duplex.


The stage of translation in which methionine is established as the first amino acid in a new polypeptide chain.

central dogma

The theory that information transfer in a cell usually goes from DNA to RNA to protein

Medial and Trans Cisternae

The vesicles after encountering the cis cisternae then move to the _______ and finally the _________cisternae

When microtubules are arranged in a 9+2, what does this nomenclature refer to?

There are 9 sets of 2 fused microtubules

How does an "activated" receptor transfer information into the cell?

Through a conformation change

proteins are modified and sorted in the Golgi

To secretory vesicles: regulated secretory pathway To PM/outside the cell: continuous secretory pathway. To lysosomal pathway: same for plant vacuoles.

Cis cisternae

Trafficking membrane vesicles contain newly synthesized proteins enter the Golgi stack on the cis face and encounter the ______________

Which of the following is not a Mendelian law of inheritance discovered by Mendel?

Traits are blended together similar to blending two different colors of paint Genes are linked on chromosomes

True or False: A single molecule of activated G-protein is capable of activating multiple adenylyl cyclase enzymes.


The fact that the ratio of human male to female births is nearly 1:1 demonstrates that:

X and Y chromosomes demonstrate segregation and random fertilization

The fact that the ratio of human male to female births is nearly 1:1 demonstrates that:

X and Y chromosomes demonstrate segregation and random fertilization.

Select all of the gamete types an individual with aa genotype can produce.

a aa

An example of high potential energy is:

a ball sitting at the top of the stairs.

If a solution has 10-9 protons, it would be ______.

a base

What is likely cellular response to ligand binding to a steroid receptor located in the nucleus?

a change in gene expression

What is the immediate effect of ligand binding to a G protein- coupled receptor?

a conformational change in the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor

All cells able to carry out photosynthesis have:

a plasma membrane

Initiation of transcription differs from initiation of DNA replication in several ways. Once such difference is that transcription does not require ________

a primer

Both miRNA and siRNA work in conjunction with:

a protein complex called RISC to bind primary RNA transcripts in the cytoplasm.

What is a cyclin?

a protein that activates kinases and a protein whose levels change with the cell cycle

Glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions (endergonic and exergonic) by which the cell can obtain ATP. NAD+ plays a crucial role in the reactions of glycolysis by:

accepting electrons from glucose so that glucose gets partially oxidized to pyruvate

Each round of the citric acid cycle begins when the 4-carbon molecule oxaloacetate is converted to the 6-carbon molecule citrate. As the cycle progresses, two carbons are eliminated to reiterate the oxaloacetate. The added carbon is supplied by ___ and the two eliminated carbons are released as ___

acetyl CoA; CO2

Each round of the citric acid cycle begins when the 4-carbon molecule oxaloacetate is converted to the 6-carbon molecule citrate. As the cycle progresses, two carbons are eliminated to regenerate the oxaloacetate. The added carbon is supplied by ____ and the two eliminated carbons are released as ____.

acetyl-CoA; CO2

Dynamic instability of microtubules:

allows microtubules to perform their functions.

How many net (total minus expended) ATP are returned from glycolysis?

b. 2

Sonic hedgehog is an example of:

both a growth factor and paracrine signal.

If the Na+/K+ pump stops working, which of the following will happen to the cell.

both b and c are correct answers

How does meiosis generate genetic diversity?

both crossing over and random alignment at metaphase I


breaks down large material and large fluids

Zebrafish embryos change the color of the melanophore cells in their skin to a darker shade:

by kinesin motor proteins moving pigment granules outward from the center of the cell.

Cellular respiration is a series of _____ reactions.


What molecule is formed when acetyl CoA binds to oxaloacetate?


The female homolog of the glans penis is the:


Primary lysosomes

contain acid hydrolases, but do not engage in digestive activity.

Which strand of DNA is synthesized in the same direction as the replication fork>


Which reaction in photosynthesis reduces CO2?

dark reaction

In males, testosterone: (select all correct choices)

directs development of male secondary sexual characters during puberty; acts on Sertoli cells; directs the development of male reproductive structures during embryogenesis.

The lagging strand is replicated with stretches of Okazaki fragments and that is why its synthesis is considered to be _______


Sexual reproduction is significant in increasing genetic _____.


In a heterozygous individual, the allele being expressed is _______ because it "masks" the presense of the other gene.


Chemical reactions that have a positive ΔG are _____.


The first phase of glycolysis requires the input of two ATP molecules. It is therefore:


Which signaling system involves the longest time interval between release of a signaling molecule and activation of a receptor?


Cell signaling over a long distance is known as:

endocrine signaling

Most cell membranes originate in the ______.

endoplasmic reticulum

The TATAT and CAAAT boxes are part of_________.

eukaryotic promoters

Which of the following is not be considered an acquired trait?

eye color

Like glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation produces both pyruvate and acetyl-CoA. These two products feed directly into the citric acid cycle and are the reactants for the cycle.


No energy input is required to generate energy from glucose in metabolism.


Nondisjunction in the sex chromosomes is more severe than in the autosomes.


Oxidation is the gain of electrons.


Primary RNA transcripts are always spliced in the same fashion in order to maintain continuity.


Replicating DNA does not require the use of RNA.


The highly folded membrane that pumps out a lot of calcium out of the synergid is the ______.

filiform apparatus

The statement "matter can neither be created or destroyed" is part of the ___

first law of thermodynamics

ATP is a nucleotide composed of adenine, _____, and three phosphate groups.

five-carbon sugar ribose

Oocytes are the largest cells by volume in the human body, reflecting the presence of large amounts of cytoplasm containing: (select all correct choices)

food in the form of yolk; molecules that direct early cell divisions

Which organelle separates the different hydrolases from other kinds of proteins so that they eventually end up in specific lysosomes?


In contrast to linear DNA, circular DNA replication typically:

has a single origin of replication

Another name for non-sister chromatids is:

homologous chromosomes

A diploid organism that has two identical alleles for the same trait is called _______ for that particular trait.


Macromolecules are disassembled in ____________ reactions.


An animal cell crenulates when it is exposed to a ______.

hypertonic solution

Failure to recover a specific band in a gel made after PCR can be attributed to:

inappropriate annealing temperature for used primers.; inappropriate design of primers; inappropriate numbers of cycles for amplification

Which of the following has the most entropy, individual nucleotides or a nucleic acid? a) a nucleic acid b) It is impossible to determine the entropy of nucleotides or a nucleic acid. c) individual nucleotides d) The entropy of the nucleotides and nucleic acid would be the same.

individual nucleotides

A small molecule that binds to a repressor protein and prevents it from binding to DNA is called a(n):


In the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, order the following from lower energy to higher energy

infrared, visible light, gamma radiation

In the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, order the following from shorter waves to longer waves

infrared, visible light, gamma radiation

The body of the human embryo develops from the ____ of the blastocyst.

inner cell mass

With the endosymbiotic hypothesis in mind, what structure within modern-day chloroplasts is likely derived from the plasma membrane of ancestral cyanobacteria that took up residence within a eukaryotic cell?

inner membrane

Which of the following female plant structure are 2N.


Which of the following types of inhibitors is (are) likely to bind to the active site of an enzyme? a non-competitive inhibitor an irreversible inhibitor a competitive inhibitor

irreversible and competitive inhibitors

Look at Figure 19.15 below. Which of the following statements about the lactose operon is incorrect?

lacO is a gene sequence coding for the operator.

You identify a mutation affecting the lac operon and find the following: lac Z is expressed whether lactose is present or not. lacI is expressed normally. What could be wrong in this mutant?

lacO is deleted

Which of the following was not a trait that Mendel studied in pea plants?

leaf size

Digestion of extracellular materials

lysosomes discharge acid hydrolases to the extracellular space

Which of the following is not one of the cells/nuclei in the embryo sac in plants.


Which molecular motor would most likely be involved in muscle contractions?


A region of prokaryotic DNA consisting of an operator, promoter, and coding sequence for several functionally related genes is called an:


Which of the following would least likely be found in the outer regions of the granal stacks?

photosystem II

Which phase in mitosis does the nuclear membrane breakdown?


Crossing over of chromosomes takes place in _______

prophase I.

During fermentation, pyruvate is:


The _____ forms of the electron carriers NAD+/NADH and FADH/FADH2 have high potential energy.


Alpha helix and beta pleated sheets are examples of which level of protein structure?


What proteins are important in stabilizing the unwound strand of DNA in the replication fork?

single strand binding proteins


spaces in the Golgi stacks.

How must spindle microtubules attach to chromosomes during prometaphase of meiosis I?

spindle microtubules from one pole must attach to both kinetochores in a pair of sister chromatids

In humans, mitochondria (and their genomes) show:

strict maternal inheritance.

What section of the pistil is considered a raceway where pollen tubes compete against each other to grow the fastest?


_____ bind to the active site of an enzyme. a) Substrates b) Carbohydrates c) Some types of inhibitors d) Substrates and some types of inhibitors

substrates and some type of inhibitors

The plant embryo is suspended on a ______, stack of cells which have a similar function to an umbilical cord.


The sodium potassium pump in the plasma membrane is an example of _____.


The pairing of chromosomes along their lengths which is essential for crossing over is referred to as ________


Which phase in mitosis does the kinetochore disassemble?


What causes the inactivation of a G protein?

the alpha subunit hydrolyzes GTP to GDP and inorganci phosphate.

What initiates signal termination?

the release of signal molecule from their receptors

How many subunits make up a G protein?


Golgi Sorts proteins and membrane vesicles

to appropriate target. Proteins in membrane leave the Golgi and are targets by lysosomes, secretor vesicles and also the plasma membrane. In addition some of proteins in membrane move in opposite direction, from the endosomal compartment to the Golgi back then to the ER

The ATP produced during glycolysis is the result of substrate-level phosphorylation.


The inner cell mass of the blastocyst becomes the embryo, while the outer cell layer of the blastocyst forms part of the placenta.


Which method of movement through the Golgi is temporary fusion of two cisternae?

tubular connection model

Which amino acid(s) is/are involved in signaling?

tyrosine threonine serine

What molecule is oxygen derived from during photosynthesis?


Which of the following statements is true regarding the yellow-seed pea plants of Mendel's work?

yellow-seed plants have an enzyme that breaks down chlorophyll

What is the extra cellular matrix layer which surrounds the egg after release into the fallopian tubules called?

zona pellucida

In the hierarchy of levels of gene regulation, in what order do the following levels of regulation take place? (1) post-translational modification (2) RNA processing (3) transcription (4) chromatin remodeling


Match the different types of endocytosis to the correct description. 1.Tiny, invaginations of small molecules. Happens at random 2.endocytosis of lipid rafts 3.Proteins in the shape of a triskelion coat the vesicle and pulls membrane into cell 4.Engulfing a bacteria by moving part of the plasma membrane out.

1. Pinocytosis 2. cavelion mediated endocytosis 3. clatherin receptor mediated endocytosis 4.phagocytosis

A researcher is evaluating the role of a growth factor embryonic development. He notices that this factor functions in both neutral development and limb development. How is that possible?

1. The effects of the growth factor may be concentration- dependent 2. The effects of the growth factor may be dependent on location 3. The growth factor may result in the transcription of different gene depending on its location 4. The growth factor may be signaling through different transduction pathways

phosphodiester bond

A bond that forms when a phosphate group in one nucleotide is covalently joined to the sugar unit in another nucleotide. Phosophodiester bonds are relatively stable and form the backbone of a DNA strand.

organic molecules

A carbon-containing molecule

What is the likely cellular response to ligand binding to a steroid receptor located in the nucleus?

A change in gene expression

What is the end result of activation of the MAP kinases pathway?

A change in gene expression resulting in cell division

r group

A chemical group attached to the central carbon atom of an amino acid, whose structure and composition determine the identity of the amino acid; also known as a side chain.

phosphate group

A chemical group consisting of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms.


A coil of coils; a circular molecule of DNA can coil upon itself to form a supercoil.

nucleic acid

A polymer of nucleotides that encodes and transmits genetic information


A polymer of simple sugars. Polysaccharides provide long-term energy storage or structural support

sigma factor

A protein that associates with RNA polymerase that facilitates its binding to specific promoters.

transcriptional activator protein

A protein that binds to a sequence in DNA to enable transcription to begin.


A protein that functions as a catalyst to accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction; enzymes are critical in determining which chemical reactions take place in a cell


A pure substance, such as oxygen, copper, gold, or sodium, that cannot be further broken down by the methods of chemistry.


A purine base


A purine base


A pyrimidine base


A pyrimidine base in RNA, where it replaces the thymine found in DNA.


A pyrimidine base.

general transcription factors

A set of proteins that bind to the promoter of a gene whose combined action is necessary for transcription.

polycistronic mRNA

A single molecule of messenger RNA that is formed by the transcription of a group of functionally related genes located next to one another along bacterial DNA.

What best describes energy production during cellular respiration?

A small amount of energy is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation; most is produced by oxidative phosphorylation.


A specific DNA sequence necessary for transcription.

The chemiosmotic theory explains that ___ on the inside of the sac is separated from ___ on the outside of the sac by a membrane

A very strong positive charge; the negatively charged environment

hydrogen bond

A weak bond between a hydrogen atom in one molecule and an electronegative atom in another molecule

25. The colors of light in the visible range (from shortest wavelength to longest) is ___.


36. The shape of cells is determined and maintained by structural protein networks in the cytoplasm called the _________.

A. cytoskeleton

Which of the following is needed directly to produce both triose phosphates and RuBP?


Photorespiration in chloroplasts differs from cellular respiration in mitochondria in that _______.

