Chapter 1 study questions

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4)which of the following is not a human organ system? a)Muscular. b)Integumentary. c)Epithelial. d)Nervous. e)Endocrine.

18)A chemical imbalance in a heart muscle cell can cause the heart to stop pumping blood, which in turn will cause other tissues and organs to cease functioning. This observation supports the view that a)All levels of organization within an organism are interdependent. b)All cells are independent of each other. c)All organisms are composed of cells. d)Congenital defects can be life-threatening. e)Chemical molecules make up cells

a)All levels of organization within an organism are interdependent.

50)Which of the following statements is true regarding the sternal, axillary, and brachial regions: a)All of these regions are located on the anterior surface of the body. b)None of these regions are located on the anterior surface of the body. c)Only the sternal and axillary regions are anterior. d)Only the sternal and brachial regions are anterior. e)Only the axillary and brachial regions are anterior.

a)All of these regions are located on the anterior surface of the body.

5)The study of the structure and shape of the body and body parts is called: a)Anatomy. b)Physiology. c)Homeostasis. d)Negative feedback. e)Irritability.


17)Which of the following is the correct sequence, going from simplest to most complex,in the levels of structural organization of the human body: a)Chemical level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level, organismal level. b)Chemical level, tissue level, cellular level, organ system level, organ level, organismal level. c)Cellular level, chemical level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level, organismal level. d)Cellular level, tissue level, chemical level, organ level, organ system level, organismal level. e)Cellular level, chemical level, tissue level, organ system level, organismal level, organ level

a)Chemical level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level, organismal level.

38)Your bodys' thermostat is located in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Which of the following elements of a control system does this area in the brain represent: a)Control center. b)Stimulus. c)Effector. d)Efferent pathway. e)Afferent pathway

a)Control center.

56)The anterior pit of the elbow is the __________ region, and the posterior pit of the knee is the __________ region. a)Cubital, popliteal. b)Popliteal, Cubital. c)Popliteal, Antebrachial. d)Cubital, Antebrachial. e)cubital, olecranon

a)Cubital, popliteal.

30)This system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients. a)Digestive. b)Urinary. c)Reproductive. d)Circulatory. e)Lymphatic.


2)Cutting and separating tissues to reveal structural relationships is called __________. a)Dissection. b)Separation. c)Physiology. d)Radiology. e)Histology.


67)The wrist is ________ to the elbow. a)Distal. b)Medial. c)Horizontal. d)Proximal. e)Lateral


25)The thyroid gland belongs to ________ system. a)Endocrine. b)Cardiovascular. c)Digestive. d)Respiratory. e)Lymphatic.


7)Structure that can be observed with the naked eye is called a)Gross anatomy. b)Ultra-structure. c)Microscopic anatomy. d)Histology. e)Cytology.

a)Gross anatomy

57)The manus is the _______ and the pedal is the ______. a)Hand, foot. b)Foot, hand. c)Digits, sole. d)Hands, digits. e)Foot, digits

a)Hand, foot.

75)In humans, the pelvic cavity is ________ to the abdominal cavity. a)Inferior. b)Proximal. c)Anterior. d)Posterior. e)Ventral.


53)The region is immediately medial to the Coxal region. a)Inguinal. b)Hypochondriac. c)Umbilical. d)Popliteal. e)Cubital.


27)Skin, hair, and nails are part of the ________ system. a)Integumentary. b)Endocrine. c)Muscular. d)Skeletal. e)Nervous.


55)The common name for the patella is the a)Kneecap. b)Elbow. c)Groin. d)Calf. e)olecranon


52)The ________ region located in the lower back?a)Lumbar. b)Cephalic thoracic. c)Pelvic. d)Gluteal. e)Thoracic region


96)The cranial cavity is lined by membranes called the __________. a)Meninges. b)Serous Membrane. c)Mucous membrane. d)Parietal layer. e)Visceral layer


33)The term ___________ refers to the sum of all chemical reactions in the body. a)Metabolism b)Responsiveness c)Stimulus d)Reproduction e)differentiation.


