Chapter 1-7 Labor Relations Management, Chapter 8-14 Labor Management

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The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that both private sector union and nonunion workers receive a median __________ paid vacation days after one year of service


The agreements between MNCs and international trade union organizations which commit the companies to observing standards and principles throughout their worldwide operations (codes of conduct) have increased in the past few years. By 2015, there were ____ global agreements in place. a. 25 b. 57 c. 113 d. 175 e. 200


The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 provide eligible employees up to ____ weeks of unpaid leave for a serious illness, birth or adoption of a child, or care of a seriously ill child, spouse, or parent.


What is the average length of time, reported by the FMCS, between the filing of a grievance and an arbitrator's award? a. 2 weeks. b. 30 days. c. 3 months. d. 132 days. e. 465 days.

132 days

Which of the following statements about the managerial implications of discipline is false? a. Arbitrators have the power to overturn a manager's disciplinary action, including reinstating a discharged employee with full back pay. b. First-line supervisors are the level of management most intimately and frequently involved in disciplinary issues. c. The manager's authority can be compromised when one of their discharge decisions is overturned and the affected employee returns to the workplace. d. The majority of reinstated employees perform in a below-average manner after returning to the workplace following reinstatement. e. A disciplinary action carries the most significance for the employer.

A disciplinary action carries the most significance for the employer

To ensure the constitutionality of the NLRA, Congress provided that unfair labor practice decisions of the NLRB could be appealed for review by a _______ ______ court of _____.

A federal Circuit Court of Appeals.

The AFL represented a _______ or _________ organization that ________ could join and still _____ their separate _______ and collective ______ ________.

A federation or service organization that unions could join and still retain their separate identities and collective bargaining concerns.

The strength or likely continued success of any labor organization can be assessed by focusing on four criteria except a _______ in _____conditions.

A shift in economic conditions.

In spite of the fact that employers could legally fire employees for virtually any reason under the Employment-At-Will doctrine (EAW), employees were required to sign an agreement stating they would not join or assist in organizing a union. This agreement was called a _____ ______ contract.

A yellow dog contract.

The type of arbitrator which is chosen by labor and management on a case-by-case basis is called the: a. Ad hoc arbitrator. b. Permanent arbitrator. c. Perpetual arbitrator. d. Tri-partite arbitrator. e. Universal arbitrator.

Ad hoc arbitrator.

A feature that distinguishes the business agent of a craft union from the president of an industrial union is that he/she _____ the Union _____ hall.

Administers the union hiring hall.

A company's labor relations strategy is NOT determined by ______ supervisors.

Administration supervisors

The largest percentage of money paid to the national union goes to ______, operational and ______ expenses.

Administration, operational, and salary expenses.

U.S. unions believe that "fair trade" will ensure that ______ companies can _____ effectively in ______ markets.

Ensure that domestic companies can compete effectively in global markets.

A major reason for a piece-rate compensation plan is that many production jobs are machine paced, so employees have limited control over the pace of work and thus the number of items produced during scheduled work hours. T or F


A mediator who holds separate meetings with management and union officials risks having his neutrality suspected by either side. T or F


A wildcat strike is a work stoppage by employees who have no dispute with their own employer but are striking to support another bargaining unit of their employer. T or F


Although unions claim to operate under a democratic ideal, in reality, the typical union member has less say in the way the union operates than most citizens have in their governments or most stockholders have in their corporations. T or F


An employee alleging unlawful discharge is NOT under affirmative duty to seek comparable employment to mitigate the respondent employer's potential back-pay liability while awaiting a final determination of the merit of the ULP charge. T or F


An employee may resign from the union during a strike, cross picket lines, and be protected under the Taft-Hartley Act, but the union may impose a one-time fine for crossing the union's picket line. T or F


Any failure to reach an agreement on contract language concerning a mandatory bargaining subject represents a violation of the duty to bargain in good faith. T or F


Approaching the bargaining process as a mutual problem-solving exercise is a characteristic of distributive bargaining. T or F


Arbitrators differ from mediators because arbitrators are almost always appointed by the government to resolve strikes in the private sector. T or F


Arbitrators often reduce suspensions given to employees, even if other employees have received similar suspensions under identical circumstances. T or F


Arbitrators, unlike mediators do not have authority to make final and binding decision concerning labor disputes. T or F


As a result of NAFTA, real wages have grown rapidly for Mexican workers. T or F


As in the private sector, the market economic system controls the price, quality, and availability of most services in the public sector. T or F


Automation refers to changes in the production process that result from the introduction of laborsaving machinery and changes in material handling and work flow. T or F


Bargaining unit work must be performed only by bargaining unit employees in an emergency situation such as tornado, fire, or power failure. T or F


Because craft union members may work on several job sites for several employers, craft unions have decided to expand the scope of their labor agreements to national coverage. T or F


Because the National Labor Relations Act prohibited interference with labor unions in 1935, companies were allowed to establish company unions to assure the integrity of unions. T or F


Centralized (multi-employer) bargaining is frequently found in the healthcare and auto industries. T or F


Collective bargaining in South America is far more common and unions are more sophisticated than in the United States. T or F


Conflicting power relationships develop in situations where the supervisor and union stewards pursue the same interests or goals. T or F


Craft union members, higher skilled, higher seniority, and better-educated members are less likely to attend local union meetings. T or F


Craft unions have less independence from their national union headquarters than industrial unions. T or F


Employee discipline is a topic only relevant in unionized firms since non-unionized employees aren't afforded any protections against wrongful disciplinary actions. T or F


Employee grievances over matters concerning adverse action, position classification, and equal employment opportunity are covered by the CSRA. T or F


Employees of all private firms in Japan are guaranteed lifetime employment. T or F


Employees seldom file a grievance to protest a contractual violation since negotiators are usually concerned about the precision of every labor agreement provision. T or F


Employees who file grievances are older, more active in their unions, and more satisfied with their job, supervisor, and union. T or F


Employer questioning of an employee to discern union sentiment is an automatic violation of NLRA section 8 (a)(1). T or F


Employers agree that signed authorization cards are accurate predictors of the number of votes for the union in elections. T or F


Employers are not typically concerned about the fair representation issue since the union assumes full liability when it breaches this obligation. T or F


Even though an arbitrator has the legal authority to subpoena witnesses and documents, the arbitrator may not make an adverse inference if the subpoena is not complied with. T or F


Events such as the Haymarket Riot, the Homestead Incident, and the Pullman Strike helped organized labor. T or F


Experimental work includes keeping the old techniques, methods, or procedures for doing work. T or F


Fact-finding is a semi-judicial process in which all parties provide information to a neutral that allows the parties to reach a speedy resolution. T or F


Free riders are employees who don't receive benefits from the union, but still have to pay union dues. T or F


From management's perspective, phase one of the labor relations process may be the most important phase of the phases involved in the labor relations process. T or F


Generally, high unemployment reduces the union's cost of disagreeing with management because strikers could find it difficult to find employment at other firms. T or F


Given the high costs involved, evidence indicates that it is relatively rare for MNCs to shift production to other countries in order to intimidate local unions. T or F


Highly developed, sophisticated patterns of labor relations, such as those in Germany, have spread rapidly and are now commonplace in Russia and other former Soviet Bloc Countries. T or F


Hourly compensation costs for manufacturing production workers in Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland were lower than those in the United States. T or F


If a subject of collective bargaining is permissible, both parties are required to negotiate in good faith, even though an agreement may not be reached. T or F


If not permanently replaced, an economic striker has a right to be reinstated to his or her job at any time during a strike after making an unconditional request for reinstatement to the employer. T or F


If the parties involved in an arbitration hearing cannot agree on the wording of an issue to be addressed, they must frame the issue, usually written in a one-sentence question. T or F


If you are a member of an AFL-CIO affiliated union, then you are a member of the AFL-CIO. T or F


Illegal discharge of employees who are union advocates usually does not decrease the probability of a successful unionization. T or F


In larger companies, at the corporate level, the plant manager and plant labor relations manager play the key roles in certain labor relations activities, such as contract administration, grievance handling, and monitoring labor relations activities. T or F


In the last decade, decertification elections have nearly doubled T or F


Intent of the parties refers to what union and management officials expect to gain from an arbitrator's decision. T or F


It is not possible to introduce some level of restriction on supervisors to protect employee rights without adversely affecting supervisors' belief in the effectiveness of the disciplinary system. T or F


Joint councils, such as the building trade councils, involve groupings of conference boards that have common goals, employers, and interests. T or F


Labor arbitration first occurred in the United States in 1865, became popular before World War II. T or F


Labor market wage surveys measure how the job content, method of payment, regularity of employment, supplemental unemployment benefits, vacations, pensions, and holidays vary from company to company. T or F


Layoff provisions in the majority of union contracts consider seniority is the primary or most important factor in retaining employees during layoffs. T or F


Management is allowed to present "captive audience" speeches on the day of the election. T or F


Management prefers to include the union to conduct job evaluations for employees in a firm. T or F


Management should deny an employee's grievance if they believe the employee is merely trying to get something for nothing. T or F


Management would probably prefer centralized bargaining if it had three separate manufacturing facilities (bargaining units), each making the same product. T or F


Med-arb and final-offer total package arbitration are similar in that the arbitrator does not make up his own contract but picks one of those that has been negotiated. T or F


Mediators have binding legal authority to require the parties to settle an interest dispute, but they often first restrict themselves to offering advice to help each party to clarify their own priorities and assessment of costs or risks associated with failing to reach a voluntary agreement. T of F


Mediators must work by a predetermined set of rules in order to successfully resolve differences. T or F


Most union presidents have restricted authority to appoint their staff, regulate locals, and direct the activities of the national union T or F


Most unions consider gain sharing plans as an adequate substitute for traditional negotiated hourly wage gains in their labor contracts. T or F


Negotiation of the labor agreement occurs during the third phase of the labor relations process.


Offers of compromise settlements before the hearing are accepted as evidence by arbitrators, and are often viewed as an admission of guilt by the arbitrator. T or F


One advantage of the "price list" is that it takes a statute of limitations on prior disciplinary offenses into account. T or F


Organized labor in the U. S. has benefited from the effects of U. S. MNCs on employment and labor relations. T or F


Organized labor in the United States is generally supportive of MNCs because they believe that MNCs improve wages for workers in the U.S. T or F


Positive human resource management practices, such as job enrichment/enlargement, internal promotions, learning opportunities, bonus and merit pay, and employee involvement programs, seem to increase nonunion workers' desire to vote for a union in a representation election. T or F


Pressure from domestic and international competition has increased management's ability to simply pass increased labor costs on to the customer in the form of higher prices T or F


Public opinion, while a potentially powerful influence, pertains only to the first phase of the labor relations process, particularly union organizing drives. T or F


Requiring applicants to sign yellow-dog contracts was a provision of the Wagner Act. T of F


Samuel Gompers' efforts paid off in spectacular growth in membership in the American Federation of Labor (AFL). T or F


Self-managed work teams may include 5 to 12 multiskilled workers who rotate jobs and produce an entire product with a minimal amount of supervision. T or F


Subcontracting and outsourcing processes can be volatile and complicate collective bargaining issues so they rarely appear in labor agreements. T or F


Superseniority is a term which means that highly skilled technical employees or union officials directly involved in contract negotiations or grievance handling will be the first ones laid off. T or F


Supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB) are payments made by the federal government to unemployed workers during a layoff. T or F


Surface Bargaining, is where the company "goes through the motions" of negotiating a contract with the intention of reaching an agreement. T or F


The "captive audience" rule states that an employer who presents a "captive audience" speech must allow the union the opportunity to conduct its own "captive audience" speech. T or F


The "reserve gate" doctrine involves the establishment of an exclusive gate for entry and exit of all employees on strike. T or F


The AFL under Gompers' leadership believed the existing social system should be dramatically changed by any means possible, including revolutionary methods if necessary. T or F


The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) now includes all of the major U.S. labor unions. T or F


The Byrnes Act of 1936 allowed employers to transport strikebreakers for the purpose of using force or threats against union organizers. T or F


The Change to Win federation planned on focusing more on working through mainly the Democratic Party instead of direct political action by the member unions. T or F


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a federal administrative agency under the Norris-LaGuardia Act. T or F


The Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP) investigates any negotiation impasse presented to it but is not authorized to take any action to settle the dispute. T or F


The Great Depression of the 1930s convinced many employees that hard work and loyalty (not unions) insured continued employment and other good working conditions. T or F


The Haymarket Riot, Homestead Incident, and the Pullman Strike eliminated Samuel Gompers' leadership effectiveness in the AFL. T or F


The Homestead Incident, unlike the Ludlow Massacre, showed the public that union and management officials could resolve their differences in a non-violent fashion. T or F


The Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA) contained explicit provisions obligating the union to represent fairly all bargaining unit employees. T or F


The NLRB decisions are similar to Supreme Court decisions in that they are independent of political party influences. T or F


The NLRB prohibits the showing of films to discourage employees from joining a union. T or F


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) mediates cases and awards damages or fines where it deems necessary. T or F


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), was created to strengthen the power of employers to prevent the formation of unions. T or F


The National Unfair Dismissal Statute would provide protection against unfair dismissal to those nonunionized employees who have worked for an employer (15 or more employees) for a period of at least two years. T or F


The Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed because few labor agreements contained any contract language relating to the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment. T or F


The Supreme Court has stated that union representation in discipline cases is only necessary after the company has made its disciplinary decision. T or F


The Supreme Court ruled in the late 1930s that labor disputes were covered under the Norris-LaGuardia Act and injunctions could easily be obtained. T or F


The U. S. enjoys the highest degree of employee protection against termination without cause in the world. T or F


The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act requires employers with 500 or more employees to give 30 days' notice to employees of a plant closing. T or F


The bargaining unit is the team formed by management to solve labor issues within the company. T or F


The budget tends to play a more conspicuous role in private-sector collective bargaining than it does in public-sector bargaining. T or F


The company may actively assist employees who are interested in launching a decertification campaign T or F


The definition of just cause is well defined in nearly all collective bargaining agreements and may be decided by representatives of the union and management. T or F


The employer must file a list of names and addresses of all eligible voters with the regional director of the NLRB within thirty days after the regional director of the NLRB has approved a consent election. T or F


The existence of monopolistic conditions in the public sector, and their control of the services rendered and products offered also exist in the private sector. T or F


The fact that NLRB members are appointed by the President does not create concerns about influences over decisions of the Board. T or F


The first step in the legalistic approach on the arbitration process is to acknowledge that the parties have a mutual obligation to bring out all relevant facts. T or F


The goal of directive or results-oriented mediation is to bring the parties to a certain agreement that the mediator believes is the final word. T or F


The growth in part-time employment also has a small, but significant, positive impact on union density T or F


The international union representative may be the first person on the job or the most senior employee. T or F


The leadership of the Knights of Labor was more interested in seeking higher wage increases for employees than in seeking moral betterment for employees and society. T or F