ATP is required for photorespiration but is a product of mitochondrial respiration


An electrically charged atom or molecule


An electrically neutral particle in the atomic nucleus

Complete oxidation of glucose to CO2 involves two different mechanisms for synthesizing ATP, oxidative phosphorylation and substrate-level phosphorylation. Which is true of substrate-level phosphorylation?

An enzyme catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group to ADP from an organic molecule to form ATP


An organic molecule containing C, H, and O atoms that provides a source of energy for metabolism and that forms the starting point for the synthesis of all other organic molecules


An organic molecule that stores energy, acts as a signaling molecule, and is a component of cell membranes

Which of the following could explain how some (although not many) people can have Down syndrome and have a normal chromosome number?

An unbalanced translocation carrying most of chromosome number 21.

Glycolysis is an _____ process. Meaning that oxygen ________ requires.

Anaerobic : is not

Which of following statements about G proteins associated with G-protein-coupled receptors is false?

Associated G proteins become active by replacing GTP with GDP.

20. Chlorophylls absorb light in which colors of the visible range?

B. blue and red

47. Homologous chromosomes ________.

B. carry information for the same traits.

42. Myosin motor proteins use ATP energy to:

B. carry vesicles along a microfilament within a cell in a minus-to-plus direction.

45. Mitosis is the process of chromosome separation. Cytoplasm is divided between the two daughter cells in a process known as ________.

B. cytokinesis.

29. Communication between neurons is an example of which type of cell signaling?

B. paracrine

35. Plasmodesmata are cell-cell junctions that can be found between ________.

B. plant cells.

5. What type of energy is stored in the chemical bonds of a molecule?

B. potential energy

3. The potential energy in a molecule of ATP is held in the:

B. repulsion of the phosphate groups from each other.

What is the benefit of using Taq polymerase in PCR?

Because it is taken from bacteria that live in high temperatures, it stays active during denaturation steps of the reaction

Which one of the following contributes to the measurement referred to as atomic mass? A) neutrons only B) electrons and neutrons C) protons and electrons D) protons and neutrons E) protons, electrons, and neutrons

C) protons and neutrons

What process(es) happen(s) when pyruvic acid goes into the matrix of the mitochondria?

CoA binds to 2 carbon molecule to make acetyl CoA; CO2 is removed

What process(es) happen(s) when pyruvic acid goes into the matrix of the mitochondria?

CoA binds to 2 carbon molecule to make acetyl CoA; CO2 is removed (decarboxylation); Oxidation/reduction reaction and steal electrons from pyruvate to make NADH2

Which of the following statements about the human male reproductive system is false?

Constriction of the arteries and dilation of the veins in the penis causes a change in blood flow that leads to an erection. correct The scrotum hangs outside of the abdominal cavity because spermatogenesis requires cooler temperatures. Sperm become motile in the epididymis. Both sperm and urine leave the body through the same structure. The head of the penis is known as the glans penis.

Lysosome "Disposal and Recycling" Center

Contains acid hydrolases that work in acidic pH. These digest the macromolecules, and small products are recycled to outside the lysosomes. Acid pH set up by a V type H+.

All of the genetic information in the cell is contained in the nucleus.

Correct False

37. What is the function of the middle lamella in plant cells?

D. adhesion of adjacent cells

7. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions by _______:

D. decreasing the activation energy

31. An increased heart rate caused by the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands is an example of _______________________________.

D. endocrine signaling

Which of the following DNA replicating enzymes is responsible for unwinding the double helix of DNA?

DNA helicase

Which of the following DNA replication enzymes is responsible for unwinding the double helix of DNA?

DNA helicase

What enzyme is responsible for joining the lagging strand fragments together?

DNA ligase

Gene regulation can occur through:

DNA modification; RNS modification; histone modification

_____ requires both a template and a free 3′ end to elongate a nucleotide chain.

DNA polymerase

Why are primers needed for DNA replication?

DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to an existing chain.

Amplification of a DNA fragment by means of the polymerase chain reaction makes use of which of the following principles of DNA structure and replication chemistry>

DNA polymerase elongates a growing DNA strand by the addition of successive deoxynuclotides to the 3' end

Amplification of a DNA fragment by means of the polymerase chain reaction makes use of which of the following principles of DNA structure and replication chemistry?

DNA polymerase elongates a growing DNA strand by the addition of successive deoxynuclotides to the 3' end.

In the developing nervous system, ______ is the signaling molecule that results in the differentiation of ___________.

Delta; glial cells


Describes compounds that do not have regions of positive and negative charge

What is the difference between Sanger sequencing and PCR with regard to the materials needed to perform these reactions?

Dideoxynucleotides are needed in Sanger sequencing, but not in PCR.

6. Which of the following correctly describes all chemical equilibrium?

E. Forward and reverse reactions continue with no net effect on the concentrations of the reactants and products.

Hydrogen bonding is ultimately due to differences in _________ between two atoms


5 functions of lysosmes

Endocytosis Phagocytosis Autophagy Autolysis Digestion of extra cellular materials

Vesicle formation using the dynamin collar

Engergy provided by GTP Steps: 1) Dynamin GDP is diffuse on the membrane at first. 2) GEF exchanges GDP on Dynamin to GTP Dynamin-GTP assembles around collar 3) Hydrolysis fo Dynamin GTP to Dnyamin GDP all at once pinches the vesicles off.

No energy input is required to generate energy from glucose in metabolism.


Replicating DNA does not require the use of RNA.


The statement "matter can neither be created nor destroyed" is part of the _____.

First Law of Thermodynamics

You are given two true-breeding groups of rabbits. The first group has floppy ears and white coat color. The second group has straight ears and black coat color. When you perform a cross of these two groups to obtain an F1 generation you see that all of your rabbits have floppy ears and grey coat color. Which of the following possibilities appears to be supported by what you see in the F1 generation?

Floppy ears are dominant over straight ears; coat color is determined by incomplete dominance.

After mitosis occurs in animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by _____

Forming a cleavage furrow.

Adrenaline stimulates an increase in heart rate by binding to:

G-protein coupled receptors on the surface of cardiac muscle cells.

Which of the following sequence of cell-cycle phases is characteristic of eukaryotes?

G1 to S to G2 to M to C

Which one of the following represents interphase?


Which major checkpoint delays the cell cycle when DNA replication is incomplete?

G2 checkpoint

A concentration gradient of _____ is/are used to guide the pollen tube towards the ovule.

GABA and calcium

The alpha subunit of a G-protein is free to diffuse in the plane of the membrane when:

GDP is exchanged for GTP.

Which of the following is true of both first- and second-division nondisjunction? (Choose all that apply.)

Gametes are produced with extra chromosomes Gametes are produced with missing chromosomes

Imagine that a eukaryotic cell carries a mutation impairing its ability to phosphorylate glucose during glycolysis. What is a likely result of this mutation?

Glucose could move out of the cell, slowing cellular respiration.


Golgi can also make these. Proteins at serine linked by xylose to glucoaminoglycan (GAG), a repeating disaccharide unit. Secreted and become components of extracellular matrix or stay anchored to the exoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. Play major roles in material in our bodies that is outside our cells. are formed by the additions of long chains of disaccharide subunits to a protein, using the "O linkage", the saccharide monomers are often sulfated, giving high amount of negative charges

A young man wants to determine if he is a descendant of Henry of Navarre and Eleanor of Aquitaine—two of his favorite historical characters. He sends a cheek swab to a DTC company and is offered a choice (due to funding): the company can assess either the sequence of the man's Y chromosome or his mitochondrial DNA. Which should he choose?

He should get his mitochondrial haplotype sequenced, given the genetic variation in mitochondrial sequences compared to Y chromosomes.

Match the scientist to their contribution to the Cell Theory.

Helped dispel the myth of spontaneous generation along with Pasteur. - Virchow All organisms are made of at least one cell.- Schliden and schwan All cells have or have had a nucleus or its equivalent.-brown Cells come from preexisting cells- Pasteur and Virchow All organisms are made of cells and the smalest unit of life.

You may be familiar with the story of Philippides, the famous Greek runner who ran the first marathon and then died after completing his run. Based on what you know of aerobic respiration and fermentation, why might Philippides have died?

His muscles may have produced toxic levels of lactic acid, causing his blood to become more acidic

If an organism has identical alleles for one trait of interest, this organism is ______.



In eukaryotes, the physical structure in which DNA in the nucleus is packaged; used more loosely to refer to the DNA in bacterial cells or archaeons.

Which of the following statements about gametogenesis is correct? (Select all correct choices.)

In human females, a secondary oocyte arrests in metaphase II; In human males, spermatogenesis begins at puberty.

Which one of the following statements about segregation of the sex chromosomes is false?

In humans, the sex at each birth is not a random process because there are often large families with either all girls or all boys.


In nucleic acids, either of the bases adenine and gunanine, which have a double-ring structure.


Is always amino sugar. Could be sulfated in the Golgi as well.

What does a ligand- gated channel do?

It allows for the movement of ions across the plasma membrane.

How is the multiple cloning site typically used within plasmid DNA for cloning experiments?

It is a cloning site.

Why was the theory of blending inheritance eventually disproven?

It was eventually disproven by demonstrating segregation of alleles for the inheritance of many traits in diverse types of organisms.

Many mutations in receptor kinases that lead to cancer allow the dimerization and activation of the receptor, even in the absence of signaling molecule. An example of this is a mutant form of the EGF receptor kinase called Her2/neu. An antibody that prevents dimerization of Her2/neu receptor kinases is being tested for its effectiveness in stopping cancer. At which stage would this drug work?

It would prevent the receptor from becoming activated.

Which of the following best describes how ATP synthase converts the potential energy of the proton gradient to the chemical energy of ATP? Do protons flow through the Fo or F1?

Kinetic energy from the flow of protons is converted to the kinetic energy of rotation of the Fo subunit; the rotation of the Fo subunit leads to rotation of the F1 subunit, which can then catalyze ATP synthesis.

Which of the following is NOT true of lipid rafts in the plasma membrane?

Lipid rafts are areas of rapid lipid diffusion/movement.

Inside the flattened sacs of the Golgi is the ______.


Imagine that a doctor is culturing cells from a malignant melanoma and from a normal skin sample. How would you expect these two cell populations to differ?

Malignant melanoma cells would have active telomerases that constantly replenish and lengthen telomeres.


Mark organelles and membrane domains. Inositol sugar head group can be phosphorylated at different positions to produce different. PI and PIP phosphotase enzymes activities control balance of PIP species. Specific PIPs is recognized by a PIP binding protein which in turn regulated vesicle formation and transport. Control when and which secretions and endocytosis occur.

Mendel's experiments with garden peas differed from those of other plant hybridizers of the time in that:

Mendel studied true-breeding strains, focused on a small number of easily contrasted traits, and quantified results.

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes methylation?

Methyl groups are most often added to cytosines adjacent to guanine bases in or near the promoter sequence, decreasing the probability of gene expression.

Meiosis and mitosis are both processes that involve nuclear division. What is the difference between the two?

Mitosis is nuclear division, which ultimately leads to diploid somatic cells. Meiosis is nuclear division, which ultimately leads to haploid gametes

Meiosis and mitosis are both processes that involve nuclear division. What is the difference between the two?

Mitosis is nuclear division, which ultimately leads to diploid somatic cells. Meiosis is nuclear division, which ultimately leads to haploid gametes.

Review the experiments by Kohler and Lipton described in Fig. 9.5. What is the key difference between blood serum and blood plasma that affects their ability to help fibroblasts grow in culture?

Molecules found in serum promote cell growth; these molecules are not found in plasma.


Molecules that have the same chemical formula but different structures

Which molecular motor would most likely be involved in muscle contractions?


Golgi dependent modification of N linked oligosachharides fomed in the ER

N linked saccharides left over the from ER is further processed in the Golgi to core 5 sugars. More sugars are put to make complex sugars or high mannose sugars. This creates one of two different oligosaccharides, complex and high mannose oligosaccharides.

What is an end products for an acetyl group that enters the citric acid cycle?


The reducing agent during the Calvin cycle is:


DNA sequencing by the Sanger chain-termination method makes use of which of the following principles of DNA structure and replication chemistry? Select all that apply.

New nucleotides are added only to the 3' end of a growing DNA strand. Duplex nucleic acid molecules can be separated by size by means of electrophoresis. Complementary single-stranded nucleic acid sequences can come together to form a duplex molecule. A DNA strand whose 3' end terminates in a dideoxynucleotide cannot be elongated.

Low concentration of detergent make membranes leaky to small molecules and ions without damaging proteins. In isolated mitochondria exposed to detergent, the molecules of the electron transport chain and of ATP synthase remain intact. Do you expect ATP synthesis to continue in the presence of low concentrations of detergent?

No, because with a leaky membrane, H+ gradient cannot be maintained

Low concentrations of detergent make membranes leaky to small molecules and ions without damaging proteins. In isolated mitochondria exposed to detergent, the molecules of the electron transport chain and of ATP synthase remain intact. Do you expect ATP synthesis to continue in the presence of low concentrations of detergent?

No, because with a leaky membrane, H+ gradient cannot be maintained.

transfer RNA (tRNA)

Noncoding RNA that carries individual amino acids for use in translation.

Which of the following statements about the strands of a newly replicated DNA molecule is correct?

One strand is new and the other is from the original molecule.

Which of the statements below does not accurately describe the inheritance of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes?

Organelles that are in high concentration in sperm, such as mitochondria, are almost always inherited using a paternal inheritance pattern.

Which of the following does not accurately describe events in the movement of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?