39)Carl was stung by a bee and was taken to the emergency room because she was undergoing anaphylactic shock. She was given a shot of epinephrine which reduced her allergic reactions and brought her breathing and heart beat back to normal. Did the dose of epinephrine result in a negative feedback or a positive feedback mechanism?a)Negative feedback b)Positive feedback

a)Negative feedback

51)The back of the neck is the __________ region. a)Nuchal. b)Buccal. c)Facial. d)Cervical. e)Anterior.


13)Two or more types of tissue make an/a. a)Organ. b)System. c)Cell. d)Organism. e)Tissue


58)Which of the following regions is not part of the upper limb? a)Plantar. b)Carpal. c)Cubital. d)Brachial. e)Palmar


44)A self-amplifying chain of physiological events is called a)Positive feedback. b)Negative feedback. c)Dynamic constancy. d)Homeostasis. e)Metabolism

a)Positive feedback.

59)Lynn was knocked off her bicycle during a race. She broke some bones in her right antebrachial region, suffered an abrasion on her mental region, and had severe bruising on her right gluteal and femoral regions. Explain where each of these injuries located. a)Right forearm, chin, right buttock and right thigh b)Right arm, cheeks, right buttock and right thigh c)Right forearm, chin, right buttock and right leg d)Right hand, cheeks, right leg

a)Right forearm, chin, right buttock and right thigh

92)A section that divides the body into right and left parts is called: a)Sagittal. b)Frontal. c)Transverse. d)Oblique. e)Coronal


87)Which of the following is a dorsal body landmark?a)Scapular region. b)Sternal region. c)Thoracic region. d)Patellar region

a)Scapular region.

70)The right shoulder is ______ and __________ to the lumbar region. a)Superior; lateral. b)Superior; medial. c)Inferior; lateral. d)Inferior; medial. e)Posterior; lateral

a)Superior; lateral.

84)A person is lying on the bed gazing at the ceiling. She is in the ________ position. a)Supine. b)Posterior. c)Dorsal. d)Prone. e)Caudal


98)The diaphragm located between the ___ and _____. a)Thoracic cavity; abdominopelvic cavity. b)Pericardial sac; pericardial cavity. c)Pericardial cavity; pleural cavity. d)Pleural cavity; mediastinum. e)Abdominal cavity; pelvic cavity

a)Thoracic cavity; abdominopelvic cavity.

24)This system regulates blood volume and pressure, stimulates red blood cell formation,and controls fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. a)Urinary system. b)Reproductive system. c)Digestive system. d)Muscular system. e)Circulatory system

a)Urinary system.

54) The common name for the olecranal is the ________ a) kneecap. b) elbow. c) groin. d) calf. e) forearm.

b) elbow.

8)Studying the structures of a cells is called a)Histology. b)Cytology. c)Embryology. d)Physiology. e)Anatomy.


64)The prefix hetero- means a)Same. b)Different. c)Both. d)Solid. e)Below.


10)The study of early developmental processes is termed a)Pathology. b)Embryology. c)Histology. d)Cytology. e)Organology


60)The ___ region of the left lower limb is proximal to the ____ region of the same limb. a)Carpal; manual. b)Femoral; Crural. c)Antebrachial; brachial. d)Tarsal; Crural. e)Brachial; femoral

b)Femoral; Crural.

88)The plane that passes vertically through the body or an organ and divides it into anterior and posterior portions is called the _____ plane. a)Sagittal. b)Frontal. c)Median. d)Transverse. e)Oblique.


36)Maintaining the internal environment of an organism is termed ___________. a)Integration. b)Homeostasis. c)Positive feedback. d)Negative feedback. e)Effector control


42)When a variation outside normal limits triggers a response that restores the normal condition, the regulatory mechanism involves a)Positive feedback. b)Negative feedback. c)Compensation. d)Habituation. e)Adaptation.

b)Negative feedback.