The majority of all workers in the United States cannot be terminated from their employment without any justification. T or F


The majority of parties involved in arbitration choose 2 or 3 impartial arbitrators. T or F


The majority of private sector employees participate in a profit sharing plan as incentive. T or F


The one primary responsibility of the NLRB is to determine if employees desire representation by an independent labor organization for purposes of collective bargaining. T or F


The patronage system, also called the "spoils system" was applauded for providing qualified individuals that could get things done. T or F


The presence of "mitigating circumstances" usually makes it more likely that the disciplinary actions of management will be upheld, particularly in discharge decisions. T or F


The process of systematically securing information and facts about what employees do in various jobs is called a job description. T or F


The processes in democratic unions, such as officer elections, make the union leaders less responsive to the membership. T or F


The regional director of the NLRB initiates investigation of a company when it suspects that the company has committed an unfair labor practice. T or F


The selection of the number and type of individuals who will make up the bargaining team for each party is not an important decision that can affect the outcome of negotiations. T or F


The sit-down strike helped the CIO to obtain union membership in the 1930s, and it was soon approved by the Supreme Court. T or F


The so-called "free rider" issue is of little concern for public-sector unions. T or F


The technology of a particular workplace is not an influence on the creation of work rules. T or F


The threat of a strike seems to encourage voluntary settlement efforts at the bargaining table while the availability of interest arbitration may reduce such incentive producing a "chilling effect" on negotiations. T or F


The type of seniority rights used to determine eligibility for vacations, pensions, and holidays is called job rights seniority. T or F


The union has the burden of proof in disciplinary and discharge cases and the employer has the burden of proof in contract interpretation and application cases. T or F


The union must obtain signed authorization cards from a majority of the bargaining unit employees before the NLRB will hold an election. T or F


The union organizer typically creates job dissatisfaction in the work force before the campaign begins. T or F


The union's fair representation obligation requires the union to take a grievance to arbitration if the grievant so requests. T or F


The use of strike replacements (particularly permanent replacements) during an economic strike reduces the tensions between the parties and often shortens the length of a strike. T or F


Transnational collective bargaining will be commonplace in the near future because international labor organizations are so well organized and active in coordinating with one another. T or F


Under due process element of double jeopardy, the employer cannot first suspend an employee indefinitely and then subsequently discharge the employee. T or F


Under final offer arbitration (FOA), the arbitrator selects the best package settlement presented by the union or management or proposes a compromise of both positions by splitting the difference. T or F


Under no circumstances is an employer allowed to operate during a strike. T or F


Under the Weingarten decision, union representation cannot be given to an employee until the employer has concluded its investigation and notified the employee of discharge, and the employee has elected to fight the decision. T or F


Under the implied contract exception to the employment-at-will doctrine, an employee is wrongfully discharged if and when the discharge is inconsistent with an explicit, well-established public policy of the state. T or F


Under the preemption doctrine, state law or local ordinances take precedent over federal law. T or F


Under the public policy exception to the employment-at-will doctrine, an employer and employee form an implied contract, even if a written contract does not exist. T or F


Unionized firms provide a lesser percentage of training hours through formal, structured programs than nonunion firms. T or F


Unions as organizations are built on the assumption that power, authority, and legitimacy flow downward from the owner or stockholders through management. T or F


Unions do not place upper limits on their bargaining ranges because they maintain, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." T or F


Unions generally favor the use of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) as a basic pension plan for employees. T or F


Unions in Cuba represent a broad array of constituents including current workers, retired pensioners, and even the unemployed. T or F


Unions often prefer defined contribution plans because it limits their financial obligations to fund the plan. T or F


Unions received favorable public opinion after World War II because of their strict adherence to the "no strike pledge" during the war and the rather modest wage requests after the war. T or F


Wage comparability is not given much importance in wage determination T or F


When a distributive bargaining approach is used to negotiate labor contract terms, the same party always wins (gains more) on every bargaining issue. T or F


When an employee is a repeat participant in the arbitration process, the employer has a distinct advantage over the employer. T or F


When labor and management officials negotiate a labor agreement, they are mainly concerned with agreement over the minor issues. T or F


When the company decides that discharge is the appropriate disciplinary action, the affected employee is issued a last chance agreement that informs them that they are being discharged. T or F


Where there is substantial continuity in a unionized firm's operation after transfer of ownership occurs, the purchaser of the business would be classified as a new employer for the purpose of determining the employer's legal duty to bargain. T or F


While arbitration has many procedural problems, delay is not one of them, since most arbitration cases are heard within 10 days after the request. T or F


While strikes have been outlawed for most public employees, they still occur in some states. T or F


Work rules in organizations where employees are unrepresented (no union) are typically not determined unilaterally by management. T or F


Work rules, while complex in nature, have a common dimension since the all pertain to compensation for work performed. T or F


Work stoppages in the United States since 1982 have been at or near historic higher levels in terms of numbers of strikes, employees involved, and days idled. T or F


Written grievances tend to increase emotions present in many employee concerns. T or F


The federal government's role in private sector collective bargaining activities is basically _________.


A labor injunction is a ______ order prohibiting certain _______ in conjunction with a ________ disputes.

Is a court order prohibiting certain activities in conjunction with a labor dispute

Pre-hearing briefs: a. Are nearly always used in arbitration. b. Might backfire for the presenting party. c. Often preferred by the grievant to guarantee a fair hearing. d. Are nearly always used in arbitration and often preferred by the grievant to guarantee a fair hearing. e. Last from a few hours to a few days.

Might backfire for the presenting party

The environment where two or more employees share a job by dividing the standard total number of hours for the job between them is called: a. Job sharing. b. Job rationing. c. Job security. d. Job posting. e. Job flexing.

Job sharing

The relationship which suggests that first-line supervisors should have authority for resolving grievances at the first step of the procedure to give the employee a prompt response is called a: a. Power relationship. b. Empathetic relationship. c. Codified relationship. d. Dependent relationship. e. Grievance relationship.

Codified relationship

The arbitrator selection procedure where each party takes turns eliminating potential arbitrators from a list until one remains is called the: a. Elimination method. b. Ranking method. c. Striking method. d. Preferred arbitrator method. e. Least preferred arbitrator method.

Striking method

The most important factor in the gradual decline or stagnation in union membership has been attributed to ______ changes in the _______ _______.

Structural changes in the labor force.

The procurement process that usually occurs when a firm determines that it cannot perform all the tasks that are necessary to operate its business successfully is called: a. Subcontracting. b. Outsourcing. c. Strategic partnership. d. Strategic alliance. e. Strategic partnership and alliance.


State laws that allow citizens to observe the collective bargaining process are referred to as: a. Sunshine laws. b. Blue laws. c. Sunset laws. d. Watergate laws. e. Fishbowl laws

Sunshine laws

Which of the following groups are not considered "employees" and may not be in any bargaining unit? _______


A petition for certiorari is a request to review a court of appeals decision by the _______ _______.

Supreme Court

One party is willing to meet at length and confer but merely goes through the motions of bargaining. Proposals are made that cannot be accepted, an inflexible attitude on major issues is taken, and no alternative proposals are offered. This scenario best describes: ______ bargaining.

Surface bargaining.

A work stoppage by employees who have no dispute with their own employer but are striking to support another bargaining unit of their employer or a union representing employees of another employer is called a: a. Grievance strike. b. Wildcat strike. c. Partial strike. d. Sympathy strike. e. Protest strike.

Sympathy strike

The negotiation of compensation for and number of intervals for bus drivers reflects which technological component? The _____ and ____ of work.

The pace and scheduling of work

The rights of employees under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act include the following except the right to ________ company _______.

The right to create company unions.

During which step of grievance procedure are the union grievance committee members and management's labor relations representative brought in to discuss the supervisor's first-step grievance answer? a. The first step. b. The second step. c. The arbitration step. d. The third step. e. The fourth step.

The second step

The main difference between mediation and arbitration is that in mediation: a. Mediators appointed by government agencies. b. Third-party neutrals are utilized. c. There is no final and binding decision. d. The meetings where the parties present their issues to the neutral party are different. e. Arbitrators are appointed by the President.

There is no final and binding decision.

The procedure where both parties and a neutral party such a fact-finding panel suggest settlements is called: a. Tri-offer arbitration. b. Fact finding arbitration. c. Interest (contract arbitration) d. Med-Arb arbitration. e. Grievance mediation

Tri-offer arbitration

"Employees" need to be viewed as a separate category of participants since they can have loyalties to both the employer and union organizations. T or F


. For employee activity to be protected under the LMRA, the concerted activity must be for a protected purpose described in Section 7 of the Act and engaged in using lawful means. T or F


A Scanlon plan, Rucker plan, and Improshare plan are all examples of gain sharing plans. T or F


A common union tactic is to file several grievances over a particular issue to buttress and document union demands during negotiation of the subsequent labor agreement. T or F


A constructive discharge involves the offering an employee the alternative of quitting to avoid subsequent arbitration of his/her discharge. TorF


A deferred wage increase is a method used to adjust employee base wage rates during the term of a labor agreement. T or F


A dispute between union and management representatives over what the terms and conditions of employment will be is termed an interest dispute. T or F


A higher degree of labor intensiveness increases management negotiators' resistance to bargaining proposals designed to increase wage rates. T or F


A locked-out employee's voluntary acceptance of the employer's proposed terms and condition of employment in order to return to work is called an unconditional request for reinstatement. T or F


A major advantage of the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) was that it established the framework for labor relations in the federal government by legislation, instead of by Executive Order. T or F


A majority of teachers, firefighters, and police are represented by public-sector unions. T or F


A manager terminates an employee because of a personal grudge against the employee. This discharge could be contested in at least 20 states under the covenant-of-good faith and fair dealing exception to the employment-at-will doctrine. T or F


A mediator functions more as an invited guest who can be required to leave if one or both bargaining parties no longer desire the mediator's continued involvement in the bargaining process. T or F


A number of large MNCs are so enormous that their sales are frequently larger than the entire economy of the countries in which they conduct business. T or F


A profit-sharing plan represents a mandatory subject of bargaining. T or F


A simple majority of employees that vote in a union representation election is required in order for employees to win union representation. T or F


A union satisfies its fair representation obligation if it demonstrates that it considered the interests of all members and takes its ultimate position honestly, in good faith, and without hostility or arbitrary discrimination. T or F


A whipsaw bargaining strategy involves a negotiating team attempting to extract large, similar, concessions from multiple opponents. T or F


After a decertification petition is filed with the NLRB, the employer must still bargain with the union until the question of representation is resolved. T or F


Agricultural laborers are specifically excluded from coverage under the Labor Management Relations Act. T or F


Although union leaders are usually elected by the members, members and leaders do not completely agree on bargaining priorities. T or F


American jobs have been lost in major industries, such as the automobile, steel, textile, footwear, and consumer electronics, whereas jobs in the aircraft, computers, entertainment, and finance industries have increased. T or F


An economic recession is one factor which discourages employees from risking possible job loss through the exercise of their right to strike. T or F


An important principle of contract administration is that the first-line supervisor and union steward are organizational "equals" in grievance handling. T or F


An unfair labor practice strike is a strike in reaction to an employer's refusal to bargain in good faith with the union. T or F


Arbitrators are usually more liberal than the courts in the types of evidence permitted at the hearing. T or F


Arbitrators often assess witness credibility through rather subjective behaviors, such as speaking softly or giving long, evasive answers to questions. T or F


Arbitrators regard discharge as a last resort to be used only when all other corrective attempts have failed and the employee totally lacks usefulness to the firm. T or F


Arbitrators regard the term "subject to dismissal" as implying that management can implement disciplinary penalties other than discharge, such as written warnings or suspensions. T or F


As a result of significant changes in the workforce, unions are investing funds in training union organizers. T or F


Both unions and companies have universally agreed that arbitration in the labor-management settings has advantages over litigation. T or F


Certain union security provisions cannot be negotiated in states with right-to-work laws. T or F


Codified relationships stress the rights and privileges of union stewards and first-line supervisors established through the labor agreement and various union and management publications. T or F


Collective bargaining is an activity whereby union and management officials attempt to resolve conflicts of interest by exchanging commitments in a manner intended to sustain and possibly enrich their continuing relationship. T or F


Congress, through the Landrum-Griffin Act, has attempted to strengthen the union democratic process by giving power to union members to protect themselves against irresponsible leaders. T or F


Contract language that specifies a newly hired employee will be paid less than other employees performing a similar job is referred to as a Two-Tier Wage plan. T or F


Conventional interest arbitration has been criticized because arbitrators have been accused of "splitting the difference." T or F


Double-breasting is a practice employed by a company with a "union-avoidance" strategy. T or F


During economic downturns and recessions, management will often claim an inability to pay as a criterion for wage determination. T or F


Effects bargaining is the bargaining over the wage, hour, and working condition consequences of managerial decisions which is mandatory for decisions such as facility closures and technological decisions. T or F


Elements of a typical arbitration proceeding include the selection of the arbitrator, the pre-hearing activities, the arbitration hearing, and the arbitrator's decision. T or F


Empathetic relationships occur between individuals when each is aware of the other's position and is guided by an understanding appreciation. T or F


Employee discipline represents both organizational conditions, which can lead employees to form a disciplined, self-regulated group, and organizational conditions, where managerial actions are taken against an employee who has violated organizational rules. T or F


Employees are protected in pursuing their mutual working condition concerns, even if they do not belong to a labor organization. T or F


Employees who file a grievance for termination are entitled to a jury trial if monetary losses (back pay) are claimed. T or F


Employees' previous experience with a union is a strong predictor of their attitudes toward unions and their decision to join one. T or F


Employers actively opposed unions after World War I by supporting the open-shop movement. T or F


Employers overestimate the potential costs of a wrongful discharge suit and incur indirect costs, such as not terminating employees who perform poorly, costly hiring and decision-making processes, or use severance payments to deter wrongful termination claims. T or F


Evidence indicates that a majority of discharged employees who are reinstated by an arbitrator perform their work in a below-average capacity following reinstatement. T or F


Fact-finding and arbitration are successful in resolving impasses because these procedures provide deadlines for the parties to resolve their differences. T or F


Favorable public-sector labor legislation appears to be a significant factor encouraging growth in public-sector bargaining within a state. T or F


Featherbedding is the term given to job security rules when they are carried to extremes. T or F


Gains made by a party using the distributive bargaining approach come at the expense of the other party. T or F


Good faith bargaining essentially means each party must demonstrate a sincere and honest intent to reach a labor agreement and be reasonable in their bargaining positions, tactics and activities. T or F


Grievance mediation is a process in which an outside neutral assists the parties in resolving grievances without the use of arbitration. T or F


If a governmental unit privatizes a government service to a private business, the private employer is likely to be covered under the Labor Management Relations Act. T or F


If a union wishes to encourage solidarity within its membership at a particular firm, it should not negotiate for a two-tier pay plan. T or F


