Chapter 1 Introduction to IT Project Management

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Yes, a company developing a driverless car is certainly an example of an IT Project because in order to do so that company will have to use Computer Software.

"A company develops a driverless car" - Is this an example of an IT Project?

Yes, a team of students creating a mobile App for smartphone usage is an example of an IT Project because in order to successful perform mobile App development you have to use Computer Software such as programming languages like Objective-C or MIT App Inventor.

"A team of students creates a smartphone application and sells it online" - Is this an example of an IT Project?

Project Portfolio Management

"An emerging business strategy in which organizations group and manage projects and programs as a portfolio of investments that contribute to the entire enterprises success":

By example...Effective Project Managers lead by examples.

"Effective Project Managers provide leadership ______"

Hardware, Software, and Networks

"IT Projects involve using ______, _______, and _______ to create a product service or result"

Hardware, Software, Networks

"IT projects involve using _______, ________, and _______ to create a product, service or result."

Information Technologies

"In this modern era, a wide variety of companies use ___________, and organizations rely on them for success"

Scope, Time, Cost

"To create a successful project a Project Manager must consider _____, _______, and ______ and balance these three often competing goals"

(-) Until the 1980s project management was primarily focused on providing schedule and resource data to top management in the military, computer, and construction industries.

(+) However in today's time, Project Management involves much, much more.

TRUE. Most projects have many interested parties or stakeholders but someone must take the primary role of the sponsorship.

(T/F) ""A Project should have a primary customer or Sponsor"

Every project should have a well defined objective.

(T/F) "A Project has a unique purpose."

TRUE: The working world today is heavily automated, more so than ever before.

(T/F) "Computer hardware, software, networks, and the use of interdisciplinary and global work teams have radically changed the work environment"

False. Good Project Managers do not assume their definition of success is automatically the same as the sponsors. They take the time to communicate, understand and get on the same page.

(T/F) "Good Project Managers assume their definition of success is the same as the Sponsors"


(T/F) "Government projects often require that funds be allocated a year or more before they even start, and estimates often fall short"

TRUE: In today's time Project Management is a global field. Before the 1980s it was very much so limited to only the military, computer and construction industries. But now it is a vital part of every industry worldwide.

(T/F) "In today's era people in every industry and every country manage projects"

FALSE. Despite the success, Project Management is not a Silver Bullet it's not a 100% deal. It is a very broad and often complex discipline. It's different in every project and every project team.

(T/F) "Is Project Management a Silver Bullet?"


(T/F) "It is a fact that in Project Management different skills are needed in different situations"

FALSE. Although it can certainly be helpful, it is not required that Portfolio Managers have previous experiences as Project or Program Managers. However it is important that they have strong financial and analytical skills and understand how projects and programs can contribute to meeting strategic goals.

(T/F) "Portfolio Managers must have previous experience as Project or Program Managers"

TRUE: Project Management is the real deal. You can go to school and get a Masters Degree or certification in PM. Doing so can lead to great opportunities that pay well.

(T/F) "Project Management is a distinct profession with degree programs, certifications, and strong career opportunities"


(T/F) "Project Managers must not only manage the triple constraint, but also facilitate the entire process to meet the needs and expectations of people involved in project activities or affected by them"


(T/F) "Projects can be large or small and involve either one person or thousands of people"

TRUE: In today's era Project Management is a very important aspect to success in any business.

(T/F) "Today many people and organizations have a new, or renewed interest in project management"

Ten Most Important Skills & Competencies for Project Managers

1) People skills 2) Leadership 3) Listening 4) Integrity, ethical behavior, consistent 5) Strong at building trust 6) Verbal communication 7) Strong at building teams 8) Conflict resolution, conflict management 9) Critical thinking, problem solving 10) Understands, balanced priorities

1) Use an Integrated Toolbox 2) Grow Project Leaders 3) Develop a Streamlined Delivery Process 4) Measure project health using metrics

4 significant practices on how Organizations as a whole can improve Project Performance:


A Standish Group study that found most IT Projects were not meeting the Triple Constraint and failing as a result. This study sparked the need for real Project Management and use of knowledge areas.

