Chap. 34 JF

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VJ Day

"Victory over Japan day" is celebration of Surrender of Japan, which was initially announced on August 15, 1945

Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act

1943 *Congress was concerned about loss of production due labor strikes *Act authorized federal government seize and operate industries stopped by strikes

Korematsu v. United States

1944 Supreme Court case where Supreme Court upheld order providing for relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 Congress formally apologized and agreed pay $20,000 each survivor.

Yalta Conference

1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII plan for post-war

Executive Order 9066

2/19/42; 112,000 Japanese-Americans forced into camps causing loss of homes & businesses, 600K more renounced citizenship; demonstrated fear of Japanese invasion

National War Labor Board

A board negotiated labor disputes and gave workers what they wanted prevent strikes would disrupt war


A military strategy used during World War II involved selectively attacking specific enemy-held islands and bypassing others

Rosie the Riveter

A propaganda character designed increase production of female workers in factories. It became a rallying symbol for women do their part.

Manhattan Project

A secret U.S. project for construction of atomic bomb.

Tuskagee Airmen

African American squadron escorted bombers in air war over Europe during WWII

ABC-1 Agreement

Agreement with Britain adopted strategy defeat Germany before concentrating on Japan

Douglas MacArthur

American general, who commanded allied troops in Pacific during World War II.

Battle of Midway

Battle was a catastrophic defeat from which Imperial Japanese Navy never fully recovered. Much of credit goes codebreakers who revealed Japanese plan ambush U.S. forces in time for Allies plan a counter-ambush. Japanese plan split American forces also failed. U.S. then launched a major air assault on Japanese carriers. Three of four Japanese carriers were destroyed, tilting course of war against Japan.


British Prime Minister who opposed policy of appeasement and led Great Britain through World War II


Congress of Racial Equality

War Production Board

During WWII, FDR established it allocated scarce materials, limited or stopped production of civilian goods, and distributed contracts among competing manufacturers


German Nazi dictator during World War II, Nazi leader and founder; had over 6 million Jews assassinated during Holocaust

Albert Einstein

German physicist who developed theory of relativity, which states time, space, and mass are relative each other and not fixed.


June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline fight Nazi Germany on beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called operation a crusade in which "we will accept nothing less than full victory." A major deception operation fooled Germans into thinking landings were a feint, and resistance was light at four out of five landing sites. On fifth, Omaha Beach, U.S. forces came under heavy fire and 2,000 died as they fought break out of beachhead. Germans failed organize rapidly meet threat. More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported invasion, and by day's end on June 6, Allies gained a foothold in Normandy.

VE Day

May 8, 1945; victory in Europe Day when Germans surrendered

Code Talkers

Navajo Indians recruited by U.S. Marine Corps transmit messages in Navajo language

Franklin D. Roosevelt

President of US during Great Depression and World War II


Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition

Postdam Conference

This is conference where Stalin, Truman, and Churchill came together decide how Germany would be administered. Their goals were establish order, settle peace treaty issues, and deal with effects of WWII.

Battle of Iwo Jima

Twenty thousand Japanese defenders were dug in an elaborate system of bunkers, caves, and tunnels. Attack was preceded by a massive naval and air bombardment lasting several days covering entire island. Lasted 6 weeks, several thousand marines, and more than 20,000 Japanese soldiers were killed, this battle is also notable for famous photograph of US marines lifting American flag a standpoint. Although outnumbered five one and with no prospect of victory, Japanese put up strong resistance and virtually none surrendered.

Chester Nimitz

United States admiral of Pacific fleet during World War II who used aircraft carriers destroy Japanese navy

Dwight Eisenhower

United States general who supervised invasion of Normandy and defeat of Nazi Germany


WACS - women in army WAVES - women in navy

Office of Price Administration

WWII Office installs price controls on essential items prevent inflation

Battle of Okinawa

World War II victory for Allied troops resulted in deaths of almost all of 100,000 Japanese defenders; battle claimed 12,000 American lives

Emperor Hirohito

emperor of Japan during WWII. his people viewed him as a god

"Second Front"

invasion of western Europe by U.S ,British, and French in 1944. This invasion was take pressure off Russians and divide Germans. It was established by D-Day Invasion.

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