Processed mRNA transcripts diffuse passively down their concentration gradient across the nuclear membrane.

Order the mitotic phases in the correct order. (note: no partial credit will be given for this question)

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

Match the description to the mitotic phase.

Question Correct Match Selected Match Chromosomes are moved to opposite cell poles and the nuclear envelope begins to form around the chromosomal mass. Correct D. telophase Correct D. telophase Chromosome begin to move apart. Correct B. anaphase Correct B. anaphase Chromosomes begin to condensed. Correct E. prophase Correct E. prophase Consensed chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate. Correct C. metaphase Correct C. metaphase

Match the proteins involved in DNA replication to its function.

Question Correct Match Selected Match Travels down the DNA template strand and assembles complementary strand Correct A. DNA polymerase III Correct E. Primase Correct E. Primase Separates hydrogen bonded strands Correct G. helicase Correct G. helicase Stabilized single strands of DNA Correct C. single stranded binding proteins Correct C. single stranded binding proteins Fills the gaps between fragments of DNA Correct D. ligase Correct F. topoisomerase Correct F. topoisomerase Removes RNA primer and replaces with DNA Correct B. DNA polymerase I Correct B. DNA polymerase I

Match the description to the correct cell cycle phase.

Question Correct Match Selected Match replication of all nuclear DNA Correct C. S Correct C. S phase where cell carries out its normal metabolic business, producing proteins necessary to keep the cell running etc. Correct D. G1 Correct D. G1 Homologs line up in the middle of the cell Correct B. M Correct B. M

One strand from each of the double-stranded RNA fragments of miRNA or siRNA is incorporated into a protein complex known as:


Transcription is the process by which:

RNA is synthesized from DNA

The enzyme that initiates transcription is __________

RNA polymerase.

_____ is the first enzyme to synthesize a nucleic acid at a replication fork.

RNA primase

Which of the following correctly describes the role of rubisco in the Calvin cycle?

Rubisco incorporates CO2 from the atmosphere into an organic molecule.

When in the cell cycle would you find sister chromatids?

S and G2

Cisternal Maturation Model

Second of two possible ways of cisternae movement. Cisternae move through the stack. Their internal contents are trans located in order to generate specialization. Entire cisternae move though the Golgi from one end to another. Because each cisternae have enzymes within them at any one place it seems necessary that the vesicles would have to bud off of each cisternae backwards.

Mendel's Law of ________ states that alternative alleles for a trait separate from one another during gamete formation and remain distinct.


Mendel's principle of segregation corresponds to what part of meiosis?

Separation of homologues in anaphase I

Composition of Golgi Apparatus

Series of roughly flattened, membrane bound stacks

A high school student wants to repeat Mendel's classic experiments for her science fair. To stay true to Mendel's work, what must the student do?

She must remove the male organs (anthers) from plants she has designated as females, and she must hand-pollinate plants and keep track of the traits seen in male and female parents.

27. In communication between cells, the _____________________ produces the signaling molecule, also known as the ________________; the ______________________ produces the _______________, to which the signaling molecule binds.

Signaling cell, ligand, responding cell, receptor

COPI Vesicle Formation

Simlarily ARF-GTP initiates COPI and clathrin coated vesicle formation A GTP based energy system is involved.

The "fluid mosaic model" that states that proteins are floating in a "sea" of lipids was proposed by _________

Singer and Nickleson

The "fluid mosaic model" that states that proteins are floating in a "sea" of lipids was proposed by _________.

Singer and Nickleson

Which of the following statements about communication among bacteria is correct? (Select all correct choices.)

Small peptides can stimulate a DNA-uptake response. Cellular communication in bacteria is based on the same principles as communication within multicellular organisms.

Secretory vesicles

Small vesicles storing proteins until some signal stimulates to modify and release proteins. wait near the plasma membrane until signaled to release their contents. are proteolytically process before secretion. Formed directly by pinching off pouches of the Golgi apparatus. On exterior, often have attached motor proteins that are used to carry vesicles to particular places in cells. Also have a docking protein that facilitate the merging of the vesicular membrane with the cell plasma membrane. Docking process is unregulated

microRNA (miRNA)

Small, regulatory RNA molecules that can cleave or destabilize RNA or inhibit its translation.

What happens when a ligand binds to a ligand- gated Na+ channel?

Sodium ions flow passively from high concentration to low concentration

base stacking

Stabilizing hydrophobic interactions between bases in the same strand of DNA.

Why don't steroid hormones bind to transmembrane cell- surface receptors?

Steroid hormones are nonpolar and will cross the cell's plasma membrane binding to receptor inside the cell.

Active β-galactosidase enzyme is observed only in E. coli growing in the presence of lactose. One hypothesis is that the enzyme is always being produced, but is produced in an unstable form that breaks down rapidly in the absence of lactose (hypothesis 1). A second hypothesis is that the enzyme is stable, but is produced only in the presence of lactose (hypothesis 2). An experiment was performed to test these hypotheses. A culture of growing cells was exposed to lactose, which was later removed. The amount of β-galactosidase present in the culture during the course of the experiment was measured. The data are shown in the graph below. Which one of the following statements is a conclusion that can be obtained from these experimental data?

Synthesis of β-galactosidase is turned on when lactose is added and turned off when lactose is removed, in support of hypothesis 2.

Which of the following statements is true regarding telomeres?

Telomeres can contain repeated base sequences.

messenger RNA (mRNA)

The RNA molecule that combines with a ribosome to direct protein synthesis; it carries the genetic "message" from the DNA to the ribosome.

Pol II

The RNA polymerase complex responsible for transcription of protein-coding genes.

RNA transcript

The RNA sequence synthesized from a DNA template.

Why is phosphorylation and dephosphorylation commonly used to regulate signal transduction pathways?

The addition or removal of a phosphate group can alter the conformation of cytoplasmic enzymatic proteins, exposing or hiding potential binding sites.

As the pollen tube grows and gets bigger, what happens to the cytoplasm?

The amount of cytoplasm remains the same because all of the cytoplasm is retracted before a wall is formed in the pollen tube.

A researcher is comparing the amount of proteins contained in inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. What do you expect she will find?

The amount of proteins is greater in the inner membrane

ionic bond

The association of two atoms resulting from the attraction of opposite charges

During the signal transduction process, the signal often goes through cascade. For example: Activated receptor continually activates hundreds of protein A. Each activated protein A will activate hundreds of protein B, and so on until we get to the cellular response. What purpose does this cascade serve?

The cascade serves to amplify the signal, so one activated receptor can have a significant response.

Which of the following is NOT part of the general response of cells during cellular communication?

The cell automatically returns to its normal activities after the signal has exerted its effect.

Which of the following is NOT true of the plasma membrane?

The composition of the plasma membrane extracellular and intracellular layers are highly similar.

The lysosome has two mechanisms for ensuring that the digestive enzymes inside of it don;t end up farming the cells.

The first is the membrane boundry itself, which restrict the activity of the lysosomal enzymes. Second, even if the enzymes are somehow released out of f the lysosome by accident the relative neutral pH of the cytoplasm effectively inactivates these proteins

In humans the diploid number of chromosomes is 46. The haploid number is 23. Prior to mitosis in the cell cycle, the cell is in the G2 phase. Which of the statements is true?

The homologous chromosomes have all been copied through DNA replication and contain sister chromatids.

A researcher has discovered a new ligand that can pass through the cell membrane and bind to a receptor in the nucleus. What is not likely true of this ligand?

The ligand likely utilizes a transmembrane receptor.

atomic mass

The mass of the atom determined by the number of protons and neutrons

Imagine that a researcher is studying the embryonic development of mice that do not express Delta. What will likely be true of these mice?

The mice will have fewer glia compared to their normal counterparts.

5' cap

The modification of the 5′ end of the primary transcript by the addition of a special nucleotide attached in an unusual chemical linkage.

Which of the following statements about replication of DNA is false?

The newly synthesized DNA is packaged into one nucleus, and the old DNA is packaged into another nucleus.


The nucleotides added to the 3′ end of the primary transcript by polyadenylation.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the earliest photosynthetic organisms on Earth?

The organisms likely used molecules other than water (i.e., H2S) as electron donors.


The process of copying DNA so genetic information can be passed from cell to cell or from an organism to its progeny.

RNA splicing

The process of intron removal from the primary transcript.

Imagine that a rancher has a herd of cattle with brown hides and short horns. All of his cattle are also relatively short in stature. If all of these traits were true breeding, what could you say about the progeny of these cattle?

The progeny of these cattle will be short in stature and have brown hides and short horns.

A researcher is carrying out an experiment where she labels a protein with a fluorescent tag (so she can visualize its location in a cell), and introduces this tagged protein into the lumen of a single thylakoid. She observes her treated cells periodically, and notices that the labeled protein can move between grana, but is never observed in the stroma. What can she deduce?

The protein likely travels through a common lumen shared by thylakoid membranes and grana, and cannot easily diffuse through the thylakoid membrane.

Why do the functions of many receptor kinases depend on the fluid nature of the plasma membrane?

The receptor monomers must move together and dimerize to be activated.

Which one of the following statements about the sex chromosomes is false?

The relative size and gene content of the X and Y chromosomes is very similar across all animal species.

Phosphatases are a family of enzymes that specifically remove phosphate groups from proteins that were added by protein kinases. Vanadate is an inhibitor of phosphatases in eukaryotic cells. What effect would vanadate have on the response of cells to signals received by receptor kinases?

The response of the cell would last longer than it normally would.

A researcher introduces a signal produced by bacteria to eukaryotic cells he is culturing in the laboratory. Remarkably,he notices that this signal results in a n increase in eukaryotic gene expression. How is this possible?

The signal is either in structure to a ligand used by eukaryotes, or this signaling pathway is utilized by both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


The simplest carbohydrate molecule, also called a sugar


The simplest carbohydrate molecule; also called a saccharide


The simplest carbohydrate molecule; also called a saccharide.

Translation is first initiated when ___.

The start codon tRNA associates with the mRNA

double helix

The structure formed by two strands of complementary nucleotides that coil around each other


The sugar in DNA


The sugar in RNA.


The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template.

nontemplate strand

The untranscribed partner of the template strand of DNA used in transcription.

Rab Proteins guide vesicle targeting

There are ~60 known Rab proteins. Each Rab protein is associated with one or more organelle membrane. Rab effector proteins on the target membrane recognize specific Rab proteins and facilitate membrane tethering.

Which of the following could be true if a plant cell is exposed to a toxin that makes the thylakoid membrane freely permeable to hydrogen ions?

There would be no ATP available to drive carbohydrate synthesis in the Calvin cycle

Which of the following could be true if a plant cell is exposed to a toxin that makes the thylakoid membrane freely permeable to hydrogren ions?

There would be no ATP available to drive carbohydrate synthesis in the Calvin cycle

Which of the following could be true if a plant cell is exposed to a toxin that makes the thylakoid membrane freely permeable to hydrogen ions?

There would be no ATP available to drive carbohydrate synthesis in the Calvin cycle.

The only known "solution" to the loss of efficiency caused by the oxygenation of RuBP by rubisco is to raise the concentration of CO2 in the cell using energy from ATP. Which of the following is most correct of such plants?

They are often found in bright, sunny habitats.

____ are proteins that help turn on specific genes in Eukaryotes

Transcription factors

Match the proteins involved in DNA replication to its function.

Travels down the DNA template strand and assembles complementary strand DNA polymerase Adds RNA to template strand making a primer primase Separates hydrogen bonded strands helicase Stabilized single strands of DNA single stranded binding proteins Fills the gaps between fragments of DNA ligase Knicks the DNA to relax the helix during replication topoisomerase Removes RNA primer and replaces with DNA DNA polymerase

What is true regarding triacylglycerols?

Triacylglycerols can be used to generate acetyl-CoA

By definition lysosome contains two or more acid hydrolases. Thus, the cell can have lysosomes that are specialized at degrading specific compounds.


The addition rule requires which of the following?

Two outcomes (such as having the genotype BB or Bb) are mutually exclusive in an organism.

Proteins leave ER in COPII coated transport vesicles

Vesicles leave the ER from special areas called exit sites. Proteins destined for export have peptide export signals that are recognized by membrane receptors. Membrane receptors have export peptide signals that recruit coat vesicle adaptor proteins.

COPII mediated forward movement

Via vesicular tubular clusters to the Golgi. Return proteins to ER that don't belong there. Instead of having an "export" signal, proteins that need to be returned have "retrieval signal". Have a sequence KDEL (lumen)at their C terminal end, or KKXX (ER)

As a scientist you create an artificial cell with a selectively permeable membrane through which only water can pass. You put a 5 M solution of glucose into the cell and you place that cell into a beaker of water. What observations do you expect to see?

Water moves into the cell.

Dosage compensation refers to the fact that:

X chromosome genes must be regulated differently in males and females because members of one sex have 2 X chromosomes, whereas members of the other have only 1.

Nondisjunction of X chromosomes may occur during meiosis 1 of oogenesis to form 2 types of eggs. If normal sperm fertilize these two types of egg, which of the following are possible sex chromosome complements?

XXY and XO

What is the immediate effect of ligand binding to a ligand- gated channel?

a conformational change of the channel

Why don't plant cells use a contractile ring to divide their daughter cells?

a contractile ring can't pinch a cell wall

Huntington's disease is a devastating neurological disorder. If a child of an affected parent receives one copy of the Huntington allele, he or she will develop Huntington's disease. Thus, Huntington's disease is considered _____ trait.

a dominant

The electrical component of an electrochemical gradient is due to:

a greater concentration of positive charges on the side of the membrane with the highest concentration of protons

The electrical component of an electrochemical gradient is due to:

a greater concentration of positive charges on the side of the membrane with the highest concentration of protons.

