Chapter 1 the civil war / what do you know?

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Just after the Civil War______ were written by Southern states to prevent Freedman from having the same rights as whites

Black codes

Which phrase completes the diagram on the left?

Discriminated against african americans

crossword puzzle


Lee's 1863 advance on the north resulted in the battle at _____ Pennsylvania


Friedmans bureau

Help former slaves adjust to freedom

Black codes

New southern state governments with former Confederate leaders pass black codes, restricting the rights of Freedmen

Homestead Act

Promised settlers 160 acres of land for $1.65 an acre after improving it for six months or for free if they farmed it for five years

What was a positive long-term impact of radical reconstruction on the south?

Public education systems or established for students of all races

The graph below compares the resources of the north and south during the Civil War. which of these strategies was not used by the south to counter the Norths advantages in resources shown in the graph?

The South will invade in capture major Union Cities

How did completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869 encourage settlement of the American West?

The rail Road made it easier for ranchers and farmers to ship goods back east

What was A significant impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The war became a moral contest over slavery

What impact did radical Republicans in Congress have on reconstruction?

They encouraged the freedmen to exercise their new political rights

The excerpt below is from a letter by General Winfield Scott written in 1861. What was the main objectives of the plan describe in general Scott letter?

To suffocate the south by controlling the Mississippi River and the southern ports

Why did the Union impose a naval blockade on the South during the Civil War?

to strangle the shipment of supplies to the confederacy

Which is the best contemporary definition of "scalawag"?

A white southerners who supported reconstruction

A person who agitated to end slavery


The excerpt below is from a recently written history of the Civil War. what contradiction does the Civil War historian find in the secession of the southern states?

Confederates demanded the freedom to enslave others

Line separating areas of settlement from Les densely populated areas


People in the American west had different points of view about how land should be used. which of the following does not show a conflict over land use?

Miners-polluted water-farmers

A compromise reached in 1820 to keep slavery non-slave states equal in the Senate


Missouri compromise

Missouri admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state ;slavery prohibited in Louisiana purchase north of 36 30 N

Which of the following would geographers consider a"pull" factor that contributed to the settling of the far west?

Only a decade after the California gold rush new discoveries of gold and silver or made in Nevada, Colorado and South Dakota

The cartoon on the left to buy thomas nast was published in 1874

Opponents of reconstruction were using violence to intimidate the freedmen

Which practices were introduced in southern states after reconstruction to circumvent this amendment?

Poll taxes, literacy test, and residency requirements were passed which affected African Americans more than other citizens.

Which view was held by most Southerners of the secession crisis of 1860 through 1861?

Since the union was created by the states they could leave it at any time.

Which event was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven Southern states in 1861?

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president

Name of the railroad was completed in 1869



A system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.

Crossword puzzle


Derogatory term for people from the north who arrived to help the Freedman


Bill which prohibited discrimination based on race

Civil rights

Which sequence of events correctly identifies a rising tensions bringing the nation closer toward armed conflict?

Compromise of 1859- dredd scott decision


Confederate forces were defeated at Gettysburg ,Pennsylvania in July 1863 .more than 50,000 soldiers were injured or killed

Constitutional amendment that prohibits the Denial of voting rights on the basis of race


The diagram below provides details about the Civil War which title best completes the diagram?

Florida contribution to the south during the Civil War

What was an important effect of the sharecropping system in dept peonage?

Freedman after remained in the state of economic dependence on their former masters

What did the passage of the Homestead act of 1862 and the Pacific Railway act demonstrate about the federal government?

It was committed to settling the western territories

Republican who won the 1860 presidential election


Kansas-Nebraska Act

Popular sovereignty to determine the slavery question in remaining territories of Louisiana purchase ,reopening slavery issue

14th Amendment

Prevented states from denying African-Americans or other minorities the rights and privileges of citizens including a fair trial and equal protection of the laws.

The 14th amendment established everyone's right to due


Type of factor that causes people to leave one place from another


Southern whites who supported reconstruction


How did this law influence conditions for African Americans in Florida?

Schools for African-American children received fewer resources than schools for white children

The action of formally withdrawing for membership in the United States


Loyalty felt by many Americans to the region of the country


Then forced separation of different racial groups


Term for a freed men who enters into a farming deal with former owner to work the land and divide the harvest


Indian tribe native to the Black Hills of South Dakota


Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston


In emancipated slaves


Constitutional amendment that prohibit slavery throughout the United States

13th- thirteenth

Which amendment guaranteed the equal protection of the laws to all American citizens?

14th amendment

Dred Scott Decision

A Missouri slave sued for his freedom, claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory made free land by the Missouri Compromise had made him a free man. The U.S, Supreme Court decided he couldn't sue in federal court because he was property, not a citizen.

Town that spring up overnight often in the mining area

Boom town

African-American troops in the West were called _______ soldiers


Federick_____ wrote about his experiences as a former slave


Compromise of 1850

Includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, Made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War

What was a negative aspect of the Americanization policy of the late 1880s for American Indians?

Indians saw the survival of their traditional cultures threatened.

How did the Dawes act 1887 mark a departure from earlier federal Indian policy?

It permitted Indians to withdraw private plots from the tribal reservation

What was one impact of these issues on Republicans following the Civil War?

They disagreed over whether the president or Congress should set conditions for reconstruction

What was the main purpose of the reservation system?

To clear federal land for settlement by rail roads ,ranchers, and farmers


Union plan to rebuild the country after the civil war.

Miss guided attended by the US to Americanize Indians was known as the ______ act


Lincoln's_______ proclamation declared that slaves in states in rebellion would be free in January 1863


The government act that granted free land to settlers after improving it for six months


•Built sod houses •used dry farming techniques •used Barbwire fences •burned cow and buffalo chips for fuel •wind mills pumped water •steel plow use for tough soil What would be the best title for the box above?

How farmers adapted to conditions on the great plains.

The cartoon below was published in the late 1800s. What is the main idea of the cartoon?

Indians went hungry while federal Indian agents grew wealthy

The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy versus Ferguson. what practice did this ruling up hold?

Racial segregation all public places

Which two groups most helped the freed men during the reconstruction era?

Radical Republicans and carpet baggers

Transcontinental Road

Railroad spanning North American continent; completed in 1869

Which conflict is described in the newspaper shown on the left?

Ranchers with herds on the open range opposed farmers and ranchers with fenced properties

The statement below was by Thaddeus Stevens a radical Republican leader, what reason did Stevens give in the statement for granting voting rights to African-Americans?

Republicans must offer voting rights to freedmen before southern democrats do

First African-American to sit in congress


Radical Republicans

Smaller group of Republicans who believe that the south should be punished and that African-Americans should be granted for political and civil equality

Thick clumps of grass and soil used to construct houses


Which best expresses the viewpoint of the artist in the cartoon above

Southern slaves are better treated than factory workers.

What was in the media affect of the changes described above which were implemented by congressional reconstruction?

The balance of power in southern state governments shifted

This cartoon was published in 1850 -what social issue is adressed in the cartoon?

The conditions of southern slaves

Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War?

The dred scott decision led northern state officials to defy federal law

What were the major consequences of the Civil War?

The end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the federal government

Jim Crow laws

The laws establishing racial segregation in the south

Reservation System

Tribes forced onto reserved lands often dry and undesirable.

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