If employees choose to decertify their union, there cannot be another representation election for twelve months. T or F


If highly skilled technical employees or union officials are granted superseniority, they will be the last individuals laid off in their seniority unit. T or F


In Australia, the Workplace Relations Act of 1996 (WRA) introduced individual contracts called Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) which enhanced ''choice'' by placing individual and collective agreements on an equal footing. T or F


In Germany, codetermination committees provide works councils with rights to information and consultation on subjects such as manpower planning, change in work processes, working environment, and job content. T or F


In Great Britain, Labor agreements are negotiated and administered at the plant level, and they are not enforceable by law. T or F


In addition to interpreting ambiguous language or resolving problems not covered in the agreement, past practices may even alter clear and convincing contractual provisions. T or F


In discipline and discharge cases, management's burden of proof to establish that the employee committed an infraction of a company's rule is an overriding consideration. T or F


In forming and joining a union, employees mainly consider whether the union will improve their personal situations in terms of wages and benefits, promotional opportunities, and job security. T or F


In most cases, a wildcat strike occurs in violation of an existing no-strike clause in a labor agreement. T or F


In most states, an employer cannot legally discharge an employee if the discharge is inconsistent with an explicit, well- established public policy of the state. T or F


In nonunion settings, the authority of managerial policies and actions often goes unchallenged. T or F


In some cases a specific, single action by an employer constitutes an unfair labor practice in bargaining, called a per se violation. T or F


In some cases, double-breasting appears to be a deliberate strategy designed to maximize company opportunities. T or F


In the federal sector, the agency and the exclusively recognized union have a duty to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith with respect to mandatory subjects of collective bargaining. T or F


In unionized firms, employees often have unique concerns that are neither addressed in collective bargaining nor explicitly covered in the labor agreement. T or F


Informational justice is a manner in which information is used and which explanations are offered to employees that have been laid off. T or F


Interest arbitration, unlike mediation and fact finding, results in a final and binding decision. T or F


It is common for labor agreements to contain a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) clause during the term of the contract. T or F


It is unlawful for an employer to refuse to comply with a union's request to furnish information, such as basic financial information, which is relevant and necessary for the union to represent bargaining unit members in contract negotiations or grievance handling duties. T or F


Job factors used in evaluating jobs include skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions in varying degrees depending on the type of organization. T or F


Job sharing is where two or more employees share a job by dividing the standard total number of hours for the job between them. T or F


Management consultants are individuals hired from outside the organization to provide some special service or expertise. T or F


Management has a right to determine work schedules unless restricted by negotiated language in the labor agreement. T or F


Management may not call a strike, but it may invoke certain practices that will cause a strike, because a strike sometimes works to its advantage, such as when inventories are high and customer demand is low. T or F


Management would generally prefer that an arbitrator rely on a "preponderance of evidence" instead of "beyond a reasonable doubt" since it is frequently difficult for management to meet this more stringent standard for evidence of employee misconduct. T or F


Many of today's fastest growing occupations are on opposite ends of the level of education and skills required for effective job performance. T or F


Mediation is the most commonly used third-party interest dispute resolution procedure T or F


Member unions of the Change to Win federation are encouraged to devote 50 percent of their annual operating budget toward union organizing activities, compared to a goal of 30 percent for AFL-CIO affiliated unions. T or F


Modern U.S. labor relations law relies primarily on federal and state statutory laws or local government ordinances, judicial decisions interpreting and applying statutory laws and local ordinances, and decisions by administrative agencies responsible for administering specific labor laws. T or F


Most union labor agreements specify daily or weekly work schedules and most provide premium pay for hours worked beyond the normal hours. T or F


Offshoring is a term used to refer to the movement of work from a company location within the U.S. to locations outside of the U.S. T or F


One general category of work rules pertains to employees' and employers' job rights and obligations, such as no employee strike or employer lockouts. T or F


One of the fundamental rules in labor arbitration is that, when the contract language is clear and unambiguous, the arbitrator must apply the language as it is written. T or F


One of the reasons employees become alienated from their work is their loss of involvement in their work when the machine dominated. T or F


One of the reasons for the decline of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), was its alienation of the news media and government officials. T or F


One of the three levels of proof an arbitrator uses to find that discipline was for "just cause," is to find clear and convincing evidence that a disciplinary offense was committed. T or F


One reason some unions do not readily accept new technology is that management and employees still have mistrust for one another. T or F


Operating in different countries creates opportunities for Multinational Corporations (MNCs) to bypass protective tariffs by making parts in one country and assembling the final product in another. T or F


Opposition to the war and the Soviet revolution in Russia in 1917 led to what was called the Red Scare: A general concern that a communist revolution would happen in the United States. T or F


Pattern bargaining is used to describe a situation where union or management negotiators informally attempt to extend a negotiated settlement from one group to another. T or F


Picket signs must clearly identify the primary employer as the target of the picket activity and only urge a boycott of the primary employer's products or services, not a total boycott of all products or services sold by the neutral, secondary employer. T or F


Placing grievances down in writing creates a written record and increases the likelihood that the employee or union representative is serious about the grievance. T or F


Possible government intervention in a labor dispute is a factor which could alter a union's or management's perception of their relative bargaining power in that labor dispute. T or F


Power relationships typically begin when both steward and supervisor are encouraged by their superiors to be attentive to problems in the department. T or F


Prehearing stipulations are joint union-management agreements as to the issues involved and certain grievance "facts" concerning the grievance. T or F


Pressure on a MNC by a local union strike may be reduced because MNC operations in other countries continue to generate products and profits. T or F


Problems involving the untangling of various jurisdictional squabbles arising over a grievance could claim the attention of arbitrators from the EEOC and the NLRB. T or F


Professional employees provide a challenge to a union's desire to increase membership due to the issue of compatibility of unionism with professionalism. T or F


Public opinion can affect one or more phases of the labor relations process, as well as the content of negotiated work rules. T or F


Public opinion of institutions in general is low in the United States, with more than one-third of the public expressing confidence in only 5 out of 17 surveyed institutions. T or F


Public-sector supervisors and other lower to midlevel managers have the right to engage in collective bargaining in more than a dozen states. T or F


Public-sector union membership is much greater in the Northeast, North, and West than in the South and Midwest. T or F


Regarding the management organization, labor relations managers and representatives are often found at the corporate, divisional, and plant levels. T or F


Regardless of motives for filing grievances, management must process them through the grievance procedure even if it feels the employee's motives are illegitimate or improper. T or F


Samuel Gompers, AFL president, proclaimed the Clayton Act to be the Magna Charta of U.S. labor; however, the Clayton Act hurt union growth more than it helped. T or F


Seniority may be used to determine benefit rights such as vacation entitlement or scheduling. T or F


Significant employee pension and health care benefit gains under union contracts are now referred to as "high legacy costs" by unionized employers. T or F


Skill-based pay (SBP) systems base compensation on the skills or knowledge an employee possesses that are valued by the employer. T or F


Smaller-sized (suggested size of nine) bargaining teams are generally preferable to larger bargaining teams to enhance bargaining effectiveness. T or F


Some employers use flexible work schedules as a hiring incentive to attract applicants in occupations with a current labor shortage. T or F


Some researchers have attributed the decline in the frequency of union strikes to their declining effectiveness as a means of placing economic pressure on an employer. T or F


Statutory law includes legislation originally written for general population but is applied in specific instances to labor relations. T or F


Strikes or lockouts that have an adverse effect on the national interest may be declared national emergency disputes. T or F


Technological progress in the U.S. has resulted in higher productivity, the elimination of many menial and dangerous jobs, higher wages, shorter hours, and a higher standard of living. T or F


The "civil conspiracy" doctrine held that a group involved in concerted activities was unlawful if harm was inflicted on customers or other employees. T or F


The "criminal conspiracy" doctrine involved employees' rights to organize unions as well as the effect of strong employee dissatisfaction leading to the closing of factories. T or F


The "one big union" approach to union membership was not believed by the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). T or F


The Act passed by Congress which reflected its concern with union abuse and the potential misuse of union power was the Landrum-Griffin Act. T or F


The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) created the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) which is an independent quasi-judicial agency to hear appeals from federal employees. T or F


The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) makes it an unfair labor practice for a party to refuse or fail to cooperate in impasse procedures. T or F


The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 establishes minimum standards for the operation of voluntarily established private-sector pension and health plans. T or F


The Ethical Practices Committee was established by the AFL-CIO in its efforts to control corrupt practices and racketeering of its member unions. T or F


The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum-Griffin Act) was designed to protect the rights of individual union members in their relations with their own union. T or F


The NLRB has final authority to settle all unfair labor practice charges. T or F


The NLRB has ruled that bargaining over the wage, hour, and working condition consequences of effects bargaining is mandatory for decisions such as facility closures and technological decisions. T or F


The NLRB has upheld the right of the union to discipline union members who actively participate in the campaign to decertify the union as long as the action does not affect employment status. T or F


The National Labor Relations Board's regional director and staff work with the General Counsel to investigate ULP charges. T or F


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is responsible for administering the Occupational Safety and Health Act). T or F


The Steelworkers' "Trilogy" recognized that arbitrators have far more expertise than judges in interpreting the common law of the shop. T or F


The Supreme Court has determined that the obligation to arbitrate a grievance cannot be nullified by a successor employer or by the termination of a labor agreement. T or F


The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) clarifies and extends the Veterans' Reemployment Rights Act of 1940 to protect the job rights of individuals called on to perform military duty on behalf of the United States. T or F


The Wagner Act gave unions considerable power, which had to be counterbalanced by passage of the Taft-Hartley Act. T or F


The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988 (WARN) was a response to data that showed large numbers of employers either shut down or initiated layoffs while giving employees or community leaders less than 14 days advance notice or no notice at all. T or F


The business agent is a key position in a craft union and provides many of the same services of a local union president in a large industrial union. T or F


The convention makes use of the delegate system, in which the number of delegates allowed depends on the number of members in the local. T or F


The emphasis on advancing employees' short-term economic and job security interests have remained the focus of organized labor since World War II. T or F


The local union meeting is considered the local union's single most important governmental activity. T or F


The majority of Mexican collective bargaining agreements contain a protection clause that protects employers from having to deal with a more demanding union. T or F


The merger of the AFL and CIO in 1955 has minimized raiding between the two organizations, but has not resulted in an increase in union membership or political influence. T of F


The monetary value of employee benefits provided by unionized employers exceeds the value of employee benefits provided by nonunion employers. T or F


The most often used level of proof by arbitrators is preponderance of evidence, wherein testimony and evidence must be adequate to overcome opposing presumptions and evidence. T or F


The passage of the Wagner Act of 1935 and the creation of the NLRB provided the first legal means for holding employers accountable for at least some of their disciplinary decisions and actions. T or F


The potential advantages of a merger of two unions, compared with the risks of not merging, suggest that mergers of unions will continue in the future. T or F


The proportion of an employer's total operating costs comprised of labor costs is termed the degree of labor intensiveness. T or F


The resistance point is the minimum concession acceptable by a party in a negotiation. T or F


The right to strike is one of the rights guaranteed under the Labor Management Relations Act. T or F


The skills, wage levels, and availability of employees in a relevant labor market can affect negotiated work rules. T or F


The sovereignty doctrine makes it difficult to delegate decision-making authority to specific administrative officials T or F


The supreme governing body for the international union is its convention. T or F


The target point is the union leaders' realistic goal to work toward during negotiations. T or F


The term "value added" refers to the contribution of factors of production to the value of a final product or service. T or F


The third-and-one-half step in the grievance procedure is settled "without prejudice to either party's position," thereby increasing the likelihood of subsequent grievances on the issue. T or F


The traditional labor arbitration procedures are negotiated between the employer and the union, the representative of bargaining unit employees. T or F


The trend toward multi-year labor agreements after World War II put pressure on union leaders to safeguard wage increases against the possibility of increases in the inflation rate. T or F


The union and management officials own the arbitration hearing but the arbitrator is the presiding officer of the hearing. T or F


The work rules category that governs compensation in all its forms also may specify performance standards, promotion qualifications and procedures, and layoff procedures. T or F


The yellow-dog contract guaranteed that employees would neither join a union nor assist in organizing one. T or F


There is no such thing as a "right-to-work law" in Canada. T or F


To cut costs, auto manufacturers have expanded outsourcing of certain parts of production and introduced less labor-intensive production methods. T or F


Two major bargaining issues since World War II have been adjustments to technological change and safeguards against inflation. T or F


Two major deficiencies of the Norris LaGuardia Act were: (1) the act did not establish an administrative agency and to enforce the act's provisions; (2) no specific employer unfair labor practices (ULPs) were identified or prohibited. T or F


Under the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA), management is prohibited from assisting a labor organization. T or F


Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the President may waive employee and union rights granted under the Civil Service Reform Act. T or F


Union density in most of Western Europe is significantly greater than in the United States. T or F


Union density, the proportion of a total group comprised of union members, is one measure of relative union strength or potential influence. T or F


Union instrumentality is a concept meaning employees perceive the union as instrumental in attaining desired outcomes, such as higher wages. T or F


Union leaders often view management-exclusive job evaluation with disfavor because it tends to limit bargaining opportunities and freeze wage structure. T or F


Union membership in the United States has shown a steady decline as a proportion of the total labor force (i.e., comprising all employed persons 16 years of age or older). T or F


Union negotiators have more difficulty determining "who speaks for management" in public-sector bargaining as compared to private-sector negotiations. T or F


Unions and corporations in the United States have a substantial influence on labor relations in Canada. T or F


Unions are attractive to the many employees concerned about job security regardless of their skill level. T or F


Unions must be careful because swapping grievances that are clearly meritorious may constitute a violation of the union's duty of fair representation. T or F


Unions, as well as some governments, have asserted that collective bargaining on a national basis has considerable limitations in facing MNCs. T or F


Wages and other economic benefits represent income to employees, costs to an employer, and a basis for tax revenue to the government. T or F


While corruption within unions receives much media coverage, the facts indicate that unions compare favorably with other segments of society in complying with the laws. T or F


With the exception of France, union density in Western Europe is significantly greater than in the United States. T or F


Work stoppage involves an economic dispute or is caused by the commission of an employer's unfair labor practice T or F


World War II increased the popularity of arbitration since many union and management officials realized that uninterrupted wartime production was essential. T or F


How long after a consent election must an employer file a list of names, mailing and e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of all eligible voters? _____ business ______.

Two business days

The strategy which involves a negotiating team attempting to extract large, similar concessions from multiple opponents is called: _______ bargaining

Whipsaw bargaining

The decision which reinforced the wide latitude given to arbitrators' decision-making authority by the Steelworkers' Trilogy is called the: a. Collyer decision. b. Spielberg Manufacturing Company decision. c. reinforced the principles established in the earlier Steelworkers' Trilogy. d. Misco decision. e. Olin Corporation decision.

