Chapter 1 BIOL 3702

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The first use of antiseptics in surgery is attributed to Joseph ______.


Archaea have become well recognized for _________. a. living in extreme environments b. causing significant disease in some people (region-specific) c. producing many food products d. mutualistic relationships with most of life

a. living in extreme environments

In addition to mutation, eukaryotes increase their genetic diversity through which mechanism? a. sexual reproduction b. horizontal gene transfer c. growth and division d. symbiosis

a. sexual reproduction

Select the four characteristics that are most common in domain Bacteria. a. single-celled b. lack cell membranes c. lack ribosomes d. lack membrane-bound organelles e. lack a nucleus f. peptidoglycan cell wall

a. single-celled d. lack membrane-bound organelles e. lack a nucleus f. peptidoglycan cell wall

Which four of the following entities are generally included in the field of microbiology? a. slime molds b. archaea c. insects d. bacteria e. viroids f. mosses

a. slime molds b. archaea d. bacteria e. viroids

It is believed that DNA became the storage molecule for genetic information because compared to RNA, DNA is more a. stable b. information-rich c. chemically active d. widespread

a. stable

Which group of organisms has the greatest number of taxa? a. Fungi b. Microbes c. Animals d. Plants

b. Microbes

Which feature is most commonly used to describe bacterial and archaeal cells? a. no cellular membranes b. no nucleus c. no cell walls d. single-celled

b. No nucleus

What is the role of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotic cells? a. support the structure of unbound organelles b. separate some cellular materials and processes from others c. provide a mechanism for tissue formation d. reproduction in multicellular organisms

b. Separate some cellular material and processes from others

Joseph Lister is best known for his work with a. pure culture methods b. antiseptics c. food and dairy d. immunology

b. antiseptics

Which feature describes eukaryotic cells? a. lack intracellular compartments b. contain a nucleus c. lack cellular membrane d. contain a nucleoid

b. contain a nucleus

The term that describes one organism living inside the cells of another is a. pinocytosis b. endosymbiosis c. endocatalysis d. parasitism

b. endosymbiosis

What is the name for catalytic proteins that speed up chemical reactions in cells? a. accelerators b. enzymes c. prions d. adjuvants

b. enzymes

Pasteur's data showed that spontaneous generation should be considered _______. a. true b. false c. true in some cases

b. false

It is believed that chloroplasts were once a. nonphotosynthetic b. free-living bacterial cells c. hydrogenosmes d. indistinguishable from mitochondria

b. free-living bacterial cells

The notion that microorganisms cause disease is called the _________ theory of disease. a. endosymbiotic b. germ c. evolutionary d. hydrogen

b. germ

Which three supporting (i.e., positive) roles do bacteria play in the human body? a. cause disease in many tissues b. help digest food in the intestines c. produce vitamins in the intestines d. regulate temperature e. contribute to immune system development

b. help digest food in the intestines c. produce vitamins in the intestines e. contribute to immune system development

Which is the best description of the germ theory of disease? a. germs are only theoretical b. microorganisms cause disease c. childhood germ cells proliferate disease d. disease is caused by vapors

b. microorganisms cause disease

Select the three minimum attributes of life. a. motility b. orderly structure c. intelligence d. obtaining and using energy e. reproduction

b. orderly structure d. obtaining and using energy e. reproduction

Pasteur worked to develop vaccines, and successfully attempted vaccination of a boy suffering from a. diphtheria b. rabies c. leprosy d. tuberculosis

b. rabies

The descendants of a single, pure bacterial culture are considered to be a microbial _________. a. colony b. strain c. phenotype d. haplotype

b. strain

Pasteur showed that even cultures open to the air could remain sterile by using ______. a. beakers of broth b. swan-neck flasks c. biochemical techniques d. cotton plugs

b. swan-neck flasks

From fossil evidence, most scientists agree that life was present on Earth about 3.5 to 3.7 ______ years ago.


