Chapter 1: Computer Hardware

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-a digital video camera that captures video and sends it directly to a computer -often built into laptops, tablets and smartphones -can be attached through a USB or FireWire port -convert image to a digital format and enter the data as input to your device -data appears as output on a display screen


-a pointing device that fits under your hand -its movements are mirrored by the pointer on the screen -click to enter a command might include a scroll wheel

central processing unit (CPU)/processor

-an integrated circuit (or chip) that processes all computer instructions and makes it possible to operate a computer -the brain of the computer -can contain millions of electronic parts & circuits -built into the motherboard

facial recognition system

a biometric input device that scans a person's face and then provides the scan to a database for identification -ex: Windows Hello in Windows 10 (built-in camera) -used in airport security and in law enforcement

fingerprint reader

a biometric input device that scans a person's fingerprint and then provides the scan to a database for identification -most common biometric device -relatively inexpensive -built into laptops and smartphones


a cell phone that includes many features of a computer, allowing it to run general-purpose computing applications able to make phone calls through cellular networks

personal computer (PC)

a computer designed for use by one person at a time -Apple (1978) -IBM (1981)

biometric input device

a data collection machine that creates a digital imprint of a physical characteristic and then transfers that information to a host system for review

all-in-one desktop

a desktop computer that combines the system unit with the monitor so the computer is a single unit -take up less space than traditional desktop computers -logical choice for home users -large display screen without extra hardware of a system unit -doesn't allow as much room for hardware upgrades as a traditional desktop computer -ex: iMac

multifunction device (MFD)

a device that can function as an input device by copying and scanning documents and as an output device by sending faxes and printing; also called an all-in-one printer

2-in-1 device

a device that combines the touch screen of a tablet with a keyboard that you can fold away or detach; ex: Surface Pro


a device that includes one or more headphones (for output) & a microphone (for input) convenient way to use an external microphone during an online conversation


a device with a pair of earphones joined by a band placed over the head; designed for listening to audio output such as music or speech


a fine powder that is sealed when heated on a page

graphics tablet

a flat, pressure-sensitive pad that you draw on to create lines & shapes


a handheld console with buttons and other input mechanisms you typically press with your thumbs to play a game

virtual reality (VR) gaming device

a headset or head-mounted display that generates a realistic environment you can explore & control physically records your interactions and supplies them to the main game console

Internet control key

a key on a physical keyboard that lets you access websites, webpages or perform other activities on the Internet

modifier key

a key such as SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT that you use with other keys to issue a command, type symbols, or create uppercase letters

media control key

a key that lets you play, pause, stop, rewind and fast forward through a digital music or a video includes keys for controlling the volume and screen brightness

function key

a key you press to enter a command begin with the letter "F"


a large-format printer that can print on very large sheets of paper use charged wires to produce high-quality drawings for professional applications like architectural blueprints

light-emitting diode (LED)

a light source that emits infrared or visible light when charged with an electric current


a lightweight, small and portable computer that can run on a rechargeable battery and includes the system unit, the monitor and the keyboard in a foldable case -popular for work, education & personal use -include touchpad, USB port(s), built-in cameras, microphones -connect to the Internet and back up file in the cloud


a motion made to enter a command; ex: tap to open an app, slide/swipe to scroll, pinch to zoom

Internet of Things (IoT)

a network of objects that contain software, sensors and connectivity technology to independently exchange data with other computing devices through the Internet wearable devices


a one-piece rigid tablet with a display built into the top of the tablet case -ex: iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab -include a touch screen keyboard


a pen-like input device you use to make selections and enter text on a touch-sensitive display screen


a pointing device in the form of a flat surface often found on laptops mobile devices such as portable music players also provide smaller touchpads on their case

HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface)

a port used for transferring digital video and audio data

mobile device

a portable computer that weighs up to 2 pounds and can accept input through a touch screen, voice or keyboard -hardware for Wi-Fi networks or navigating with a GPS -mobile operating system such as Android, iOs or Windows 10 Mobile -can run on apps -ex: portable media players, e-book readers and game consoles

