Chapter 1 to 2 The Cell as a Unit of Health and and Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults

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27. Administration of which pharmaceutical agent(s) would contribute to ischemia/reperfusion injury? (Review article) a. Superoxide dismutase b. NO synthase inhibitor c. Xanthine oxidase inhibitor d. Monoclonal antibody to ICAM-1 e. All of the above


59. Which of the following morphologic change is not seen in apoptotic cells (Robbins 26) A. Cell shrinkage B. Chromatin dispersion C. Chromatin condensation D. Formation of apoptotic bodies E. Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells


91. The mechanisms of cellular atrophy include which of the following? 1. Increased apoptosis 2. Increased autophagy 3. Increased proteolysis 4. Decreased protein synthesis 5. Decreased oxygen free radical formation a. 1, 2, 4 b. 1, 4, 5 c. 2, 3, 4 d. 2, 3, 5 e. 3, 4, 5


The order of acute cell swelling due to hypoxia is (PBVD 14) 1. Depletion of ATP 2. Deficiency of oxygen 3. Failure of Na+-K+ pump 4. Influx of Na+, CA++, and H2O 5. Decrease in oxidative phosphorylation A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 2,1,3,4,5 C. 2,5,1,3,4 D. 2,5,1,4,3 E. 5,4,3,2,1


51. Which of the following are sensors of damage or stress that activate pro-apoptotic effector molecules? a. Bax, Bak b. Bcl-2, Bcl-x c. Bid, Bad, Bim d. Cytochrome c e. Caspase 9 and 3

C (Robbins p. 28). Bax and Bak are the pro-apoptotic effectors. Bcl-2 and Bcl-x are the anti-apoptotic molecules that stabilize the mitochondrial permeability

46. Hypothermia can reduce the deleterious effect of ischemia by all of the following mechanism except? A. Reducing metabolic demands of stressed cells B. Decreasing free radical formation C. Enhancing anaerobic glycolysis D. Decreasing cell swelling E. Reducing inflammation

C (Robbins pp 24)

55. Which of the following are the antiapoptotic proteins produced by growth horomones? 1. Bcl-2 2. BCl-x 3. Mcl-1 4. Mcl-x 5. Bax A. 1 B. 1,2 C. 1,2,3 D. 1,2,3,4, E. 1,2,3,4,5

C (Robbins pp28)

50. Which is not a feature of apoptosis? (Review article) a. Cell shrinkage b. Membrane blebbing c. Random DNA degradation d. Increased mitochondrial permeability e. Appearance of surface phosphatidylserine

C- Apoptosis involves DNA fragmentation via specific DNAses (not random like necrosis)

47. Which of the following is anti-apoptotic? (Robbins p. 28) a. Bid b. Bak c. Mcl-1 d. Apaf-1 e. Smac/Diablo

C- Bcl-2, Bcl-x, and Mcl-1 are anti-apoptotic proteins

40. The suggested hypothesis of ischemia/reprofusion injury is an imbalance of which of the following (J Pathol 2000;190:255-266) 1. ICAM-1 2. Endothelin 3. Superoxide 4. Nitric oxide 5. Prostacyclin A. 1,2 B. 2,3 C. 2,4 D. 3,4 E. 3,5


49. Which of the following conditions will lead to activation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway? (Robbins p.30) a. DNA damage b. Protein misfolding c. Growth factor deprivation d. T-cell-mediated apoptosis e. All of the above


63. Ischemic cell injury is not marked by (Ischemic and hypoxic injury: Mechanisms of Ischemic Cell Injury): a.mitochondrial swelling b. ER dilation c. increased concentration of water d. decreased concentration of Na and chloride e.decreased concentration of potassium


80. Which of the following enzyme release by CTL's act as caspases and initiate apoptosis (Robbins p28) A. Ceramide B. Proteases C. Cathepsin D D. Granzyme B E. C-Abl tyrosine kinase


