Chapter 1: Intro to Employee Training & Development

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(a) Availability of a skilled workforce (c) Lower labor costs

Which of the following reasons are given for offshoring factory and other jobs? (a) Availability of a skilled workforce (b) Absence of corporate legislation (c) Lower labor costs (d) Lack of governmental regulation

Training Design Process

A systematic approach for developing training programs

Virtual Team

A team with members that are separated by time, geographic distance, culture, and/or organizational boundaries and that rely almost exclusively on technology (i.e., e-mail, Internet, and video conferencing) to interact and complete their project

Learn Thinking

A way to do more with less effort, equipment, space, and time, but still provide customers with what they need and want

Instructional System Design (ISD)

A process for designing and developing training programs

ISO 10015

A quality management tool design to ensure that training is linked to a company's needs and performance

(b) They cannot be touched and are non-monetary.

Identify an accurate statement about intangible assets. (a) They are less valuable than financial assets. (b) They cannot be touched and are non-monetary. (c) They are not responsible for a company's competitive advantage. (d) They are more valuable than physical assets.

(a) Knowledge sharing, capturing, and storing (c) Gathering employee opinions

Identify the potential uses of social networking in training and development. (a) Knowledge sharing, capturing, and storing (b) Developing circles of privacy (c) Gathering employee opinions (d) Enhancing time management

Alternative Work Arrangements

Independent contributors, on-call workers, temporary workers, and contract company workers

STEM Skills

Skills in science, technology, engineering, and math

ISO 9000:2000

A family of standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization that includes 20 requirements for dealing with such issues as how to establish quality standards and document work processes

Work Team

A group of employees with various skills who interact to assemble a product or produce a service

Customer Capital

The value of relationships with person or other organizations outside the company for accomplishing the goals of the company (i.e., relationships with suppliers, customers, vendors, and government agencies)

Six Sigma Process

A process of measuring, analyzing, improving, and then controlling processes once they have been brought within the Six Sigma quality tolerances or standards


Company leaders, top-level managers, mid-level managers, trainers, and employees who are end users of learning who have an interest in training and development and their support is important for determining its success (or failure)

(a) A systematic training design should be used to increase the benefits that can be realized.

Identify a step that should be taken to overcome the flaws of the instructional system design model. (a) A systematic training design should be used to increase the benefits that can be realized. (b) The training design process should be completely rigid to meet business needs. (c) Each step of the training design process should be performed separately. (d) The introduction of new technologies should focus on the application of the training design model.

(a) Managers depend on knowledge workers to share specialized information.

Identify a true statement about knowledge workers. (a) Managers depend on knowledge workers to share specialized information. (b) Knowledge workers communicate specialized knowledge that their managers already have. (c) Knowledge workers have fewer job opportunities. (d) Companies simply order knowledge workers to perform tasks.

(d) It is a way to accomplish more with less effort, equipment, space, and time.

Identify a true statement about lean thinking. (a) It provides customers with more choices and options. (b) It includes transfer of knowledge to ensure skills are not modified. (c) It is a way of increasing overall productivity levels. (d) It is a way to accomplish more with less effort, equipment, space, and time.

(a) The award winners usually do well in human resource practices, including training and development.

Identify a true statement about the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. (a) The award winners usually do well in human resource practices, including training and development. (b) The award winners usually excel at overall company productivity. (c) The award is given biannually to companies having a global presence. (d) The award is given for specific products or services.

Knowledge Management

The process of enhancing company performance by designing and implementing tools, processes, systems, structures, and cultures to improve the creation, sharing, and use of knowledge


The process of moving jobs from the United States to other locations in the world

Talent Management

The systematic, planned, and strategic effort by a company to use bundles of human resource management practices, including acquiring and assessing employees, learning, and development, performance management, and compensation to attract, retain, develop, and motivate highly skilled employees and managers


True or False: Designing work, compensating employees, and enhancing labor and employee relations are outside the purview of human resource management.

(b) Self-paced online learning is the most commonly used mode of technology-based learning. (d) Technology-based learning has helped enhance learning efficiency, as shown by decrease in the reuse ratio since 2010.

Which of the following trends are observed in training practices? (a) Technology-based learning has led to a smaller employee-learning staff member ratio. (b) Self-paced online learning is the most commonly used mode of technology-based learning. (c) Direct expenditures, as a percentage of payroll and learning hours, have increased over the last several years. (d) Technology-based learning has helped enhance learning efficiency, as shown by decrease in the reuse ratio since 2010.


A company's ability to maintain and gain market share in an industry

Knowledge Workers

Employees who contribute to the company not through manual labor, but through what they know, perhaps about customers or a specialized body of knowledge

Social Capital

Relationships in the company


A company's planned effort to facilitate employees' learning of job-related competencies

Total Quality Management (TQM)

A company-wide effort to continuously improve the ways people, machines, and systems accomplish work

coordinate their efforts so that such work arrangements do not affect customer service or product quality

An important training issue that alternative work arrangements present is to prepare managers and employees to _____.