Jenna is trying to construct a pedigree for the occurrence of red hair in her family. She has two sisters (one older and one younger), and Jenna is the only one in her family that has red hair. What will be components of Jenna's pedigree?

a line connecting her mother and father, a colored circle representing Jenna, and two empty circles representing her sisters

As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, the oceans become more: a) salty. b) basic. c) acidic. d) dense. e) aqueous.


Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the ____

activation energy

Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the ____________ enthalpy entropy free energy calories activation energy

activation energy

In a reaction, enzymes change the: a) first law of thermodynamics. b) second law of thermodynamics. c) activation energy. d) ΔG. e) types of products.

activation energy

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) includes all of the following steps except _______

addition of new Taq polymerase after each cycle

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) includes all of the following steps except _____

addition of new Taq polymerase after each cycle.

The assembly of glucose into polysaccharides is:

an anabolic process.

Inactivation of a cell- surface receptor depends on:

both the binding affinity of the receptor and concentration of ligand surrounding the cell.

Which of the following can lysosomes not degrade.



coated vesicles bud off the ER

An electron from NADH entering the electron transport chain would travel among components of the chain in what sequence?

complex I, coenzyme Q, complex III, cytochrome C, complex IV, oxygen

Predict what would happen if crossing over between homologous chromosomes occurred as part of mitosis.

daughter cells would not be genetically identical, and they could contain two copies of the same allele

Using the drawing of mRNA below, choose the letter that best fits the description. A messenger RNA lacking region E is likely to be:

exceptionally sensitive to degradation

The human body contains approximately 200 major cell types. They look and function differently from one another because each:

expresses a different set of genes

First division nondisjunction will only yield gametes with an extra chromosome, whereas second division nondisjunction will only yield gametes missing a chromosome.


In chemical reactions, most of the entropy increase occurs as: a) chemical energy. b) electrical energy. c) heat. d) ATP production. e) glycolysis.


____ moves outward from the origin of replication and breaks hydrogen bonds between DNA nucleotides.


The following enzymes play important roles in DNA replication: DNA polymerase, primase, ligase, helicase. In what order do they work during replication?

helicase, primase, DNA polymerase, ligase

_____ are organisms that derive carbon from organic compounds. a) Chemotrophs b) Autotrophs c) Phototrophs d) Heterotrophs


When the two haploid gametes contain two different alleles of a given gene, the resulting offspring is called ______


When the two haploid gametes contain two different alleles of a given gene, the resulting offspring is called _____


Which area in the mitochondria is proton rich?

intermembrane space

_______ are molecules with the same chemical formula but with a different arrangement of atoms in that molecule.


Coated with protein clathrin

it coats lattices. involved in endocytosis

What is the role of the protein FtsZ?

it forms a ring at the site of constriction

The fact that DNA replication occurs in virtually the same way in all organisms reflects:

its evolution early in the history of life

Which type of cell signaling does NOT rely on the diffusion of a chemical signal molecule?


Which type of protein adds a phosphate group to another molecule?


The molecular motor _______ move vesicles in the - to + direction from the Golgi to the plasma membrane on microtubules.


An avalanche is an example of _____ energy.


Which is an example of the second law of thermodynamics?

knocking over a house of cards

The primary reason surplus carbohydrates in plants are stored as starch is because:

leaving them as individual monosaccharides would upset the osmotic balance of the cell.

During pyruvate oxidation, pyruvate is broken down into CO2 and an acetyl group. The CO2 is:

less energetic than the acetyl group

In the ____________ cycle, the lambda bacteriophage's DNA ____________. Select all correct choices.

lysogenic; recombines with bacterial DNA and is passed on to subsequent bacterial cells lytic; hijacks the cell to create more viruses

Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells reproduce by mitotic cell division. Regardless of the type of cell, all cells must _____ before they divide.

make a copy of their genetic information

A pollen grain is a _____.

male gamete in a plant

Which plant female reproductive tissue with function undergoes meiosis and mitosis to create the eight 1N nuclei?

megaspore mother cell

In animals with sex chromosomes, males inherit their X chromosomes from their ____________ and transmit them to their ____________.

mothers; daughters

In cellular respiration, glucose is _____ to CO2 and oxygen is _____ to water.

oxidized; reduced

The hormone _____ released from the _____ causes uterine contractions that facilitate childbirth.

oxytocin; posterior pituitary

In the receptor mediated endocytosis, a change in ____ that cause the receptors to release the LDL particles.


Growth factors such as platelet- derived growth factors function in:

paracrine signaling

Mendel's monohybrid cross showed that genetic units were inherited as_______


Found in the middle lamella of plant cells, _____ is a key carbohydrate. In plants, it is highly charged and water attracting. This function is similar to mucous in animals.


The chemical bond connecting one nucleotide with the next one along the nucleic acid chain is called a __________

phosphodiester bond.

Oak trees are categorized as: a) chemoheterotrophs. b) photoautotrophs. c) photoheterotrophs. d) chemoautotrophs.


rganisms that derive their energy from the sun and carbon from carbon dioxide are: a) chemoheterotrophs. b) photoautotrophs. c) chemoautotrophs. d) photoheterotrophs. e) chemolithotrophs.


In a flower, which organs are reproductive? (select all that apply)

pistils; anthers

Which group of organisms undergoes alternation of generation?


A cell placed into a hypertonic solution will _____.


during what cardinal point of development does the suspensor for a plant embryo develop?


One of the very first steps a zygote must accomplish in order to successfully develop into a whole new organism is to _____.

polarize the cytoplasm

Which of the following male plant structure are N.

pollen grains

Stored energy is called

potential energy

Which of the following does not occur during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle?

progesterone levels increase

We consume a variety of carbohydrates that are digested into a variety of different sugars. How do these different sugars enter glycolysis?

sugars are converted to various forms and enter glycolysis at various stages

When the pollen tube breaks into the ______ it commits apoptosis. The sperm nuclei are dumped into this "empty" cell.


Amino acids are transported to the ribosome by _________ for use in building the polypeptide.

tRNA molecules

Select all of the nurse cells in male plant reproductive tissue.

tapedum; periplasmodium

______ are the ends of DNA strands that required special enzymes to replicate them during DNA replication.


_______ are the ends of DNA strands that require special enzymes to replicate them during DNA replication.


What molecules would you expect to travel the longest distance in the human body?


In prokaryotes:

the DNA is packaged into nucleosomes

In order for the G protein to be active:

the alpha subunit must bind GTP and the beta and gamma subunits must separate from the alpha subunit

Gibbs free energy is defined as: a) the amount of potential energy in a system. b) the amount of energy available to do work. c) the amount of entropy. d) spontaneous energy. e) the amount of energy lost as heat.

the amount of energy available to do work

When the peptide bond is created between amino acid 1 and amino acid 2:

the carboxyl group of amino acid 1 is joined to the amino group of amino acid 2.

Placing celery sticks in fresh water will make them more turgid and harder. This is because _______

the celery is hypertonic to fresh water.

Cell signaling between two nerve cells is an example of paracrine signaling because:

the cells are in close proximity.

Energy is required in order to add a nucleotide to the growing strand of DNA during replication. From where does that energy come?

the incoming nucleotide

In E. coli, an isomer of lactose binds with:

the lactose operon repressor, preventing it from binding to the operator. This allows the lacZ and lacY genes to be transcribed.

We can tell from their structure that fatty acids are a good source of energy because of:

the large number of carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds they contain

When genes are closely linked, which of Mendel's findings is not in action when predicting the results of crosses involving such genes?

the law of independent assortment

What determines the specificity of a receptor protein?

the ligand- binding site

Imagine that you walk out of your warm house on a cold winter's day. What is different between the air inside and outside of your house in this scenario? a) The molecules in the warm air of your house are moving faster than those outside. b) The molecules in the warm air have more potential energy than those outside. c) The molecules in the cold air outside of your house have more kinetic energy than those inside. d) The molecules in the cold air outside of your house are moving faster than those inside. e) The molecules in the warm air inside of your house have less entropy than those outside.

the molecules in the warm air of your house are moving faster than those outside

A cell biologist has developed a new drug that will block the cis face of the Golgi apparatus. If eventually approved by the FDA, she wants to use this new drug to aid cancer patients. What specifically will this drug prevent from happening inside a cancer cell?

the movement of the lipids and proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus

Sperm pass through all of the following structures en route to the egg, except:

the ovaries

The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on:

the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ.

One of the DNA replication proteins/enzymes is altered in a way the results in an increased rate of single base changes in the newly synthesized DNA strand. Which function is most likely to be disrupted?

the proofreading function of DNA polymerase

Untranslated regions of the mRNA transcript may interact with motor proteins to enhance transport of the mRNA to a distinct region of the cell; or these regions may interact with proteins that repress the translation of the mRNA.


In a dihybrid cross, how many traits are being tracked through multiple generations?


_________ is a molecule that is important in tagging worn out organelles and molecules for digestion.


Match the plant female reproductive tissue with function.

undergoes meiosis and mitosis to create the 8 1N nuclei-- megaspore mother cell surrounds gametophyte-- integuments opening for pollen tube to enter-- micropyle nurse cells--nucellus

First cell division of the plant zygote is:


If a single substance is actively transported across the cell membrane in only one directions the transport system is __________.


The embryo normally implants and develops in which of the following structures?




A true breeding black rabbit is crossed with a true breeding white rabbit to produce an F1 generation with 8 individuals. If blending inheritance were true, which of the following would represent the expected phenotype of the F1 generation?

0 black rabbits, 0 white rabbits, 8 grey rabbits

How many ATP are directly produced from the Kreb cycle per Acetyle CoAs that enter?


What is a growth factor?

1. A small protein that influences call growth and division 2. A signaling molecule involved in paracrine signaling 3. a soluble molecule that can alter gene expression in a cell

Arrange the events in the stimulation of heart muscle in order from earliest (1) to latest (5). Note that this question does not list every step in the pathway, but the steps presented should be arranged in order.

1. Activation of G-proteins 2. Activation of adenylyl cyclase 3. Conversion of ATP into cyclic AMP 4. Activation of protein kinase A 5. Phosphorylation of proteins that induce contraction in muscle cells

A researcher is studying a G protein- coupled receptor in eukaryotic cells. In one group of cells, he notices that even though a ligand can bind to its G protein- coupled receptor, nothing happens. Why could this happen?

1. The G protein- coupled receptor may fall to undergo a conformational change upon the binding of its ligand. 2. These cells might carry a mutation that affects the transmembrane portion of the G protein- coupled receptor. 3. These cells might carry mutations in the downstream signaling pathway associated with the ligand/ G protein- coupled receptor.

If the phenotype of pea pod color is determined by incomplete dominance, the combination of an allele for yellow seeds and an allele for green seeds yields blue seeds. Therefore, you would expect the F2 generation from an original cross of true-breeding green stock with true-breeding yellow stock to be:

25 percent yellow, 50 percent blue, 25 percent green.

As a cat pounces on a mouse, her muscles burn 10 units of potential energy (which the cat previously gained from eating). However, the pounce itself only required 4 units of kinetic energy. How many units of energy were dissipated as heat? a) 10 b) 2.5 c) 14 d) 6 e) 4


The chemiosmotic theory explains that ______ on the inside of the sac is separated from _______ on the outside of the sac by a membrane.

A very strong positive charge ; the negatively charged environment

A woman's doctor tells her to gargle with salt water. She stirs a tablespoon of salt into a cup of warm water, and watches it dissolve. Why does the salt dissolve in water? A) The positive hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions, and the negative oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions. B) The positive hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions. c) The negative oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions. D) The positive hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions. E) The negative oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions.

A) The positive hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions, and the negative oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions.

1. Which of the following statements reflects the first law of thermodynamics?

A. The energy of the starting materials for a reaction will equal the sum of energies of the products plus energy released as heat and disorder.

30. The high variability of the types of G protein-coupled receptors allows for:

A. different types of cells to respond to different types of signals.

9. The electron transport chain:

A. is a series of redox reactions

28. Which type of cell signaling does not rely on the diffusion of a chemical signal molecule?

A. juxtacrine

18. The process of splitting water to release hydrogens and electrons occurs during the _____ process.

A. light dependent

38. The cytoskeleton of animal cells includes:

A. microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.

Photorespiration in chloroplasts differs from cellular respiration in mitochondria that ___________

ATP is required for photorespiration but is a product of mitochondrial respiration

Order the forms of ATP from most number of phosphates to least number of phosphates ADP; ATP; AMP ADP; AMP; ATP AMP; ADP; ATP ATP; ADP; AMP ATP; AMP; ADP


Which of the following statements is false?

After entering the uterus, sperm must pass through the cervix in order to enter the fallopian tubes. TRUE During ovulation the oocyte is expelled from the ovary and enters the fallopian tubes; the oocyte is the largest cell by volume in the human body; if an oocyte is not fertilized, it is removed from the body through menstruation; some types of cervial mucus block the passage of sperm, whereas other types guide sperm

What happens when the signal recognition particle (SRP) binds to the ribosome after a few amino acids are translated into a growing peptide chain?

All choices listed

Examples of transgenic organisms include:

All of the answer options are correct.

If you crossed two heterozygous yellow seed pea plants (genotypes Aa):

All of the answer options would be true.

A cellular response to a signal can be terminated by:

All of these choices are correct.

Epithelial tissue is found:

All of these choices are correct.

Processes that regulate cell division in most multicellular eukaryotes include:

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is NOT a hallmark of cancer?