81)Which of the following orientation terms have opposite meanings (in humans): a)Superficial and proximal. b)Superficial and deep. c)Medial and distal. d)Lateral and distal. e)Posterior and intermediate

b)Superficial and deep.

6)Examining the superficial anatomic markings is called a)Regional anatomy. b)Surface anatomy. c)Pathologic anatomy. d)Comparative anatomy. e)Cellular anatomy.

b)Surface anatomy.

12)The study of the function of specific organ systems is called a)Histology. b)Systemic physiology. c)Histophysiology. d)Special physiology. e)Cell physiology

b)Systemic physiology.

43)When you are outside on a hot, humid day, what body changes occur to help your body temperature return to normal? a)The blood vessels in your skin constrict b)The sweat glands release sweat. c)Nerve impulses are sent to muscles to cause shivering. d)The smooth muscle associated with hair follicles contracts, causing goose bumps.

b)The sweat glands release sweat.

49)The region that contains the navel is the: a)Carpal region. b)Umbilical region. c)Inguinal region. d)Orbital region.

b)Umbilical region.

72)In the cat, the head is ___ to the tail, whereas in the human the head is _____ to the gluteal region. a)Superior; superior. b)anterior; superior. c)posterior; dorsal. d)ventral; distal. e)anterior; posterior

b)anterior; superior.

32)The pancreas is an organ directly associated with both the _____ systems. a)digestive and reproductive. b)digestive and endocrine. c)digestive and integumentary. d) male reproductive and urinary. e) female reproductive and lymphatic

b)digestive and endocrine.

85)While standing erect, the direction of caudal is a)Medially. b)Upward. c)Downward. d)Laterally. e)None of these


37)A cell or organ that responds to commands of the control center in negative feedback is termed a(n) a)Stimulus. b)Hypothalamus. c)Effector. d)Thermoregulator. e)Receptor.


26)These two systems that control and coordinate the human body. a)Muscular and nervous. b)Circulatory and lymphatic. c)Endocrine and nervous. d)Circulatory and endocrine. e)Muscular and skeletal.

c)Endocrine and nervous.

68)The interscapular region is ______ to the scapular region. a)Anterior. b)Posterior. c)Medial. d)Lateral. e)Superior


21)Locomotion and heat production are the functions of the ________ system. a)Lymphatic. b)Skeletal. c)Muscular. d)Respiratory. e)Cardiovascular


82)Which of the following statements is true regarding the vertebral, occipital, and buccal regions: a)All of these regions are located dorsally. b)None of these regions is located dorsally. c)Only the vertebral and occipital regions are located dorsally. d)Only the vertebral and buccal regions are located dorsally. e)Only the occipital and buccal regions are located dorsally.

c)Only the vertebral and occipital regions are located dorsally.

40)Negative feedback systems: a)Regulate blood clotting and the birth process. b)Operate in a way that the initial stimulus is enhanced and increases. c)Operate in a way that the initial stimulus is shut off or reduced. d)Always inhibit a process as reflected in their naming as negative. e)Function in the same way as positive feedback system

c)Operate in a way that the initial stimulus is shut off or reduced.

19)The ovary is part of which of the following two systems: a)Digestive and endocrine systems. b)Digestive and respiratory systems. c)Reproductive and endocrine systems. d)Reproductive and respiratory systems. e)Endocrine and respiratory system

c)Reproductive and endocrine systems. (they secrete hormones—primarily estrogen and progesterone)

3)The word root homeo- means_____. a)Tissue. b)Human. c)Same. d)Organelle. e)Organ.


78)The chest is ________ to the umbilicus. a)Medial. b)Anterior. c)Superior. d)Inferior. e)Posterior


89)A ring-shaped section of the small intestine would be a section. a)Sagittal. b)Coronal. c)Transverse. d)Frontal. e)Median


71)The trachea is _____ to the esophagus. a)superior. b)dorsal. c)anterior. d)Posterior. e)Inferior.