84. Which of the following does NOT occur as a normal cellular response to an accumulation of misfolded proteins? A. Decreased translation of proteins B. Increased synthesis of chaperones C. Activation of caspases leading to apoptosis D. Decreased accumulation of autophagic vesicles E. Activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway


90. Which one has NOT been associated with cellular senescence? A. DNA damage B. Telomere shortening C. Mitochondrial damage D. Vitamin E supplementation E. Increased insulin-like growth factor secretion


92. Which of the following is NOT correct concerning increased cytosolic free calcium following ischemia? A. Induces apoptosis B. Activates ATPases C. Activates endonucleases D. Initially due to influx across plasma membrane E. Results in mitochondrial permeability transition pores


99. Which of the following organs does NOT commonly accumulate lipids (Robbins 33/PBVD 39) A. Liver B. Heart C. Kidney D. Pancreas E. Skeletal muscle


30. Which of the following is an example of a Fenton reaction? a. O2- → H2O2 b. H2O2 → H2O + O2 c. OH- → H2O2 → H2O +O2 d. H2O2 + Fe2+ → Fe3+ + OH + OH- e. H2O2 + Cu3+ → Cu2+ + OH + OH-

D (Robbins p. 21)

52. Which of the following molecules inhibits the activation of procaspase 8? a. IAP b. Bcl-2 c. Bcl-x d. FLIP e. FLOP

D (Robbins p. 30)

53. Which of the following molecules does not promote engulfment of apoptotic bodies by phagocytes? a. Antibodies b. Thrombospondin c. Phosphatidylserine d. Phosphatidylcholine e. Complement proteins

D (Robbins p. 30)

54. The unfolded protein response may include all of the following except: a. Activation of caspases b. Decreased protein translation c. Increased synthesis of chaperones d. Downregulation of heat-shock protein 70 e. Activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway

D (Robbins p. 31) Hsp 70 IS a chaperone

21. All of the following are involved in cellular hypertrophy except? a. IGF-1 b. TGF-β c. Endothelin-1 d. Angiotensin-II e. Papillomavirus


25. Which type of necrosis may lead to the accumulation of gitter cells? (PBVD p.23) a. Fat b. Gangrene c. Caseation d. Coagulative e. Liquefactive


38. Rigor mortis may not occur in which of the following cases (PBVD 26) A. High temperatures B. ATP depleted animals C. Within 10 minutes of death D. A & B E. All of the above


39. Which of the following is not a major cause of ATP depletion (Robbin 18) A. Reduced oxygen supply B. Reduced nutrient supply C. Mitochondrial damage D. Some toxic action E. None of the above


4. The most likely cellular response to an acute and transient reduction in oxygen supply to tissues is: a. Atrophy b. Necrosis c. Apoptosis d. Hyperplasia e. Cellular swelling


60. The anti-apoptotic proteins of the intrinsic pathway include (Robbins 28) 1. Bak 2. Bax 3. Bim 4. Bcl-2 5. Bcl-x A. 1,2 B.1,2,3 C. 1,2,3,4,5 D. 3,4,5 E. 4,5


61. The correct order of the intrinsic pathway is (Robbins 29) 1. Cell injury 2. Release of cytochrome c from mitochondria 3. Activation of Bcl-2 family effectors (Bax, Bak) 4. Activation of Bcl-2 family sensors (Bim, Bid, Bad) 5. Formation of apoptosome with cytochrome c and Apaf-1 A.1,2,3,4,5 B.1,3,4,2,5 C. 1,3,4,5,2 D.1,4,2,3,5 E.1,4,3,2,5


62. Which of the following is not involved in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway (Robbins 29, 30) A. Fas B. FADD C. Caspase 3 D. Caspase 8 E. Caspase 9


65. Apoptosis is not seen in (Apoptosis-Apoptosis in pathologic conditions): a. DNA damage b. Accumulation of misfolded proteins c. Viral infections d. Pathologic atrophy in parenchymal damage e. Hyalinosis