Misco decision

The approach used by arbitrators to render a decision wherein the arbitrator follows the sequence of events and explains what happened in "the story" and what should have happened is called the: a. Classic approach. b. Summation approach. c. Past practice approach. d. Novel approach. e. Narrative story-telling approach.

Narrative story-telling approach

Which of the following was declared unconstitutional? a. National Labor Relations Act. b. Wagner Act. c. Clayton Act. d. National Industrial Recovery Act. e. Taft-Hartley Act.

National Industrial Recovery Act.

Which federal agency is authorized under the LMRA to resolve jurisdictional disputes? a. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service b. National Labor Relations Board c. National Mediation Board d. National Joint Board e. Department of Labor

National Labor Relations Board

The federal agency designated to be the primary interpreter and administrator of the National Labor Relations Act is the _______ labor _________ board.

National Labor Relations Board.

At the end of the 80-day injunction under the National Emergency Procedures of the LMRA, the president is authorized to: a. Direct the Attorney General to have all violators arrested. b. Direct the seizure of the industry. c. Report to Congress. d. Declare the strike or lockout illegal. e. Negotiate for 30 days.

Report to Congress

The legal duty of the exclusive bargaining agent after winning a representation election is to______ represent ______ employees in the ______ _____.

Represent fairly all employees in the bargaining unit.

The Haymarket Riot represented a _____ for the ______ hour ______.

Represented a protest for the eight-hour day.

Some union actions that have been determined to be illegal under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) include the following except requirement to ______ Anti-________ affidavits.

Requirement to sign anti-communist affidavits.

The administrative agencies now under the Railway Labor Act are the national _______ board and National ______ ______ board.

National Mediation Board and National Railroad Adjustment Board

Under the Railway Labor Act, the federal agency responsible for resolving differences between the parties when negotiating an agreement is the ______ mediation _____.

National Mediation Board.

The statement of position which permits entrances to the work site to be clearly marked for the exclusive use of either a primary employer or neutral, secondary employer and their employees, customers, and suppliers is called the: a. Reserve gate doctrine. b. General Electric doctrine. c. Merged product doctrine. d. Laidlaw-Fleetwood doctrine. e. Moore Dry Dock doctrine.

Reserve gate doctrine

The minimum concession acceptable by a party in a negotiation is called the _______point.

Resistance point

The approach where the goal is to bring the parties to a certain agreement that the mediator believes is appropriate and achievable is the: a. Evaluative mediation. b. Results-oriented mediation. c. Collaborative mediation. d. Watertight approach. e. Grievance relationship.

Results-oriented mediation.

Self-managed work teams are also called: a. Temporary work teams. b. Self-directed work teams. c. Semi-autonomous work teams. d. Worker participation teams. e. Production Teams.

Self-directed work teams

The book A Theory of the Labor Movement, in which the Scarcity Consciousness Theory is described was written by:

Selig Perlman

The bill that if passed, will make it an unfair labor practice for an employer to recognize or bargain with a union that has not been selected by a majority of employees in a secret ballot election is called the: _____ ballot ______ Act.

Secret Ballot Protection Act

The alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approach where workers with complaints are invited to raise them with their immediate supervisor is called the: a. Nonunion mediation approach. b. Open-door policy approach. c. Peer review systems approach. d. Early neutral evaluation approach. e. Grievance relationship.

Open-door policy approach

Which one of the following should not be a relevant consideration when selecting members for a management negotiating team?_____ considerations.

Political considerations

In anticipating union bargaining proposals, management can consider all the following factors except______ future ______.

Potential future grievances

The union steward and first-line supervisor both compete for the grievant's attention. Which one of the following relationships between the union steward and the first line supervisor best applies? a. Power relationship. b. Empathetic relationship. c. Codified relationship. d. Dependent relationship. e. Sympathetic relationship.

Power relationship

The activities which include meeting with witnesses, contacting the opposite representative, preparation and arrangements of exhibits for evidence, and exploring settlement activities are called: a. Posthearing activities. b. Arbitration activities. c. Arbitration award activities. d. Decisive activities. e. Prehearing activities.

Prehearing activities

Joint union-management statements as to the issues involved and certain applicable grievance facts are called: a. Prehearing briefs. b. Arbitration statements. c. Ad hoc decisions. d. Prehearing stipulations. e. Posthearing briefs.

Prehearing stipulations

Joint union-management statements as to the issues involved and certain applicable grievance facts are called: a. Prehearing stipulations. b. Prehearing briefs. c. Informal stipulations. d. Formal stipulations. e. Ideal stipulations.

Prehearing stipulations

The level of proof which arbitrators use wherein testimony and evidence must be adequate to overcome opposing presumptions and evidence is called: a. Clear and convincing evidence. b. Preponderance of evidence. c. Beyond a reasonable doubt evidence. d. Misuse of Internet evidence. e. Incommunicative evidence.

Preponderance of evidence

A "reasonable" rule: a. Must be jointly established by management and the union. b. Relates to the orderly, efficient, and safe operation of the employer's business. c. Must apply to all employees and operations at a particular organization equally. d. Can be unrelated to the necessities of business operations. e. Is not outweighed by the employee's personal rights on and off the job.

Relates to the orderly, efficient, and safe operation of the employer's business

Which of the following is not a goal of the union? a. for the company to receive a favorable return on investment b. for the company to survive and remain competitive c. for the company to attract, retain, and motivate employees d. to obtain commitment that there will be no lockout e. all of these are goals of the union

all of these are goals of the union

Motivated by a need for stronger bargaining positions, a desire to avoid jurisdictional disputes, the decline for some U.S. industries, and the need for self-preservation, unions choose: a. amalgamation. b. affiliation. c. absorption. d. conglomeration. e. amalgamation or absorption.

amalgamation or absorption.

Participation in a typical local union meeting usually varies between _____ and ______ percent.

5 and 10 percent.

Which of the following is not a "state of the economy" factor affecting negotiation and administration of work rules? a. Rising inflation rate. b. Rising health costs. c. Decreased employees' standard of living. d. Unemployment rates. e. Union membership

*e. Union membership

A Supreme Court decision related to judicial examination of union performance stressed that: a. Stiff fines will be paid by anyone associated with a fair representation violation. b. "Wide latitude" should be given to union officials to perform their duties. c. Arbitrators are better than the courts in assessing breaches of fair representation. d. "Perfunctory conduct" of a union does not constitute a breach of fair representation. e. Arbitrators are better than the courts in assessing breaches of fair representation, but stiff fines will be paid by anyone associated with a fair representation violation.

"Wide latitude" should be given to union officials to perform their duties

The yearly cost of a one-cent-per-hour wage increase at a facility of 1,000 employees is:


Work rules: a. Are determined unilaterally by the unions. b. Are jointly determined and administered by managers and union representatives. c. Are determined unilaterally by managers. d. Are the same across public and private sector organizations. e. Reflect the dynamic nature of the management.

*b. Are jointly determined and administered by managers and union representatives.

The mass media: a. Often tend to perpetuate a positive stereotype of unions. b. Portrays unions as ethical and benevolent organizations. c. Minimize strike activity coverage. d. Often serve as a generator and conduit of community opinion. e. Focuses on the concerns of workers rather than the effect on consumer prices.

*d. Often serve as a generator and conduit of community opinion.

The Homestead Incident: a. Received more favorable media attention than the Haymarket Riot. b. Involved unilateral wage reductions at a Carnegie owned steel mill. c. Showed that AFL could offer some financial support to one of its member unions. d. Resulted in a drop in the membership of the national union. e. Represented a victory for employees.

*d. Resulted in a drop in the membership of the national union.

The four dimensions of a workplace technology does not include: a. Equipment used in the operation b. The pace of work. c. Characteristics of the work environment. d. Information exchange. e. Structuring of administrative duties.

*e. Structuring of administrative duties.

After recognizing the important impact labor relations can have on interstate commerce, the Supreme Court declared the National Labor Relations Act constitutional during what year?


Under a cliff vesting schedule, an employee is considered fully vested after completing ____ years of service.


The labor relations process consists of _______ basic phase(s).


What percent of the anticipated bargaining unit is needed to conduct a representation election?


What percent of collective bargaining agreements contain mediation as a step in the grievance procedure? a. 2 percent. b. 4 percent. c. 20 percent. d. 27 percent. e. 60 percent.

4 percent

What percent of the requests for arbitrator lists are made to the FMCS? a. 23. b. 33. c. 43. d. 53. e. 63


The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires that private sector employers to provide eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave if the firm has:_______ or ______ employees

50 or more employees

The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act requires employers of 100 or more employees to provide ________ of advance notice to workers of a plant closing or major layoff. a. 30 days b. 7 days c. 60 days d. 6 weeks e. 6 months

60 days

In 2014, ___ percent of private-sector union members participated in some type of employer- or union-sponsored pension plan compared to 45 percent of nonunion employees.


What percentage of the eligible voters usually vote in NLRB elections?


Canada's labor relations system is NOT affected by: a. Harsh winters, climate resulting in pronounced cyclical fluctuations in its economy. b. Foreign influences, especially from the United States. c. Labor relations laws within provinces. d. Two major linguistic and cultural groups. e. A close connection between trade unions and political parties

A close connection between trade unions and political parties

The agreement which prohibits any union-represented bargaining unit from reaching a final contract settlement until all unions who bargain contracts with the same employer are willing to settle is called a ______- in ______.

A lock-in agreement

The most common occupational safety and health clause appearing in labor agreements is: a. Provision for protective clothing. b. First aid and medical facilities. c. Procedures for refusing to perform hazardous work. d. A pledge of cooperation on safety and health issues. e. Reporting of safety and health needs

A pledge of cooperation on safety and health issues

Which of the following statements about the rights and obligations of public-sector employees is NOT correct? a. Because citizens indirectly pay public-sector workers' salaries, employers have to be mindful of the image that employees project. b. Public-sector employees' political activities and off-the-job behavior are regulated more closely than most private-sector workers. c. A public-sector employee's rights to expression and association cannot be limited any more than the similar rights of private-sector workers. d. Tenured public-sector employees have the right to be informed of the charges against them and have an opportunity to respond before they can be fired. e. A public-sector employee's First Amendment right to expression cannot be overruled simply by the employer's need for efficient work operations.

A public-sector employee's rights to expression and association cannot be limited any more than the similar rights of private-sector workers

Which one of the following strategies is NOT a strategy that is commonly used to increase a public employer's cost of continuing to disagree with a union bargaining proposal? a. A threat to "blow the whistle" on a questionable management practice. b. A threat to conduct a recall election. c. A threat to withdraw the political support of union members d. Malicious obedience or "working to rule" in order to slow down work e. Use of various job action techniques.

A threat to conduct a recall election

The type of behavior, a form of insubordination, which occurs when an employee directs profanity, epithets, or verbal abuse toward a supervisor is called a. Aggression b. Alcohol-related misconduct. c. Fighting on the job. d. Abusive behavior. e. Subordination.

Abusive behavior

A supervisor who believes an employee's grievance is not a contractual violation should: a. Accept the employee's grievance, and then answer the grievance in accordance with provisions of the labor agreement. b. Assist the employee in writing the grievance so that it conforms to the specifications of the grievance form and the labor agreement. c. Refuse to accept the employee's grievance. d. Consult with the union shop steward and demand proof of a contractual violation. e. Consult with the company's labor attorney before accepting the grievance.

Accept the employee's grievance, and then answer the grievance in accordance with provisions of the labor agreement.

Which method have unions been the most successful in implementing in their dealings with MNCs? a. Boycotts in multiple foreign markets b. Transnational bargaining c. Threat of widespread strikes in multiple nations d. Adoption of international codes of conduct to regulate MNCs' behavior. e. Unilateral collective bargaining.

Adoption of international codes of conduct to regulate MNCs' behavior

Which method have unions been the most successful in implementing in their dealings with MNCs? a. Boycotts in multiple foreign markets. b. Transnational bargaining. c. Threat of widespread strikes in multiple nations. d. Adoption of international codes of conduct to regulate MNCs' behavior. e. Union organization on a local level only

Adoption of international codes of conduct to regulate MNCs' behavior

The act that was amended in 1987 to prohibit any mandatory retirement age, with the exception of airline pilots, using 70 as a mandatory retirement age is the: ______ discrimination in Employees Act

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).

The union pre-election campaign usually goes through the following stages except: airing ________.

Airing grievances

The act which ended government controls of airline fares and routes was the ______ deregulation Act of _____.

Airline Deregulation Act of 1978.

The theory based on the belief that employees might seek collective action to relieve their feelings of alienation is called the: ______ theory.

Alienation Theory

The burden of proof for disciplinary action rests with management in: a. Some disciplinary cases. b. None of disciplinary cases. c. Most disciplinary cases. d. Half of disciplinary cases. e. All disciplinary cases.

All disciplinary cases

A process to resolve grievances with the assistance of a neutral third party is called: a. Empathetic resolution. b. Codified resolution. c. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR). d. Power resolution. e. Grievance resolution

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

"Pure and Simple Unionism," approach was most identified with the _____ _____ of Labor

American Federation of Labor.

Which one of the following would not be a characteristic of a distributive bargaining approach? Win-lose negotiations results.: an effort to identify multiple _____ capable of _____mutually satisfying _____ ______ rather than focusing on ______ the Gap between each party's established positions on _____ in disputes.

An effort to identify multiple alternatives capable of achieving a mutually satisfactory bargaining outcome rather than focusing on narrowing the gap between each party's established position on issues in dispute

One criticism of conventional interest arbitration is that: a. It may cause a "narcotic effect," making the two parties more likely to turn to arbitration to settle other disputes in the future. b. It reduces the cost of not reaching agreement, thereby causing a "chilling effect" on the parties' incentive to reach an agreement. c. It affords the arbitrator the least degree of flexibility to determine an appropriate settlement outcome, opening the door to arbitration. d. It affords the arbitrator the greatest degree of flexibility to determine an appropriate settlement outcome. e. Anticipating arbitration in the event of an impasse may change the psychology of how bargaining teams bargain.

Anticipating arbitration in the event of an impasse may change the psychology of how bargaining teams bargain.

A grouping of jobs or positions in which two or more employees share common employment and conditions and are at the discretion of the NLRB is a/an; appropriate _______unit.

Appropriate bargaining unit

__________ are third-party neutrals hired by the union and management officials to make a final and binding decision on a disputed issue.


Which of the following is correct about employees who are union stewards? a. Arbitrators might uphold more lenient penalties for them as opposed to other employees for identical participation in a wildcat strike. b. Arbitrators give them more leeway than they would other employees for arguments/ remarks made to management in a grievance meeting. c. Arbitrators consider them no differently than any other employee. d. They cannot be discharged by management because of legal protection under the National Labor Relations Act. e. Union stewards actually have less responsibility when it comes to disciplinary matters.