All of these choices are hallmarks of cancer.


Also involved in vesicle transport. A multiprotein complex coat that assembles on endosomes that are dedicated to specific cargo proteins. Made up of 4 different proteins. The protein complex bind the cytoplasmic of cargo receptor, binds to curve phospholipid bilayer and binds to a specific phosphorlyated inositol phospholipid bilayer

Which of the following statements about water is correct? A) Ice forms on top and sinks to the bottom of lakes and rivers. B) Ice is less dense than liquid water. C) Ice is more dense than liquid water. D) Bodies of water freeze from the bottom up. E) Water molecules in ice demonstrate a disorganized, non-lattice arrangement.

B) ice is less dense than liquid water

magine you are looking at a bottle of salad dressing containing oil, vinegar, and water. You notice that the oil sits on "top" of the other liquids. This is due, in part, to the fact that: A) vinegar is hydrophobic. B) oil is hydrophobic. C) oil is hydrophilic. D) water is hydrophobic. E) water is hydrophobic and oil is hydrophilic.

B) oil is hydrophobic

17. How many ATP are produced during glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation?

B. 4

Match each of the following cellular processes to the stage of mitosis in which it occurs. (Select the correct processes for each mitotic stage. Each cellular process may be used more than once.) Microtubules from of the cell. Chromosomes condense ... under the microscope. The centromere divides and the sister chromatids separate. The nuclear envelope reforms around the segregated chromosomes.

B. prophase A. anaphase C. telephose D. metaphase

19. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through ____.

B. stomata

40. The plasma membrane's phospholipid bilayer has numerous proteins. Which of the following is NOT a protein associated with the plasma membrane?

B. transintegral proteins

What is one reason why women with the genotype XXX are not phenotypically different from an XX female?

Because only one X is active in each cell, regardless of how many X chromosomes there are in a cell.

What feature is shared by restriction fragments produced by the restriction enzymes BclI (T↓GATCA) and BglII (A↓GATCT)? (The downward arrow denotes the site of cleavage in each strand.)

Both fragments have the same 5-base overhang but one at the 3′-end and the other at the 5′-end.

How are steroid hormone receptors and cell-surface receptors similar?

Both types undergo a conformational change when they bind to their ligand.

A man has ordered a glass of soda in a restaurant. When his drink arrives, he notices that quite a bit of ice is floating at the top of the glass. Why does the ice float? A) The water molecules in the ice are more densely packed compared to the water molecules in the soda. B) The water molecules in ice are arranged in a lattice pattern, causing ice to float c) The water molecules in the soda are arranged in a lattice pattern, providing a "net" on which ice can sit. D) water molecules in ice are arranged in a lattice pattern, and the water molecules in the soda are more densely packed compared to the water molecules in the ice, causing ice to float. E) The water molecules in the soda are more densely packed compared to the water molecules in the ice.

C) The water molecules in the soda are arranged in a lattice pattern, providing a "net" on which ice can sit.

Water is able to dissolve many compounds as a result of which of the following? A) the fact that water molecules are polar and that the hydrogen atoms in water molecules have a slight negative charge B) the fact that the hydrogen atoms in water molecules have a slight negative charge C) the fact that water molecules are polar D) the fact that most non-water molecules are hydrophobic E) the fact that water molecules are non-polar

C) the fact that water molecules are polar

A polar bond is due to: A) equal sharing of valence electrons. B) an attraction of opposite charges. C) uneven sharing of electrons in a covalent bond D) the interaction between an ion and a non-ionic atom. E) None of the other answer options accurately describes a polar bond.

C) uneven sharing of electrons in a covalent bond

When carbohydrates are oxidized the C-H bonds of the carbohydrate become C-O bonds of the carbon dioxide. Oxidation is defined as a loss of electrons, but carbon does not become positively charged in the process. Why then is this considered carbon oxidation?

C-O bonds in CO2 are double bonds, and C-H bonds are single bonds

13. Glucose processing has four components. Which component takes place in the cytosol?

C. Glycolysis

32. Which statement most accurately explains how some signals are amplified?

C. Second messengers are produced.

2. The reactions in the pathways of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle harvest the high-energy electrons stored in glucose. Therefore, these pathways _______________.

C. are catabolic pathways

14. Substrate-level phosphorylation occurs within a metabolic pathway where sufficient energy is released by a given chemical reaction to drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. Substrate-level phosphorylation is seen in which metabolic pathway(s)?

C. glycolysis and the Krebs cycle

22. Besides proteins, thylakoid membranes must contain a large number of ________ molecules in the reaction centers in order to harvest light energy.

C. pigment

23. The electrons of photosystem II are excited and transferred to electron carriers. From which molecule or structure do the photosystem II replacement electrons come?

C. water

A graduate student is planning an experiment to evaluate the expression of PDGF-related genes in her cell population of interest. As a control, she hopes to confirm the expression of genes that are present in all dividing cells. For her controls, she should evaluate the expression of:


Autotrophs typically obtain their carbon from: ATP C6H12O6 CO2 CH4 CH3OH


In fermentation, pyruvate loses ___ to make acetyl aldehyde


Which of the following is a carboxyl group?


carboxyl group

COOH; a carbon atom with a double bond to oxygen and a single bond to a hydroxyl group

Cathrin Coat

Cage-like structure made from 36 treskelions.

Cargo selection and Bud formation

Cargo molecules are selected by specific receptors. Adaptor protein binds to the receptor and coat proteins then assemble for bud formation. Initially clathrin is linked to cargo proteins using some sort of adaptor proteins on a flat membrane surface. These subunits then begin to concentrate together and link in some sort of localized membrane region. As increasing numbers of clathrin subunits are recruited to the patch the membrane begins to deform and second it creates things. First it causes the membrane to deform, and second, it creates a high local concentration of cargo molecules. in order for the vesicle to dock to another membrane, the clathrin coat has to be disassembled in the cytoplasm at some point and that's called uncoating

Match each of the following cellular processes to the stage of meiosis in which it occurs. (Each cellular process may be used more than once.)

Crossing over of homologous chromosomes occurs PROPHASE I Microtubules from both sides of the spindle tether each sister chromatid and move them to the center of the cell. METAPHASE II Microtubules from both sides of the spindle tether to each homologue and move them to the center of the cell. METAPHASE I The centromere divides and the sister chromatids separate. ANAPHASE II Homologous pairs separate. ANAPHASE I

Cells in the G1 phase have a certain amount of cyclins and CDKs present. If a mitogen binds to a receptor and triggers the cell to into S phase, what happens to the amount of cyclins in the cytoplasm?

Cyclins accumulation increases because they are no longer degraded by proteasome

Evidence exists that atmospheric CO2 has increased over the last several decades due to human activities. How does increased CO2 levels affect the pH of Earth's waters? A) Due to the formation of carbonic acid, increased CO2 levels increase the pH of Earth's waters. B) It does not affect the pH of Earth's waters, as atmospheric CO2 is not located in oceans. C) Due to the formation of carbonic acid, increased CO2 levels cause Earth's waters to become neutral. D) Due to the formation of carbonic acid, increased CO2 levels decrease the pH of Earth's waters.

D) Due to the formation of carbonic acid, increased CO2 levels decrease the pH of Earth's waters.

Which of the following statements regarding an atom with high electronegativity is true? A) It will have fewer protons than an atom with low electronegativity. B) It will have a tendency not to attract electrons. C) It will most likely be located on the left-most side of the periodic table of elements. D) None of the other answer options is correct.

D) None of the other answer options is correct.

Which of the following statements is true regarding atomic mass? A) The atomic mass is defined as the sum of electrons and neutrons in an atom. B) The atomic mass is synonymous with the atomic number. C) The atomic mass is calculated by adding the total number of electrons, protons, and neutrons in an atom. D) The atomic mass can be used to differentiate between different isotopes of the same element.

D) the atomic mass can be used to differentiate between different isotopes of the same element.

In humans, ability to roll the tongue (R) is dominant to being unable to roll (r). Having freckles (F) is dominant to having no freckles (f). A freckled tongue-roller could have which of the following genotypes?

D. A and B only

50. Synapsis is a critical event in the progression of meiosis. What is the key outcome of a completed chromosomal synapsis?

D. Side by side alignment of homologous chromosomes


Describes a solution in which the concentration of protons is higher than that of hydroxide ions (the pH is lower than 7)


Describes a solution in which the concentration of protons is lower than that of hydroxide ions (the pH is higher than 7)


Describes fatty acids that contain carbon-carbon double bonds.


Describes fatty acids that do not contain double bonds; the maximum number of hydrogen atoms is attached to each carbon atom, "saturating" the carbons with hydrogen atoms.


Describes the relationship of purine and pyrimidine bases, in which base A pairs only with T and G pairs only with C


Determine the distribution of Golgi in plant cells.

DNA sequencing by the Sanger chain-termination method makes use of which of the following principles of DNA structure and replication chemistry?

Duplex nucleic acid molecules can be separated by size by means of electrophoresis; New nucleotides are added only to the 3' end of a growing DNA strand; Complementary single-stranded nucleic acid sequences can come together to form a duplex molecule; A DNA strang whose 3' end terminates in a dideoynucleotide cannot be elongated

If hydrogen bonds between water molecules were, collectively, not as strong as they are, how would this affect plant height? A) As hydrogen bonds cause water to stick to the sides of plant vasculature, plants would be able to grow taller. B) As hydrogen bonds impede the movement of water through plant vasculature, plants would be able to grow taller. C) As hydrogen bonds increase the amount of sugar plants can transport through their vasculature, plants would be able to grow taller. D) As plants actively transport water through their vasculature, weaker hydrogen bonds would have no effect on plant height. E) As hydrogen bonds are responsible for the movement of water through plant vasculature, plants would be shorter.

E) As hydrogen bonds are responsible for the movement of water through plant vasculature, plants would be shorter

A researcher has measured the pH of a solution, and found that the pH is 10. The solution is _____, and has more _______ compared to ___________ A) neutral; hydroxide ions; protons B) acidic; protons; hydroxide ions C) basic; protons; hydroxide ions D) acidic; hydroxide ions; protons E) basic; hydroxide ions; protons

E) basic; hydroxide ions; protons

Where is the highest-energy electron found in an atom of hydrogen? A) in the dumbbell-shaped orbital of the z axis B) in the dumbbell-shaped orbital of the y axis C) in the dumbbell-shaped orbital of the x axis D) in the second spherical orbital, a little farther from the nucleus E) in the spherical orbital closest to the nucleus

E) in the spherical orbital closest to the nucleus

Two elements within the same group: A) have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell. B) occupy the same row on the periodic table of elements. C) occupy the same column on the periodic table of elements. D) have different numbers of electrons in their outermost shell. E) occupy the same column on the periodic table and have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell.

E) occupy the same column on the periodic table and have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell

Which one of the following elements is likely to form exactly three non-ionic interactions with hydrogen? A) sulfur B) oxygen C) chlorine D) carbon E) phosphorus

E) phosphorus

Imagine that you are talking with one of your friends. He states that evolution has actually violated the second law of thermodynamics because complex living organisms are more ordered than the nucleic acids, amino acids, and other molecules that compose them. Why doesn't evolution contradict the second law of thermodynamics? a) Evolution doesn't affect entropy, as living organisms eventually die and become "disordered." b) Because evolution takes place over millions of years, the loss of entropy is negligible and thus the laws of thermodynamics are not violated. c) Evolution is a biological process, and biological processes do not have to conform to the laws of physics. d) Even though evolution may decrease the entropy of living organisms, it increases the entropy of the Earth (or the universe) as organisms release heat. e) Evolution actually does violate the second law of thermodynamics, and this fact is problematic for scientists.

Even though evolution may decrease the entropy of living organisms, it increases the entropy of the Earth (or the universe) as organisms release heat

An uncatalyzed reaction has a higher ΔG than the same reaction when catalyzed by an enzyme.


As water is heated, the temperature rises before any hydrogen bonds between water molecules are broken. True or False


At the end of DNA replication, the template strands disassociate from the newly formed strand and re-associate to form a double helix with two template strands.


Given the most ligands form covalent bonds with their associated receptors, these complexes are more- or- less permanent and can only be broken through the use of ATP


How is the β-galactosidase typically used within plasmid DNA for cloning experiments?

It is a marker for insertion of DNA

How is the ampicillin resistance gene, located in the plasmid, typically used for cloning experiments?

It is a marker for transformation of bacterial colonies

How would you classify a G protein?

It is a peripheral membrane protein.

When an enzyme tags a protein with ubiquitin, what happens to the tagged protein?

It is degraded by the proteasome

The function of a protein is dependent upon the shape into which the chain of amino acids folds. Many noncovalent interactions are responsible for maintaining the protein's shape. Assume you have isolated a protein from an organism in its proper shape, and you have treated it with an enzyme that selectively breaks only the peptide bonds in the proteins. Would the protein retain its shape under these conditions?

No; whereas the noncovalent bonds determine the shape of a protein, the peptide bonds are required to hold the amino acids together.

The large subunit of the ribosome has three active sites: A, P and E. Which site does the start codon tRNA initially enter at the beginning of translation?


In pea plants, the P gene controls flower color and the T gene controls plant height. What combinations of gametes could be produced by an individual that is heterozygote (PpTt) for both the traits?

