Chapter 1: Word Building Rules: Medical Terminology

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Enlargement of the heart


Painful menstrual flow

Compound Word

a term that has multiple wood roots (or combining forms) and a suffix is a compound word

Combining Form Rule 2

a word can NOT end with a combining form (word root + vowel) it has to have a suffix added at the end of the word. A combining vowel is used only when the suffix begins with a consonant.


absence of menstruation

Dermatosis (der-mah-TOH-sis)

any condition of the skin


around (is a prefix)


bad, difficult, painful, disordered (is a prefix)

Word Root

basic foundation of a word, to which competent parts are added.

Word Structure: Combining Forms

combining form (word root and vowel) + combining form + combining for + word root + suffix


condition (is a suffix)


drainage or flow (is a suffix)


enlargement (is a suffix)


extremities (is a prefix)

ph =

f ex. phase

g (before a, o or u) =

g ex. gallstone

Cardi (or card)


Suffix Rule 1

if the suffix begins with a vowel, the root will attach directly to it. If, the suffix begins with a consonant, the root will need a combining vowel before attaching to the suffix.


inflammation (is a suffix)

Carditis (car-DYE-tis)

inflammation of the heart


inflammation of the skin


inflammation of the skin of the extremities

Eponym (EP-oh-nim)

is a name for a disease, organ, procedure, or body function that is derived from the name of a person.


is a word element added at the beginning of the word. Prefixes are not part of all medical words.


is a word element attached a the end of the word root (always will follow a -, ex. -itis)

Combining Form

is created when a word root is combined with a vowel.

g (before e or i) =

j ex. generic

c (before a, o, or u) =

k ex. cavity

ch =

k ex. cholesterol


menstruation (wood root)

pn =

n ex. pneumonia


one who specializes in (suffix)


one who specializes in the study of disease and disorders of the heart


one who specializes in the study of diseases and disorders of the skin


pain (is a suffix)


pain in the heart, heart pain

-ac or -ic or -al (adjective suffix)

pertaining to (suffix)


pertaining to around the heart

Cardiac (CAR-dee-ak)

pertaining to the heart


pertaining to under the skin


pertaining to within the heart

rh, rrh =

r ex. rhythm, hemorrhoid

c (before e, or i) =

s ex. cephalic

ps =

s ex. psychology

Dermat (or derm)



structure, tissue, or thing (is a suffix)

Word Structure: Defining Medical Word

suffix (the ending), prefix (the start if it has one) and the word root(s) last

Word Structure: Defining Medical Word W/Body Systems

suffix, organs (in order in which they restudies in the particular body systems)


surgical puncture (is a suffix)

Cardiocentesis (car-dee-ohsen-TEE-sis)

surgical puncture of the heart

pt =

t ex. ptosis


the study of (is a suffix)


the study of the heart


the study of the skin


under (is a prefix)

Combining Form Rule 1

when more then one word root (as in a compound word), a combining vowel is needed to separate the different word roots.

endo- or intra-

within (is a prefix)


within the heart, the inner lining of the heart


without or absence of (is a prefix)

x (as first letter) =

z ex. xerosis

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