How old are earliest fossils ever found? a. 3.5 million years b. can't be determined c. 3.5 billion years d. 3.5 thousand years

c. 3.5 billion years

Which group is not one of the five kingdoms of life? a. Monera b. Protista c. Archaea d. Fungi

c. Archaea

Which group is NOT one of the FIVE KINGDOMS of life? a. Fungi b. Animalia c. Bacteria d. Plantae

c. Bacteria

Which scientist built microscopes that could magnify specimens by about 50 to 300 times? a. Koch b. Frascatoroo c. Leeuwenhoek d. Pasteur

c. Leeuwenhoek

Variant strains characterized by biochemical and physiological differences are a. pathovars b. morphovars c. biovars d. serovars

c. biovars

Koch's postulates are valuable for determining ______. a. minimum inhibitory temperature needed for disinfection b. the relatedness of microorganisms using classical means c. casual relationships between microorganisms and a specific disease d. the type of media to be used to isolate novel organisms

c. casual relationships between microorganisms and a specific disease

This image of the universal phylogenetic tree illustrates that a. cellular life forms originated three times in history b. archaea are the most ancient group of cellular life forms c. cellular life forms can be divided into three domains d. there are many Moore bacteria than archaea on the planet

c. cellular life forms can be divided into three domains

The origin of chloroplasts is included in which theory? a. energy-conservative hypothesis b. germ theory of disease c. endosymbiotic hypothesis d. RNA world

c. endosymbiotic hypothesis

What was John Tyndall's (1820-1893) contribution to microbiology? a. he showed that some human cells can move and "eat" microbes b. he was the first person to describe how many "animalcules" move c. he showed that dust does carry microbes d. he showed that blood carries "protective factors" that can be transferred to another host

c. he showed that dust does carry microbes

The movement of genes between microbial individuals in the same generation is called _____. a. asexual budding b. vertical gene transfer c. horizontal gene transfer d. endosymbiosis

c. horizontal gene transfer

In the evolution of cellular life forms, it is easy to image how a membrane could form around RNA because a. hydrophobic portions of mRNA attract a lipid bilayer b. membranes spontaneously form around nucleic acids c. lipids spontaneously form vesicles bounded by a bilayer d. some RNA molecules, termed ribozymes, are catalytic

c. lipids spontaneously form vesicles bounded by a bilayer

Antony van Leeuwenhoek is best known for his early work with __________. a. pure cultures b. antiseptics c. microscopes d. vaccines

c. microscopes

Although Koch's postulates present a logical framework for establishing a particular microbe as the cause of a disease, they cannot always be applied today. Instead, microbiologists use ______. a. organdies produced from human stem cells b. procedures to isolate and manipulate viruses c. molecular and genetic evidence d. computer simulations of disease models

c. molecular and genetic evidence

Which of the following statement is true regarding the human microbiome? a. human cells vastly outnumber microbial cells in the body b. the human microbiome is established before birth c. most bacteria do not cause disease in humans d. the human microbiome must be controlled to avoid disease

c. most bacteria do not cause disease in humans

An endosymbiosis between two organism means that a. the two organisms live in a shared compartment b. their internal and external environments are the same c. one organism live inside the cells of the other d. they are closely related phyogenetically

c. one organism live inside the cells of the other

The endosymbiotic theory is supported by the finding that mitochondria contain ______ similar to bacteria. a. other plastids b. metabolic pathways c. ribosomes and DNA d. a cell wall

c. ribosomes and DNA

This image illustrates an organizational scheme for all cellular life forms, and is termed the a. last universal common ancestor b. small subunit rRNA sequences c. universal phylogenetic tree d. Latin binomial system

c. universal phylogenetic tree

Which three of the following taxa are the domains of life based on rRNA comparisons? a. Protista b. Plantae c. Monera d. Archaea e. Bacteria f. Fungi g. Eukarya h. Animalia