3-D printer

a printer that uses special plastics and other materials to generate objects based on computer models -create electronic design of object using a 3-D scanner or 3-D modeling app -uses an additive process: producing successive layers of material -reduces energy consumption & waste -allows for customization -increases the speed of production -manufacturers use for rapid prototyping and creating the final products (mechanical parts, prosthetic devices)

multicore processor

a processor containing more than one core, making it faster and more powerful than a single-core processor -running multiple programs at once -working with programs that require a lot of power (games, graphics, video apps)


a processor unit in a CPU more --> more powerful CPU

voice recognition software

a program necessary for translating speech to text or commands -helpful for people with hearing impairments -ex: Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri

speech recognition software

a program that analyzes speech sounds and converts them into phonemes, which are then matched to words in a digital dictionary and written as text on a computer screen or accepted as voice input and interpreted as computer commands


a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power -small, cheaper and more reliable than vacuum tubes -computers with these contained many components still in use today (tape, disk storage, memory, operating systems and stored programs)

integrated circuits/chips

a set of electronic circuits on a small plate of semiconductor material such as silicon packed the equivalent of thousands of vacuum tubes or transistors into a miniature silicon chip


a small flat computer with a touch-sensitive screen that accepts input from a digit pen, a stylus, or your fingertips used for writing/drawing, performing calculations and searching the web

wearable device

a small mobile computing device designed to be worn by people; ex: smartwatches, activity trackers (wearable short)

pico/pocket projector

a small projector, often built into a smartphone or tablet, that displays the info from a mobile device on a large screen


a small storage location within the CPU

mobile printer

a small, lightweight printer that you can attach to a mobile device for on-the-go printing -work with Bluetooth wireless technology -battery-powered -use ink-jet or thermal technology (wax-based ink or burns dots onto paper) -some are built into mobile devices -print on small, odd-sized papers

closed caption

a subtitle that displays the text version of spoken words in a video or other presentation


a system for creating and storing synthesized music; these files do not contain sound, but instead contain instructions for generating specific sounds, including pitch, volume, and note duration Musical Instrument Digital Interface

biometric technology

a system that analyzes a person's unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or voice patterns, to confirm identity and grant access to restricted spaces or computer systems

text-to-speech technology

a technology for devices that accept text as input and provide digitized voice files as output

circuit board

a thin rigid board containing an electric circuit

flat panel display

a thin, flat screen that uses LCD or LED technology


a type of headphone providing speakers small enough to place in the ear

voice input

a type of input that uses the human voice to give commands to a computer ex: asking Siri for directions

ink-jet printer

a type of printer that produces output by spraying small dots of colored ink onto paper; most common

laser printer

a type of printer that uses a laser beam and toner to print on paper; most common

3-D scanner

a type of scanner that scans an object or person in three dimensions to create a computer model used in fields such as medicine and business

liquid crystal display (LCD)

a visual display technology in which a layer of liquid crystal is sandwiched between 2 transparent electrodes

touch screen

a visual display that responds to the touch of a finger, hand, stylus or digital pen to enter data and commands -tablets, kiosks and smartphones -interact with using gestures

activity tracker

a wearable device containing smart sensors that monitor your vital signs such as your heart rate, count the steps you take, track your sleep patterns and collect information about other physical indicators and movements -watch, wristband, jewelry or clothing -connect wirelessly to smartphones

head-mounted display (HMD)

a wearable device that projects a computer-generated virtual reality (VR) and lets users explore a 3-D environment ex: play games, attend VR yoga class, test a product before purchase, etc.

