Chapter 1 Communicating at work

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the exchange of messages between communicators in an organization results in a web referred to as an ____________. When management designs a system that dictates who gets to communicate with whom these webs are called ____________. When the web of messages is the result of friendships shared interest or proximity it is called an__________________

1) Communication network 2)Formal communication network 3)Informal communication network

Which of the following are examples of horizontal communication

1) Employees from the Los Angeles office communicating with their counterparts in the Atlanta office 2)Coworkers talking about the best way to accomplish tasks

Which of the following are examples of the influence of an organizations culture on the choice of communications channels

1) If you are a Microsoft employee, chances are you primarily use e-mail 2)Some departments favor -email, while others might respond best to phone calls 3) Voicemail is the preferred channel of communication at Silicon Graphics

Which of the following illustrate the fact that communication is irreversible

1) If you have said the wrong thing, you might want to take it back but find it impossible 2)When you try to eliminate an unfortunate tweet, all you are likely to do is draw more attention to what you wrote

Written communication creates a permanent record which can be useful for which of the following

1) Setting a formal tone 2)providing the history of an issue so others can review it in the future 3)preventing later misunderstandings or disputes

Which of the following are true about excellent communication skills on the job

1) They are important in almost every line of work 2)They are essential to personal career success

Which of the following statements about instruments and relational communication are true

1) Virtually all messages contain both instrumental and relational dimensions 2) negative relationships can make it difficult to achieve instrumental goals

The five purposes served by horizontal communication include

1) building rapport 2)Sharing information 3) problem solving

Which of the following are types of messages conveyed by upward communication

1) how subordinates feel about each other and the job 2)What subordinates are doing 3)unsolved work probems

Not long ago specifically before the information a revolution that began to take hold in the 1980s businesspeople could choose from only a few communication channels including

1) in person 2) Written memo 3)telephone

People with a masters degree in business administration reported that the skills the value most included the ability to do which of the following

1) listen 2) Communicate with tact and diplomacy

Which of the following are useful tips for building a personal network

1) network throughout your career 2)Seek a mentor

Almost everyone you meet has the potential to be a source of _______________, and when networking some of the best prospects are people ___________________

1) networking opportunities; people you never met 2)information; you might overlook

Which of the following statements about noise as it relates to communication are accurate

1) noise can be internal to a person in the form of mental or physical distractions 2) noise such as loud sounds can be external to a person 3)Anything that interferes with the exchange of messages is noise

Forces that work to discourage horizontal communication include

1) physical barriers, such as having offices scattered throughout various buildings 2)specialization which makes it difficult for people with different specialties to understand one another 3) rivalry that is competition to advance within the organization at anothers expense

Types of downward communication include

1) providing feedback 2)giving job instructions

A study of informal communication revealed that general managers spend a great deal of time talking to people who

1) seemingly have little power or importance within the organization 2) are neither direct subordinates superiors or peers

Which of the following statements accurately characterize feedback

1)Feedback can be oral or written 2)It may be nonverbal, such as a facial expression 3)Sometimes no response at all for example refusing to answer a question can be a for of feedback

Which of the following are roles that a mentor has

1)Guide 2) Trainer 3)Counselor

Which of the following terms accurately describe the role of the receiver in communication

1)active 2)interpreting 3)decoding

Physical proximity

A group of people who work in adjacent cubicles end up talking about issues that need to be addressed

Which of the following best illustrates the fact that communication is unavoidable?

Even when you seemingly do not communicate for example giving someone the silent treatment you are still sending a message

Sakhar is seeking information about different types of nursing jobs. She has told a number of people in her personal network about her desire for the information, and she has networked with several knowledgeable people. Which of the statements is true

Sakhar is gaining valuable information

Accorind to a useful metaphor coined by two business analysts formal communication channels are like the _____________ of a company, whereas informal ones are more like its ____________________

Skeleton; central nervous system

Which of the following statements about the nature of communication is false

Successful communication is about convincing others to understand our viewpoint

Examples include face to face conversations video chat and telephone conversations


if you need to deal with an issue immediately this is your best choice


Which of the following statements about ethics is true

There is no single right approach to ethics

Shared personal interests

Two employees from different departments discover that they both collect comic books

The power of personal networks is clear from the six degrees if separation hypothesis which means that

any two people in the world are separated by an average of six personal links

Which of the following most accurately defines the activity of encoding

choosing words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message

When the department heads say the weekly meeting starts at 8:00am they really mean it. i heard one guy got chewed out for coming in late is an example of which type of message?

conforming formal message

Aside from the message-related considerations the ___________of the organization in which you work may influence your choice of communication channels


A receiver attaches meaning to a message through a process known as


Because sending or receiving a message is not an isolated event

every communication event needs to be examined as part of its communication context

When others give you information, be sure to _______ and even better let them know___________

express your appreciation; exactly how the information helped you

Which of the following is not one of the principal characteristics to consider when choosing which communication channel to use

flexibility- how much you can adapt the channel to your needs

An open door policy grievance procedures and the suggestion box are all examples of ___________ vehicles for promoting upward communication