PT, Pt, pT, pt

Match each description below with the type of cell junction it characterizes:

Question Correct Match Selected Match A band-like attachment where cadherins attach to microfilaments inside the cell and to the extracellular domain of an adjacent cell's cadherin proteins on the outside of the cells. Correct A. adherens junction Correct A. adherens junction A button-like point of attachment where cadherins attach to intermediate filaments inside the cell and to the extracellular domain of an adjacent cell's cadherin proteins on the outside of the cells. Correct D. desmosome Correct D. desmosome A button-like point of attachment where integrins attach to intermediate filaments inside the cell and to a protein of the extracellular matrix on the outside of the cells. Correct E. hemidesmosome Correct E. hemidesmosome A mesh-like attachment between cells formed by binding of transmembrane proteins of one cell to the same protein type on the adjacent cell, preventing substances from passing between cells. Correct B. tight junction Correct B. tight junction Transmembrane proteins on the plasma membrane arranged in a ring that bind to a similar protein ring on an adjacent cell to allow transfer of materials between the cells. Correct C. gap junction Correct C. gap junction

Match the scientist to their contribution to the Cell Theory.

Question Correct Match Selected Match Coined the word cell. Correct E. Hooke Correct E. Hooke Hypothesized all cells come from pre-existing cells. Correct A. Virchow and Pasteur Correct A. Virchow and Pasteur Hypothesized that the cell is the smallest unit of life. Correct B. Schlieden and Schwann Correct B. Schlieden and Schwann

Match each of the following cellular processes to the stage of meiosis in which it occurs. (Each cellular process may be used more than once.)

Question Correct Match Selected Match Crossing over of homologous chromosomes occurs Correct D. prophase I Correct D. prophase I Microtubules from both sides of the spindle tether each sister chromatid and move them to the center of the cell. Correct C. metaphase II Correct C. metaphase II Microtubules from both sides of the spindle tether to each homologue and move them to the center of the cell. Correct E. metaphase I Correct E. metaphase I The centromere divides and the sister chromatids separate. Correct A. anaphase II Correct A. anaphase II Homologous pairs separate. Correct B. anaphase I Correct B. anaphase I

Match the type of receptor to the correct description.

Question Correct Match Selected Match This protein is typically closed and the receptor opens it Correct A. gated channel Correct A. gated channel Correct A. gated channel After binding to a ligand, two membrane-bound receptors pair up (dimerize). Correct D. receptor kinases Correct D. receptor kinases Active when bound to GTP and contain a GTPase, contains 3 subunits. Correct C. heterotrimeric G proteins Correct C. heterotrimeric G proteins

A vSNARE specific for lysosomes comes in contact with a tSNARE of a plasma membrane. Which response happens?

The SNARES are incompatible and the tethered vesicle releases and leaves

Which of the following statements reflects the second law of thermodynamics?

The amount of useable energy resulting from a reaction will always be less than the total energy available in the starting materials

Which of the following statements reflects the second law of thermodynamics?

The amount of useable energy resulting from a reaction will always be less than the total energy available in the starting materials.

periodic table of elements

The arrangement of the chemical elements in tabular form, organized by their chemical properties


The basic unit of matter

A mutation is found that prevents transcription of the HOX3A gene, which is known to be in chromosome 12. Genetic mapping of the mutation suggests that it is located in chromosome 11. Which of the following could make these two observations possible?

The mutation affects a transcription factor that binds to HOX3A gene sequences. Instructional Guidance: If the defect maps to some other site than the known location of the gene, what could it be? It can't be a defect in the promoter/enhancer sequences, but it could be a defect in a transcription factor encoded by some other gene that binds to those sequences. It can't be modifications to the mRNA sequence. Answer D is challenging because miRNAs don't alter stability of mRNA, instead they alter translatability.

Recall from the text the example of cell communication in Streptococcus pneumoniae: the rate of DNA uptake by pneumococcal cells increases sharply when they are at high density due to changes in gene expression brought about by signaling between cells. If the pneumococcal cells did not express receptor protein, how would the rate of DNA uptake be affected when the cells reach high density?

There would be no change in the rate of DNA uptake.

What is not a true statement about receptors that are located to the nucleus?

They bind polar ligand

What is not a true statement about receptors that are localized to the nucleus?

They bind polar ligands

What is true regarding pyruvate oxidation?

This process occurs within the matrix of mitochondria; This process constitutes the second stage of cellular respiration; The process produces both CO2 and acetyl-CoA; The process yields no ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation.

Vesicular Transport 1

Three types of coated vesicles, retromers and caveolae Cargo selection and budding mechanism Regulatory mechanism: dynamins, monomeric GTPase, RAB Docking and fusion mechanism: SNARE hypothesis.

Endocytosis and exocytosis must be in balance if the cell is not to grow or shrink.


For a pigment to absorb light, there must be alternating double and single bonds.


One of the unique things about ATP synthase is that one of the protein domains spin.


Part of the reason why salt dissolves in water is that hydrogen bonds form between water molecules and chlorine ions. True or False


The electrochemical gradient in a chloroplast can have a concentration of protons 1,000 times greater on one side of a thylakoid membrane than the other.


The outside membrane of the plasma membrane targeted vesicle is the same as the inside of the plasma membrane.


Weak covalent bonds, such as ones in carbohydrates and lipids, have: a) a lot of kinetic energy. b) a lot of potential energy. c) little potential energy. d) no potential or kinetic energy. e) little kinetic energy.

a lot of potential energy

Specie specific pollen grains are recognized by _______ on the stigma.

a receptor/ligand mechanism

A testcross of an organism of unknown genotype is done when the organism is crossed to an organism that is:

a recessive homozygote

Signal amplification relies on:

a sequential increase in the different components of the signal transduction pathway.

To what does the term ligand refer?

a signaling molecule


a three legged molecule made up of 3 heavy chains and three light chains. The gobular arms interaction with a number of adaptor proteins that will ultimately link triskelions to the vesicle cargo.

Alternate forms of the same gene are called _____.


The principle of independent assortment states that:

alleles of a gene pair assort independently of other gene pairs.

The sites where molecules other than substrates bind to an enzyme to alter its activity are called ____________ sites.


Sometimes a prokaryotic activator protein interacts with a small molecule in the cell and undergoes a change in shape that alters its affinity for binding to DNA. This change in shape is an example of a(n):

allosteric effect

The primary advantage of a signaling cascade is that it:

allows a large intracellular response from a small number of extracellular signal molecules.

Epigenetic modifications can: (Select all that apply.)

alter gene expression; be inherited; be reversed

Which of the following processes produce different proteins in different cells from the same primary transcript? (Select all that apply.)

alternative splicing

Considering an X-linked recessive trait:

an affected mother is expected to have affected sons

The assembly of glucose into polysaccharides is:

an anabolic process

In a metabolic pathway, a series of enzymatic reactions catalyzes the conversion of molecule A to molecule E. Several intermediate steps are involved in which the product of one reaction becomes the substrate for the next. The graph illustrates the changes of free energy that occur at each step in the pathway.

an exergonic reaction

A new experimental pesticide is being tested by a large agricultural chemical company. An unfortunate side effect in plants treated with this new product is a decrease in NADPH production in the chloroplasts. (Interestingly, reduction of NAD+ to NADH in the mitochondria is unaffected.) Given this observation, which of the following would you expect to observe in the chloroplasts of these plants?

an increase in 3-phosphoglycerate levels and a decrease in RuBP production

A new experimental pesticide is being tested by a large agricultural chemical company. An unfortunate side effect in plants treated with this new product is a decrease in NADPH production in the chloroplasts. (Reduction of NAD+ to NADH in the mitochondria is unaffected.) Given this observation, which of the following would you expect to observe in the chloroplasts in these plants?

an increase in 3-phosphoglycerate levels and a decrease in RuBP production

Building a protein by adding amino acids to the polypeptide chain is an example of: a) anabolism. b) catabolism. c) metabolism. d) hydrolysis. e) plasmolysis.


The microtubules that form the mitotic spindle extend out from the centrosome. Where would you expect to find the plus (fast assembling) end of a spindle microtubule?

away form the centrosome, at the kinetochore

Lactic acid fermentation occurs in

bacteria and animals

A virus that infects bacteria is called a:


Which of the following animals can serve as pollinators for different angiosperms? Select all correct choices.

bats moths bees butterflies birds

Which of the following reasons explains why bacteria can continually divide?

because their DNA is circular so the DNA never shortens after replication

Anabolic pathways of metabolism are pathways that: build complex molecules from simple ones take place primarily in skeletal muscle release stored chemical energy make large quantities of ATP

build complex molecules from simple ones

Anabolic pathways of metabolism are pathways that:

build complex molecules from simple ones.

How did the earliest organisms on Earth most likely produce ATP?

by glycolysis

Microfilaments grow longer _______.

by growing more quickly at one end than the other.

The synthesis of the growing chain of DNA is carried out by adding nucleotides to the ___ end.

c. 3'

A trait with variable expressivity is one that:

can be expressed differently in different individuals that have the genotype for that trait.

Which of the following statements regarding cancer—according to Hanahan and Weinberg—are true?

cancer cells typically secrete factors that promote blood vessel formation; cancer cells can sometimes metastasize and travel throughout the body; mutations in growth factor receptors are sometimes required for cancer cell division; cancer cells can resist cell-death signals

Carbon atoms of CO2 are incorporated into organic molecules in a series of dark reactions called ______

carbon fixation.

Your lunch is digested by enzymes in your gastrointestinal tract. These chemical reactions are categorized as: a) diffusion. b) catabolism. c) chemiosmosis. d) anabolism. e) active transport.


The early cell divisions of human development differ from other mitotic cell divisions in that:

cells do not grow in size; they subdivide the cytoplasm of the fertilized egg.

Which of the following is NOT found in the extracellular matrix of animal cells?

cellulose fibers

The technique of Sanger sequencing takes advantage of the fact that dideoxynucleotides (nucleotides in which the 3' hydroxl group is absent) act as:

chain terminators

The technique of Sanger sequencing takes advantage of the fact that dideoxynucleotides (nucleotides in which the 3' hydroxyl group is absent) act as:

chain terminators.

Animals such as humans would be classified as: photoheterotrophs chemoheterotrophs chemoautotrophs photoautotrophs


Organisms that derive both their energy and carbon from organic compounds are: a) photoheterotrophs. b) chemoautotrophs. c) chemoheterotrophs. d) photoautotrophs. e) chemolithotrophs.


Which strand of DNA is synthesized in the same direction as the replication fork?


Which of the following is capable of phosphorylating key proteins involved in regulating the cell cycle?

cyclin-CDK complex

The progress of mitosis is regulated by ____ and their dependent kinases


The progress of mitosis is regulated by ______ and their dependent kinases.


The proteins that participate in the functioning of the checkpoints for cell cycle control are

cyclins and cyclin-dependant kinases

The proteins that participate in the functioning of the checkpoints for cell cycle control are ______

cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases.

Which of the following is responsible for the transport of electrons between photosystem II and photosystem I?

cytochrome B6F

The division of the cell's cytoplasm in a eukaryotic cell is known as:


Muscle cells in the mammalian heart are multinucleate, meaning that multiple nuclei are present in the cytoplasm of a large cell. Predict what is different about the cell cycle in a muscle cell.

cytokinesis does not occur

Where does translation occur?


The _____ serves to organize and lower the entropy of the cytosol of the eukaryotic cell.


Cell shapes are largely determined by:

cytosolic proteins that assemble into structures called cellular junctions. adhesion proteins that assemble at cell surfaces. cytoskeletal protein networks in the cytoplasm. a mesh of proteins and polysaccharides in the extracellular matrix.

Chemicals called uncouplers can make membranes permeable to small molecules and ions. What effect might un-couplers have on photosynthesis?

decreased ATP production because the proton gradient would decrease

In a growing pollen tube, the pollen tube nuclei is _____ which is different from the sperm nuclei which are _____.

degrading; dividing

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) involves three steps. The correct order of those steps is _____

denaturation, annealing of primers, and then primer extension.

Which one of the following pairs includes junctional complexes that perform similar functions?

desmosomes and adherens junctions

Phosphorylating glucose during phase 1 of glycolysis:

destabilizes the glucose molecule so that it can be broken down in phase 2.

DNA probes are used to:

determine whether a particular DNA sequence is present in a sample.

How does the metabolism occurring in chloroplasts differ from that of mitochondria?

different electron acceptors and electron sources

The high variability of the types of G protein-coupled receptors allows for:

different types of cells to respond to different types of signals.


digest small things and small amounts of fluid brought in form the outside by endosomes

Animals that sexually reproduce are _____ and produce _____ gametes.

diploid; haploid

In the Calvin cycle, ATP is required to:

donate a phosphate group to 3-PGA


donor membranes wrap organelles and fuse with lysosomes to break down organelles and cellular components that are no longer needed. autophagosome fuses with lysosomes that containing hydrolases. somehow a double membrane compartment forms around structures that need to be recycled and this autophagosome then docks with a lysosome.

In eukaryotes, mRNA processing involves all of the following events except _______

elongation of the transcript.

The proteins of the electron transport chain are:

embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane

Which if the following female plant structures are N?

embryo sac, ovule, nucellus

Which signaling system involves the longest time interval between release of signaling molecule and activation of a receptor?


An increased heart rate caused by the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands is an example of _________.

endocrine signaling

Which of the following is not paired correctly?

endoderm: kidneys correct ectoderm: posterior pituitary gland mesoderm: circulatory system endoderm: liver ectoderm: nervous system

Which of the following correctly matches a cell or group of cells with its ability to differentiate into different specialized cells?

endoderm; multipotent

_____ is required for an organism to do work.


During fermentation in yeast cells, acetyl aldehyde is further reduced by NADH protons to make


Glycolysis, the breakdown of a glucose molecule to two molecules of pyruvate, is an example of a reaction that is: a) explosive. b) exergonic and anabolic. c) exergonic and catabolic. d) endergonic and anabolic. e) endergonic and catabolic.

exergonic and catabolic

The ectoderm in human embryos will develop into _____.

eyes and brain

Through which structure do oocytes travel as they leave the location where they developed?

fallopian tube or oviduct

In which of the following structures does fertilization typically take place?

fallopian tubes

A woman at a train station sees a family with five boys. The occurrence of five boys in this family is likely the result of a mutation in one of the X chromosomes of the mother that affects the survival of female embryos in the womb.