66. Which is not a morphologic feature of apoptosis (Apoptosis: Morphologic and Biochemical changes in apoptosis): a. Cell shrinkage b. Chromatin condensation c. Apoptotic bodies d. Cytoplasmic blebs e. Binucleation


67. Fatty change is not commonly seen in: (Intracellular accumulations-Lipids): a. Liver b. Kidney c. Heart d. Muscle e. Spleen


68. Cholesterol accumulation is not seen in: (Intracellular accumulations: Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters): a. Atherosclerosis b. Xanthomas c. Cholesterolosis d. Niemann-Pick disease, type C e. Arteriosclerosis


86. Intracellular accumulations can be the result of all of the following EXCEPT? A. The rate of metabolism of a normal substance is not sufficient to eliminate the substance. B. There are mutations in the genes encoding the enzymes that metabolize the substance. C. The cell does not have the ability to metabolize or transport the substance. D. There are mutations in the gene encoding an endogenous protein. E. There is a lack of amyloid-forming proteins.


88. A golden-brown, finely granular cytoplasmic pigment in the macrophages in a lymph node of a neonatal pig is most likely which one? A. Carbon B. Protein C. Melanin D. Lipofuscin E. Hemosiderin


89. Which one is LEAST likely to result in metastatic calcification? A. Multiple myeloma B. Chronic renal failure C. Systemic blastomycosis D. Parathyroid gland adenoma E. Perianal gland adenocarcinoma


Which of the following is not a characteristic of reversible cell injury (Robbins 12) A. Cell swelling B. Blebbing of plasma membrane C. Clumping of nuclear chromatin D. Detachment of ribosomes from ER E. Fragmentation of nuclear membrane


58. Programmed cell death includes the following mechanism of cell death? A. Necrosis B. Apoptosis C. Macroautophagy D. All of the above E. B and C only

E (Autophagy in Health and Disease: A Double-Edged, Science, 306, 2004)

7. Cardiac glycosides cause myocardial degeneration and necrosis by? A Inhibition of Na+-K+ pump B Activation of Na+-K+ pump C Activation of Ca pump D Inhibition of Ca pump E Both A and D

E (PBVD pp 13)

42. Which if the following is true regards ischemic reperfusion injury to the endothelium of the blood vessels (Review article) A. Impaired nitric oxide function in the arterioles B. Increased inflammatory response in the venules C. Increased filtration into interstitium and reduced capillary reperfusion D. Decreased nitric leads to increased superoxide production oxide production E. All the above

E (Review)

29. Cyclosporine may reduce cell injury during ischaemia by? a. Decreased production of cytochrome C b. Stabilizing membrane-bound Na+/K+ pump c. Stabilizing membrane-bound Ca2+ channels d. Reduces production of reactive oxygen species e. Prevents opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore

E (Robbins p. 19). Cyclosporine targets cyclophilin D, a structural component of the mptp

45. Inactivation of free radical H2O2 to H2O and O2 can be done by which of the following enzyme system? A. Glutathione peroxidase B. Superoxide dismutase C. Catalase D. All of the above E. A and C only

E (Robbins pp 20) Catalase (peroxisomes) and glutathione peroxidase (mitochondrial and cytosol) convert H2O2 to H2O and O2

57. The proteins whose production is stimulated by p53 include? A. Bcl-2 B. Bcl-x C. Bax D. Bak E. Both C and D

E (Robbins pp 30) along with Bax and Bak some BH3 only proteins (Bim , Bid, Bad)

9. Which of the following mechanism can lead to cardiac hypertrophy? 1. Stimulation by growth factors 2. Action of mechanical sensor 3. Stimulation by vasoactive agents 4. Switching from adult to neonatal isoforms of proteins 5. Re-expression of embryonic gene like ANF A. 1,2,3 B. 1,4,5 C. 1,2,4,5 D. 2,3,4,5 E. 1,2,3,4,5