scroll wheel

a wheel built into a mouse for scrolling the computer display


a wristwatch with a computing chip and a touch screen -communicate with a smartphone to make and answer phone calls, send and receive messages, track fitness activities, display notifications, etc. -ex: Apple Watch

voice synthesizer

an audio output device that converts text to speech -ex: 411 directory assistance voice -built into some operating systems


an electronic channel that allows the CPU and various devices inside or attached to a computer to communicate 2 parts: -data bus -address bus

data bus

an electronic channel that transfers data to the CPU


an electronic pen that may include an electronic eraser or programmable buttons; can capture your handwriting or pen strokes as you drag the tip of the pen on a screen or special paper


an input device in the form of a vertical stick or lever that pivots in a 360 degree range of motion and is used as a game controller


an input device that converts printed material into digital format -wireless or connected to a computer via a cable or USB port -ex: barcode reader that a cashier uses to record a purchase

digital pen

an input device that lets you write or draw on a tablet PC by pressing and dragging the tip of the pen on the screen; can include electronic eraser or programmable buttons (more powerful than stylus)


an input device used by pressing keys for letters, numbers and symbols to enter data into the computer different configurations based on different alphabets and numerical systems

game controller

an input device used to control game interactions; ex: joysticks, wheels, gamepads and devices that look like a steering wheel, guitar TV remote, etc.


an input device you use to enter voice or other sound into a computer -used internally -can be connected to your computer wirelessly or via a wire (external) -used with most webcams


an integrated circuit that processes all the instructions that make it possible to operate a computer modern computing devices are still based on these (smaller in size, larger in processing capacity)


an older pointing device with a ball anchored inside a casing; stationary


an output device that creates hard copy output on paper, film, photo paper and other media


an output device that displays computer output on a wall or projection screen -dual screens allow you to view a slightly different output on your computer, such as speaker notes, while your audience sees only the presentation -connect to a computer wirelessly or via a cable -can include a dock


an output device that includes a screen and displays the operating system and the software application on a computer

vacuum tubes

cylindrical glass tube that controls the flow of electrons and can be set to one of the two states: on or off computers using these (ENIAC, UNIVAC) were expensive and limited, used a lot of power, ran very hot and wore out quickly


move the mouse; use to move the on-screen pointer to an object


move two fingers apart on a touch screen; use to zoom in


move two fingers together on a touch screen; use to zoom out

gigahertz (GHz)

one billion cycles per second

megahertz (MHz)

one million cycles per second


press and hold a mouse button and then move the mouse; use to move a digital object on the screen


press and release the left mouse button twice in quick succession; use to start an app or select an object


press and release the right mouse button; use to display a shortcut menu

multitouch screen

screens that can recognize input for more than one finger at a time

desktop computer

the first type of personal computer that consists of a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard and a pointing device such as a mouse sales are declining; however, still popular with gamers and business users in design or scientific fields


the main circuit board that houses much of a computer's electronics

control unit

the part of a CPU that directs the flow of instructions throughout the processor

system unit

the part of a desktop computer that contains most of the electronic circuitry traditional setup: lies flat on the desk tower unit: placed under the desk or on floor

numeric keypad

the part of a keyboard that includes keys for numbers and symbols for additions, subtraction, multiplication and division

typing keypad

the part of a keyboard that includes numbers, letters, punctuation marks and symbols

navigation keypad

the part of a keyboard that lets you move around a document and scroll up and down arrow keys and other navigation keys such as the Home key

arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

the part of the CPU that performs arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction) and comparison operations (comparing 2 numbers to see if they are the same); temporarily hold data, such as 2 numbers to add, in registers


the property of a screen that indicates the number of horizontal and vertical pixels (picture elements or single points of light) in a display

(machine) cycle

the smallest unit of time a computer process can measure 4-step process: -fetch (control unit) -decode (control unit) -execute (ALU) -store (ALU)

clock speed

the speed of the processor clock, which sets how fast the CPU executes instructions; measured in Hertz one factor that affects a computer's overall performance


to press and release the left mouse button; use to select an object


touch and release an object two times; use to start an app


touch and release an on-screen object quickly; use to select an object or press a button


touch one side of the screen and then slide your fingertip horizontally or vertically; use to scroll a window or screen

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