All CpG sites located near the promoter region of protein coding genes are methylated.


All organisms have either an X or Y chromosome, as these chromosomes are solely responsible for determining the sex of an individual. Mendel's failure to identify X and Y chromosomes in his pea plants invalidated a portion of the data he collected.


All photosynthetic bacteria possess two functionally distinct photosystems.


An uncatalyzed reaction has a higher change (triangle)G than the same reaction when catalyzed by an enzyme. True or False


As a result of the principle of blending inheritance, no gray rabbits actually exist. Over time, gray fur in rabbits has been diluted to white fur.


At the end of DNA replication, the template strands disassociate from the newly formed strand and reassociate to form a double helix with two template strands


During meiosis in the female, sex chromosomes segregate to produce two types of eggs: X-bearing eggs and Y-bearing eggs.


During metaphase I of meiosis, homologous chromosomes line up linearly on the metaphase plate


Each human gene only has two different alleles—one mutant allele and one "normal" allele.


Eukaryotes use the operon method to turn on multiple genes for a particular function.


Heterotrophs do not require preassembled organic molcules to make other organic molecules. True or false


Heterotrophs do not require preassembled organic molecules to make other organic molecules


Hydrophilic molecules do not dissolve in water.


In most species, the sex chromosomes have identical genes along their length.


Pyruvate oxidation is remarkably similar to glycolysis in that when one molecule of pyruvate enters into a mitochondrion, two molecules of acetyl-CoA are formed.


The Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel believed that organisms only passed on traits to their progeny; he had no concept of what genes were.


The ER contains multiple cisternae which have their own distinct lumen and membranes.


The first photosynthetic organisms probably used chlorophyll as the primary light-absorbing pigment.


The inside membrane of the plasma membrane targeted vesicle is the same as the inside of the plasma membrane.


The miRNA-RISC-mRNA complex enhances the translation efficiency of the mRNA transcript.


The micropyle is part of the male pollen grain in plants.


The sperm nuclei and the pollen tube nuclei are surrounded by the exact same cytoplasm.


To allow passage of the infant during childbirth, the cervix widens and lengthens.


Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is the only example of an autosomal trisomy in which the fetus develops to term and is born alive.


Variable expressivity implies that the disease may not always be present (in individuals with a genotype that "should" lead to disease).


Water is neither hydrophilic nor hydrophobic, as these terms only define the interaction of other molecules with water molecules. true or false


Replicating DNA does not require the use of RNA

false Primase adds RNA to the template forming a primer that DNA polymerase can use to extend

In mammals, females have two copies of the X chromosome, whereas males have only one copy. Dosage compensation is accomplished in mammals by:

females possessing a randomly inactivated X chromosome in all cells.

The molecule lactic acid is associateed with


A phragmoplast functions to:

form a new cell wall

Which of the following is not true of the cytoskeleton elements called microfilaments.

found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes

During photorespiration, the phosphoglycolate (PGO) produced by RuBP oxygenation is eventually converted to PGA; 75% of the carbon in PGO is recovered. How many molecules of PGO are required to generate two molecules of PGA through this route?


SNARE hypothesis

fusion of two lipid bilayers is energetically not favorable. The minimum needed for fusion is trans SNARE complex (4 alpha helices) Water has to be squeezed out of the Trans SNARE complex (progressively tight alpha helical coils) is formed.

Which proteins located in two different membranes fuse together and allow phospholipids to flow from one membrane to the other?


In cellular respiration, oxygen:

gains electrons and is an oxidizing agent.

_____ is defined as the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product.

gene expression

What is the genetic makeup of an individual called?


Of the following molecules, which has the greatest potential energy? a) sodium chloride b) water c) carbon dioxide d) glucose e) alanine


During their experiments with chlorella, Calvin and Benson found no free glucose. Why do you think this is?

glucose is stored as starch

Fats and oils are made up of _________.

glycerol and 3 fatty acids

The first stage of cellular respiration, ______, occurs with or without oxygen present


When fats are used as an energy source, the fatty acids are broken down to acetyl-CoA. That means that fats bypass the reactions of ______ and enter the respiratory pathway at ________.

glycolysis ; the citric acid cycle

In animals, the cells that will eventually undergo meiosis to produce gametes are set aside early in the development. These are ________


Leaves absorb the least amount of light in the range of the visible spectrum


Leaves absorb the least amount of light in the range of the visible spectrum.


In contrast to linear DNA, circular DNA replication typically:

has a single origin of replication.

Name given to chromosome pairs which contain the same genes, one of which comes from the male parent and the other from the female parent.

homologous chromosomes

_________ are two chromosomes - one from each parent - that have genes which determine the same character or traits; e.g. flower color, hair color.


A diploid organism that has two identical alleles for the same trait is called ______ for that particular trait


A recessive trait is expressed when the genotype is:

homozygous recessive only

The acquisition of a relatively small amount of genetic material from an organism that is not a parent of the receiving organism is referred to as:

horizontal gene transfer

The acquisition of a relatively small amount of genetic material from an organism that is not a parent of the receiving organism is referred to as:

horizontal gene transfer.

DNA consists of two antiparallel strands of nucleotide chains held together by ______

hydrogen bonds.

In the chloroplast, cytochrome b6f is an important complex in the photosynthetic electron transport chain because it accepts electrons from photosystem II and donates them to photosystem I. Another vital function of cytochrome b6f is that during it's reduction-oxidation cycle it pumps _____ from the ______

hydrogen ions; stroma into the thylakoid

In the chloroplast, cytochrome b6f is an important complex in the photosynthetic electron transport chain because it accepts electrons from photosystem II and donates them to photosystem I. Another vital function of cytochrome b6f is that during its reduction-oxidation cycle it pumps ______ from the _____.

hydrogen ions; stroma into the thylakoid

In the chloroplast, cytochrome b6f is an important complex in the photosynthetic electron transport chain because it accepts electrons from photosystem II and donates them to photosystem I. Another vital function of the cytochrome b6f is that during it's reduction-oxidation cycle it pumps ____ from the ____

hydrogen ions; stroma into the thylakoid

The lipid bilayer is mostly held together by _______

hydrophobic interactions

Positive and negative transcriptional regulation differ in that:

in positive regulation, the binding of a regulatory protein to the DNA is necessary for transcription to occur; in negative regulation, such binding prevents transcription

The wavelengths of light that chlorophyll most readily absorb are

in the green wavelength of the visible light spectrum

The wavelengths of light that chlorophyll most readily absorb are:

in the red-violet wavelengths of the visible light spectrum

ATP is a good energy currency for cells because it has a(n) __________ amount of Gibbs free energy very high very low intermediate



is a coat proteins that surround the vesicles moving within the Golgi apparatus.

Ras is like a G protein because it:

is only active when it binds GTP

Which of the following is NOT true of the sodium-potassium pump in cell membranes? The sodium-potassium pump ______.

is part of a system which maintains a negative charge outside the cell and positive inside the cell

Golgi Stack

is the cell center next to the nucleus. Dependent on the presence of microtubules, which are cytoskeletal elements.

Tagatose has a molecular formula of C6H12O6. Fructose has the same chemical formula. These sugars are considered ______.


An advantage to signal transduction pathways having several stages or parts is ______.

it greatly amplifies a single signal molecule

In a thylakoid membrane, absorbed light energy is passed from one chlorophyll molecule to another until:

it is passed to a reaction center

What is true regarding the proton gradient?

it is synonymous with the electrochemical gradient

What is true regarding a reducing agent?

it loses electrons

In cell communication, what is a requirement of the responding cell?

it must have receptor proteins.

If the concept of blending inheritance were true, would variation increase or decrease over time?

it would decrease

Why would a compound that interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis be useful for treating a bacterial infection?

it would limit the spread of the infection through cell division

When X-linked traits are recessive:

males who express the trait receive the recessive allele from their mothers and carry the recessive allele on their X chromosome

The chemical bonds of carbohydrates and lipids have high potential energy because:

many of these bonds are C—C and C—H bonds.

Vesicular Tubular Clusters

mediate transport from ER to Golgi. 1) Vesicular tubular clusters are formed by homotypic membrane fusions. 2) NSF separates v-SNARE and t-SNARE then matching SNAREs form Trans SNARE complex. 3) export vesicles are attached to linear protein filaments called microtubules. These guide the movement of vesicles toward the cell center where the Golgi apparatus is found. 4) Export vesicles will fuse with the Golgi membrane using a heterotypic interaction,and they can deliver their contents to the Golgi.

___ 2N cell that will eventually produce the embryo sac in the ovule of a flower

megaspore mother cell

If gastrulation failed to occur, which of the following structures would not be formed?


Which of the following is a germ tissue found in the developing embryo of humans.

mesoderm; endoderm

The entire set of chemical reactions that sustain life is called: a) catabolism. b) plasmolysis. c) metabolism. d) hydrolysis. e) anabolism.


Which female plant reproductive structure is an opening for the pollen tube to enter?

micropyle; integuments

Which of the following male plant structure are 2N.

microspore mother cells, tapedum, periplasmodium, tissues that compose the anther

Match each of the following cellular processes to the stage of mitosis in which it occurs.

microtubules from both sides of the mitotic sprinkle tether each chromosome and move them to the center of the cell-- chromosomes condense to thickened structures that are visible under the microscope-- prophase the centromere divides and the sister chromatids separate--- anaphase the nuclear envelope reforms around the segregated chromosomes--- telophase

The cytoskeleton of animal cells includes:

microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.

Reactive oxygen species are detoxified in order to:

minimize damage to membranes

The citric acid cycle takes place in the:

mitochondrial matrix

To become a multicellular organism, a zygote undergoes ___.


Adult bone marrow cells are considered:

multipotent cells

The type of signaling cascade shown in the video directly affects which of these animal tissue types?


_______ motors travel along microfilaments like dynein travels across microtubules.


In addition to chlorophylls, light-harvesting antennae include other pigments. What is the benefit of these additional pigments?

narrower range of wavelength reflection

Chromatin remodeling refers to the process by which:

nucleosomes are repositioned to expose different stretches of DNA to the nuclear environment.

If you crossed a true-breeding yellow seed plant (AA) with heterozygous yellow seed plant (Aa):

offspring genotypes would be 1 AA : 1 Aa.

In a monohybrid cross, how many traits are being tracked through multiple generations?


Phosphofructokinase is an allosteric enzyme in the pathway that breaks down glucose to produce ATP. Regulation of glycolysis is directly related to the level of ATP and citrate. If ATP or citrate levels are high, phosphofructokinase is inhibited. What will happen to this enzyme when ATP levels drop? a) Metabolism of citrate is inhibited. b) Metabolism of phospholipids is activated. c) Phosphofructokinase is activated. d) Phosphofructokinase is inhibited. e) Metabolism of phospholipids is inhibited.

phosphofructokinase is activated

Which one of the following would least likely be found in the outer regions of the granal stacks?

photosystem II

Clusters of chlorophyll and accessory pigments are called ________


Clusters of chlorophyll and accessory pigments are called ________.


Clusters of chloropyll and accessory pigments are called


____ organisms dependent upon sunlight


_____ are organisms that derive energy from sunlight. a) Phototrophs b) Chemotrophs c) Autotrophs d) Heterotrophs


When a group of functionally related genes located next to one another along the bacterial DNA is transcribed as a single molecule of mRNA, that mRNA is said to be:


Modification of histone tails is one mechanism of:

post-translational modification.

Organic molecules store _____energy in their _____ bonds. a) kinetic; ionic b) potential; ionic c) kinetic; hydrogen d) potential; covalent e) kinetic; covalent

potential; covalent

Xanthophyll pigments:

prevent formation of reactive oxygen species; absorb light energy; convert light energy into heat; reflect yellow light

Endocytosis (Vesicle transport)

process involves a variety of molecules including the cargo molecules that the cell takes in, the receptor that captures the cargo molecules and molecules called adaptins that mediate contact between the receptors and the clathrin molecules.

Enhancers are the binding sites for the _________

promotors of DNA synthesis.

The major organizational events that set up differences between mitosis and meiosis occur in the ______ phase.


During which meiotic phases does oogenesis arrest?

prophase I and metaphase II

Which of the following is not paired correctly?

prostate gland: secretes a sugar-rich fluid that provides energy for sperm motility

In the G protein- coupled signal transduction pathway, the enzyme phosphodiesterase is responsible for the inactivation of :

protein kinase A.

You arrive late to a biological seminar. However, just as you enter the room, you hear the speaker referring to the "amino end" and the "carboxyl end" of a macromolecule. Immediately, you know that they are talking about a _______


A peptide bond is found in ______.


Sec proteins

proteins that produce secretion defects when they are mutated.

What type of gene is c-src (cellular-src)?


Which of the following is NOT a part of the MAP kinase pathway?

pyrophosphatase enzyme terminates the cellular response.

During rapid physical activity, lactic acid is made from ____


Following the citric acid cycle but before the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation, most of the energy from the original glucose is found in


In glycolysis, a major portion of the energy remains in the final product, which is called ____


Which of the following is moved into the mitochondria after glycolysis if oxygen is present?