E (Robbins pp 7)

56. Which of the following protein is recognized by phagocytes for engulfment of apoptotic bodies? A. Caspase -3 B. Thrombospondin C. Phophotidylserine D. All of the above E. B and C only

E (Robbins pp30)

98. Intracellular accumulations occur due to all of the following EXCEPT (Robbins 33) A. Normal endogenous substance with defective metabolic enzymes B. Normal endogenous substance with inadequate rate of metabolism C. Abnormal exogenous substance with inability to transport or degrade D. Abnormal endogenous substance with defects in protein folding and transport E. Abnormal synthesis of exogenous substance with inadequate rate of consumption

E (exogenous substances are not synthesized)

20. Irreversible cell injury includes ? a. Nuclear condensation b. Loss of ribosomes c. Lysosome rupture d. Myelin figures e. All of the above

E , d is seen in reversible cell injury

81. Which of the following are executor caspases (Robbins p. 30) 1. Caspase 3 2. Caspase 6 3. Caspase 7 4. Caspase 8 5. Caspase 9 A. 1,4,5 B. 3,4 C. 3,5 D. 4,5 E. 1,2

E 3 and 6 but also 7

19. Following biochemical mechanisms may contribute to membrane damage except: a. Reactive oxygen species b. Decreased phospholipid synthesis. c. Increased phospholipid breakdown. d. Cytoskeletal abnormalities. e. Dissemination of lipid breakdown products

E. Correct: Accumulation of lipid breakdown products due to decreased phospholipid synthesis.

10. Which type of cellular adaptive response is induced by Vitamin A deficiency? (Robbins p. 10) a. Atrophy b. Metaplasia c. Hyperplasia d. Hypertrophy e. Both c and d


11. Which cellular adaptations will most likely lead to malignant transformation? (Robbins pgs. 8 & 10) a. Hypertrophy and Atrophy b. Hyperplasia and Metaplasia c. Hypertrophy and Metaplasia d. Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia e. All of the above


17. Depletion of ATP results in: a. Cell swelling, dilation of endoplasmic reticulum b. Decreased rate of anaerobic glycolysis c. Increased protein synthesis d. none of the above e. all of the above


22. Which of the following is the earliest manifestation in almost all forms of cellular injury (Robbins: p13) A. Cell swelling B. Cell shrinkage C. Cell fragmentation D. Mitochondrial swelling E. Condensation of chromatin


41. Direct consequences of increased intracellular calcium include (Robbins P. 19) 1. Activation of cellular phospholipases, proteases and endonucleases 2. Depletion of ATP production due to mitochondrial damage 3. Activates caspases and induces apoptosis 4. Increases free radical production 5. Increases anaerobic glycolysis A. 1,2,3 B. 1,2,3,4 C. 1,3,4,5 D. 4,5 E. 1,2,3,4,5


78. The following Bcl-2 family of genes are pro-apoptotic (Robbins p 29) 1. Bax 2. Bak 3. Bcl-x 4. Bcl-2 5. Apaf-1 A. 1,2 B. 1,3 C. 2,5 D. 3,4, E. 1,2,3,4


87. Which one is NOT an intermediate filament? A. Actin B. Desmin C. Keratin D. Vimentin E. Neurofilament


95. Which of the following will likely lead to decreased cellular lifespan? (Robbins p.40) a. Increased caloric intake b. Decreased oxidative damage c. Increased telomerase activity d. Increased production of sirtuin proteins e. Overexpression of antioxidatitive enzymes


97. In a cat with nutritional panniculitis, which pigment discolors the fat lemon-yellow to orange? (PBVD p.53) a. Ceroid b. Bilirubin c. Lipofiscin d. Carotenoids e. Hemosiderin


