Chapter 1 Life span development

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The upper boundary of the human life span is ______ years

122 years

Early childhood

2-6 years

Middle childhood

6-11 years

Late childhood

6-12 years

Life expectancy in the US is ____ years of age


The_______________ period of development is the period between childhood and emerging adulthood. It begins at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ends at 18 to 21 years of age.


Which of the following statements is true in regard to conducting ethical research with human subjects at a college or university?

An institutional review board must approve a study prior to its implementation

Life-span development is defined as the pattern of changes that begins

At conception, through the human life span

Which of Erikson's stages involves infants and toddlers beginning to assert their sense of independence?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt


Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.

Which theorist believed that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems?


When conducting life-span development research, researchers must be cautious of ____________ effects, such as a person's time of birth, era, or generation, because they can powerfully affect the dependent measures in research concerned with age.


People who were teenagers during the Great Depression are bound to differ from people who were teenagers in the 1990s; what could this fact produce in a research study?

Cohort effects

Normative history-graded influences are ______.

Common to members of a particular generation

Which of the following types of research designs aims to observe and record behavior?


A person creates a unique developmental path by actively choosing from the environment the things that optimize his or her life. Which of the following statements describes this process?

Development is a co-construction of biology, culture, and the individual

Sharon is 4 years old and can follow instructions. She is even learning to identify letters. She is in the __________ period of development

Early childhood

Which developmental period in childhood involves learning to be self-sufficient, caring for the self, developing school readiness skills, and playing with peers?

Early childhood

The __________ theory states that behavior is tied to evolution, is strongly affected by biological influence, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods. (Watch your spelling!)


True or false: Ethnicity encompasses nationality but not religion or language.


True or false; Life-span development focuses mostly on the rapid growth and development that occurs during childhood

False, the focus of life-span development is from conception to death

Which of the following are variables that are part of an experimental research design?

Independent and Dependent

During Erikson's psychosocial stage of _________ versus ________, usually corresponds with the elementary school years, children's energy should be directed toward acquiring knowledge and intellectual skills.

Industry versus Inferiority

During which developmental stage of Erikson's theory do children, usually in the elementary school years, direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and intellectual skills?

Industry versus inferiority

is the developmental period from birth to 18 or 24 months


What theory of development emphasizes individuals manipulating, monitoring, and strategizing about information?

Information-processing theory

According to Erikson at what stage do children encounter a wider social world and face new challenges that require active, purposeful behavior?

Initiative vs. guilt

Which of the following correctly describes life span in the study of human development

It involves growth and change and it occurs throughout life

Which of the following characterizes the middle adulthood period of development

It is a period of expanding personal and social involvement, career achievement, and responsibility.

Which of the following characterizes the middle adulthood period of development?

It is a period of expanding personal and social involvement, career achievement, and responsibility.

Which of the following are characteristics or components of the late adulthood period of development? Select all that apply:

It lasts until death, It begins when people are aging into their 60s or 70s, and It may involve new social roles and decreasing strength and health

Which of the following is true of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

It states that adolescents organize their experiences and it consists of four stages

What method do researchers use when they need to exert significant control over what happens in their study?

Laboratory research

Which of the following developmental periods is typically the longest, based on today's population trends?

Late adulthood

Tamara is one of 30 participants in a study of language development. She was tested when she was two, again when she was five, and will be tested every 3 years until she is 14. What kind of study is Tamara participating in?


According to Bronfenbrenner, the environmental system in which the most direct interaction with social agents takes place is the ______.


Shelby lives with his older sister and parents. He attends school in his community and relates to friends in school and in his neighborhood. According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, this describes his ______.


The _______ period is the developmental period from about 6 to 11 years of age, approximately corresponding to the elementary school years

Middle and late childhood

Which of the following are characteristics of the life span perspective of development

Multidimensional, multidirectional, lifelong

The idea that development is ______ refers to the fact that some dimensions or components of a dimension expand and others shrink throughout the life span.


Development is _______, which means that researchers in many fields share an interest in unlocking the mysteries of development through the life span


The observance of behavior in real-world settings, while making no effort to manipulate or control the situation, is known as ______ observation


________ life events are unusual occurrences that have a major impact on an individual's life, but do not occur to every individual and do not always influence people in the same way.


_____________ age-graded influences include biological processes such as puberty and menopause. (Remember to type only one word in the blank.)



Participants will be advised of the purpose of the study and methods used once their participation has ended.

theories view development as being primarily the result of unconscious processes.


A person's _____ age refers to connectedness with others and the roles that individuals adopt.


Which aspects listed are part of the multidimensional characteristic of life-span development

Socioemotional, biological, and cognitive

Dr. Ramirez has decided to send out 3,000 questionnaires asking people to self-report on their television-viewing habits. What type of research is this?

Survey research

Which is true

The maximum human life span has not changed since the beginning of recorded history

dependent variable

The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.