Learning Organization

An organization that embraces a culture of lifelong learning, enabling all employees to acquire and share knowledge continually

Competitive Advantage

An upper hand over other firms in an industry

1. Conducting assessment of learning needs 2. Assuring employees' readiness for training 3. Developing a learning environment 4. Developing an evaluation plan 5. Choosing the training method 6. Monitoring and evaluating the program

Arrange the steps in the training design process for developing training programs in the correct order of occurrence. (a) Choosing the training method (b) Developing an evaluation plan (c) Conducting assessment of learning needs (d) Developing a learning environment (f) Monitoring and evaluating the program (g) Assuring employees' readiness for training

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

Created by public law, the highest level of national recognition for quality that a U.S company can receive

Professional Specialist

Designs, develops, delivers, and evaluates learning and performance solutions

Learning Strategist

Determines how workplace learning can be best used to help meet the company's business strategy

attitude or opinion surveys

Employees' engagement levels in a company are evaluated with _____.


Formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessments of personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future

virtual team

Green Tree Finance Inc. is a company that does tax auditing for small- and medium-sized organizations. The company has a team of auditors and accountants who work from different geographic locations and communicate with each other over the internet. Based on the above characteristics, this team would be referred to as a _____.

Explicit Knowledge

Knowledge that is well documented, easily articulated, and easily transferred from person to person

Informal Learning

Learning that is learner initiated, involves action and doing, is motivated by an intent to develop, and does not occur in a formal learning setting

Tacit Knowledge

Personal knowledge based on individual experiences that is difficult to codify

Project Manager

Plans, obtains, and monitors the delivery of learning and performance solutions to support the business

1. Silent Generation 2. Baby Boomers 3. Generation X 4. Echo Boomers 5. Digital Natives

Rank the different generations in a workforce in the chronological order of their birth. (a) Generation X (b) Baby Boomers (c) Echo Boomers (d) Digital Natives (e) Silent Generation


Speedo Auto, an automobile manufacturer, plans to reduce manufacturing costs by shifting its manufacturing operations to low-cost locations. This strategy adopted by Speedo Auto is referred to as _____.


True or False: The processes in knowledge management contribute to informal learning.

changes in demand for specific occupations and jobs

Talent management is becoming increasingly more important because of _____.

what is required for an individual to be successful in the training and development field

The ATD competency model describes _____.


The acquisition of knowledge by individual employees who are willing to apply that knowledge in their jobs in making decisions and accomplishing tasks for the company; a relatively permanent change in human capabilities that does not result from growth processes


The acquisition of training and development activities from outside a company


The adoption of a new idea or behavior by a company

Intellectual Capital

The codified knowledge that exists in a company

Employee Engagement

The degree to which employees are full involved in their work and the strength for their commitment to their jobs and the company

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

The highest level of national recognition for quality that a U.S. company can receive is the _____, which was created by public law.

Human Resource Development

The integrated use of training and development, organizational development, and career development to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness

Human Resource Management

The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance

human resource management

The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance are referred to as _____.

Human Capital

The sum of the attributes, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that a company's employees invest in their work

Formal Training and Development

Training and development programs, courses, and events that are developed and organized by the company

lean thinking

Training can aid companies meet the quality challenge by teaching employees a concept known as _____.

Cross Training

Training method in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that members are prepared to step in and take another member's place should someone temporarily or permanently leave the team; also, more simply, training employees to learn the skills of one or several additional jobs

Business Partner

Uses business and industry knowledge to create training that improves performance

(a) It recognizes the creation of solutions to close performance gaps as an important area of expertise.

Which of the following is true about the ATD competency model? (a) It recognizes the creation of solutions to close performance gaps as an important area of expertise. (b) It places low importance on the function of talent acquisition, development, and retention. (c) It does not include specific areas of expertise and foundational competencies. (d) It encourages training professionals to spend most of their time managing employees performing manual labor.

(b) People Involvement (d) Customer Focus

Which of the following quality management principles form the basis of the ISO 9000? (a) Consistent Productivity (b) People Involvement (c) Outsourced Training (d) Customer Focus

(b) customer focus (d) people involvement

Which of the following quality management principles from the basis of the ISO 9000? (a) outsourced training (b) customer focus (c) consistent productivity (d) people involvement

Organizational development

_____ focuses on training as well as team building, conflict resolution, employee growth, and change management.


_____ is the most significant factor in deciding the size and composition of the labor force, which comprises people who are working and those who are looking for work.

Human resource development

_____ professionals focus on job and task analysis, instructional systems design, on-the-job training, and individual performance improvement.

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