14)The __________ level of organization is composed of two or more tissue types that work together to perform a common function. a)Cellular b)Molecular c)Organ d)Organismal e)systemic


66)The _____ part of the small intestine is the part closest the stomach. a)dorsal. b)ventral. c)proximal d)Distal. e)Medial.


83)The thyroid gland is ____ to the trachea and ___to the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. a)superior; lateral. b)superior; medial. c)superficial; inferior. d)Deep; superior. e)proximal; distal.

c)superficial; inferior.

20)The system that supports and protects soft tissue, stores minerals, and makes blood cells is a)the nervous system. b)the muscular system. c)the skeletal system. d)the lymphatic system. e)the cardiovascular system

c)the skeletal system.

48)Which of the following is not an essential part of anatomical position? a)Feet together. b)Feet flat on the floor. c)Forearms supinated. d)Mouth closed. e)palms forward

d) mouth closed.

79)Which of the following orientation and directional terms have the same meaning a)Superior and caudal. b)Inferior and cranial. c)Inferior and cephalad. d)Anterior and ventral. e)Anterior and dorsa

d)Anterior and ventral.

22)This system transports cells, waste, and dissolved substances. a)Respiratory system. b)Endocrine system. c)Integumentary system. d)Cardiovascular system. e)Nervous system

d)Cardiovascular system.

61)The wrist is called the _____ region, and the ankle is called the _______ Region. a)Manual; pedal. b)Brachial; Crural. c)Crural; antebrachial. d)Carpal; tarsal. e)Metacarpal; metatarsal

d)Carpal; tarsal.

15)The simplest structures considered to be alive are a)Organisms. b)Organs. c)Tissues. d)Cells. e)Organelles


74)The visceral pericardium is ________ to the parietal pericardium. a)Lateral. b)medial. c)superficial. d)Deep. e)Anterior.


16)Which of the following activities represents physiological studies? a)Making a section through the heart to observe its interior. b)Examining the surface of a bone. c)Viewing muscle tissue through a microscope. d)Drawing blood from laboratory animals to determine their blood sugar levels. e)Observing the parts of a reproducing cell.

d)Drawing blood from laboratory animals to determine their blood sugar levels.

45)In positive feedback, the initial stimulus produces a response that a)Suppresses the stimulus. b)Impedes the stimulus. c)Has no effect on the stimulus. d)Exaggerates the stimulus. e)Interferes with the completion of the process.

d)Exaggerates the stimulus.

28)This system provides protection, thermoregulation, and make vitamin D. a)Lymphatic system. b)Muscular system. c)Skeletal system. d)Integumentary system. e)Excretory system

d)Integumentary system

91)A line passes through the sternum, umbilicus, and mons pubis. a)Central. b)Proximal. c)Midclavicular. d)Midsagittal. e)Intertubercular


31) The survival need that is required in order to release energy from foods is: a)Nutrients. b)Water. c)Atmospheric pressure. d)Oxygen. e)Constant body temperature


1)______ means studying anatomy by touch. a)Gross anatomy. b)Auscultation. c)Osculation. d)Palpation. e)Percussion


35)Which of the following elements of a control system detects a change: a)Control center. b)Stimulus. c)Effector. d)Receptor. e)Efferent pathway.


9)An ear, nose, and throat specialist is concerned with the study of ________ anatomy. a)Microscopic. b)Surface. c)Gross. d)Regional. e)Systemic


73)The greater Omentum is what to the small intestine. a)Posterior. b)Parietal. c)Deep. d)Superficial. e)Proximal.


69)In describing the relationship of the lungs to the heart: a)The lungs are intermediate to the heart. b)The lungs are caudal to the heart. c)The lungs are superficial to the heart. d)The lungs are lateral to the heart. e)The lungs are cephalad to the heart

d)The lungs are lateral to the heart.

23)The kidneys and urinary bladder belong to the ________ system. a)Digestive. b)Lymphatic. c)Respiratory. d)Urinary. e)Endocrine


94)The backbone encloses the a)Thoracic cavity. b)Abdominal cavity. c)Pelvic cavity. d)Vertebral canal. e)Cranial cavity.

d)Vertebral canal.

