Chapter 1: Learning about Life

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Forms of Outcomes (4)

1) Building Knowledge 2) Solving problems 3) Developing new technologies 4) Benefiting society

Process of science (order): 1) 2) 3) 4)

1) Observation 2) Hypothesis 3) Prediction 4) Experiment

Forms of communication (5)

1) Sharing data 2) Obtaining feedback 3) Publishing papers 4) Replicating findings 5) Building Consensus

What is biology? What is the scientific study? What does it mean to be alive?

1) The scientific study of life 2) Bio=life 3) Cells, respiration/metabolism, reproduction growth...organism must have these to be considered living

Theories only become widely accepted by scientists if they...(2)

1) are supported by an accumulation of extensive and varied evidence 2) have not been contradicted by any scientific data

Scientific Method/Process of Science: Testing 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1)Forming hypothesis 2)Making predictions 3)Running experiments 4)Gathering data 5)Interpreting data 6)Drawing conclusions

5 major themes in biology:

1. Evolution 2. Structure/Function 3. Information Flow 4. Energy Transformations 5. Interconnections within Systems

What is a scientific theory, and how is it different from a hypothesis?

A scientific theory is much broader in scope than a hypothesis.


All have certain types of things, all familiar with each other

What is science?

Approach t understand the natural world based on inquiry-a search for information, evidence, explanations, and answers to specific questions.

The three domains of life are

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

The ultimate aim for scientific investigations is to what?

Benefit society

The evolutionary view of life came into focus in 1859 when...

Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

This basic human drive to understand our natural world is manifest in two main scientific approaches:

Discovery science and hypothesis-driven science

All cells use ________ as the chemical material of _______,

Dna, genes

Biology, like other sciences, begins with what? This is called what?

Exploration (looking at it). This is the initial phase of inquiry. Watch subject and make observations.

To organize your thinking, you will likely begin selecting one possible explanation and testing it. This is called...


The Domain Eukarya in turn includes three smaller divisions called kingdoms:

Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Fungi, and Kingdom Animalia.

Types of micrographs:

Light, scanning electron, transmission electron

Where do you start when conducting tests?(3 parts)


Which hypothesis' lead to further observations when tested?

Ones involving aspects of the world that cannot be controlled, such as ecological issue.

Which hypothesis' lead to experiments or scientific tests?

Ones involving conditions that can easily be controlled.

What is the process intended to provide quality control regarding scientific publications?

Peer Review

How do kingdom plantae, fungi, and animilia obtain their food?

Plants produce their own sugars and other foods by photosynthesis. Fungi are mostly decomposers, digesting dead organisms and organic wastes. Animals obtain food by ingesting (eating) and digesting other organisms.

Accumulating facts is not the...

Primary goal of science

Scientific Method

Rough recipe for discovering new explanations, a set of procedures that, if followed, may provide insight into the subject at hand.

Scientific investigations are not the only way of knowing nature. What are the other ways?

Science and religion are two very different ways of trying to make sense of nature. Art is yet another way to make sense of the world around us.

When scientists fine tune their questions what do they rely heavily on?

Scientific literature, the published contributions of fellow scientists.

Darwin's book developed two main points:

Species living today descended from a succession of ancestral species in what Darwin called "descent with modification," capturing the duality of life's unity (descent) and diversity (modification)

A broad education should include exposure to all these different ways of viewing the world. T/f?


A hypothesis must be ____________ and ____________ to be valid.

Testable and Falsifiable

"Why is it this way" "how does it work" and "can I change it" are all questions faced during the exploration phase that is used as the next step in the process of science:



The entire set of genetic information that an organism inherits

What can account for this combination of unity and diversity in life?

The scientific explanation is the biological process called evolution.

Data of discovery data:

Verifiable observations and measurements


We know what it should be, a comparison, homeostasis (state of being).

What is life? What distinguishes living things from nonliving things?

We recognize life mainly by what living things do

It is not uncommon for a scientific journal to reject...

a paper entirely if it doesn't meet the rigorous standards set by fellow scientists.

The product of natural selection is _________, the...

accumulation of variations in a population over time

energy processing

acquiring energy and transforming it to a form useful for the organism

The biosphere consists of what?

all the environments on Earth that support life, including soil, oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water, and the lower atmosphere

The diversity of known life—all the species that have been identified and named—includes

at least 290,000 plants, 52,000 vertebrates (animals with backbones), and 1 million insects (more than half of all known forms of life).

Most sciences practice a combo of...

both inquirys

There is no single formula for successfully discovering something new; instead, the process of science suggests a...

broad outline for how an investigation might proceed.

Plants and other photosynthetic organisms ("producers") capture energy where and do what with it?

capture the energy that enters an ecosystem as sunlight and convert it, storing it as chemical bonds within sugars and other complex molecules

Within all living cells, a vast network of interconnected ________________ (collectively referred to as metabolism) continually converts energy from one....

chemical reactions, one form to another as matter is recycled

Chemical energy is then passed through a series of __________ that _____________________, releasing the __________ and putting ____________.

consumers that break the bonds, store energy, and putting it to use

Whatever the source, recorded observations are called...

data which is where specific inquiry is based.

This dependence on verifiable data (2)

demystifies nature and distinguishes science from supernatural beliefs.

Natural selection is the mechanism for...

descent with modification.


dissent with modification. Based on accumulation of favorable traits so you have change overtime.

To make sense of nature, people tend to group...

diverse items according to similarities

growth and development

eating and converting that into ATP...the way we measure energy

In the process of these ________________ between and within organisms, some energy is ______________________, which is then lost from the system.

energy conversions, converted to heat,

The correlation of structure and function can be seen at...

every level of biological organization

We all use hypothesis in solving...

everyday problems.