28. Consequences of ischemia include all of the following except? a. Increased cellular pH b. Failure of the Ca2+ pump c. Failure of the Na+/K+ pump d. Depletion of glycogen stores e. Detachment of ribosomes from the RE

A (Robbins p. 18)

43. Which of the following is the most reactive O2 derived free radical? A. Hydroxyl ion B. Superoxide anion C. Hydrogen peroxide D. Peroxynitrate anion E. Hydrogen free radicle

A (Robbins pp 20)

77. Pathologic apoptosis occurs in all the following states except (Robbins p25.) A. Misfolded protein accumulation and ER stress B. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes mediated killing C. Neutrophil death in acute inflammation D. DNA damage to harmful stimuli E. Pathologic atrophy


85. Interaction of FAS with FAS ligand results in the direct activation of which of the following? A. Apaf-1 B. Caspase 3 C. Caspase 8 D. Caspase 9 E. Cytochrome c


36. Reperfusion of ischemic tissue causes cell damage by which of the following mechanisms? a. Massive influx of intracellular calcium b. Generation of reactive oxygen species c. Direct damage from neutrophils d. Activation of complement e. all of the above

36. E. Robbins 24.

12. What are two features of reversible cell injury that can be recognized under the light microscope? (Robbbins p. 12) a. Cellular swelling and fatty change b. Myelin figures and nuclear pyknosis c. Karyolysis and ribosomal detachment d. Plasma membrane blebbing and chromatin clumping e. Adjacent inflammation and amorphous mitochondrial densities


14. Autophagocytosis, lysosomes, and the ubiquitin proteasome pathway likely play a role in which cellular adaptation? (PBVD p. 38) a. Atrophy b. Metaplasia c. Hyperplasia d. Hypertrophy e. Both c and d


69. Which of the following is not an example of Physiologic Apoptosis? a. Developmental involution b. Post-castration prostatic atrophy c. Apoptoss due to duct obstruction d. Removal of self-reactive lymphocytes e. Neutrophils after an acute inflammatory response

69. C p25 Robbins. Obstruction of a duct is abnormal therefore pathologic. Neutrophils are deprived necessary survival signals.

70. Which of the following mechanisms of apoptosis is implicated in Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases? a. Viral infection b. DNA damage c. Damage from free radicals d. T cell mediated cytotoxicity e. Accumulation of misfolded proteins

70. E p25 Robbins

71. Which of the following best describes the ultrastructural appearance of chromatin condensation? a. Peripheralized electron dense aggregates under the nuclear membrane b. Randomly scattered electron dense globules c. Finely stippled electron dense deposits d. Centralized electron dense clumps e. Fibrillar electron dense clusters

71. A p 26 Robbins

72. Which of the following are not membrane bound? a. Cytoplasmic blebs b. apoptotic bodies c. phagolysosomes d. intracellular lipid e. lysosomes

72. D p26 Robbins

73. Which of the following are properties of caspases? a. Cleave aspartic acid residues b. Cysteine protease c. Serine protease d. Tyrosine kinase e. A and B

73. E p27 Robbins

74. Bcl-2 family sensors include which of the following? 1. Bcl-x 2. Bcl-2 3. Bax, Bak 4. Bim, Bid, Bad 5. BH3-only proteins a. 1,2 b. 2,3 c. 3,4 d. 3,4,5 e. 4,5

74. E p28 Robbins. BIM, Bid, and Bad contain a single Bcl-2 homology domain and are called BH3-only proteins. They sense growth factor withdrawal, DNA damage, and ER stress. Bcl-2 and bcl-x are anti- apoptosic regulators. Bax, and Bak are efftors increasing the permeability of mitochondrial membranes

75. Fas signaling may activate the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in hepatocytes through activation of which of the following? a. Bid b. Bim c. Bad d. Bax e. Ba

75. A p30 Robbins

76. p53 accumulation results in production of which of the following gene products? a. Bax b. Bak c. several BH3 proteins d. A and B only e. A, B, and C