Which of the following is a strength of research performed in the laboratory?

The researcher can exert more control over what happens to participants

Which of Erikson's stages of development occurs during the first year of life?

Trust versus mistrust

According to a UNICEF study, which of the following are the main global concerns facing women worldwide

Violence, lack of education, and mental health issues

Why are so many cross-cultural researchers focused on the conditions of women around the world?

Women are more likely to violence, receive an inadequate education, and struggle with mental health problems

Dr. Booker is researching friendship patterns across childhood. She has included four groups in her study: 4-year-olds, 6-year-olds, 8-year-olds, and 10-year-olds. This is an example of __

a cross-sectional study

A central focus in developmental research is plasticity, which refers to

a person's capacity for change

Amanda is engaging in much more logical and abstract thought than she used to, and she has become quite idealistic. She is far more interested in spending time with her friends than with her family. Amanda is most likely in the developmental period of ______.



aims to observe and record behavior


aims to provide information that helps to predict how people will behave


aims to understand causality

A correlation ______ is a number based on a statistical analysis that is used to describe the degree of association between two variables.


f a study is "cross-cultural," this means that it ______.

compares multiple cultures

The prenatal period is the time from

conception to birth

Life span development is considered to be a _________ process and does not end at any particular age


What term describes the beliefs, customs, and general behavior patterns of a group of people


______ encompasses the behavior patterns and beliefs that are passed from generation to generation



describes someone whose gender identity is different from the one they were assigned at birth

Types of research designs

descriptive, correlational, experimental,

Life-span _____ is the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception.



development consists of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional dimensions

David is establishing economic independence, pursuing a career, and is considering getting married in the near future. David is very likely in the __________ adulthood stages of life


The ______ period of development is typically a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career development, and, for many, selecting a mate.

early adulthood

Aysha does not believe any one theory can account for all real-life phenomena. She would most likely adopt a/an ______ approach to life-span development.

eclectic theoretical orientation

Rajiv is 21 years old, and is very much still exploring and experimenting with his identity. He is most likely in the stage of adulthood.


In recent years, many psychologists have started to use the term ______ to refer to the period of transition from adolescence to early adulthood

emerging adulthood

As individuals reach late adulthood, the ______ of loss in their capacities takes center stage.

growth, maintenance, and regulation

Developmentalists believe that biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes ______.

interact as people develop

Dr. Mokrani meets with parents one at a time to ask them about their thoughts on discipline. What type of research is this?

interview research

Vygotsky maintained that development

is inseparable from social and cultural influences

The average number of years that a person born in a particular year can be expect to live is called

life expectancy

The brain plays a role in shaping culture and culture plays a role in shaping the brain. This is pointed to as an example of how ______.

life-span development is a co-constrution of biology, culture, and the person

Because Melissa is intrigued with how people change from infancy through late adulthood, she should study

lifespan development

Madeline is a fifty year old woman who has become very active in a number of political and social organizations. She is very passionate about mentoring younger people. Madeline is probably in the development period of adulthoods


Development is _______, which refers to the fact that it has biological, cognitive, and socioemotional aspects


Development is _______ , meaning that some dimensions or components of a dimension expand and others shrink throughout the life span


Development is ______, which means that researchers in many different fields have an interest in understanding the many aspects of development.


Observing behavior in a real-world situation is a research method called

naturalistic observation

Mike lost a friend in a car crash during his senior year in high school. This would be considered a(n) _______ life event, because it made a major impact on Mike, but not everyone.


Events that typically occur at the same age for most people, such as beginning school in early childhood, are known as ______ influences

normative age-graded

Events or trends (such as social or economic trends) that are common to members of a particular generation are known as ______ influences.

normative history-graded

A method that involves systematically gathering data in a laboratory or natural setting by watching and recording interactions or behaviors is known as ______ research.


In Dr. Crawford's research study, he and his colleagues spend time in a sixth-grade classroom watching teacher-student interactions. The type of research that Dr. Crawford's team is doing is most likely ______.

observational research

The ________ period of development is the time from conception to birth


A government's social policy is the course of action taken by the government to _____.

promote the welfare of the country's citizens

Which of the following are factors in which ethnicity is rooted?

race, cultural heritage, and nationality


relationships with others

is a government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizen

social policy

indepedent variable

the eperimental factor that is manipulted the varible whose effect is being studied

Life span development is

the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception

Human Development

the scientific study of the changes that occur in people as they age from conception until death


the stage of development that begins at birth and lasts between 18 and 24 months

Psychoanalytic theories of development place heavy emphasis on the role of ______.

the unconscious

The _______ period of development is a time of transition between infancy and early childhood


What term describes someone whose gender identity differs from the gender assigned to them at birth?


Which of these are examples of developmental contexts

work places and historic time periods

Which of the following are key characteristics of Vygotsky's theory? (select all correct answers)

Cultures and Social interaction

According to ______, eight stages of development unfold as an individual goes through life, and a unique developmental task confronts the individual at each stage.