Arbitrators give them more leeway than they would other employees for arguments/ remarks made to management in a grievance meeting

Suspensions: a. Typically average three months in length according to one study. b. Must always be given before discharge. c. Are less serious than "oral warnings" because they do not become a permanent part of the employee's work record. d. Are disciplinary lay-offs without pay. e. Typically is the step after discharge.

Are disciplinary lay-offs without pay

One union estimate found that management consultants hired to counter a union organizing campaign are _____in _______of the Union _____ campaigns.

Are involved in 75 percent of the union organizing campaigns.

The Knights of Labor (KOL) differed from the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in that the KOL assumed _______ and _______ had ______ interests.

Assumed employees and employers had similar interests.

The craft unions and the industrial unions differ in a number of areas. Which of the following is not one of those areas? ______ at an ____ in meetings.

Attendance at and participation in meetings

The process of systematically securing information and facts about what employees do in various jobs is called: ______ analysis.

Job analysis

An analysis of 40 years of The New York Times columns concerning labor unions found that the frequency of strikes has _________ __________.

Been exaggerated.

A factor often overlooked in union mergers which includes how union members are affected and behave as the result of a merger is called _______ dimensions.

Behavioral dimensions

The law which prohibited the interstate transportation of strikebreakers for the purpose of using force or threats against union organizers, negotiators, or peaceful picketers is called ______ Act.

Byrnes Act.

In a unionized company setting, decisions such as wages, hours, promotion, layoffs are made _______ through negotiations.

Bilaterally, through negotiations

The hard bargaining approach developed by a vice president at GE meant to circumvent the union was found to be a violation of good faith bargaining primarily because it attempted to bypass the employees' exclusive bargaining agent was called: ________


The position in a craft union in which the holder is the chief administrator of the union hiring hall is the: a. Union president. b. Shop steward. c. Union committee chairman. d. Business agent. e. International union representative.

Business agent

Technological advances in the workplace can ____ or ____ employees in a particular _____ classification.

Can reduce or eliminate employees in a particular job classification.

When employees are required to attend a meeting to hear a presentation by the employer during a pre-election union campaign, the meeting is called a/an: ______ audience.

Captive audience

The result of the calculation of any contract item that can be obtained by dividing the annual total cost of the item by the number of bargaining unit hours worked during the year is called the: _______ per hour cost.

Cents-per-hour cost

Which of the following activities can frequently be found in the labor relations of Germany? Single system of industrial relations. a. Low levels of unionization, especially in the engineering industries. b. Union organization on a localized level only. c. Arbitration at the individual plant level on wages. d. Collective bargaining over wages and conditions of employment (job classification, working time, and working conditions) occurs formally outside the plant.

Collective bargaining over wages and conditions of employment (job classification, working time, and working conditions) occurs formally outside the plant

The activity whereby union and management officials attempt to resolve conflicts of interest by exchanging commitments in a manner intended to sustain and possibly enrich their continuing relationship is called:_______ _______.

Collective bargaining.

The perspective which often narrows the scope of arbitral decision to interpreting the labor agreement language and identifying the intent of the parties and any past practices of the union and management officials at a particular location is called the: a. Contractual law of the shop. b. Labor law of the shop. c. Judicial law of the shop. d. Common law of the shop. e. Guidelines of the shop.

Common law of the shop

"Mandatory" bargaining subjects: a. Compose the bulk of the bargaining agenda during labor contract negotiations. b. Must be negotiated until agreement is reached if one party raises the issue. c. Do not have to be negotiated if one party raises the issue. d. Mandates that a federal mediator will resolve the differences between the parties if they can't reach agreement on one or more bargaining subjects. e. Mandates that a federal mediator must approve the agreement.

Compose the bulk of the bargaining agenda during labor contract negotiations.

An alternative work schedule which consists of four 10-hour work days with three days off each week is called a: a. Self-managed work schedule. b. Flextime work schedule. c. Compressed work week. d. Limited work week. e. Operative work week.

Compressed work week

The Supreme Court's Gardner-Denver decision: a. Resulted in trial courts overturning discrimination grievances heard by the arbitrators. b. Contended that the arbitrator's expertise pertains to labor agreement interpretation and not to resolving federal civil rights laws. c. Applies only to "reverse-discrimination" grievances (white employees having more seniority who are denied a promotion filled by a minority employee, for example). d. Enables arbitrators, instead of the EEOC and the courts, to resolve a discrimination grievance. e. Requires union members to arbitrate claims arising under a federal anti-discrimination statute.

Contended that the arbitrator's expertise pertains to labor agreement interpretation and not to resolving federal civil rights laws

A valid, signed agreement for a period of up to three years will bar any representation election for the life of the agreement is specified by the NLRB's: ______ bar doctrine.

Contract bar doctrine

The NLRB rule which specifies that a valid, signed agreement for a fixed period of three years or less will bar any representation election for the life of the agreement is called the______ bar ________,

Contract bar doctrine

The area of overlap between the union's and management's bargaining ranges is called the:_______ zone.

Contract zone

The supreme governing body of an international union is the:


The labor relations term for a written clause in a labor agreement which adjusts wages in accordance with changes in the consumer price index at specified intervals during the contract's term is the: _____of ______ adjustment.

Cost-of-living adjustment

The laws which outlawed the promotion or use of organized violence, sabotage, or terrorism in order to accomplish industrial aims or social revolution are called criminal ______ laws.

Criminal Syndicalism laws.

Whenever employees believe that the union is not representing the interests of the majority, employees may initiate a _______ process.

Decertification process

Which of the following might indicate that unions have not fulfilled their fair representation obligations? a. Keeping member informed about an arbitration award that affects members' seniority rights. b. Providing adequate defense of the grievant at an arbitration hearing. c. Informing the grievant that the union accepted a different remedy than that asked for by the grievant. d. Delaying grievance processing until the time limits in the grievance procedure have expired. e. Including the duty of fair representation in union steward training programs.

Delaying grievance processing until the time limits in the grievance procedure have expired

Which one of the following bargaining tactics would be least likely to be used by either union or management negotiators because of the high credibility risks involved? Deliberate _____or ________ information.

Deliberate deception or falsification of information.

The following is NOT a method or procedure in organizing unions? _____- down ______.

Sit-down strikes

The reduction in the responsibility or skill level required performing some jobs resulting in lower employee compensation and less job security is called: a. Bumping rights. b. Outsourcing. c. Offshoring. d. Deskilling. e. Seniority.


The federal agency responsible for enforcement of the Family and Medical Leave Act is:______ of ______.

Department of Labor

Which federal agency is responsible for computing and reporting the Consumer Price Index (CPI)? Dept of _____.

Department of Labor

Before World War II, the arbitrator's decision largely relied on: a. Criminal convictions under the National Arbitration Act of 1902. b. The National Labor Relations Board for enforcement. c. Diplomatic and persuasive abilities to convince the parties that the decision should be accepted. d. Public opinion. e. The National Labor Relations Board for enforcement and criminal convictions under the National Arbitration Act of 1902.

Diplomatic and persuasive abilities to convince the parties that the decision should be accepted

In the Chamberlain and Kuhn bargaining power model, one party's bargaining power can be conceptualized as equal to the other party's cost of _____ ____ the proposed settlement terms divided by their cost of _____ to such terms.

Disagreeing with; agreeing

Which of the following is NOT a reason why an employer would refrain from hiring replacement workers during a strike? a. Insufficient time to train new employees. b. The potential cost of court suits. c. Disallowed by union regulations. d. Tension and possibly violence at the picket line between strikers and replacements. e. Guaranteed back pay for strikers

Disallowed by union regulations

The following is not an element of the labor relations process _______ _______.

Discouraged workers.

Bargaining power is more likely to be an important determinant of negotiated outcomes in which one of the following approach to bargaining? _________ bargaining.

Distributive bargaining

The policy followed by some MNCs where workers in one country are informed that they cannot have the improved employment conditions they seek because they are less productive than employees in another country is called: a. Globalization. b. Unionization. c. Divide and rule. d. Whipsawing. e. Wage system.

Divide and rule

Grievance procedures in nonunion firms: a. Are non-existent. b. Do not frequently have an employee's grievance decided by a third-party neutral. c. Usually have arbitration as its final step. d. Permit the use of wildcat strikes among dissatisfied employees. e. Usually have arbitration as its final step and permit the use of wildcat strikes among dissatisfied employees.

Do not frequently have an employee's grievance decided by a third-party neutral.

The manner in which union dues are collected wherein the union member agrees to a payroll deduction of union dues, which are collected by the employer and paid directly to the union is called the _____ check off system.

Dues check off system

More and more companies are finding that their labor relations strategies are driven by their need to adapt to new, more competitive business conditions and ______ choices.

Economic choices

The public-sector employee group most likely to participate in strikes is: a. Garbage collectors. b. Police. c. Educators. d. Public utility workers. e. Mass transit workers.


One method employers use to evaluate employee performance, increase productivity and prevent theft is called: a. Electronic punch clocks. b. Privacy interference. c. American Management Association. d. Deskilling. e. Electronic monitoring.

Electronic monitoring

The bill that required the NLRB to certify a union if the majority of employees signed union authorization cards, stated a procedure for the invocation of the first collective bargaining agreement, and imposed penalties for employer violations of certain unfair labor practices was called the: ______ free _____ Act.

Employee Free Choice Act

The Act which establishes minimum standards for the operation of voluntarily established private-sector pension and health plans is the ________ retirement Income _______ Act of _____.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

The following are paths that workers may mobilize along to take collective action and support the union except: __________ empowerment.

Employee empowerment

The basic assumption underlying U.S. labor relations which states that employees should have a right to determine for themselves what is in their best interests and pursue such interests legally is that employees in a _____ and ______ society have a _____ to _____ _____ their ________ ______ using lawful means.

Employees in a free and democratic society have a right to independently pursue their employment interests using lawful means.

When the NLRB establishes an appropriate bargaining unit, it constitutes the "community of interests." Which of the following factors is NOT considered by the NLRB? ______in a ____ Plant only.

Employees in a single plant only

The following preliminary conclusions may be reported based on a research on the effects of ESOPs except: a. Labor-management cooperation does not emerge automatically when publicly traded companies move into employee ownership. b. Employee ownership leads to greater identification of the employees with the company. c. The presence of an ESOP does not make a firm more productive, efficient, or profitable. d. Employees receive less information about the company. e. Generally, the role of the union does not change except when the union made an early and ongoing effort to become involved in the change process.

Employees receive less information about the company.

Under the Norris-LaGuardia Act, a labor injunction could be obtained as long as all the following conditions were met except _______ had other ______ remedies.

Employer had other legal remedies.

Employee Representation Plans (ERPs) were _________-________ alternative unionism.

Employer-originated alternative unionism.

Which of the following safety and health standards are applied by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) across all industries? a. Employees have the right to refuse any job assignment where there is a potential for injury. b. Employers are required to grant employees access to the employee's medical records maintained by the employer or any records concerning the employee's exposure to toxic substances. c. Employees must be reimbursed for any purchase they make of protective equipment. d. Employees must maintain an injury/illness log to record the occurrence of off-the-job injuries. e. All employers require a search warrant to enter their establishments and conduct inspections.

Employers are required to grand employees access to the employee's medical records maintained by the employers or any records concerning the employee's exposure to toxic substances

The concept that an employer may dismiss employees at will, for no cause, and even for cause morally wrong, without being guilty of legal wrong is called: a. Wrongful discharge. b. Disciplinary action. c. Indefinite suspension. d. Immediate action. e. Employment-at-will doctrine.

Employment-at-will doctrine

The National War Labor Board (NWLB): a. Encouraged the parties to carefully define the arbitrator's jurisdiction in the labor agreements. b. Increased the use of arbitration by actively encouraging the formation of labor unions at nonunion facilities. c. Served as a training ground for future arbitrators. d. Had the authority to place a party who refused to abide by the arbitrator's award in jail. e. Was composed of four management representatives and four union representatives.

Encouraged the parties to carefully define the arbitrator's jurisdiction in the labor agreements

Three unique characteristics of Japan's industrial relations system are: a. Appropriate bargaining units, exclusive bargaining agent, industry unions. b. Exclusive bargaining agent, lifetime employment, industry unions. c. Enterprise unions, lifetime employment, seniority-based wage system. d. Lifetime employment, wage system, exclusive bargaining units. e. Labor-management conflict, lifetime employment, enterprise unions.

Enterprise unions, lifetime employment, seniority-based wage system

The American Railway Union's leader who was sentenced to federal prison for failing to abide by a court's labor injunction, and later advocated the election of a government that would be responsive to the working class, based on his beliefs in Socialism was ________ ________.

Eugene Debs

The agency that has become an effective voice for trade unions in the political arena and has the potential to become the spokesperson for European trade unions in collective bargaining is called the: a. European Works Council. b. European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). c. European Union. d. Unions of Europe. e. International Framework Agreements (IFA).

European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

The designation granted to a labor union by the federal government that indicates that the union has been selected by secret ballot of employees to be the exclusive representative of a group of employees is called: a. Multilateral bargaining. b. Exclusive recognition. c. Amalgamation. d. National consultation. e. Empowered representation.

Exclusive recognition

Which one of the following concepts does NOT exist in Western European labor relations systems? a. Bargaining with unions in addition to work councils. b. Exclusive representation of a bargaining unit. c. Bargaining between representatives of employer associations and representatives of a confederation of unions. d. Benefits obtained more quickly through the political arena. e. A great commitment to and high expenditures on training

Exclusive representation of a bargaining unit

Between conventions, the national union is led by the ____ _____.

Executive Council

Which of the following did not encourage union mergers? a. Decline of some US industries b. Executive preference c. Avoidance of external controls d. Jurisdictional disputes e. Economics of scale.

Executive preference

An exception to some labor agreements which require that bargaining unit work be performed only by bargaining unit employees which includes the introduction of a new technique, method, or procedure to do the work is called: a. Instructional situation. b. Emergency situation. c. Intra-company work. d. Technological work. e. Experimental work.

Experimental work

A semijudicial process used primarily in the public sector to gather facts about a labor dispute for the purpose of publishing a public report containing the fact-finder's conclusions is called: a. Information review. b. Interest arbitration. c. Code of Conduct. d. Taft-Hartley Act. e. Fact-finding.


