Chapter 1 Operations Management

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The ratio of all resources to the goods and services produced is referred as A. multifactor productivity.B. single-factor productivity.C. productivity growth.D. labor productivity.


A global network of organizations and activities that supply a firm with goods and services is referred to as A. operations management.B. a supply chain.C. business functions.D. production.


A large percentage of the revenue of most firms is spent on which​ function? A. marketing B. operations C. research and development D. finance


The capital investment each year in the United States usually A. decreases.B. increases.C. remains constant.D. decreases unless favorably taxed.


The creation of goods and services is referred to as: A. transformation.B. production.C. formation.D. design.


The service sector constitutes what percentage of employment in the United​ States? A. between​ 50% to​ 60% B. between​ 80% to​ 90% C. between​ 60% to​ 70% D. between​ 70% to​ 80%


Which of the following organizations does NOT belong to the service​ sector? A. Costco B. Ford Motor Company C. San Diego Zoo D. Southwest Airlines


Which of the following trends is NOT part of the exciting OM challenges currently facing operations managers? A. sustainabilityB. local focusC. supply chain partneringD. rapid product development


The creation of goods and services is referred to​ as: A. transformation. B. formation. C. production. D. design.


The economic activities that typically produce an intangible product are referred to as A. phantoms. B. goods. C. services. D. products.


Which appears to provide the best opportunity for increases in productivity? A. laborB. capitalC. management D. raw materials


Which of the following activities at an airline is NOT an operations activity? A. cateringB. flyingC. salesD. crew scheduling


Which of the following is NOT considered to be a stakeholder? A. distributorsB. community membersC. competitorsD. customers


Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the three primary functions that all organizations​ perform? A. ​production/operations B. ​finance/accounting C. research and development D. marketing


Which of the following tasks would NOT typically represent an operations management activity at Hard Rock​ Cafe? A. receiving a shipment of incoming food ingredients B. designing an efficient layout C. filing a tax return D. preparing an employee schedule


Which of these is NOT one of the 10 strategic OM​ decisions? A. scheduling B. layout strategies C. marketing D. managing quality


Which of these is NOT one of the basic functions of the management process? A. staffingB. controllingC. inspectingD. leading


Productivity increases when: A. outputs decrease while inputs remain the same. B. inputs increase while outputs remain the same. C. inputs and outputs increase proportionately. D. inputs decrease while outputs remain the same.


Which of the following activities at a commercial bank is NOT an operations activity? A. maintenanceB. check clearingC. securityD. auditing


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of​ services? A. unique B. produced and consumed simultaneously C. intangible D. standardized product


Which of the following is NOT one of the four reasons that we study​ OM? A. It is one of the three major functions of any organization. B. We want to know how goods and services are produced. C. It is such a costly part of an organization. D. We want to understand what marketing managers do.


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