d. Archaea e. Bacteria g. Eukarya

Carl Wooese is known for dividing the prokaryotes into which domains? a. Bacteria and Monera b. Bacteria, Archaea, and Protista c. Bacteria, Archaea, and Monera d. Bacteria and Archaea

d. Bacteria and Archaea

The binomial system for naming organisms was created by ____ ____. a. Antony van Leeuwenhoek b. Louis Pasteur c. Carl Woese D. Carl Linnaeus

d. Carl Linnaeus

Which is the best definition of a microbial strain? a. Microbes capable of interbreeding b. Environmental conditions that select for microbial populations c. Reproductively isolated microbial populations d. Descendants of a single, pure microbial culture

d. Descendants of a single, pure microbial culture

The book Micrographia, published in 1665 by ______ contained the earliest drawings of microorganisms. a. Pasteur b. Leeuwenhoek c. Koch d. Hooke

d. Hooke

Walter Gilbert hypothesized that in a precellular stage in the evolution of life, _____ was the central molecule. a. DNA b. chlorophyll c. lipid d. RNA

d. RNA

Which scientist demonstrated that dust did indeed carry germs? a. Berkeley b. Pasteur c. Koch d. Tyndall

d. Tyndall

Which organisms contributed to enriching early Earth's atmosphere with oxygen? a. primitive protozoans b. plants and fungi c. pre-cellular metabolisms d. cyanobacteria-like cells

d. cyanobacteria-like cells

The endosymbiotic hypothesis suggests an origin for _____. a. bacterial cell walls b. eukaryotic ribosomes c. plasma membranes d. eukaryotic organelles

d. eukaryotic organelles

In addition to mutation, bacteria and archaea increase their genetic diversity through which mechanism? a. symbiosis b. growth and division c. sexual reproduction d. horizontal gene transfer

d. horizontal gene transfer

Which four gases were plentiful in the atmosphere/oceans of early Earth? a. propane b. oxygen c. argon d. hydrogen e. carbon dioxide f. nitrogen g. methane

d. hydrogen e. carbon dioxide f. nitrogen g. methane

LUCA is a term used to describe the _____ a. leaking underground cave acids b. least uniform commensal activity c. list of unusual classes of animals d. last universal common ancestor

d. last universal common ancestor

Which of the following components of bacterial cells spontaneously forms vesicles? a. proteins b. DNA c. RNA d. lipids

d. lipids

The theory of spontaneous generation claims that a. cultures can develop within a single generation. b. genes can pass between members of the same generation. c. chemical reactions can occur without input of energy. d. living organisms can develop from nonliving matter.

d. living organisms can develop from nonliving matter.

Which group of organisms is numerically dominant on Earth? a. plants b. animals c. insects d. microbes

d. microbes

Cyanobacteria-like cells were important to the evolution of life on Earth by producing a. energy b. water c. carbon dioxide d. oxygen

d. oxygen

Which gas was not present in the atmosphere of early Earth? a. nitrogen b. methane c. carbon dioxide d. oxygen

d. oxygen

A eukaryotic species is defined by _____. a. shared stable properties b. morphological similarities c. biochemical identities d. reproductive properties

d. reproductive properties

A catalytic RNA molecule is called a(n) ____. a. RNA ligase b. RNase c. RNA polymerase d. ribozyme

d. ribozymes

A key discovery supporting the RNA world concept was the catalytic RNA molecules called _____. a. enzymes b. ribosomes c. rRnas d. ribozymes

d. ribozymes

Which characteristic is most common for bacteria? a. no cell wall b. lack defined sub cellular structures c. a membrane-bound nucleus d. single-celled

d. single celled

Although Koch's postulates present a logical framework for establishing a particular microbe as the cause of a disease, they cannot always be applied today because ______. a. molecular methods are much more reliable and rapid b. it is unethical to use animals for medical testing c. virtually all pathogens have been identified d. some causative disease agents cannot be grown in pure culture

d. some causative disease agents cannot be grown in pure culture

In eukaryotes, a group of interbreeding natural populations reproductively isolated from other groups is called a a. strain b. genus c. family d. species

d. species

How was the age of Earth determined? a. using moon rocks b. historical literature c. examination of fossils d. using radioisotopes to date meteorites

d. using radioisotopes to date meteorites

The ___ hypothesis proposes an origin for mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells.