The legislation passed in Australia in 2009, which has the power to vary awards, make minimum wage orders, approve agreements, and help employees and employers resolve disputes at the workplace is called the: a. Fair Work Act. b. Workplace Relations Amendment. c. Forward with Fairness Act (FWFA). d. Fair Pay and Conditions Standard. e. Workplace Relations Act

Fair Work Act

"Codified relationship" encourages the union steward to bypass the first-line supervisor in the grievance process. T or F


"Employees' often represent the least significant participant category in the labor relations process since their actions are controlled by union leaders and/or management officials. T or F


"Voluntary" (also called permissive or non-mandatory) issues involve proposals which violate the law, and there is no legal duty to bargain over such an issue. T or F


A company may be ordered to recognize and bargain with a union if employees' signatures on authorization cards were obtained under threat or coercion. T or F


A good example of a work rule in the Health Care industry is that bilingual employees do not receive additional compensation for this skill. T or F


A major purpose in cross-examination is to reinforce the other party's testimony. T or F


The form of interest arbitration that restricts an arbitrator's authority to settle an interest dispute by requiring the selection of either the employer's or union's final proposal on all issues in dispute. a. Grievance arbitration b. Fact-finding arbitration c. Final-offer total package (FOTP). d. Med-Arb arbitration. e. Final-offer total package arbitration

Final-offer total package (FOTP).

Payment for unnecessary tasks, unneeded employees, and workers duplicating the work of others are examples of: a. Subcontracting. b. Outsourcing. c. Featherbedding. d. Hot cargo. e. Outsourcing with subcontracting.


The practice of unreasonable limits to work performed in a given period, paying for unneeded employees, or duplicating completed jobs is called: a. Reasonable accommodations. b. Superseniority. c. Seniority. d. Interpersonal justice. e. Featherbedding.


The federal government agency that administers the federal relations program and investigates unfair labor practices is the: a. Federal Labor Relations Board. b. National Labor Relations Board. c. Civil Service Reform Board. d. Federal Labor Relations Authority. e. Federal Reserve System.

Federal Labor Relations Authority

The independent, neutral agency that administers the federal labor relations program and investigates unfair labor practices is the: a. Federal Labor Relations Authority. b. Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP). c. Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). d. Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA). e. Empowerment Agency.

Federal Labor Relations Authority

Which one of the following organizations consists of one chairperson and at least six members appointed by the President that investigate any negotiation impasse presented and is authorized to take any necessary action to settle the dispute? a. Federal Service Impasse Panel b. Federal Trade Commission c. National Labor Relation Commission d. Federal Labor Relations Authority e. Federal Negotiations Service

Federal Service Impasse Panel

The agency which provides assistance in resolving negotiation impasses between federal agencies and unions in the federal government is the: a. Federal Labor Relations Authority. b. Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP). c. Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). d. Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA). e. Empowerment Agency.

Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP)

The Supreme Court ruling which requires management to bargain over the decision to unilaterally replace bargaining unit members with subcontractors to do essentially the same work under similar conditions is the: a. Americans with Disabilities Act. b. Reasonable Accommodations Ruling. c. Fibreboard Ruling. d. Fair Job Security Ruling. e. Seniority Preservation Act.

Fibreboard Ruling

Which of the following actions is NOT possible after the NLRB investigates an unfair labor practice charge? Filing a ______ one year after ______ ______.

Filing a charge one year after violation occurred.

The form of interest arbitration that restricts an arbitrator's authority to settle an interest dispute by requiring the selection of either the employer's or union's final proposal on all issues in dispute is called: a. Split-the difference ruling. b. Issue-by-issue arbitration. c. Fact-finding arbitration. d. Final-offer total package (FOTP). e. Mediation-Arbitration (Med-Arb).

Final-offer total package (FOTP)

The AFL-CIO Manual for Shop Stewards strongly urges union stewards to present their grievances directly to whom? a. Union representative. b. Regional supervisor c. First-line supervisor. d. Administrative supervisor. e. Human resources supervisor

First-line supervisor

In reaction to passage of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, which was intended to stabilize economic activity, employers formed ______ among themselves to draw up ______ of _______.

Formed associations among themselves to draw up codes of competition.

Among those countries listed below, which has a lower percentage of the work force in unions than in the United States? a. Germany b. France c. Switzerland d. Australia e. United Kingdom


Nonpaying employees must be represented in collective bargaining, grievance administration, and arbitration by the unions are called: a. Freely represented. b. Free-from-dues. c. Free to work. d. Free members. e. Free riders.

Free riders

he employees who receive the benefits from the union, but who pay no dues are called ______ ______.

Free riders

The process of systematically securing information and facts about what employees do in various jobs is called: _____ ______.

Job analysis

The plan to which companies make monetary payments to a specific group or groups of employees for producing more output or generating cost savings beyond some established goal is called a:______ sharing plan.

Gain-sharing plan

Union officials seek to enhance public opinion by getting organized labors _________ ________ out to the _______and forming ________with various _____ in the _______.

Getting organized labor's positive message out to the community and forming alliances with various groups in the community.

A major responsibility of the general __________'s office is to conduct a preliminary investigation of each ULP charge to determine if sufficient (prima facie) evidence exists to conclude a ULP may have occurred.

General Counsel's Office.

The statement of position which establishes the conditions under which a primary employer could lawfully establish a gate on the primary employer's property reserved for the exclusive use of a neutral, secondary employer hired to perform work for the primary employer is called the: a. Reserve gate doctrine. b. General Electric doctrine. c. Merged product doctrine. d. Laidlaw-Fleetwood doctrine. e. Moore Dry Dock doctrine.

General Electric doctrine

Factors that might affect what constitutes a ''reasonable time period'' for recall to work by economic strikers do not include: a. Future probability that new job openings may occur over some extended time period. b. Historical data on normal employee attrition rates. c. The percentage of total employees eligible for recall who were actually recalled during the negotiated time limit. d. Geographical location of plant. e. Voluntary turnover

Geographical location of plant

Unions are improving their organizing capabilities through the training of union organizers at the ___________ Meany Center.

George Meany Center

The term defined as an employee's (or employer's) alleged violation of one or more provisions of the labor agreement that is submitted to the grievance procedure for resolution by the union representative and employer representative is a: a. Complaint. b. Grievance. c. Protest. d. Bargaining issue. e. Grievance relationship.


The procedures which vary in terms of steps, time limits for processing, and participants, can raise several administrative complexities and often appear inflexible, although they also serve as the arena for the dynamic social relationships between management and union officials, are called: a. Open-door procedures. b. Peer review procedures. c. Codified procedures. d. Grievance procedures. e. Neutral evaluation procedures.

Grievance procedures

A criticism of public-sector interest arbitration is that it: a. Has no finality. b. Has a "narcotic effect" on the parties. c. Ends with a recommendation only but is not binding. d. Should be more formalized. e. Can go on almost indefinitely.

Has a "narcotic effect" on the parties

"Probationary work periods" would be most desired by management when the labor market has a _____ number of ______ _______.

Has a high number of unskilled employees

Surveys of arbitrators found that the majority of these individuals: a. Have a doctorate degree. b. Are female. c. Are under 50 years old. d. Have a degree in Political Science e. Have a graduate or law degree and are over 50 years old.

Have a graduate or law degree and are over 50 years old.

If a company desires to develop a program of positive human resources management, which of the following practices would the company utilize? a. Hiring specialized experienced supervisors from outside the company. b. Reserved parking spaces for managers. c. Have the human resources manager report directly to top management. d. Enlarge the size of individual company facilities. e. Lower employee voice.

Have the human resources manager report directly to top management.

The type of evidence which is typically given very little or no weight unless it is corroborated by other credible testimony is called: a. Hearsay evidence. b. Direct evidence. c. Conclusive evidence. d. Reasonable doubt evidence. e. Weighed evidence.

Hearsay evidence

Which of the following employer tactic(s) has(ve) a negative effect (union loses) on election outcome? hiring a ________ lawyer.

Hiring a labor lawyer

Which of the following is a false statement about labor relations in Mexico? a. Many collective bargaining agreements in Mexico contain an exclusion clause that requires workers to be union members before they can be hired. b. The Mexican constitution gives workers the right to form independent unions. c. Under the Mexican constitution, workers are entitled to participate in the profits of the enterprise. d. If a strike is ruled legal in Mexico, managers have the right to keep working and hire replacement workers. e. Many collective bargaining agreements in Mexico contain a protection clause that protects management from having to recognize and deal with a more demanding union.

If a strike is ruled legal in Mexico, managers have the right to keep working and hire replacement workers

Under the LMRA, illegally discharged employees can receive back pay for the period of time they were unemployed unless they are ____ ___.

Illegal immigrants.

The exception to the employment-at-will doctrine which occurs when an employer and employee form an implied contract, even though there is no express, written instrument regarding the employment relationship is called the: a. Public policy exception b. Covenant-of-good faith and fair dealing exception c. Implied contract exception d. Job security exception e. Discharge exception.

Implied contract exception

Which of the following statements about NAFTA is NOT true? a. There has been expansion in trade and foreign investment. b. There has been a contraction in manufacturing employment in the United States. c. Economic stagnation in Mexico d. In Mexico, productivity rates have declined. e. Mexico wages remain low relative to U.S. manufacturing wages.

In Mexico, productivity rates have declined

Representatives (number of delegates) for the AFL-CIO convention are chosen in the following manner: a. Every union local gets only one vote. b. Direct proportion to size of union local. c. In relation to size of the union local but not in direct proportion. d. Seniority within the union. e. By degree of skill.

In relation to size of the union local but not in direct proportion.

The reason(s) local meetings is/are poorly attended include _____ location of _______ ____.

Inconvenient location of meeting place.

The Pullman Strike _____the membership and ______ the power of the ________.

Increased the membership and strengthened the power of the ARU.

The following is NOT an issue affecting job security covered by negotiated work rules: a. Reducing crew size. b. More job titles in each job classification. c. Job assignment. d. Advance notice of shutdown. e. Increasing crew size.

Increasing crew size

The type of arbitration which involves the selection of a neutral person or panel to hear the bargaining positions of the parties and make a final and binding decision on the inclusions of a negotiated agreement is called: a. Face-saving arbitration b. Interest arbitration. c. Win-win arbitration. d. Mediation. e. Conciliation service arbitration.

Interest arbitration

Which of the following is NOT an impasse resolution procedure? a. Interest arbitration b. Mediation c. Fact-finding d. Interest disputation e. Conventional interest arbitration.

Interest disputation

Integrative bargaining is also referred to as ______ based ______.

Interest-based bargaining

Which of the following is not an action by employer to encourage unionization? ________ _______.

Internal promotions.

The agreements between MNCs and international trade union organizations which commit the companies to observing standards and principles throughout their worldwide operations (codes of conduct) and have increased in the past few years are called: a. International Framework Agreements IFA). b. International Labor Organization (ILO). c. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). d. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) procedures. e. Global Union Federation.

International Framework Agreements IFA)

An employee may be less likely to challenge a decision to be laid off depending on how s/he was treated. This is called: a. Distributive justice. b. Informational justice. c. Interpersonal justice. d. Procedural justice. e. Fairness justice.

Interpersonal justrice

The product market is where the ________ either ____ it's product or ________ key elements for its manufacture or can make _______ more vulnerable.

Is where the company either sells its product or purchases key elements for its manufacture or can make management more vulnerable.

Under the bargaining power model, when is the union's bargaining power increased? It costs _____ for management to ____ than _____with the _____.

It costs more for management to disagree than agree with the union

Which of the following is NOT true about the practices of Japanese MNCs in their operations in the United States? a. It is much easier for labor to organize the operation of a Japanese MNC than it is a U.S.-based firm. b. Japanese companies do not adopt the lifetime employment concept. c. Use layoffs to adjust to a shortfall in demand for workers. d. Even though Japanese MNCs do transfer Japanese practices to U.S. facilities, the truth is that employment practices still tend to be similar to those of U.S.-based firms. e. Language and cultural barriers can present a big problem for Japanese managers of U.S. operations.

It is much easier for labor to organize the operation of a Japanese MNC than it is a U.S.-based firm

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the evolution of employee discipline? a. It wasn't until the 1970s that employers could be held legally accountable for their disciplinary actions. b. In the 18th and 19th centuries, employers exercised unrestricted discretion in directing the workforce. c. Frederick W. Taylor was among the first management thinkers to advocate a disciplinary approach that focuses on correction rather than discharge. d. At one time, an employee could be disciplined by having his tongue burned or being whipped in public for speaking to management in an insolent or rude manner. e. The Wagner Act of 1935 helped shape management's disciplinary policies.

It wasn't until the 1970s that employers could be held legally accountable for their disciplinary actions

A disadvantage of the "price list" contractual provision pertaining to discipline is that: a. It aims to impose consistent discipline. b. Its inflexible nature makes it difficult to consider the unique circumstances of each disciplinary case. c. The employee is clearly informed of the specific rules and consequences of violations. d. The standardized penalties suggest consistent disciplinary action is implemented. e. If agreed to by the union, it assumes more legitimacy than a unilateral work rule posted by management.

Its inflexible nature makes it difficult to consider the unique circumstances of each disciplinary case

The term used when unions support political leaders who in turn reward public employees with better pension benefits and job security is: a. Kickbacks. b. Jury rigged. c. Returned favors. d. Hand-wash-hand e. Payola

Jury rigged

The following is NOT a step in the Unfair Labor Practice Procedure _______ selection.

Jury selection.

Compensation costs tend to be the highest in Western European countries. Which of the following groups of countries have relatively low compensation costs? a. Japan & Australia. b. Switzerland & Sweden. c. United States & Canada. d. Korea & Taiwan. e. France & Denmark.

Korea & Taiwan

The act which has six titles covering union government and operations is the Labor -_________ reporting and ______ Act.

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

The statement of position which states that the employer must fill any permanent vacancy occurring in a bargaining unit position thereafter by first offering the job vacancy to a qualified individual on the preferential recall list before offering the job to a job applicant not on the preferential recall list is called the: a. Reserve gate doctrine. b. General Electric doctrine. c. Merged product doctrine. d. Laidlaw-Fleetwood doctrine. e. Moore Dry Dock doctrine.

Laidlaw-Fleetwood doctrine.

The interim measure decided by the union and employer when an employee is threatened with a termination which gives the employee a chance to improve his or her performance or conduct in order to keep his or her job is called a: a. Disciplinary penalty. b. Last chance agreement. c. Second chance agreement. d. Mitigating circumstance. e. Price list penalty.

Last chance agreement

The strategy which attempts to use the most recent contracts in the industry as the starting point for achieving further concessions is called:____________.


The Supreme Court decision which declared that an aggrieved party could legally bring suit against a party that refused to arbitrate a labor dispute for violation of the labor agreement was the: a. Steelworkers' Trilogy. b. Arbitral decision. c. Lincoln Mills decision. d. Decision to Arbitrate. e. Judicial decision.

Lincoln Mills decision

At what level of government are the highest percent of public-sector employees who are union members found? a. Federal. b. Municipal. c. Regional. d. State. e. Local.


On reaching retirement age, a retiree may generally choose to accept an annuity payment (e.g., $10,000 per year for life) based on the value of the account balance or receive a:______-Sum ______.

Lump-sum distribution

The labor relations term for a one-time payment made to adjust wages which does not affect an employee's hourly base wage rate is:_____ sum pay _____.