According to ______, the presence or absence of certain experiences is especially important during specific time frames called critical periods.


True or false: The life-span perspective involves sociocultural and individual factors, but no biological factors

False, the life span perspective does include biological factors


For study purposes, participants are not told everything in advance because it would change their behavior and alter data. This is allowed as long as participants are not harmed.


Freud's theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts; the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions

Waylon is extremely dependent on his parents and is just beginning to develop language. Which developmental period is Waylon mostly likely in?


Which theoretical approach believes that individuals develop a gradually increasing capacity for sensing, storing, and remembering information that allows them to acquire increasingly complex knowledge and skills


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects what is important in the study of life-span development

It is important to study growth as well as decline when studying the life span

Development is contextual and has three types of influences. What are these influences?

Normative age-graded, non-normative life events, and normative history-graded

Which period of development would a 2-year-old be in?

Toddler period

The "nature" part of the nature-nurture issue in development can be described as ______.

a biological and genetic perspective

The "nurture" portion of the nature-nurture issue in development can be described as ______.

an environmental perspective on how people develop

In the adolescent years, teens discover who they are, what they are about, and where they are going in their lives. This occurs during the stage of development that Erik Erikson described as identity versus identity ____


In the adolescent years, teens discover who they are, what they are about, and where they are going in their lives. This occurs during the stage of development that Erik Erikson described as identity versus identity _____.


Both the behavioral and the social cognitive theories emphasize ______.

continuity in development

Both the behavioral and the social cognitive theories of development assume that ______.

development does not occur in a stage-like fashion


language and intelligence

Edgar has recently retired and is struggling to come to terms with his new life style. He is in good health, but has experienced a decrease in strength, which bothers him. This information identifies Edgar as a man in the _______ adulthood stage of life


the _______ stage of development is typically the longest


The characteristics of masculinity and femininity that form a central part of a person's identity and social relationships is called


Which of Erikson's developmental stages involves adolescents finding out who they are and what they want to do in their lives?

Identity versus identity confusion

What are the four ways of measuring age?

Social Chronological Biological Psychological

When does Erikson's second stage of psychosocial development occur?

late infancy

In the life-span perspective, no age period dominates development. That highlights the view that development is considered to be


Julie has mastered the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and very motivated to do well in school. Julie is most likely in the developmental period of ______.

middle childhood

Dr. Phillips, a clinical psychologist, has a client who exhibits some very unusual behaviors. She writes a report on the patient so that her colleagues can benefit from her observations. What type of research is Dr. Phillips conducting?

A case study

Which of the following are true of the correlation coefficient? Select all that apply:

A correlation of 0 means there is no relationship. It ranges from -1.00 to +1.00. Whether a correlation is simply positive or negative does not indicate strength.

What is functional magnetic resonance imaging?

A physiological measure

Which of the following research designs is used to detect whether a relationship exists between two or more variables, although it cannot infer causation?

Correlational research

Informed consent

Participants must have information on the costs and benefits of their participation. They must be told that they have the right to withdraw.

Which of the following are criticisms of research performed in the laboratory? Select all that apply:

Participants usually know they are being studied It is not a natural setting

Which of the following are cognitive theories of development?

Piaget's, Vygotsky, and information-processing theory

The largest generation to enter late adulthood in the United States are called __________.

baby boomers

Research results from studies done with participants who are not from diverse cultures or ethnic groups have sometimes been applied to people who are from diverse cultures and ethnic groups. This is clearly a case of cultural and ethnic


The three main issues that influence how we look at development are nature and nurture, ___________ and __________. and stability and change

continuity and discontinuity

A research strategy that simultaneously compares people of different ages is known as the ______ approach.


eud's 5 psychosexual stages of development are:

oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital


physical stature

Piaget's ______ stage, which lasts from birth to about 2 years of age, is the stage in which infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating physical activities with experiences such as seeing and hearing.


Piaget's stage, which lasts from birth to about 2 years of age, is the stage in which infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating physical activities with experiences such as seeing and hearing.


____ refers to the characteristics of people as males and females as a central part of their identity in social relationships.


_______ - cultural studies compare aspects of two or more cultures


Marina is interested in researching the effects of teacher-to-child ratio on academic achievement. This exemplifies the contemporary focus of life-span development on _____


Baltes and his colleagues (2006) hypothesize that mastery of life involves conflict and competition among different goals of human development. Which of the following are those goals? (Choose all that apply)

Growth, regulation of loss, and maintenance

______ age refers to an individual's ability to adapt to change as compared to other people who have lived the same amount of time.


______ status refers to a person's position within society based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.


______ status refers to a person's position within society, based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.


Which of the following statements are consistent with the basic premises of Erikson's psychosocial theory? Select all that apply

There is a turning point marked by increased vulnerability and enhanced potential There is a crisis that must be resolved

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