76)Which of the following terms refers to the front of the body? a)Ventral. b)Posterior. c)Dorsal. d)Anterior. e)A and D

e)A and D

34)What properties are common to all living things?a)Metabolism b)Growth c)Regulation d)Responsiveness e)All of the above

e)All of the above

47)While standing in the anatomical position ,a)Front refers to ventral. b)Back refers to posterior. c)Front refers to anterior. d)Back refers to dorsal. e)All of the above

e)All of the above

86)Which of the following is an anterior body landmark? a)Sural region. b)Popliteal region. c)Gluteal region. d)Vertebral region. e)Antecubital region.

e)Antecubital region.

99)The thoracic cavity contains the. a)Coelom. b)Pericardial cavity. c)Pelvic cavity. d)Pleural cavities. e)B and D.

e)B and D.

90)Which of the following statements is true? a)The diaphragm is posterior to the lungs. b)The esophagus is inferior to the stomach. c)The liver is in the lumbar region. d)The peritoneum lines the inside of the stomach and intestines. e)Both kidneys could be shown in a single coronal section of the body.

e)Both kidneys could be shown in a single coronal section of the body.

77)______ is (are) lateral to the nose? a)Mouth. b)Chin. c)Ear. d)Eye. e)D and C.

e)D and C.

93)The two major body cavities are the a)Inferior and dorsal. b)Superior and dorsal. c)Superior and inferior. d)Ventral and inferior. e)Dorsal and ventral

e)Dorsal and ventral

46)Which one of the following is NOT in the correct anatomical position? a)Arms at sides. b)Standing erect. c)Face and eyes facing forward. d)Feet flat on the floor. e)Palms facing posteriorly

e)Palms facing posteriorly

11)The branch of physiology deals with changes in function resulting from a disease is a)Physiological chemistry .b)Histophysiology. c)System physiology. d)Special physiology. e)Pathophysiology


65)The term used to describe an appendage structure that is closest to its point of attachment to the trunk is a)Distal. b)Lateral. c)medial. d)Superior. e)Proximal


29)The system that exchanges CO2 and O2 and helps in speech is the _____ system, whereas the system that transports O2 and CO2 is the ______ system. a)Respiratory; urinary. b)Circulatory; digestive. c)Respiratory; digestive. d)Circulatory; urinary. e)Respiratory; circulatory

e)Respiratory; circulatory

100)The right pleural cavity surrounds the a)Heart. b)Left lung. c)Trachea. d)Digestive organs. e)Right lung

e)Right lung

63)The word root homeo means a)Tissue. b)Metabolism. c)Change. d)Human. e)Same


41)An example of a receptor in a negative feedback loop controlling body temperature would be a)Sweat glands that increase secretion. b)Regulatory centers that send commands to an effector. c)Sweat glands that act like effectors. d)Effectors that cause blood vessels to dilate. e)Temperature sensors on the skin that detect a stimulus

e)Temperature sensors on the skin that detect a stimulus

62)The most superior segment of the upper limb is called a)The digits. b)The manual region. c)The carpal region. d)The antebrachial region. e)The brachial region

e)The brachial region

95)The brain and the spinal cord are protected by a)A parietal layer. b)A visceral layer. c)Mucous membranes. d)Serous membranes. e)The meninges

e)The meninges

80)In describing the relationship of the thoracic and spinal cavities: a)The thoracic cavity is superior to the spinal cavity. b)The thoracic cavity is inferior to the spinal cavity. c)The thoracic cavity is proximal to the spinal cavity. d)The thoracic cavity is medial to the spinal cavity. e)The thoracic cavity is ventral to the spinal cavity

e)The thoracic cavity is ventral to the spinal cavity

97)The __________ cavity is inferior to the _____________ cavity. a)Cranial; thoracic. b)Thoracic; abdominopelvic. c)Pericardial; pleural. d)Thoracic; peritoneal. e)Thoracic; cranial

e)Thoracic; cranial

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