Lump-sum pay adjustment

Which of the following is NOT true about MNCs? a. Worldwide employment by U.S. MNCs is much larger than that of foreign-owned MNCs. b. The growing interdependency among nations and the activities of MNCs have become important facets of economic life. c. Of the 30 largest MNCs in the world, 13 have their home offices located in the United States. d. The annual sales revenue of large MNCs is greater than the entire economies of many nations in which they do business. e. MNCs have relatively little economic influence in most of the countries in which they operate.

MNCs have relatively little economic influence in most of the countries in which they operate

Under the ADA provisions, what must an employer do in order to allow persons with disabilities to perform the essential functions of a job? a. Install wheelchair ramps. b. Install Braille signs. c. Provide transportation for the person. d. Make reasonable accommodations. e. Make mandated accommodations

Make reasonable accommodations

The "labor relations process" occurs when ______ and the exclusive _____ agent (the union) engage in the joint _____ and _____ of work rules.

Management and the exclusive bargaining agent (the union) engage in the joint determination and administration of work rules.

During the third and one-half step meetings in the grievance procedure: a. The arbitrator is given two separate chances to hear the grievance. b. The supervisors are encouraged to resolve grievances at the lower level. c. The union is discouraged from solving grievances. d. Management and union representatives meet to discuss several grievances which are scheduled for arbitration. e. All grievances are heard and decided upon.

Management and union representatives meet to discuss several grievances which are scheduled for arbitration.

Which of the following is NOT true about work rules? a. Management has an absolute obligation to inform the union of new work rules before they can be administered in the workplace. b. Management's disciplinary decisions are more likely to be supported by an arbitrator when there are established work rules relating to the disciplinary offense. c. Work rules must be clear and conclusive, indicating what is expected. d. Management must inform employees of the rules and the consequences of their violation. e. Management must administer the rules consistently for employees violating the rules under similar circumstances.

Management has an absolute obligation to inform the union of new work rules before they can be administered in the workplace

Each of the following subjects is permissible in federal-sector negotiations except: a. Types and grades of positions assigned to any organizational unit. b. Management rights such as determining mission, budget, and internal security practices. c. Tour of duty. d. Use of technology in the workplace. e. Methods and means of performing work.

Management rights such as determining mission, budget, and internal security practices

Which one of the following is NOT a mandatory bargaining subject? ____ unions

Management unions

The key participants in the labor relations process who represent the interest of the ownership as well as their own self-interests are the _________.


The type of employment arbitration that is condemned by some, and considered a blessing by others is the: a. Repeat-player arbitration. b. Arbitral deficiencies. c. Mandatory arbitration. d. Labor arbitration. e. Voluntary arbitration.

Mandatory arbitration

Which of the following statements is false about the differences between the public and private sectors? a. There are frequently no good substitutes available for the products/services offered by the public sector. b. Monopolistic conditions frequently exist in the public sector. c. Market forces act to constrain union and management negotiators in the public sector in much the same way that market forces constrain their private sector counterparts. d. Productivity bargaining is especially difficult because it is so difficult to measure productivity when it comes to many public-sector services. e. The market economy does not operate in the public sector.

Market forces act to constrain union and management negotiators in the public sector in much the same way that market forces constrain their private sector counterparts

A grievant receiving notice that another similar incident of misconduct will be "subject to dismissal": a. Will not be able to have his/her discharge reviewed by an arbitrator since advance notice was given. b. Must be discharged if he/she repeats that incident. c. Can be discharged for a different, minor offense since the grievant was put on general notice. d. May be discharged if he/she repeats that incident, based on a consideration of the specific circumstances surrounding the infraction. e. Will have to join the union.

May be discharged if he/she repeats that incident, based on a consideration of the specific circumstances surrounding the infraction

The clause written into collective bargaining agreements which seeks to maintain pay comparability and pay differentials within firms is called the:

Me-too clause

The most used and least studied dispute resolution procedure used in the public sector is: a. Arbitration. b. Fist-fighting. c. Fact finding. d. Mediation. e. Referendum.


Which of the following is false about labor relations in Great Britain? a. Shop stewards are volunteers that serve without pay. b. Collective bargaining is voluntary and unenforceable by law. c. Unions have great power and refuse to work with any employer they find to be in bad standing. d. Labor disputes are confined to specific locations and secondary activities (e.g., boycotts) are prohibited. e. Membership in private sector unions is greater than the public sector.

Membership in private sector unions is greater than the public sector

The statement of position which involves the exception to a union's right to engage in product picketing when the primary employer product being struck is very intertwined with a neutral, secondary employer is called the: a. Reserve gate doctrine. b. General Electric doctrine. c. Merged product doctrine. d. Laidlaw-Fleetwood doctrine. e. Moore Dry Dock doctrine.

Merged product doctrine.

The quasi-judicial agency that hears appeals from federal employees who allege violations of their employment rights is the: a. Federal Labor Relations Authority. b. Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP). c. Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). d. Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA). e. Empowerment Agency.

Merit System Protection Board (MSPB)

Countries in Central and South America generally characterized as having comparatively advanced collective bargaining arrangements are: a. Mexico and Argentina. b. Chile and Brazil. c. Ecuador and Nicaragua. d. Costa Rica and Ecuador. e. Brazil and Nicaragua.

Mexico and Argentina

The statement of position which establishes some guidelines for lawful picketing at a common site of a labor dispute is the: a. Reserve gate doctrine. b. General Electric doctrine. c. Merged product doctrine. d. Laidlaw-Fleetwood doctrine. e. Moore Dry Dock doctrine

Moore Dry Dock doctrine

In relation to a mediator, an arbitrator has: a. More power and more responsibility. b. Less power, but more flexibility. c. More power and greater innovation. d. Less power and more appeal. e. Less power and less flexibility.

More power and more responsibility

The term used to describe the involvement of multiple parties in the collective bargaining process, particularly at the state and local levels is called a. End-run bargaining. b. Sunshine Law. c. Multilateral bargaining. d. Interest arbitration. e. Round-table meeting.

Multilateral bargaining

What is the labor relations term used to describe the involvement of multiple parties in the collective bargaining process, particularly applicable to state and local level public sector bargaining? a. Sunshine bargaining. b. Transpartite bargaining. c. Sovereignty bargaining. d. Multilateral bargaining. e. End-run bargaining.

Multilateral bargaining

Modern U.S. labor relations law relies on the following factors except ______ regulations.

Municipal regulations.

Powderly felt employees who joined the KOL needed to be ______ on major _____ which they were previously unable to ________.

Needed to be educated on major problems which they were previously unable to understand.

The rules that are allowed in health care facilities when they are applied to patient's rooms, sitting rooms, operating rooms, and any other place patients receive treatment which affects the patients' recovery are called: _______ solicitation rules

No-solicitation rules

Which of the following concerted actions are permitted under Sec. 7 of the LMRA? Non _______ tactics used to _____ or ______ a Union.

Non-violent tactics used to form or join a union.

The emergence of new biological, ergonomic, and chemical hazards in the workplace (e.g., AIDS, cumulative trauma); rising health care treatment costs and greater awareness of the benefits of preventive health care gave rise to the passage of the: a. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). b. South Pacific Tuna Act. c. Protecting America's Workers Act (PAW). d. American with Disabilities Act (ADA). e. Work Preservation Act.


The swapping of grievances: a. Occurs before the first step in the grievance procedure. b. Occurs just prior to arbitration. c. Occurs after the first step and before the second step in the grievance procedure. d. Occurs after the second step and before the third step in the grievance procedure. e. Occurs after the fourth step in the grievance procedure.

Occurs just prior to arbitration

The alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approach where a program involving the appointment of an employee within the company to serve the role of consulting with employees who have problems and advocating on their behalf is called the: a. Nonunion mediation approach. b. Open-door policy approach. c. Ombudsperson program. d. Early neutral evaluation approach. e. Watertight approach.

Ombudsperson program.

The main reason the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 was declared unconstitutional was that one of its ______ was applied to an _______ which went beyond Congress' _____ to regulate ______ commerce.

One of its codes was applied to an employer which went beyond Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce.

_________ ______ has become the single most important political force that has supported government programs to help the socially and economically disadvantaged.

Organized Labor

All of the following are present obstacles to transnational bargaining with MNCs except: a. Organized and active MNC resistance. b. Cultural differences (e.g., between free trade unions and socialist-linked unions). c. Differences in international labor relations law systems. d. A lack of coordination of activities between organized labor in different countries. e. Different national priorities among different nations as it relates to labor organization.

Organized and active MNC resistance

Elements in the labor relations process does not include: A. International forces. B. State of the economy C. Product market D. Public opinion E. Outsourcing


The rule which in its classic form, holds that evidence, oral or otherwise, should not be admitted for the purpose of changing or contradicting written language contained in the labor agreement is called: a. Neutral rule. b. Summation rule. c. Parole evidence rule. d. Closing arguments rule. e. Rule of fives.

Parole evidence rule

The Civil Rights Act of 1991 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of?

Race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

The ________ applies to labor relations in the airline industry.

Railway Labor Act of 1926.

With Republicans having the largest number of state lawmakers since 1920, emphasis will be places on __________ "right-to-work" laws.


The alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approach which involves the appointment of a committee composed of a majority of rank-and-file employees, who are led by a human resources staff person as the facilitator is called the: a. Peer reviews approach. b. Open-door policy approach. c. Ombudsperson program. d. Early neutral evaluation approach. e. Watertight approach.

Peer reviews approach.

The type of arbitrator which serves as umpire to resolve all disputes during the life of the labor agreement is called the: a. Ad hoc arbitrator. b. Permanent arbitrator. c. Perpetual arbitrator. d. Tri-partite arbitrator. e. Universal arbitrator.

Permanent arbitrator

All of the following are group incentive plans except: a. Improshare. b. Scanlon plan. c. Piece-rate plan. d. Rucker plan. e. Gainsharing programs.

Piece-rate plan

The employer in a labor dispute with whom the striking employees (union) have a dispute and has the ability to end the dispute is called the: a. Primary employer b. Management bargaining team c. Secondary Employer. d. Main employer. e. National employer.

Primary employer

Which of the following has NOT contributed to the growth of public-sector unionization? a. The general public's somewhat favorable attitude toward public-sector unionization b. The establishment and success of impasse procedures to resolve public-sector labor disputes c. Favorable public-sector labor laws d. Privatization and downsizing of public-sector jobs e. Reducing management's cost of agreeing with the union by campaigning to fund the negotiated labor agreement.

Privatization and downsizing of public-sector jobs

The AFL-CIO is very active in the political arena. However, which of the following are NOT actions of the AFL-CIO? Proclaims ties to a _____ political _____party.

Proclaims ties to a national political labor party

The expected employee output that is consistent with workmanship quality, operational efficiency, and reasonable working capacities of normal operators is called: ______ ____.

Production standards

Under the NLRA, the group of employees that has a choice on whether to be included in a mixed bargaining unit is _______.


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of progressive discipline? a. Progressive discipline does not allow employees an opportunity to correct their behavior. b. The focus of progressive discipline is on correction. c. Progressive discipline impresses on the employee the seriousness of repeated offenses. d. Provides employee opportunities to correct his or her behavior. e. Provides an oral warning, or reprimand to an employee.

Progressive discipline does not allow employees an opportunity to correct their behavior

Which of the following is NOT a criticism that organized labor in the United States levels at U.S. MNCs? a. They export U.S. technology to exploit low-cost foreign labor, depriving U.S. workers of the benefits of this technology. b. Their foreign investments deplete capital resources available for investment in the U.S. economy. c. They substitute imports from their low-cost foreign operations for American-made goods. d. They displace exports of American-made goods by producing cheaper goods for foreign markets using low-cost foreign labor. e. Prohibition of the use of strikes.

Prohibition of the use of strikes

"Big Bill Haywood," an initial organizer of the IWW promoted ______-______ ideas.

Promoted anti-capitalism ideas.

Labor arbitration: a. Is promulgated by the employer to resolve statutory claims. b. Gives the employer the dominant power. c. Allows the employer to unilaterally design the procedures and determines that disputes related to employment subjects will be resolved in arbitration. d. Provided for final resolution of disputes interrupting work that contributed to the war effort. e. The decision of the arbitrator involves interpretation and application of company-developed personnel policy or a public law.

Provided for final resolution of disputes interrupting work that contributed to the war effort

The Local Assembly, the basic unit in the Knights of Labor provided the _____ source of _______.

Provided the major source of members.

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA)? a. Oversees the creation of bargaining units. b. Supervises representation elections. c. Conducts hearings and resolves complaints of unfair labor practices. d. Hears appeals regarding arbitrator awards. e. Provides assistance in resolving negotiation impasses.

Provides assistance in resolving negotiation impasses

A new employment contract that shifts the risk and uncertainty of employment to each employee, who is responsible for ensuring that his or her skills and abilities stay current with available job requirements is called a: a. Contingency contract. b. Social contract. c. Job security contract. d. Psychological contract. e. Advancement contract.

Psychological contract

Each of the following is listed as a major factor that could cause a strike, except one. Which one is not a major factor? a. Employees feeling that wages should be higher b. Rank and file disagreement with union leadership c. Misperception between bargaining parties d. A unilateral change by management e. Reduction in benefits.

Rank and file disagreement with union leadership

The phase of the labor relations process which states that employees have a legal right to form and join a union or to refrain from doing so is the _____ of the ______ rights and _____ of Union and ______ representatives.

Recognition of the legitimate rights and responsibilities of union and management representatives

Which one of the following statements is NOT true concerning work restructuring programs? a. Employees often demonstrate greatly increased outputs of energy and creativity. b. Reduces the need for multilevel managerial tiers of authority. c. Increases employees' feelings of dignity and self-worth. d. Reduces company profits. e. Increases levels of employee stress in some cases.

Reduces company profits

The Civil War encouraged the growth of unions as it refined and ________ mass ______ of ______techniques.

Refined and encouraged mass production techniques.

Which of the following is NOT considered an unfair labor practice under the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA)? a. Refusing to negotiate over a "permissible" bargaining subject b. Restraining and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights c. Encouraging or discouraging union membership d. Controlling or assisting a labor organization e. Refusing to negotiate with a designated labor organization

Refusing to negotiate over a "permissible" bargaining subject

The labor relations term for estimate of the total cents-per-hour costs of employer benefit items affected by a change in the straight-time hourly wage rate is the _________up factor.

Roll-up factor

The plan based on a change in the ratio between labor costs and dollar value added is called the _____ plan

Rucker plan

One of the most popular group incentive plan for sharing labor cost savings is the:_______ plan.

Scanlon plan

An employer anti-union weapon was paying employees with company-created currency. This currency was called_______.


The work restructuring program of assigning specific tasks to each employee where 5 to 12 multiskilled workers who rotate jobs and produce an entire product with little supervision is called: a. Self-managed work team. b. Semi-autonomous work team. c. Multi-level managerial tier. d. Production team. e. Lead-work team.

