Chapter 1 Assignment

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Technology: A Situation Factor that Affects My Performance -As described in the minicase, which of the following fears is probably NOT a cause of employees working while on vacation?

Fear of not receiving overtime pay

You remind yourself that, although you were not the one asked to provide the signature, it is still your responsibility to take action against potentially unethical behaviors in your workplace.

Accept that confronting ethical concerns is part of your job. Take action if you think something is wrong, even if it's not a part of your job description.

The discussants talk about how many high-level executives come into their job with a contract knowing what their payout will be should they walk away from their job. In fact, one discussant mentions that shy of committing a felony, most contracts will still provide the executive with the severance payout. Which of the following causes of unethical behavior does this scenario best describe?

An organizational reward system that almost incentivizes bad behavior

Assume that Gina had an ill-conceived goal in this situation. What behavior should Smith/Blackwell promote to remedy these types of situations?

Employees should brainstorm unintended consequences when devising goals and incentives.

Technology: A Situation Factor that Affects My Performance What would you recommend as a way to solve the problem presented in the case?

Employers should have clear guidelines on the use of technology during after-work hours.

Example: The pressure to maximize billable hours in accounting, consulting, and law firms leads to unconscious padding. Remedy: Brainstorm unintended consequences when devising goals and incentives. Consider alternative goals that may be more important to reward.

Ill-conceived goals

_______ are goals and incentives set to promote a desired behavior, but instead encourage a negative one.

Ill-conceived goals

Example: A drug company deflects attention from a price increase by selling rights to another company, which imposes the increases. Remedy: When handing off or outsourcing work, ask whether the assignment might invite unethical behavior and take ownership of the implications.

Indirect blindness

_____ is(are) when we hold others less accountable for unethical behavior that is carried out through third parties.

Indirect blindness

Technology: A Situation Factor that Affects My Performance -What is the key problem in this minicase?

Job satisfaction

Example: Baseball officials failed to notice they'd created conditions that encouraged steroid use. Remedy: Root out conflicts of interest. Simply being aware of them doesn't necessarily reduce their negative effect on decision making.

Motivated blindness

Example: A researcher whose fraudulent clinical trial saves lives is considered more ethical than one whose fraudulent trial leads to deaths. Remedy: Examine both "good" and "bad" decisions for their ethical implications. Reward solid decision processes, not just good outcomes.

Overvaluing outcomes

Gina believes that her "deal" will save the department and allow everyone to earn their bonuses for the year. Which of the following causes of unethical behavior most closely associates to the situation?

Overvaluing outcomes

You research similar incidents and then present data to Christine to help her see how this action could potentially have financial and legal impacts on Christine, her subordinates, and the bank.

Recognize that it's business and treat it that way. Approach ethical issues like any other business issue.

Interacting in an effective manner with others.

Soft, portable

Technology: A Situation Factor that Affects My Performance -Which of the following factors is most prevalent in this minicase?


You recommend to Christine that, instead of asking subordinates to sign her name in her absence, she might consider asking the bank owners to consider a formal policy exception that legally allows loan assistants to sign for loan managers in select circumstances if proper procedures are followed.

Suggest solutions—not just complaints. Increase your chances of being perceived as helpful and credible by providing alternative courses of action.

Which of the following is not one of the top four skills desired by employers?


Example: Auditors may be more likely to accept a client firm's questionable financial statements if infractions have accrued over time. Remedy: Be alert for even trivial ethical infractions and address them immediately. Investigate whether a change in behavior has occurred.

The slippery slope

You casually mention to Christine that you overheard her conversation with Alonzo and that, because you are a fairly new employee, you are confused about the bank's policy that prohibits loan assistants from signing for their loan managers and are concerned that her request could cause problems for all of you.

Use your lack of seniority or status as an asset. Use your minimal knowledge as a way to start a conversation about ethical issues.

David Silver, a Wall Street PR expert, first seems to sing the praises for Mark Hurd's visionary and business abilities. However, Silver also states that Hurd's actions were "unacceptable" and created some bad PR. The decision by HP to fire Hurd could be considered

an ethical dilemma.

Consultants use a ________ approach when considering solutions to a problem.


Pop's Ice Cream Store sales were down 15 percent this summer. The owner, Pop, says that in his experience rainy summers mean lower ice cream sales. Jonathan, his assistant, notices the staff at Pop's appear uninterested and slow to serve customers. He would like to replace at least one of them with a younger college student for the rest of the summer. Jonathan is using a(n) ______ perspective.


Green Care Landscaping Company minimizes attention to a price increase by selling lawn care treatments to a subsidiary, Keep It Up, Inc. Keep It Up then increases the price of the specific treatments. The manager of Keep It Up wants to notify customers that they are a subsidiary of Green Care Landscaping and that the increase has come from the parent company. This is an example of a remedy for

indirect blindness.

Because the auditors of XYX Company accepted a client firm's questionable financial statements when the infractions have occurred over time, James believes that they are

on a slippery slope.

If someone decides to quit their job as a consultant because they feel that they do not have the skills necessary to complete the job adequately, they quit because of

person factors.

Problem solving and critical thinking are ______ because they use logic and reasoning to develop and evaluate options.

soft skills

Justin and Edwardo were hired by the same network support firm. One year later, Edwardo receives a promotion to team leader. Justin believes he has stronger technical skills and asks his supervisor why he did not get the promotion. The supervisor says that Edwardo has better people skills. Having ____ can enable a person's promotion.

soft skills.

The contingency approach suggests that

the best answer depends on the situation.

The remedy for motivated blindness is

to root out conflicts of interest.

From a business standpoint (i.e., in terms of running HP), Mark Hurd's affair with a business associate would be considered

unethical but legal.

Which of the following potential reasons for Hurd's unethical behavior appear to be best illustrated in the video?

Perception of no consequences for crossing the line

You ask Alonzo to consider whether he would still be comfortable breaking company policy by signing Christine's name if he knew that his actions were going to be publicized on the local news.

Challenge the rationale. Confront excuses for ethical lapses with challenges to their underlying logic.

Based on the ethical decision-making tree, what question is Jason asking in trying to make a decision on the BesTel deal?

Does the deal maximize shareholder value?

Advanced training and certification on the company's newly developed in-house customer service platform.

Hard, job specific

Trained to diagnose and repair problems with the engines designed and manufactured by the company.

Hard, job specific

Ability to understand, operate, and repair tools and machines.

Hard, portable

Ability to use various computer programs and perform Internet searches effectively.

Hard, portable

Ability to work with other people in a group or team situation effectively.

Soft, portable

Being well spoken.

Soft, portable

This case is about the decision to fire HP's CEO Mark Hurd. We learn that this termination resulted from poor judgment and behavior and ended up being somewhat controversial because Hurd is set to receive a multi-million dollar severance payout, regardless of the reason he is leaving. We heard that at least one person, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, thinks the decision to terminate is "cowardly" and a bad decision. Which of the following causes of unethical behavior could be best linked to Ellison's view of the situation?

Overvaluing outcomes

Demonstrating integrity.

Soft, portable

You talk with Alonzo about the company's policy and remind him that although you understand the immediate pressure he feels to comply with Christine's request, you think he should also consider the long-term ramifications such as the loss of his job or the bank's reputation.

Consider and explain long-term consequences. Frame your viewpoint in terms of how the behavior may have unforeseen impacts in the future.

Which of the following is an example of a consultant utilizing soft skills?

Discussing possible solutions with a client

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