Chapter 1-4

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the mode of the eyes and the ears get processed across each other in the brain

four basic elements to being a good critic?

active listener, , making connections, focus on learning, providing evidence and reasoning.

digital tribe?

a community of people who really want to view and read your online stuff


a computer will run multiple task and switch back and fourth quickly unlike brains that are slower.


a sense of shared background and interest


as the rules one fits oneself out with for living -Michel Foucault

three ethos?

competence, values, community

everything on the internet always or should be?

copyrighted, unless it is free for use or it is creative under a commons license.

What does it demonstrate?


third internal distraction

emotional turbulence

what are the three common myths about online communication?

everything is anonymous, private, temporary (some apps like snap chat that make us believe the photo is there only temporary)

Two primary kinds of distraction?

external and internal

Mono-tasking is always?

faster and more efficient

terminal values and instrumental values

terminal- much stronger values like happiness instrumental- easier to tap like honesty or intellect


how you act differently in different actions.


incapable, your brain switches between task

What are the three misunderstandings?

individual senses, multi-tasking

What is wiretapping law?

law that covers recording conversations with people's knowledge

five suggestion to receive criticism?

listen to the criticism, avoid defensive reactions, look for what you can learn, experimentation, be grateful

halo effect?

other things we associate to ourselves will transfer that credibility over to yourself positive or negative.

the third external distraction is?

physical discomfort

Aristotle called competence?

practical wisdom

Individual Senses?

product of our brain putting all our senses together mainly eyes and ears.

second important elements of ethos?

publicness, permanence, traceability

providing evidence and reasoning?

someone is not going to change their opinion because of yours, you need evidence and reasoning

Mcgurk Effect?

someone making a sound while someone playing the audio of that sound

waning attention

start thinking about something else or zone out

Deferring judgement

trying to understand without judging it right or wrong

second internal distraction?

waning attention


your daily practices, what ever mode of being in the world is


your dwelling place or how you lived the whole of your life

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