Semi-autonomous work teams

Which of the following issues is NOT covered by seniority provisions found in most labor agreements? a. Seniority accrual. b. Sick leave. c. Loss of seniority due to layoffs. d. Loss of seniority due to conviction of a felony. e. Types of decisions seniority will be used in.

Sick leave

All but one of the following ways are used by mediators to apply pressure in a bargaining session. Which one is not applied? a. Using delays and deadlines b. Siding with one party over the other. c. Engaging in marathon bargaining sessions d. Placing responsibility on the parties involved. e. No need by mediators to apply pressure in a bargaining session

Siding with one party over the other.

The plan which bases compensation on the skills or knowledge an employee possesses and is valued by the employer is called the _______-base pay plan

Skill-base pay plan

The first signs of employee organizations in the United States occurred among ________ craftspeople such as _______.

Skilled craftspeople such as shoemakers.

Discipline cases where arbitrators focus on whether the substance of the message violates an employer policy or infringes on some legitimate employer interest involves: a. Sit down strikes. b. Secret meetings. c. Social media. d. Informational handouts. e. Soapbox speeches.

Social media

The 1955 case, where the NLRB honored an arbitration award that denied reinstatement to certain employees guilty of strike misconduct is called the: a. Collyer case. b. Olin Corporation case. c. Spielberg Manufacturing Company case. d. United Agricultural Workers International case. e. Steelworkers' Trilogy case.

Spielberg Manufacturing Company case

During a strike, who has the most effect upon a striker's behavior and attitudes? a. Manager b. Spouse c. Union leader d. Employee's subordinates. e. Employee's co-workers.


The agencies responsible for the enforcement and administration of state laws and local ordinances involving labor relations topics are the ____ and local _________ agencies.

State and local administrative agencies.

The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) was established by: a. Executive Order 11838. b. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. c. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. d. A joint venture between Congress and union leaders. e. Congressional Order 56552.

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

First line supervisor answers employee grievance in writing. Which step of a typical grievance procedure is this an example of? a. Physical evidence. b. Documentary evidence. c. Demonstrative evidence. d. Video evidence. e. Testimonial evidence.

Testimonial evidence

The "Open Shop" and "Mohawk Valley Formula" were techniques used by the ________ and _______ to _______ organizations in _______.

The AFL and CIO to merge organizations in 1955.

The Congress of Industrial Organization's tremendous success in organizing employees after its formation in 1935 was due in part to the _________ ability to ______workers in _______production industries

The CIO's ability to organize workers in mass production industries.

Which of the following statements about the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) is false? a. The NAALC has been judged to be very successful due to the increased cooperation it has fostered between NAFTA member nations in dealing with labor relations problems. b. The NAALC has not met expectations. c. The NAALC has provided an important education and research role. d. Corporate and government behavior has stayed mostly the same under the NAALC. e. The NAALC has 11 labor principles.

The NAALC has been judged to be very successful due to the increased cooperation it has fostered between NAFTA member nations in dealing with labor relations problems

The Supreme Court Steelworkers' Trilogy (1960) decisions in essence stated that: a. The courts are better qualified than the arbitrator to resolve an employee's grievance. b. The arbitrator is better qualified than the courts to resolve an employee's grievance. c. The issue of relative judicial or arbitration qualifications is irrelevant in the resolution of employee grievances. d. Lowered the authority and prestige of the arbitrator. e. The courts have great latitude in fashioning a decision and its remedy

The arbitrator is better qualified than the courts to resolve an employee's grievance

In fair representation cases, the burden of proof of establishing that the union breached its fair representation obligation in on: a. The employee. b. The union. c. The employer. d. The government. e. The industrial relations representative.

The employee

Which of the following does NOT pertain to new employer bargaining obligations? The desire of the _____ to operate on a __________ basis.

The desire of the owner to operate on a nonunion basis

One of Samuel Gompers' ideas which still conveys the political philosophy of organized labor today is the dictum of _______ your friends and _______ your _________.

The dictum of "reward your friends, punish your enemies."

Which of the following would NOT lead an arbitrator to consider reducing management's assigned penalty? a. The circumstances of the case were so unusual that it is very unlikely to happen again. b. Management contributed to the disciplinary problem and must assume part of the responsibility. c. The employee was experiencing marital problems and it is likely that once the personal problem is resolved, the infraction will not occur again. d. The employee's behavior is related to fulfilling his or her duties as a union officer. e. The employee misconduct involves an illegal act.

The employee misconduct involves an illegal act

Which of the following is NOT an example where an arbitrator might reverse or modify an employer's disciplinary action because of a violation of the "just cause standard"? a. The employer fails to conduct a full and fair investigation of the employee's alleged misconduct. b. The employer's rules were not clearly communicated to the employee, and the employee did not fully understand what was expected. c. There are mitigating circumstances, such as the employee's long and distinguished service. d. The employer acts in a consistent and even-handed manner by dispensing a disciplinary penalty that is identical to those used with other employees in similar circumstances. e. There is improper administration of the employer's rules and requirements.

The employer acts in a consistent and even-handed manner by dispensing a disciplinary penalty that is identical to those used with other employees in similar circumstances

A major deficiency of the Norris-LaGuardia Act, which was corrected a few years later was the ______ of an _______ Administrative ______ to ____ the acts ______.

The establishment of an independent administrative agency to enforce the act's provisions.

Which of the following is NOT an element of a typical arbitration proceeding: a. The selection of the arbitrator. b. The pre-hearing activities. c. The experience of the arbitrator. d. The arbitrator's decision. e. The arbitration hearing.

The experience of the arbitrator

John L. Lewis was the _______ president of the _________.

The first president of the CIO.

The employee (with or without the union steward) discusses the alleged grievance with his or her first-line supervisor. Which step of a typical grievance procedure is this an example of? a. The first step b. The second step c. The arbitration d. The third step e. The fourth step

The first step

A substitute provided by employers in their effort to counteract unionism is the _______of _______ _________ plans.

The formation of Employee Representation Plans.

During which step of grievance procedure do the parties negotiate the inclusion of an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provision which provides for the assistance of a neutral third party? a. The first step. b. The second step. c. The arbitration step. d. The third step. e. The fourth step.

The fourth step

The second step written grievance answer is usually furnished by the: a. The labor relations representative. b. Union steward. c. First-line supervisor. d. The plant manager. e. The international union representative.

The labor relations representative

The "focal point" of labor relations represents the _____ and _____ of work rules.

The negotiation and administration of work rules.

Which of the following is NOT one of the broad powers exercised by arbitrators in discipline cases? a. The power to establish reasonable standards for proof and evidence. b. The power to determine what constitutes "just cause" for discipline. c. The power to determine if employers have violated federal law and dispatch remedies against the employer. d. The power to review when warranted, a disciplinary penalty that has been imposed by management. e. To modify or eliminate the penalty imposed by management when warranted.

The power to determine if employers have violated federal law and dispatch remedies against the employer

Which of the following is NOT true about privatization? a. Where employees lacked collective bargaining rights in the public sector, privatization of their jobs has provided many of them with the opportunity to be represented by a union in the private sector. b. Privatization of public-sector jobs was begun in the 1980s under the Reagan administration. c. The Bush administration has proposed privatizing up to half of all federal public-sector jobs. d. Public-sector jobs are more likely to be privatized when the public sector union-management relationship is adversarial. e. The private sector cannot enter into contract with government agencies.

The private sector cannot enter into contract with government agencies

During which step of grievance procedure are the labor relations manager and other management officials involved? a. The first step. b. The second step. c. The arbitration step. d. The third step. e. The fourth step

The third step

How long can the contract bar doctrine extend the 12-month statutory limitation on elections ?

Three years

The primary purpose for granting superseniority to highly skilled technical employees and union officials directly involved in contract negotiation or grievance handling is: a. To be the last ones to be laid off. b. To assure preferential treatment in promotions. c. To increase their job satisfaction. d. To guarantee pay for time spent handling union business during working hours. e. To provide them an incentive for cooperating with management.

To be the last ones to be laid off

Even though all of the following rationale may be legitimate from a managerial perspective, arbitrators consider which one of the following to be the only legitimate/ necessary purpose of employee discipline? a. To maintain respect for the supervisor's authority. b. To promote efficient production. c. To correct and improve the employee's behavior. d. To set an example of appropriate behavior to other employees. e. To transmit the rules of the organization to other employees.

To correct and improve the employee's behavior

Which of the following is false about labor relations in China? a. Today there is little flexibility for employers when it comes to staffing as all workers have a right to appeal any termination. b. Traditionally, the relationship has been between workers and the government, not workers and individual enterprises. c. Rather than serving workers, trade unions were used in the past to keep an eye on and control workers. d. At one time, workers were assigned to state-owned enterprises and guaranteed lifetime employment. e. Although unions have been given the right to engage in collective bargaining, Chinese workers have little faith in the unions and see them only as social welfare agents.

Today there is little flexibility for employers when it comes to staffing as all workers have a right to appeal any termination

Using the _______________ approach, an arbitrator chooses the entirety of either the union's or management's final offer covering all disputed issues. a. Issue-by-issue final offer arbitration (FOA) b. Whole issue SOL c. Whole issue final offer arbitration (FOA) d. Bottom line final offer arbitration (FOA) e. Total package selection final offer arbitration (FOA)

Total package selection final offer arbitration (FOA)

Jurisdictional disputes can occur when: a. Court decisions are appealed to a higher court. b. Employees work for more than one employer. c. State regulations are contradicted by federal regulations. d. Two or more unions claim jurisdiction over specific work assignments. e. Court decisions are appealed to a higher court and state regulations are contradicted by federal regulations.

Two or more unions claim jurisdiction over specific work assignments

Contract language that specifies a newly hired employee will be paid less than other employees performing a similar job is referred to as a _____-_____ wage plan.

Two-tier wage plan

Actions such as changing the compensation or fringe-benefit package unilaterally during bargaining without having reached a good faith bargaining impasse are called:____ changes in _______.

Unilateral changes in conditions.

The union strategy that would place a union organizer in a job within a targeted company for the purpose of initiating unionization is called: _____ salts.

Union salts

The shop steward: a. Assists in local union negotiations. b. Assists in grievance administration at local union levels. c. Assists in arbitration at local union levels. d. Is employed by the international union. e. Usually the most senior employee.

Usually the most senior employee.

Rules prohibiting "horseplay" or "gambling" are usually: a. Vaguer than management intended, even though it seems clear what is meant by these terms. b. Regarded by most arbitrators as trivial concerns. c. Almost always regarded by arbitrators as being clear and to the point and therefore subject to little interpretation. d. Always upheld by arbitrators when discipline occurs for their infraction. e. Treated the same no matter the degree of seriousness.

Vaguer than management intended, even though it seems clear what is meant by these terms

The relative influence of job evaluation can be seen in the ___________ ______ which represents the internal distribution of the proposed or negotiated wage increase to the bargaining unit employees.

Wage spread

The most common formula for adjusting wages to the cost of living is wages _______ 1 cent per hour _____ for each 0.3 point increase In the CPI-W.

Wages increased 1 cent-per-hour increase for each 0.3 point increase in the CPI-W

The legislation which helped shape management's disciplinary policies and created the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for enforcement purposes was the: a. Unfair Discrimination Act. b. Steelworkers' Trilogy. c. Weingarten Decision. d. Wagner Act. e. Unfair Discrimination Act.

Wagner Act

When the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) was passed, it was ________ __________ by organized ________.

Was unsuccessfully opposed by organized labor.

What has the increasing level of organizational instability resulting from rightsizing, outsourcing, mergers, and increased global competition done to employers? a. Weakened employee's commitment to the unions. b. Strengthened employee's commitment to employers. c. Weakened employer's commitment to seniority. d. Making seniority easier to attain. e. Decreased importance of seniority clauses

Weakened employer's commitment of seniority

A strike is not entered into lightly by an employee. Which of the following items is least likely to be considered? a. What will other people think of me? b. Is the objective worth the cost? c. What is my expense of participation? d. What are the legal ramifications? e. Will I keep my job?

What will other people think of me?

Union participation in local union activities in lower: a. Before a strike vote. b. During negotiations. c. During agreement ratification. d. When voting for officers. e. When meeting location is inconvenient.

When meeting location is inconvenient.

When would management officials probably prefer centralized (multi-plant) bargaining? When The products at each plant are ______.

When the products at each plant are interdependent (Plant A's product is necessary for Plant B's product).

The type of strike which occurs in violation of an existing no-strike clause in a labor agreement and often without the approval of union officials is called: a. General strike. b. National strike. c. Sit-down strike. d. Picketing. e. Wildcat strike.

Wildcat strike

Evidence obtained through "search and seizure" techniques (e.g., looking inside the employee's locker) without the employee's knowledge: a. Will be automatically prohibited by the arbitrator. b. Will usually be permitted as long as company representatives did not forcibly break into the employee's private property. c. Will subject the management representative to criminal prosecution according to a recent Supreme Court decision. d. Will not be considered by the arbitrator if the employee did not know about the search. e. Will always be considered by the arbitrator regardless of how it was obtained.

Will usually be permitted as long as company representatives did not forcibly break into the employee's private property

Arbitrators give the most consideration to the employee's: a. Work record. b. Age. c. Arrest record. d. Religious affiliation. e. Gender.

Work record

The most common form of a partial strike, where employees "work to rule" follow every detail of prescribed work processes, which often steps back the normal pace of workflow is the: a. Strategic strike. b. Smart strike. c. Product strike. d. Realism strike. e. Work slowdown.

Work slowdown

The _________ Adjustment and _______ Refraining _______Act specifies the conditions under which employers are required to give advance notice of a plant closing or mass layoff.

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act.

Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits that has been realized from the expansion of free trade and globalization? a. There has been a reduction in poverty in developing nations due to globalization. b. Workers in developed economies, such as the U.S., have benefited from increased employment in the high-paying manufacturing industries. c. Consumers have gained because of lower prices. d. National economies have gained because of increased economic efficiency. e. Workers in developing nations have gained from increased wages and employment.

Workers in developed economies, such as the U.S., have benefited from increased employment in the high-paying manufacturing industries

Which of the following offenses results in a discharge on the first offense? a. Unauthorized absence. b. Sleeping on duty. c. Gambling during working hours. d. Working while intoxicated. e. Failure to observe safety rules.

Working while intoxicated

If an employer claims an inability to pay for a union's bargaining proposal, the union is entitled access to ______ _____ information necessary to _____ the ________ _____ pay _______.

access to company financial information necessary to validate the employer's inability to pay claim.

The sequence of the labor relations process is __________.


The CIO split from the AFL because of the CIO's emphasis on organizing _______in mass production ______.

organizing employees in mass-production industries.

MNCs have an internal source of products and profits from facilities in several countries that can be used as leverage to bargain down wages, benefits, and other employment conditions. This practice is known as ________________ the union. a. double-bargaining b. shafting c. whipsawing d. torching e. interest-playing


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