76. E p30 Robbins

79. Which of the following protein is the inhibitor of extrinsic pathway of apoptosis (Robbins p30 and apoptosis review) 1. NFk-B 2. Bcl-2 3. FLIP 4. IAP 5. Bid A. 1,2 B. 2,3 C. 1,4 D. 1,3 E. 4,5

79. D (NF-kB It upregulates anti-apoptotic mediators c-FLIP, IAP's, accelerates growth and activates anti-apoptotic gene regulator p65)

93. Which of the following primarily results in cellular accumulation of triglycerides? (Robbins p. 33) a. Steatosis b. Xanthomatosis c. Atherosclerosis d. Cholesterolosis e. Niemann-Pick, type C

93. A- The others primarily accumulate cholesterol

94. Which of the following is least likely to cause metastatic calcification? (Robbins p. 38) a. Pancreatitis b. Multiple myeloma c. Vitamin D toxicity d. Primary hyperparathyroidism e. Canine anal sac adenocarcinoma

94. A- Although the mechanism is not completely understood, pancreatitis is more commonly associated with hypocalcemia

96. Which virus does not tend to produce nuclear inclusions? (PBVD p.43) a. Pox virus b. Parvovirus c. Adenovirus d. Herpesvirus e. Distemper virus

96. A- Pox viruses produce large, distinct intracytoplasmic inclusions

100. Which of the following is a monoclonal amyloid accumulation (PBVD 45/46) A. AL B. AA C. SAA D. β-Amyolid E. None of the above


13. On a routine H&E stain, which organelle is responsible for cytoplasmic basophilia? (PBVD p. 8) a. Rough ER b. Smooth ER c. Lysosomes d. Golgi complex e. Microtubules

A- RER contain ribosomes (which contain acid- RNA) which is stained by hematoxylin (stains nucleic acids blue

48. Which caspases can activate DNAse enzymes during apoptosis? (Robbins p. 30) a. 3,6 b. 3,9 c. 6,8 d. 8,9 e. 9,10

A- Since these are executioner caspases

35. Increase cytosolic calcium levels affect mitochondria in which of the following ways? a. opening of the mitochondrial transition pore b. Detachment of ribosomes from RER c. Misfolding of proteins d. clumping of chromatin e. production of ROS

A. to inability to generate ATP and eventually necrosis. Calcium also activates phospholipases, proteases, and endonucleases, and ATPases. Increasing membrane permeability also leads to leakage of cytochrome C and caspases.

64. Apoptosis is important in (Apoptosis-Apoptosis in physiologic conditions): a. cell proliferation b. elimination of self-reactive lymphocytes c. neurogenesis d. fibrosis e. fatty change


82. Apoptosome is the combination of which of following proteins (Apoptosis: a review) 1. Apaf-1 2. Procaspase-3 3. Procaspase-8 4. Procaspase-9 5. Cytochrome c A. 1,3,5 B. 1,4,5 C. 1,2,4 D. 1,2,4,5 E. 1,5


83. Which of the following is NOT a morphologic feature of apoptosis? A. Cellular shrinkage B. Cytoplasmic vacuoles C. Chromatin condensation D. Apoptotic body formation E. Cytoplasmic bleb formation


Which of the following is not a reversible tissue change (Robbins 6) A. Atrophy B. Necrosis C. Metaplasia D. Hyperplasia E. Hypertrophy


8. Prolonged progesterone induced cystic endometrial hyperplasia is an example of? A. Metaplasia B. Pathologic hyperplasia C. Pathologic hypertrophy D. Compensatory hyperplasia E. Compensatory hypertrophy

B (PBVD pp 35)

44. Formation of superoxide anion by oxidative enzymes can take place in all of the following cellular organelles except? A. ER B. Nucleus C. Peroxisome D. Mitochondria E. Plasma membrane