Opening Case: "Anne Roberts"

Anne Roberts, director of the Project Management Office for a large retail chain, gave a speech in front of 500 people in a large corporate auditorium. This speech was also broadcasted to millions outside. The purpose of this speech was to explain the companies new stragegy. The company had come a long way in implemneting new information systems to improve inventory control, online transactions, streamline the sells & distribution process, and improving customer service. At the time the nations economy was weak, and the stock price was down.....Anne greeted the audiance. And basically explained how the project enabled a connection between retail stores all over the world. Customers loved being able to return an item to any story in any location because now we are able to look those records up in a computer database. Efficiency is always the goal. Better online sales and better online collaboration tools are in the works. Failure is not an option so we must stay on top of our game.

What is the cost to complete the project? What is the projects budget? How will costs be tracked? Who can authorize changes to the budget?

Aspects of Cost Constraint are:

What work will be done as part of the project? What unique product, service, or result does the customer or sponsor expect from the project? How will the scope be verified?

Aspects of Scope constraint are:

How long should it take to complete the project? What's the projects schedule? How will the team track actual schedule performance? Who can approve changed to the schedule?

Aspects of Time constraint are:

Garters top 2012 technologies

Cloud Computing, Tablets, mobile Apps, internet of things, contextual and social user experience

Project Cost Management

Consist of preparing and managing the budget for the project

A Project can be completed in a day or take years to compete, it truly depends on the nature of the task at hand, the resources available to complete that task, and the quality of the management behind the effort.

Describe the time table of a Project:

Aspects that define Project Success

Did the project meet the Triple Constraint? Cost, Scope, and Time?....Did the Project satisfy the customer?......Did the Projects results meet it's main objective? are examples of:

Project Quality Management

Ensures the project will satisfy that stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken

****Also individuals are realizing more than ever before in today's era if you plan on keeping a job, you better develop communication and technical skills to become strong team members and project managers*****

FACT: In today's era to be successful as a company, government, or non-profit organization, you MUST use modern project management techniques. Especially for IT projects.

Projects differ from operations in that they end when their objective has been reached, or their efforts are terminated.

How do Projects differ from operations?

The world and workplace are more automated in today's time than ever before.....Computer hardware, software, networks, and the use of interdisciplinary and global work teams have radically changed the work environment as a whole.

How have new technologies become a significant factor in many businesses?

"The CHAOS Report"

In 1995 the standish group published a study called the chaos report. This consulting formed surveyed many IT executive managers who oversaw many many projects. There was a big problem in the IT Industry and that was that most of the projects were failing because they weren't being completed on time and weren't completed in budget. So this Report sparked the reality that better IT Project Management was very necessary and needed to take place immediately.

Project Time Management

Includes estimating how long it will take to complete the work, developing an acceptable project schedule, and ensuring timely competition of the project.

Project Stakeholder Management

Includes identifying and analyzing stakeholder needs while managing and controlling their engagement thru the life of the project

Project Procurement Management

Involved acquiring or procuring goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization

Project Communications Management

Involves analyzing and managing project information

Project Scope Management

Involves defining and managing all the work required to complete the project successfully.

Project Risk Management

Involves identifying, analyzing and responding to risks related to the project

Project integration management

Is an overarching function that affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge areas

Project Human Resource Management

Is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with the Project

Yes, often it is more economical to group projects together. It helps streamline management, staffing, and purchasing and other work.

Is often it more economical to group projects together? Yes or No? And why?

NOTE: The CHAOS study list does not include adequate funding. Why?

Most nongovernment companies must either find adequate funds for important projects or cancel projects if they can't come up with the money.

Infrastructure, Applications Development, and User Support are 3 examples of common programs in the IT field.

Name 3 common programs in the IT field?

Describe the key Competencies that project managers must develop. There are 10 of these Areas.

Project Management Knowledge Areas:

Venture (IT Project Portfolio)

Projects in this category help transform the business:

Core (IT Project Portfolio)

Projects in this category must be accomplished to run the business:

Growth (IT Project Portfolio)

Projects in this category would help the company grow in terms of revenues:

Resources include people, hardware, software, and other assets. Many projects cross departmental or other boundaries to achieve their unique purpose. The company may also hire outside consultants to provide input.