The results of an ____________ will either _____________ or __________________ your hypothesis.

experiment, support, or not support

hypothesis driven science def

explaining nature

The chemical names of DNA's four __________________________________________ are abbreviated as _____________________

four molecular building blocks, AGCT

Biologists are investigating life at its many levels,

from the interactions within the biosphere to the molecular machinery within cells

After you have formed a hypothesis, you would then make...

further observations or conduct experiments to investigate this initial idea.

The nucleus of each human cell contains a...

genome that is about 3 billion chemical letters long

The scientific method is therefore just a formalization of...

how you already think and act

A gene's meaning to a cell is encoded...

in its specific sequence of those letters

Having a firm grasp of science as a process of inquiry can therefore help you...

in many ways in your life outside the classroom.

Eukaryotic cells have ________ organelles performing...

individual organelles performing specific functions

Informational flow

information flows from generation to generation, passed down encoded within molecules of DNA

genes are the units of...

inheritance that transmit information from parent to offspring.

A theory is...(2)

is a comprehensive explanation supported by abundant evidence, and is general enough to spin off many new testable hypotheses

The ________________ has an alphabet of just four letters.

language of life

Thus, energy flows through an ecosystem, entering as _______ and exiting as _____________

light, and existing as heat

A species is generally defined as a group of organisms that...(2)

live in the same place and time and have the potential to interbreed with one another in nature to produce healthy offspring.

Example of function and structure

lugs exchanging gas within the environment.

The theory of evolution by natural selection, first described by Charles Darwin more than 150 years ago, is the one idea that...

makes sense of everything we know about living organisms

Every object in the universe, both living and nonliving, is composed of ___________.


In contrast to energy flowing through an ecosystem, ________ is ___________ within an ecosystem

matter, is recycled

A more intense exploration may involve extending your senses using tools like...

microscopes or precision instruments to allow for careful measurement

Interconnections within biological systems: The study of life extends from the...

microscopic scale of the molecules and cells that make up organisms to the global scale of the entire living planet

Most members of the three kingdoms are __________


Scientists are in the process of organizing protists into ____________, although they do not yet agree on exactly how to do this

multiple kingdoms

Discovery science seeks...

natural causes for natural phenomena

But what really advances science are what?

new theories that tie together a number of observations that previously seemed unrelated.

Prokaryotic cells have no _________ and no ______________ and organelles don't perform...

no nucleus, no organized cells and don't have specific functions.

These three multicellular kingdoms are distinguished partly by how the organisms...

obtain food

Matter is anything that....

occupies space and has mass.

7 properties and processes associated with life

order, regulation, growth and development, energy processing, response to the environment, reproduction, evolution

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria evolves in response to the...

overuse of antibiotics when dairy and cattle farmers add antibiotics to feed.

Science does not exist just for it's _____________. In fact, it is...

own sake, in fact, it is interwoven with the fabric of society.

Bacteria and Archaea have... Eukarya have...

prokaryotic cells. eukaryotic cells

What is a hypothesis?

proposed explanation for a set of observations or a tentative answer to a question

Those eukaryotes that do not fit into any of the three kingdoms fall into a catch-all group called the...


Artificial selection is the....

purposeful breeding of domesticated plants and animals by humans

Communication and Outcomes The process of science is typically _________ and __________.

repetitive, nonlinear

Reviewers often require authors to ___________________ or perform __________________________ in order to provide more lines of evidence.

revise their paper or perform additional experiments

We may even sort groups into broader categories, such as...(2)

rodents (which include squirrels) and insects (which include butterflies).

Insulin is...

s produced by cells within the pancreas and is a chemical that helps regulate your body's use of sugar as a fuel

Most protists are _________; they include microscopic organisms such as __. But protists also include certain ______forms, such as _______

single celled; amoebas, multicellular, seaweeds

most ecosystems are _________________


Matter is found on earth in 3 physical states

solid, liquid, gas

Respond to environment

stimulus and response, a plant will bend towards sunlight

For life's functions to proceed in an orderly manner, information must be (3)

stored, transmitted, and used.

Within biological systems, ________ (the shape of something) and __________ (what it does) are often related, with each providing...

structure, function, insight to each other

Taxonomy is what?

the branch of biology that names and classifies species, is the arrangement of species into a hierarchy of broader and broader groups

The cornerstones of science are what?

the explanations that apply to the greatest variety of phenomena

Evolution is 1) 2)

the fundamental principle of life and the core theme that unifies all of biology

Life is made possible by:(2)

the input of energy, primarily from the sun, and the transformation of energy from one form to another.


the process of producing offspring

We use the word __________ in our everyday speech the way that a scientist uses the word __________

theory, hypothesis

Although the process of science is often presented as a series of linear steps, in reality investigations...

they are never usually this rigid. Because different questions will require different paths through the steps.

People like Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein stand out in the history of science not because...

they discovered a great many facts but because their theories had such broad explanatory power.

Biologists add... Estimates of the total number of species range from...

thousands of newly identified species to the list each year. 10 million to more than 100 million.

______Biosphere_____ to ______________ and ________________ to _______________ and _________________ to ______________ and _____________ to _______________ to ____________ to ___________ to ______________ and _____________

to ecosystems and communities to population and organisms to organ systems and organs to tissues to cells to organelles to molecules and atoms

Facts are...

verifiable observations and repeatable experimental results and the prerequisites of science

This limits the scope of science to the study of structures and processes that we can...(2)

verifiably observe and measure directly or indirectly with the help of tools and technology, such as microscopes.

discovery science def

which is mostly about describing nature,

Various cellular activities of life are _______, such as _________, ________, and ________, and work requires ________.

work, growth, movement, reproduction, energy.

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