In contrast to oral communication written communication is best for creating a


the name for the kind of communication in which members of an organization with equal power exchange messages is _________ communication


it is important to realize that each potential networking prospect is a ________________ and to recognize that ______________ plays a role in networking practices

individual; culture

Patterns of interaction based on shared personal or career interests proximity and friendships are known as

informal communication networks

Messages aimed at accomplishing the task at hands (as for example when a supervisor assigns a deadline to an employee as referred to as _________ communication


The old people saying people may forgive but they dont forget illustrates the fact that communication is


Messages that flow from ____________ are known as upward communication

lower-level employees to superiors

Most of the responsibility for improving upward communication rests with _____, who can begin the process by __________

managers; announcing their willingness to hear from employees

identity management

messages that help you present yourself to others in the way you want

relational communication

messages used to alter and reveal the way people feel about each other

Instrumental communication

messages with the primary goal of completing a given task

If you require high control over the message, but the message does not nee dto include detailed or extensive information, which of the following communication channels is the best choice

text messaging

In building your personal network, it is important to remember secondary sources which are

the contacts of your contacts

Examples of social or business networking sites in the internet include

1) facebook 2) Linkedln

A key benefit is that it allows for a more thoughtful response


A key benefit is that it does not involve a specific timeline or deadline


Examples include email interoffice memos and voicemail


A key benefit is that it permits immediate feedback


Because communication is ________________ talking about an act of communication as though it were an isolated event is not very accurate

a process

Whenever superiors initiate messages to their subordinates, _______ communication is occurring


A mentor is someone who

imparts the kind of wisdom that comes from firsthand experience

which of the following statements accurately describe the nature of communication and the roles of sender and receiver

1) A person simultaneously acts as sender and receiver 2)Communication is a two-way process

When determining which communication channel to use you should use oral communication in situations where you

1) Are presenting an idea that requires visual support such as photos or slides 2)need immediate feedback for example in a question-and-answer session

In communication messages

1) Are transmitted by senders 2)May be deliberate or unintentional

In face to face communication the term _________ refers to the degree to which the speaker is able to manage the communication process


Which of the following is not a situation involving an obvious ethical challenge

It comes to your attention that your team could reduce project turnaround time cut expenses and improve quality but has somehow failed to do so

Which of the following statements about relational communication is true

It is often used with instrumental communication

Johan is amassing a long list of potential networking prospects. Which of the following is important for Johan to remember

Johan must remember that each networking prospect is an individual and not just a contact

Cara works in a medical office. She believes her supervisor dislikes her. When her supervisor assigns her tasks Cara feels resentful, even though it is Caras job to do what her supervisor tells her. Which of the following statements best describes the situation

The negative relationship is affecting Cara's ability to accomplish instrumental goals

Relational communication is used to

build positive relationships

Lower-level employees do not understand the value of downward communication


The biggest reason employees do not participate more often in upward communication is that they

fear getting in trouble with their employers

In the course of personal networking you should make an effort to

put people who will benefit from contact in touch with one another

Communication involves atleast two parties a sender and an


In an ___________ channel tone of voice body movement and facial expression help you to better understand the person with whom you are communication


the amount of information that is available in a given channel term is referred to as


Doing the ethical thing is not easy and on a personal level you are likely to face conflicts between what you believe is

right; practical

The communication process begins with an _____________ the person who ____________a message

sender; transmits

Relational communication serves the purpose of

shaping and reflecting the way people regard one another

Which of the following is the best example of identity management

shaping your resume to convey a strong sense of your personality and abilities

the term _____________ refers to how quickly the exchange of messages occurs in a given channel


The method used to deliver a message is known as the


Which of the following is not a useful tip for building a personal network

Recognize that building a network is easy


Several people from the office get together on weekends for cookouts and other activities

Which of the following should you do when networking

You should be both an information seeker and provider

Which of the following is not one of the useful functions informal communication serves within an organization

eliminating or obviating official channels

Systems designed by management to dictate who should talk to whom to get a job are known as ______ Communication networks


__________ communication offers the highest degree if control over the receivers attention

Face to Face

It is critical to foster an emotional and personal relationship with your mentor


Organizational charts are the most common way of describing ________ communication networks


Virtually all jobs and professions regardless of the proficiency or experience needed to perform them require good _____________________ skills


The two kinds of communication networks are classified as

formal and informal

People use instrumental communication for the purpose of

getting a job well done

Synchronous communication is another term for a __________ Channel


which of the following is not one of the five purposes that horizontal communication serves

job instruction

The term used to describe the factors that interfere with the exchange of messages is


The medium is

the method used to deliver a message

Organizational charts are the most common way of describing ______________ communication networks


To add a personal touch particularly when expressing thanks or sympathy an _____________

is usually the best

A channel, also known as the _______, is the method a sender uses to deliver a message


If you follow up a telephone call with an email or provide written text along with an oral presentation you are

using multiple channels to send a message

Which of the following should you do when considering prospects for networking

you should view everyone as a networking prospect

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