B (Robbins pp 20) oxidative enzymes also present in lysosome and cytosol

33. Reactive oxygen species can cause all of the following except? a. Enhances degradation by the multicatalytic proteasome complex. b. Generation of CCl3 from CCl4 c. Protein-protein cross linkages d. DNA strand breaks e. Lipid peroxidation

B. Robbins 25. CCL is generated by enzymes, all others are caused by reactive oxygen species.

23. The following changes differentiate necrosis from apoptosis (Robbins: p13) 1. Cell swelling 2. Cell shrinkage 3. Nuclear pyknosis 4. Nuclear fragmentation 5. Disrupted cell membrane A. 1,2,4 B. 1,2,5 C. 1,3,5 D. 2,3,5 E. 2,4,5


31. Ischemia causes all of the following cellular effects except? a. Increased cytoplasmic calcium b. Increased anaerobic glycolysis c. Increased cellular glycogen d. Detachment of ribosomes e. Chromatin clumping

C. Robbins 18-19. Ischemia causes reduced cellular glycogen through the increased of anaerobic glycolysis. Calcium increases through the depletion of ATPreduced Na/K ATPase.

15. All of the following cellular components are frequently damaged by injurious stimuli except: a. mitochondria, b. cell membranes c. DNA in nucleus d. nuclear membrane e. the machinery of protein synthesis and packaging


16. All of the following are major causes of ATP depletion except: a. reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients b. mitochondrial damage c. actions of some toxins d. protein synthesis e. ischemia


18. Which of the following statements is true regarding mechanisms for increased intracellular Ca2+ causing cell injury: a. The accumulation of Ca2+ in mitochondria results in opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and failure of ATP generation. b. Increased cytosolic Ca2+ activates a number of enzymes (phospholipases, endonucleases, proteases), with potentially deleterious cellular effects. c. Increased intracellular Ca2+ levels also result in the induction of apoptosis, by direct activation of caspases and by increasing mitochondrial permeability. d. A,B, and C e. none of the above


24. Which of the following will not result in the generation of free radicals? (Robbins p.21 ) a. Inflammation b. Redox reactions c. Fenton reactions d. Catalase activation e. Absorption of radiant energy


26. Which of the following microscopic features differentiates necrosis from post-mortem autolysis? (PBVD p.20) a. Cellular swelling b. Nuclear pyknosis c. Cytoplasmic eosinophilia d. Associated inflammation e. Loss of cell to cell adhesion


37. Which of the following are effects of hypoxia inducible factor-1? 1. Suppresses the formation of free radicals 2. Stimulation of cell survival pathways 3. Enhancement of anaerobic glycolysis 4. Inhibits oxidative phosphorylation 5. New blood vessel formation a. 1,2,3 b. 1,4,5 c. 2,3,4 d. 2,3,5 e. 3,4,5

D. Robbins 24

6. Place in order the sequence of events leading to cellular hydropic degeneration: 1. Hypoxia 2. Cisternae of ER distend 3. Osmotic water shifts occur 4. Decreased ATP production 5. Sodium enters the cell and Potassium exits a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 c. 1, 4, 3, 5, 2 d. 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 e. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

D: p.13 PBVD

5. Which of the following is not expected with cellular necrosis? a. Karyolysis b. Cell swelling c. Adjacent inflammation d. Nucleosome-size fragments e. Amorphous mitochondrial densities

D: p.13 Robbins

34. Intracellular calcium is mostly found in which of the following compartments? a. ER b. Cytosol c. Mitochondria d. Lysosomes e. A and C

E. Robbins 19

32. Increased intracellular calcium activates which of the following? a. ATPase b. Proteases c. Phospholipase d. Endonucleases e. All of the above

E. Robbins 19. ATPases continue to deplete ATP, phospholipases cause membrane damage, proteases break down membrane and cytoskeletal proteins, endonucleases cause chromatin and DNA fragmentation.

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