Catalytic proteins that speed up chemical reactions in cells are called ______.


Organisms that survive today are considered to be _______ organisms. (the opposite are extinct organisms)


True or false: A common attribute of life is self-awareness.


Pasteur demonstrated that yeasts and bacteria each produce specific metabolic products such as alcohols and organic acids using the metabolic pathway known as ______.


______ is a term used to describe an RNA molecule that functions as a catalyst.


The claim that living organisms can develop from nonliving matter is the key feature of the theory of ______ generation.


True or false: Cellular microbes are often arranged in multicellular complexes with differentiated tissues.


True or false: Membrane-bound organelles are found in prokaryotes but not in eukaryotes.


Criteria used for establishing the relationship between a microorganism and a specific disease are called ______ postulates.


The acronym describing the last universal common ancestor is _____.

LUCA, symbiogenesis, eve, cenancestor, or microbial eve

Match the term with the differences between microbial strains that define it. 1. biovar 2. morphovar 3. serovar 4. pathovar a. biochemical b. plant host c. antibody reaction d. shape

1. a. biochemical 2. d. shape 3. c. antibody reaction 4. b. plant host

What is the approximate age of Earth? a. 4.5 to 4.6 million years b. 5,779 years c. 1.1 to 1.4 billion years d. 4.5 to 4.6 billion years

a. 4.5 to 4.6 billion

What are the three domains of life based on rRNA comparisons? a. Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya b. Eukarya, Archaea, and Monera c. Plantae, Animalia, and Monera d. Bacteria, Protista, and Archaea

a. Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

Which statement is not supporting evidence for the endosymbiotic theory? a. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are closely related. b. Chloroplast rRNA is similar to that of photosynthetic bacteria. c. Mitochondrial genomes resemble those of bacteria. d. Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain ribosomes similar to bacteria.

a. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are closely related.

Which is not a correct rendering of a Latin binomial? a. Yersinia Pestis b. Yersinia pestis c. Y. pestis d. all are correct

a. Yersinia Pestis

Which three features listed are unique to archaeal cells and not shared with bacterial cells? a. different rRNA sequences b. lack of peptidoglycan cell walls c. contain membrane-bound organelles d. have flagella for motility e. contain a nucleus f. unique membrane lipids

a. different rRNA sequences b. lack of peptidoglycan cell walls f. unique membrane lipids

Robert Hooke is best known for his _____. a. drawings of microorganisms and designs for microscopes b. guidelines for obtaining pure cultures c. production of effective vaccines d discovery of antiseptics

a. drawings of microorganisms and designs for microscopes

While many organisms have become extinct, those organisms surviving today are called _____. a. extant organisms b. evolved organisms c. current organisms d. advanced organisms

a. extant organisms

Louis Pasteur made contributions to the field of medical microbiology, but also made great contributions to this field. a. food and dairy microbiology b. microbial ecology c. environmental microbiology

a. food and dairy microbiology

The first part of a Latin binomial is the name of the _____. a. genus b. species c. strain d. family

a. genus

Generally speaking, while bacteria do not reproduce sexually, different lineages share genetic information through which process? a. horizontal gene transfer b. asexual budding c. vertical gene transfer d. enosymbiosis

a. horizontal gene transfer

Why is it believed that DNA became the storage molecule for genetic information? a. it is more chemically stable than RNA b. it catalyzes chemical reactions c. it arose earlier than RNA d. it is more complex than RNA

a. it is more chemically stable than RNA

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