Another name for acetyl-CoA synthesis, is:

pyruvate oxidation

The chlorophyll at the center of the photosystems that loses an excited electron is called the ____chlorophyll

reaction center

The chlorophyll at the center of the photosystems that loses an excited electron is called the ___chlorophyll

reaction center

In many pathways, once a signaling molecule binds to a receptor, the receptor becomes phosphorylated. This initial phosphorylation step best demonstrate:

receptor activation

In many signaling pathways, once a signaling molecule binds to a receptor, the receptor becomes phosphorylated. This initial phosphorylation step best demonstrates:

receptor activation

What is the correct order for these steps in cell signaling?

receptor activation, signal transduction, then response

A researcher is using a small molecule inhibitor to manipulate a signaling pathway. This inhibitor prevents phosphorylation and most likely targets a:

receptor kinase

Which type of cell- surface receptor undergoes changes in phosphorylation in response to binding of its ligand?

receptor kinase

You are examining a human pedigree for a trait. You notice that an offspring can be affected even if neither parent is affected. This immediately tells you that the trait is:


While doing a pedigree analysis of a European royal family, you notice a disease in a female child of two healthy parents. There are also some cousins with the same genetic disease. If this disease is controlled by a single gene, then the most likely explanation for these observations is the disease is:

recessive and only seen in homozygous recessive individuals such as the daughter.

You are examining a human pedigree for a trait. You notice that an offspring can be affected even if neither parent is affected. This immediately tells you that the trait is:


Which step of the Calvin cycle would be affected first by a lack of NADPH?


Using the drawing of mRNA below, choose the letter that best fits the description. Which structure is essential for translation initiation?

region A

Using the drawing of mRNA below, choose the letter that best fits the description. The 3′ UTR corresponds to:

region D

An operon is a:

region of DNA consisting of the promoter, the operator, and coding sequences for structural proteins

microRNA is a type of _____ RNA.


siRNA is a type of _____ RNA.


MicroRNA is a type of:

regulatory RNA.

Match the description to the correct cell cycle phase.

replication of all nuclear DNA S phase where cell carries out its normal metabolic business, producing proteins necessary to keep the cell running etc. G1 Homologs line up in the middle of the cell M

The potential energy in a molecule of ATP is held in the repulsion of the phosphate groups from each other the carbon-nitrogen bonds of the base repulsion of the sugar and the base the carbon-carbon bonds of the sugar the carbon-oxygen bonds of sugar

repulsion of the phosphate groups from each other

Converting glucose to glycogen: a) requires energy. b) releases energy. c) requires cellulose. d) requires diffusion of glycogen into a muscle cell. e) requires sunlight.

requires energy

Secondary lysosomes

result from fusion of primary lysosome and endosome with particles to be digested.

The most abundant protein on Earth is


In human development, which trimester do organs become active?


Metabolism is a key component for keeping the cell from falling apart by utilizing energy to repair the cell. Metabolism is an example of which law of thermodynamics?


Metabolism is a key component for keeping the cell from falling apart by utilizing energy to repair the cell. Metabolism is an example of which law of thermodynamics? second third fourth first


You have entered a 5K race. As you finish the last 50 yards, you are breathing harder than at the start of the race and sweating profusely. This is an example of the _____ law of thermodynamics because _____ is increasing. a) first; entropy b) second; entropy c) first; body temperature d) second; body temperature e) None of the other answer options is correct.

second; entropy

Mendel's Law of _____ states that alternative alleles for a trait separate from one another during gamete formation and remain distinct


One of Mendel's most important discoveries was:


The method of DNA replication, where each original strand is used as a template to build a new strand, is called the ____

semi-conservative method

The method of DNA replication, where each original strand is used as a template to build a new strand, is called the ______

semi-conservative method.

Sperm are produced in which of the following structures?

seminiferous tubules

Which of the following is the correct path taken by sperm from the site of production to the site of ejection?

seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra

Traits that are carried on the X chromosome are said to be ____________.


Examples of trangenic organisms include:

sheep that produce a human protein in their milk that is used to treat emphysema; crop plants engineered to resist insect pests; laboratory mice that develop heart disease and diabetes; rice enriched with vitamin a

What occurs during childbirth?

shortening and widening of the cervix; descent of the baby; delivery of the baby; delivery of the placenta


signal is recognized by receptors in the Golgi apparatus that recruit adaptor proteins and COPI coated proteins.

Name given to the replicated halves of the same chromosome.

sister chromatids

Proteins are mostly post translationally modified

sorted by the Golgi. The Golgi carries out the next steps in protein synthesis pathway by further modification of the proteins, targeting the appropriate organelles down the system. Phosphorylation, the removal of some of he core saccachrides, addition of new oligosaccharides, cialic acids and a variety of other modifications.

What is not a cell surface- type receptor?

steroid receptor

What section of the pistil does species confirmation of the pollen occur?


What section of the pistil does the male gametophyte initially come in contact with?


What would happen to the daughter cells if the G2 phase of the parent cell is shortened?

the cells would be smaller than normal

The Z scheme refers to:

the changes in the energy level of electron donors during the photosynthetic electron transport chain

Which of the following is common to both cellular respiration and the light reactions of photosynthesis?

the chemiosmotic formation of ATP

Photorespiration results in:

the consumption of ATP and the loss of CO2

What is the only reaction in the citric acid cycle that produces ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation?

the formation of succinate

A histone code is:

the pattern of chemical modification of an individual histone's tail

The first thing that happens after a signaling molecule binds to a receptor is:

the receptor is activated

If you crossed two heterozygous yellow seed pea plants (genotypes Aa):

the relative frequency of the A allele in each parent's gametes would be ½. the relative frequency of green seed plants (genotype aa) would be ¼. the relative frequency of homozygous yellow seed plants (genotype AA) would be ¼. the relative frequency of the a allele in each parent's gametes would be ½.

If you crossed two heterozygous yellow seed pea plants (genotypes Aa):

the relative frequency of the a allele in each parent's gametes would be ½. the relative frequency of the A allele in each parent's gametes would be ½. the relative frequency of green seed plants (genotype aa) would be ¼. the relative frequency of homozygous yellow seed plants (genotype AA) would be ¼.

Which of the following components of an amino acid differs from one amino acid to another?

the side chain

When electrical current is applied during a gel electrophoresis procedure, the DNA fragments are separated by _______

the size of the fragments.

What are the advantages for a plant life cycle to alternate between the sporophyte and gametophyte generation?

the spore is haploid; in the gametophyte generation, lethal mutations are screened out of population

The role of dideoxynucleotides in Sanger sequencing is:

the termination of DNA synthesis at specific bases

For a trait like flower color in snapdragons that is determined by two alleles with incomplete dominance, the offspring of true-breeding parents show an intermediate phenotype. This is also what would be expected of blending inheritance. The difference is that:

the trait with Mendelian inheritance shows segregation in the F2 generation.

What occurs during the third stage of glycolysis?

the transfer of high energy electrons to NAD+ pyruvate production ATP synthesis

In a given reaction, which of the following has the highest amount of free energy? a) reactants b) products c) the enzyme d) the transition state when the reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme e) the transition state when the reaction is not catalyzed by an enzyme

the transition state when the reaction is not catalyzed by an enzyme

In prokaryotes:

the translation of an mRNA can begin even before transcription is completed.

Nearly all cells use ATP as their primary energy source. This is evidence that: a) ATP evolved recently (in the last 100 years) as a potential source of energy. b) only eukaryotic cells can produce ATP. c) life continues to evolve and use novel energy sources. d) the use of ATP by cells began eons ago and has been conserved over time. w) fossil fuels are composed of ATP.

the use of ATP by cells began eons ago and has been conserved over time

An explanation supported by a large body of observations and experimentation is referred to as a(n):


The second law of thermodynamics states that: a) there is an increase in disorder in the universe over time. b) combustion engines are 100% efficient. c) energy cannot be created or destroyed. d) only eukaryotic cells can produce ATP. e) the universe becomes more orderly over time.

there is an increase in disorder in the universe over time

A couple has a baby that is monosomic for the X chromosome. This most likely occurred during meiosis because:

there was nondisjunction of the sister chromatids.

Which of the following does not occur during the first trimester of pregnancy?

they all occur cleavage; gastrulation; organogenesis; sex determination

All four dideoxynucleotides can be present in a single Sanger sequencing reaction and still be distinguished because:

they are labeled with different fluorescent dyes.

How do new cyclin proteins appear in the cytoplasm?

they are made through protein synthesis

What becomes of the polar bodies formed during oogenesis?

they degenerate

Why are the X and Y chromosomes not considered homologous?

they do not carry the same set of genes and mammalian males carry two very different sex chromosomes

Which of the following is true concerning the Calvin cycle and light-harvesting reactions of photosynthesis?

they take place in different compartments of the same organelle

What is the purpose of an enzyme? to alter the equilibrium of a specific reaction to increase the rate of a specific reaction to both increase the rate of a specific reaction and decrease the transition state to decrease the transition state

to both increase the rate of a specific reaction and decrease the transition state

What is the function of adenylyl cyclase?

to form cyclic AMP

Why was it important for Mendel to remove the anthers from pea plants in his experiments when crossing two different true-breeding pea plants?

to prevent self-fertilization

If you've ever learned about beer making, you may know that some people add fruit juice to their yeast mixtures. Why?

to provide glucose to the yeast

______ is the enzyme for relaxing the twists in the DNA molecule as it is unraveled during replication


Which side of the Golgi apparatus do vesicles depart from and go to different places in the cell?

trans cisternae

Which is found in DNA but NOT in mRNA sequences?

transcription start sites

What is an essential element involved in communication between all cells?

transduction element

The highest free energy of a reaction is found in the ____________(s) of that reaction.

transition state

Some types of small regulatory RNAs are known to be able to inhibit:


A daughter strand of DNA produced during chromosome replication can be composed of leading and lagging strands from different replication bubbles.


A doctor is presented with a patient complaining of persistent muscle weakness. As a side comment, the patient notes that this is something that all of her children also experience, as did her mother when she was alive. This family may be suffering from a mitochondrial disease.


A functional RISC targets RNA molecules containing one or more regions that can undergo base pairing with the small regulatory RNA contained in the RISC.


A karyotype is a technique by which a researcher can see and count chromosomes.


A proto-oncogene is a "normal" gene that, if mutated, can become an oncogene and lead to a cell becoming cancerous.


After small regulatory RNAs are transcribed and processed, specialized enzymes cleave the RNAs to double-stranded fragments that are typically around 20-25 nucleotides long.


Although Gregor Mendel's work was not originally considered by his contemporaries to be groundbreaking, Mendel's principles of segregation and independent assortment were "rediscovered" nearly two decades after his death.


Although glycolysis produces four molecules of ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation, the net gain of ATP for the cell is two molecules. This is due to the fact that glycolysis is—at first—endergonic.


For a pigment to absorb light, there must be alternating double and single bonds


Gene regulation in multicellular organisms leads to differential gene expression and specialized cell functions.


In general, enzymes change the speed of reactions by lowering the energy of activation of a chemical reaction. True or false


In mammals, some genes are expressed differently depending on their parent of origin. This ensures that mammals develop from embryos with one maternal and one paternal genome.


Modification of bases in mRNA transcripts can change the mRNA sequence and thus the characteristics of the protein for which it codes.


Nondisjunction is when sister chromatids fail to separate during anaphase of cell division.


One of the unique things about ATP synthesis is that one of the protein domains spin


Organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts contain DNA that can be inherited differently in different organisms.


RNA splicing joins the coding regions of messenger RNA in their original linear order after the removal of introns.


Sex (in regards to sexual reproduction) is the behavioral activities that facilitates bring gametes together.


Signaling pathways have been conserved in a wide range of organisms.


The alternative pathways for viral infection—lytic and lysogenic—are determined by positive and negative regulatory effects of proteins produced by the virus following infection.


The electrochemical gradient in a chloroplast can have a concentration of protons 1,000 times greater on one side of a thylakoid membrane than the other


The occurrence of nondisjunction during mitosis can result in the development of certain cancers; however, nondisjunction is often thought of in relation to meiosis and the development of certain trisomies.


The products of the Calvin cycle are 3-carbon sugars.


There are no discernible phenotypic effects for an individual with the genotype XYY.


Transcription in prokaryotes is rapidly turned on or off in response to environmental changes and involves both positive and negative regulators.


Unlike processing of the primary transcript, RNA editing occurs at the level of mRNA.


In humans, one reason why mitochondrial inheritance is strikingly different from nuclear inheritance is that:

unlike nuclear inheritance, both parents do not contribute mitochondrial DNA.

Which type of SNARES are located on the vesicle membrane?



very prominent. can be 30 to 90% of the volume of a single cell. Only in plants. are part of the endosomal organelle system and are formed by the fusion of vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus.

Which method of movement through the Golgi uses vesicles that bleb off and move to the next cisternae?

vesicle transport model

Tethering, Recognition, Docking and Fusion

vesicles are directed to a specific target membrane by proteins first identified as associating with the membrane singling proteins Ras and so they are known as "Ras binding proteins" Rab proteins undergo cytolic association with membrane based on the bind and hydrolysis of GTP, They tightly associate with the vesicle membrane. Rab binding system performs the initial docking or tethering of vesicle with target proteins. SNAREs interact.

Which is the shortest wavelength and highest energy photons within the visible spectrum and one of the regions where chlorophyll's absorbed


When we say that DNA replication is semiconservative, we mean that:

when DNA is replicated, each new double helix contains one parental strand and one newly synthesized daughter strand.

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