Projects often require resources from various areas. How so? And what do these resources include?

Projects should be developed increments. The reason why is because Projects are often defined broadly when they begin, and as time passes the specific details of the project become clearer. This is why Projects should be developed in increments.

Should projects be developed in increments? Yes or No? And if so, explain why?

Software for task scheduling, score statements, requirements analysis, and lessons-learned reports

Super Tools are tools that have a high potential for improving project success:

Suggested Skills for a Project Manager.

The PM Body of knowledge, Application area knowledge, Project Environment Knowledge, General Management Knowledge and Skills, Soft Skills or human relations are all examples of:

What happened after Management and Knowledge areas where incorporated after the CHAOS study?

Things got better. The number of IT Projects more than doubled. The number of failed projects decreased. The success rate was Higher than it had ever been.

Price-water Coopers Study

This study found that Overrall half of all projects were failing and barely any corporations where meeting the triple constraint.

"Man is a tool using animal, without them he is nothing, with him he is everything" - Thomas Carlyle

Thomas Carlyle famous quote:

1) Adequate Funding 2.) Staff Expertise 3.) Engagement from all stakeholders

U.S. Governments Top 3 reasons why Federal Technology Projects succeed:

Scope, Time, and Cost make up the Triple Constraint.

What 3 aspects make up the "Triple Constraint"?

Time-Management Tools

What are Gantt charts, project network diagrams, and critical path analysis examples of?

Work that is done in organizations in order to sustain the Business

What are Operations?

Project Stakeholders are the people involved in, or affected by Project activities.

What are Project Stakeholders?

Super Tools are tools ranked to have a high use and high potential for improving success.

What are Super Tools?

Venture, Growth, and Core

What are the 3 Basic IT Project Portfolio categories:

Portfolio Managers help their organizations make wise investment decisions by helping select and analyze projects from a strategic and efficient perspective.

What do Portfolio Managers do?

Project Attributes help to define a project further.

What do Project Attributes work to do?

They assist project managers and their teams in carrying out work in all 10 knowledge areas

What do Project Management tools and techniques do?

A Leader focuses on long term goals and the big picture while inspiring others to reach those goals

What does a Leader do?

Progression should be made...Meaning a project team should develop initial plans and then update them with more detail based on new information.

What does it mean in saying Projects should be developed with Progressive Elaboration?

A project being temporary means that it has a definite beginning and end.

What does it mean when a Project is temporary?

This means the company has no choice but to fund the project, it must be funded for the company to stay in business

What does it mean when an IT Project is labeled under "nondiscretionary cost"?

The Project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding of the project.

What does the Project Sponsor do?

User Involvement, Executive Support, Clear Business Objectives, Emotional Maturity, Optimizing Scope, Agile Process, Project Management, Skilled Resources, Execution, Tools and Infrastructure

What helps Projects succeed?

Specialized Software used to organize and analyze all types of project data into portfolios. This data is categorized into active, approved, and future categories.

What is Enterprise Software?

Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.

What is Project Management?

A "Best Practice" is an optimal way recognized by industry to achieve a stated goal or objective.

What is a **BEST PRACTICE**

A Program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually.

What is a Program?

A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

What is a Project?

A Program Manager provides leadership and direction for the project managers heading the projects within a program.. (+) Program Managers coach up Project Managers.

What is the role of a Program Manager?

Project Managers work with project sponsors, the project team, and other people involved to meet project goals. This is why an effective Project Manager is so crucial to a Projects success.

What is the role of the Project Manager? Why are they so essential to Project Success?

"Are we working on the right Projects?"...."Are we investing in the right areas?"....."Do we have the right resources to be competitive?"

What type of questions do Portfolio Managers ask?

Project Stakeholders include the Project Sponsor, Project Team, Support Staff, Customers, Users, Suppliers, and even the Opposition. Why? Because all of these people are involved and affected by the Project in some way shape or form directly or indirectly.

Who do Project Stakeholders include?

Because every project is unique it is sometimes difficult to define it's objectives clearly, estimate how long it will take to complete, or determine how much it will cost. External factors can also cause uncertainty.

Why do Projects involve uncertainty?

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